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File: 24 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12234367 No.12234367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

4chan has about several hundred million clicks since its inception. The "n word" according to the 4chan archives has seen 125k daily usages. And 4chan sees a few hundred million unique IPs every month if the site statistics are to be trusted.


That's insane to me. How many people are racist in real life/hold these views? Tucker Carlson's head writer was recently fired for browsing 4chan. Imagine the influence this site has on people who browse it. I bet you Mark Zuckerberg has used 4chan, in fact I don't think there's anyone in tech who hasn't heard of 4chan. Just look at how many people are engineers, doctors, mathematicians in this board alone.

>> No.12234369

>How many people are racist in real life/hold these views?
Not enough

>> No.12234370


>> No.12234373
File: 34 KB, 657x527, 1602555776781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even fucking children have heard of 4chan. Pic very much related, twitch is full of 4chan-esque memes but dumber down to be randumb. What even the fuck is a reddit meme?

>> No.12234375
File: 55 KB, 720x712, 1602413619964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone said the n word
i do find it funny how this is the leftard's litmus test for racism especially when twitter has posts literally talking about "killing whitey" and they don't bat an eye.

>> No.12234379

Do you feel empowered when you say/post the "n word"?

>> No.12234381

Well that just ends up proving my point. When you were a kid you definitely weren't a racist and you definitely didn't watch the news. Your mind has become too impulsive due to the nature of this board.

>> No.12234383

not really, i just enjoy seeing how much power the utterance of a mere word has over people like you.

>> No.12234386

I've been here since 2007 and its completely no surprise that neo-nazism is the idea that took the strongest root here. In any case, we are all going down into history books collectively, this website has done so much wrong these past 15 years that we will forever be remembered why mass anonymous communication is a bad, bad idea.

>> No.12234389


>> No.12234391
File: 586 KB, 2016x1512, white guilt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to talk about brainwashing and kneejerk impulsiveness just look at blm. just look at how a simple word like nigger causes these people to throw a shit fling. conversely understanding that there is a blatant double standard by the status quo to disparage whites and elevate blacks might be something that 4chan talks about but that's just a statement of fact.

>> No.12234392

>being fired for using 4chan
What the fuck?
I use 4channel.org does that make a difference?

>> No.12234393

Did you actually start believing in your own dogwhistles

>> No.12234396

4chan is just paradox of tolerance in practice

>> No.12234397

when i was a kid i didnt know about Africa and niggers beast like behavior and iq in general

>> No.12234398

that being white is ok?

>> No.12234406

Anon there are racists on both sides
John McCain is an infamous example. Politicians are mostly opportunists even within your favorite government system of all time.

I'm more intrigued by the fact of the sheer number of people who browse 4chan use these words. How many are self-regarded racists?

>> No.12234407

>Feral nigger seething

>> No.12234410

It's different times in America. We are undergoing some sort of revolution. It's quite possibly a technological revolution. And 4channel is basically 4chan.org

>> No.12234412

I'm not racist, I just hate niggers.

(No, not really, though larping is fun.)

>> No.12234413

Also, if you don't mind me asking what country are you from and where did you hear about 4chan/4channel?

>> No.12234414

Browsing this site is nothing like I am irl.
Retards don't want to understand things, they want to make themselves feel better.
This makes me angry.

>> No.12234419

We stuck a decisive blow against the Church of Scientology and we got a cheeto elected. Yeah, I'm thinking meme magic is real and we do have an influence on American politics

>> No.12234422
File: 127 KB, 1170x780, HARVARD_CRIMSON.SAT_RACE1.chart_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that is a good question. /pol/ is definitely full of them. the problem is people have a tendency to collectivize and disregard human beings as individuals. i do blame the status quo for this. today everything is forced through the lens of race when it shouldn't be at all. there probably wouldn't be that many nazis and other assorted racists on this site if it wasn't for today's political climate. i do understand why they feel this grievance. there is only so much bashing a person can take based on their skin color but where they go wrong is to deny their individuality and see themselves as their skin color. blm makes this very same mistake. the only difference is blm is a racket and their idea of oppression comes from availability heuristic and misunderstanding that unequal outcome does not mean it is from oppression. this society treats black people like first class citizens with all manner of preferential treatments when it comes to admissions, and hiring, special protections.

