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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12230436 No.12230436[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do scientists even do?

>> No.12230464

they sage threads with furry pics in OP

>> No.12230600
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>> No.12230864

ur mom

>> No.12231147
File: 457 KB, 868x653, anniepepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they pipette things into little vials of others things and then watch for what they want to see

>> No.12231330 [DELETED] 
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this is now sfw s/fur

>> No.12231345

suck others off to please them.
t. phd cuck

>> No.12231689

>What do scientists even do?

Science the shit out of things.

>> No.12231700

scientists dont actually do anything. all those darkmatter guys? they do NOTHING all day. hmmmm we smashe pee pee and poo poo together and we still havent found darkmatter? better smash some cum in their next time. ON REPEAT EVERY DAY FOR THEIR WHOLE FUCKING CAREERS

>> No.12231703
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>> No.12231720

>watch for what they want to see
anon that's confirmation bias

>> No.12231736

They wageslave

>> No.12231865

Meetings. And the more senior they are, more meetings than science.

>> No.12231871

I don't know, I'm 4 years in now and I hope there's money at the end of the rainbow
My crippling debt will soon come back and haunt me

>> No.12233200
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Scientists kill furries, just like everyone else

>> No.12233203

Whine about there not being enough government grants.

>> No.12233300
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this. and go to a furry convention every now and then to blow off some steam..and dudes.

>> No.12233828

So... Modern science in a nutshell?

>> No.12233854
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>> No.12234037

I believe you can die from farting too much. I had a particularly bad run last week. I was too lazy to shop so I just scoffed these dates, the pantry was full of them ( dont ask ). Well Jesus fucking Christ I wish I hadn't. For the next three days I literally farted my arse off. Don't laugh, it was fucking terrible. I blatting them out every few minutes, usually in clumps of three to four at a time. All sorts. Whumpers, squealers, wooters, toots, and phwoarers. There was no reprieve. I couldn't do anything without farting. Get up. Fart. Walk across room, fart several times. Do something. Fart. Walk back. Still farting. Now you would think this would end after a day, I thought so. But no, this kept on going. Taking a shit did nothing.Three shits later, am still farting like a faggot. You know, at first it was sort of funny. But let me tell you after an entire day of non stop farting I was getting fucking sick of it. Did I mention I was also shitting my arse constantly? What with the little bits of poo that kept getting expelled with my farts. Caked up my cheeks. Its true. I would have to keep taking showers to clean my arse and there was a flow of shitty water down my legs and shit stench. Nasty stuff. The next day I woke up, still farting continously. I couln't believe it. Must have all the dates, couldnt have been anything else. So the second day was a repeat. Now it was no longer funny by any means. My arse was actually getting sore and it really hurt to shit. But the worse part was just the FUCKING CONSTANT NON FUCKING STOP FARTING! CHRIST! Several times I cried aloud "JESUS PLEASE MAKE IT STOP" I figured I would have to see a doc, but by the end of the third day it had settled down. Thank God, by the fourth day I was back to normal, although my pucker remained a bit tender for a while longer. I am sure if this had gone on much longer I would have died. Cause of Death: Farting. Wouldn't that be dumb? Jesus. Anyway, I am a Chistian now.

>> No.12234042

Wake up at 9am
Drive into the office/lab
Fuck around and drink coffee for 3 hours
Head into the lab to check results of experiments
>Culture was contaminated
Start over
Set everything back up
Fuck around and drink another coffee
Browse /sci/
Go home

>> No.12234044

Looks trad

>> No.12234122

I currently shitpost on /sci/, but I should give comments on a manuscript to a co-author.