>> No.12234426

If they literally just stop responding to people and didn't report what was happening on twitter or LE ANON STRIKES AGAIN, this place would completely loose any power it might have.
This isn't our fault they aren't professional or smart enough to realise this.

>> No.12234427

>Browsing this site is nothing like me irl.
>Retards don't want to understand things, they want to make themselves feel better
That is what I'm trying to understand. I want to find out the influence 4chan has on society.

>> No.12234430

Every brilliant wall of text I write somewhere on the Internet generally gets summarily removed because I use the word "retarded". A lot.

I'll explain thermodynamics, use the word "retarded" somewhere in the text, and then the text is deleted. My heart. It hurts.

I'm waiting for the final coronavirus mutation to get the job done.

>> No.12234437

>the problem is people have a tendency to collectivize and disregard human beings as individuals
That's because we have brains. It can be cured, but it will take time.

>> No.12234458
File: 36 KB, 600x1044, 8c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. People on /pol/ tend to congregate in the doom paul threads or threads with image macros if only to be a "part" of something. Crowd psychology is interesting in its own right but when you add the internet and anonymity it becomes a different beast. I don't know, some of the threads on /pol/ are certainly interesting to entertain.

>> No.12234502

words are just sounds and symbols
"the word dog doesnt bite"

>> No.12234504

>I want to find out the influence 4chan has on society
I havent read it but it seems related to what youre asking for

>> No.12234535

well it's like any other "platform" or thing (mostly) males get together and talk shit.
Yes some people take it seriously, but I believe they are the exception.
Unfortunately, due to this place being pro free speech and anonymous, it also means that other parties will attempt to push their agenda on people that browse this site. (stormfront and /pol/).
The 2016 election was hilarious because there were no ideal candidates, and a lot of anons from other countries and American's that did not care about the result. It just so happened that along the way we upset some people that spilled their guts about lot of weird shady stuff.
So that's where it becomes a fascination. Even if it's completely bullshit.

NUFIN personal, but getting Donald elected was incredibility entertaining, until about July 2016 when fucking reddit autism got worse and started to shit up chan.

>> No.12234561

>but getting Donald elected was incredibility entertaining
4chan didnt elect trump
4chan nevwr did anything hy of recognition besides a math problem and bombing sand people

>> No.12234605

Regardless of /pol/'s effect on the election, it was still entertaining for a while.

>> No.12234614

Don't be so naive, nigger. I personally find it hilarious lmao

>> No.12234639

what people hating on the people on 4chan forget is that the ages usually range between 16 and 25. Depending on where you are in terms of maturity, this means that the people on here are usually immature little shits that don't really care about much.
Usually the oldfags on here are very different in the way they interact with people.
The 2016 election stuff was done by most people in that age range and then boomers are the ones that took it all fucking seriously and start actual movements built around stupid memes some 17 year old made.

18 year olds are literally living rent free in your heads.

>> No.12234657

>this society treats black people like first class citizens with all manner of preferential treatments when it comes to admissions, and hiring, special protections.
can you post a source for this, I am convinced of it aswell but whenever I bring it up people claim blacks are being rejected for jobs simply based on skin color.

>> No.12234761

>4chan nevwr did anything hy of recognition besides a math problem and bombing sand people
I know this will sound insanely arrogant and fake but I was anonymously responsible for a third kind of publicly recognized thing (though not as much as those, and mostly restricted to a certain large board). I can't say what it is or when it happened because it'd possibly be too risky for me, but it was over 5 years ago.

>> No.12234767

Having such an absolutist black-and-white view (pun justified) on it, especially when you have no substantive evidence, is proof you're totally retarded. It's a thing that happens but life is far more complicated than your peabrain perceives.

>> No.12234804

Whatever, nigger.

>> No.12234807

Why the fuck are you on this website if you don't like it? Off to tik tok and 9gag you go.
Shoo shoo

>> No.12234837

>The "n word"
which one, nigger?
>be normal human being
>respect people that earn it
>expect people to act civil and believe in meritocracy
>that makes you a racist with out even mentioning race
left tards are closet racists.
I never tell them I'm mixed. I basically don't tell anyone because it's not relevant to my identity. >>12234379
>"n word"?
which one, nigger?
got back
this isn't math or science.
I mean thought jews were smart or something. clearly you're the exception.
>not racist as a child
>no a priori about race
>become an adult develop intuition about race
faggot retard.
anonymous communication is the best.
more anonymity is better.
you fucking authoritarian scum.
suppressing freedom is literally fascistic retard.
4chan hasn't done anything you fucking schizo.
it's just a bunch of outcast losers participating in a friend simulator.
that's why OP is a retard.
most of it is just edgy humor.
a lot of people on /pol/ are actual racist, but a lot people are just being edgy.
>I want to find out the influence 4chan has on society.
none you fucking new fag jorno
everyone here isn't a real member of society.
I'm voting trump as a meme.

>> No.12234855

first of all, /pol/ is largely banter. barely anybody there is white, which should be your hint.

second of all, tucker carlson's writer wasn't fired over browsing /pol/, it was some conservative forum that tied back to his identity.

finally, 4chan's culture is extremely fluid and changes very often (as you'll often see people complaining about), so the cultural influence seems unidirectional

>> No.12234860

The journalist will immediately disregard any of our opinions that is contrary to their narrative. Especially if they humanize us to their audience.

They are happy taking out of context screen shots paired with a photo from /pol/ and say "LOOK AT HOW BAD THE WHOLE OF 4CHAN IS".
Then interview a bunch idiots that no one has heard of.

>> No.12234886

It's not about the website. Between 2008 and around 2014 (Gamergate), this site was on the whole kind of different. Post-Gamergate and /pol/, the average and median already-low IQ plummeted and every single thread became political. I like 4chan, but just not the (id-)/pol/ parts.

>first of all, /pol/ is largely banter.
Bullshit. That used to be mostly true, but it's definitely grown more and more sincere and serious each year. The original 4channers there for shits and giggles gradually became proportionally smaller as the majority of the incoming waves are schizos and political nuts from elsewhere.

>barely anybody there is white, which should be your hint.
There's definitely some % of posters there who aren't white (I'm a socially liberal Jew and I post there sometimes), but I'd hazard a guess they're under 20% of active posters, and maybe even under 10%. I could be wrong, but it's almost certainly less than 40%, and definitely not "~barely anybody". And likely the majority of the non-white posters are far-right or adjacent.

>> No.12234891

This, definitely not racist enough. Otherwise we wouldn't have tens of millions of non-Europeans from Africa and the East in Europe.

>> No.12234895

What's wrong with being racist? You keep using this word with the implication that it is negative, but never defining it.

>> No.12234899

Generalized value judgments of people-groups is nearly always irrational and stupid, especially when the group sizes are in the tens of millions or more.

>> No.12234905

>Otherwise we wouldn't have tens of millions of non-Europeans from Africa and the East in Europe.
And those people are going to on average outperform (You) and your family because they aren't as dull and lazy.

>> No.12234914
File: 61 KB, 498x346, aWsPqD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a look at this pol meet-up, and then re-evaluate your ideas. this isn't even a one-time thing, look up any /pol/ meet up, and you see the same thing.

/pol/, and 4chan in general, is 100% kayfabe

>> No.12234933

was it /mu/?

>> No.12234935

>waves are schizos and political nuts from elsewhere
This so much. I can't pin point exactly when this started occurring only that it has. Or maybe it's just that they were always here, but we're only starting to pay attention as their bullshit has become more sophisticated than it used to be.
I partly suspect some of it is just people emulating the behavior for lols.
But there is some seriously stupid shit that has been meditated on and posted.
>Bullshit. That used to be mostly true
That's what I mean with the boomers. schizo's or nuts are not the usual 4chan posting age.
The sociopaths that attempt to manipulate people into their ideology I would are actually dangerous, as to someone whom is 17 or so and perhaps isn't the brightest, can be convinced of bullshit if it's worded well and on face value, seems correct.
I know there are unironic communities that actively try to push their ideas onto certain boards. Whether it used to be stormfront or discord "trannies" (groomers), these are the objectively bad people that come with an anonymous board.

>> No.12234936

Where do show a simplistic world view?

>> No.12234937

To be fair, most of them run from one country's benefit system to another. It's not the top quality people on average that run first, but garbage ones. Especially when it comes to illegal immigration. Everyone has a chance to do it legally, so why do it illegally?

>> No.12234954 [DELETED] 

What fraction of /pol/ users is actually white?
I'm not sure what the modern use of white supremacy means? Does it mean being racist? Are 23yo latino boys white supremacists for identifying with nazi flags or nah?

>> No.12234963

From all the 4chan meetups it always seems there's barely white's on it (depends on how you define white I guess).
I'm not sure what the modern use of white supremacy means. Does it mean being racist? Are 23yo latino boys white supremacists for identifying with nazi flags or nah?

>> No.12234969

well, /pol/ memed a fascist into the most powerful office in the world so there's that.

>> No.12234972

>The "n word" according to the 4chan archives has seen 125k daily usages
does anyone have that novel written by anon where half of the words were nigger?

>> No.12234977

>what the modern use of white supremacy means
it doesn't mean anything more than "your opinion is more right-leaning than communism" now.

>> No.12234979
File: 3.86 MB, 1276x3200, 1581462982904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm found it

>> No.12234980

>because they aren't as dull and lazy
That must be why Africa and their origin countries, are much superior to Europe, since theyre filled with people less dull and lazy as the europeans are, hence why theyre going to Europe and...

>> No.12234985

Proves jack shit. No clear indication of the total meetup population there, and the distribution of people who would attend a /pol/ meetup isn't necessarily representative of the board distribution. Also, that photo's at least 3 or 4 years old. Are there any of 2020 meetups?

/pol/ and 4chan in general was largely kayfabe, but around 2014 and 2015 it started to shift, and in 2020 I think it's highly likely it's more serious than unserious. If I were more autistic I would try to analyze it as objectively as possible through archive analysis but really, just look at the average thread there now. There's a reason they had to later create /bant/ separately.

I'd bet some money that at least 70% of the posters, whether or not they're posting ironically or hyperbolizing the extent of their views, still would generally be considered far-right or extreme-right. Compared to the past, a higher percentage of the people not posting sincerely are only exaggerating their earnest ethnonationalist and/or neo-fascist (or stronger) views, and a higher percentage are also just straight up posting sincerely. And I think the majority of the non-white posters would also sincerely identify with many ethnonationalist and far-right beliefs.

Obviously I don't endorse illegal immigration, but that wasn't at all what was being discussed. Even if it were, you have very little or zero rigorous evidence of that claim.

Shit, low-IQ epistemology.

>> No.12234991

>proves jack shit
its more proof than you're bringing for your claims, you dumb niggerfaggot

>> No.12235001

>I'm a socially liberal Jew
Of course you ate a filthy jew

>> No.12235002

I fucking hate politics. It's meaningless adopted word after some other bullshit concept, where no one can agree on what it means.
I have no idea what /pol/ 2020 is like as it went to complete shit all 2017 anyway.
All I remember is when I first went on /pol/ in 2015, it was actually not completely shit and there was some diversity of opinion. I would say that a lot of the interesting topics you would talk about on /pol/ have shifted to other boards. But then another thing happened where the nazi shitters followed those topics and for example, it seems 1/4 /his/ threads are about WW2 or some stoopid political post.
late 2016 was bittersweet, where yes, it was funny, but it irreversibly changed 4chan and how people deal with this site.

What we really need is another fucking website that isn't completely shit, run by people that care more about things other than anime and homosexuals.

>> No.12235006
File: 817 KB, 2048x1536, meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is, but you're comparing zero provided evidence to an infinitesimal sliver of provided evidence, so it's meaningless. Here's some (also meaningless) counter-evidence with a photo of another meetup. My (unsubstantiated) claim is that the proportion of non-white posters in /pol/ is similar to the proportion of non-white people in this photo.

Of course a /pol/tard can't come up with an actual argument.

Completely agreed.

>> No.12235025

i would buy his book

>> No.12235027

how many white people do you think is in this picture, fucktard?

>> No.12235033

shut the fuck up you filthy jew, we Whites now what youre up to
send niggers to israel and shut your mouth
thwres nothing wrong with being racist, the opposite, its a sign of mental health and pattern recognition

>> No.12235040
File: 2.14 MB, 1141x2705, jewspromoteimmigration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of course a /pol/tard can't come up with an actual argument.
what for if all my arguments are instantly invalid the moment some jew says theyre antisemitic?

>> No.12235047

>Tucker Carlson's head writer was recently fired for browsing 4chan.
No, he was fired after his years-long account on another, non-anonymous forum was doxed. Nigger.

>> No.12235153

keep normies out of 4chins.
I'd rather have actual racist gettgin contained in /pol/ than normal niggers running my board.
you see it every summer more and more normal fags talking.

>> No.12235165

it also has the affect of attracting boomers that shitup the boards.

>> No.12235167
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>> No.12235229
File: 180 KB, 1400x854, cantbreathe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers are off put by our edginess and are busy with their jobs and lives.
hey Israel, can they breathe?

>> No.12235240

tucker's writer was fired for posting racist stuff on autoadmit

>> No.12235252

Boomers are clamped and circumcised. I believe this is relevant.

>> No.12235290

you wanna stop racism, huh? well maybe you oughta stop cramming more and more people of different ethnicities into smaller and smaller zones with fewer and fewer resources available to all of them. you can't stop base human nature and the drive to consume.

>> No.12235298

I just downloaded a pdf of that book, searched it, couldn't find the quote. Page number isn't listed either.

>> No.12235312

techlead who is an ex google and fb tech lead goes over some examples in hiring here:

>> No.12235353

And I just searched a second pdf, also nothing. The whole "Kalergi plan" mechanism makes some sense as a potential branch we could go down (facilitating globalism) but this aprticualr "info" graphic seems to be bullshit. No page number, can't find it in the book, nothing. Probably the same for that other conversation which supposedly happened.

Hm. Something to think about I suppose.

>> No.12235386

seethe more nigger

>> No.12235527

prove it, send pdf link, i couldnt find any pdf of it you lying kike

>> No.12235552
File: 344 KB, 600x800, captcha chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The "n word" according to the 4chan archives has seen 125k daily usages

At one point, 4chan users were able to retrain the machine learning algorithm to accept the "n word" as an correct answer for literally EVERY CAPTCHA. It didn't matter what the captcha was, you could type in the correct letters/numbers sequence or just type in "n word" and they'd both work.

I'm not sure, but I think this may have affected every website that used the captcha service at that time. It only lasted for a month or 2 IIRC.

>> No.12235564

>, 4chan users were able to retrain the machine learning algorithm to accept the "n word" as an correct answer for literally EVERY CAPTCHA. It didn't matter what the captcha was, you could type in the correct letters/numbers sequence or just type in "n word" and they'd both work.
It sitll works and I still do it
You just need to select the audio captacha, the first word is for verifying purposes, the second and third (if there is a third) are the real test and what they collect (second and third words have to be different though)
>you listen shredded cheddar cheese
>you put shredded nigging niggers

>> No.12235569

Library genesis. There are two versions, one (apparently) a scanned print copy, the other digital. Neither one have that quote.

>> No.12235584

>When you were a kid you definitely weren't a racist
When I was about a year old, I cried like I was being murdered at a black man walking into an elevator with me and my mum. He wasn't even a thug. He was pretty well dressed from what mum says. I just hadn't seen a lot of blacks because I'm Australian.

Obviously mum was mortified because she had the racism socialised out of her, but a 1-year-old is too young to be indoctrinated.

>> No.12235593

The vast majority may start as a joke but now we see that the same majority also genuinely believes in those things. It's pretty obvious how stromfront and neonazis push their ides to lonely young guys here.