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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12223107 No.12223107 [Reply] [Original]

This happens in the entire world, it must have sonething to do with the profession itself
If graphology is a legit science, what would it say about the mental health of those niggers that are called doctors based on their handwriting?
And why do doctors simply dont le patients record them saying what they wrote as well?

>> No.12223115

Maybe because med school is hell for those who take notes by hand.

>> No.12223149

dont med school niggers know youre not suppised to draw the letters? youre supposed to write with your whole arm, your wrist doesnt move, your hand just holds the pen

>> No.12223868

I thought this was a physics or engineering student

>> No.12223971
File: 519 KB, 1600x902, a87bc318267a5a6c6602338faa65192e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how much they give a shit about you.

>> No.12223977

Which makes me think. Is the entire school of pharmecy JUST to decipher doctor handwriting. Because if it were all clearly written or ordered using computers then a machine could literally dispense your meds for you.

>> No.12224403

theyre the people that make the drugs

>> No.12224413

Who's the people at cvs who dispense them? Are they involved with production?

>> No.12224423

used to be so, not anymore, now they just sell them, but to sell medicines you are required to know what they are

>> No.12224426


>> No.12224495

The only hard part is the drug names.

Drug 500 mg, quantity 40
Two twice a day

Drug 2 ?? mg, quantity 70
One twice a day

Drug 3 150 mg, quantity 60
One twice a day

>> No.12224536

It's sortof a cipher or code between the doctor and the pharmacist, the same reason they use Latin and symbols, it's to stop people from writing their own prescriptions, because unless you have already seen the specific prescription you want to write you have no way of knowing what a doctor would write on a script.
It's an old school anti counterfeiting technique.
The pharmacist knows from years of experience what the dose of a drug is.
Unless you are well practised the pharmacist will detect a counterfeit prescription almost instantly.

>> No.12224544

how do you read that?

>> No.12224590

are you a wizard?

>> No.12224593

>writing prescriptions on paper
What kind of backwards shithole country do you live in

>> No.12224621


>> No.12224649

Eres la bruja de 71?

>> No.12224655

back to mexico spic

>> No.12224668

/POL/ is on the right past /b/


>> No.12224674

no, i mean, you really should go back to mexico, thats where your kind belong
maybe go back to a mexican image board too if you have any
i dont have an issue with foreigners, i have an issue with people speaking spanish here

>> No.12224682

you are being very Mean, do you need somebody to talk to? Im here if u need to talk to somebody?

>> No.12224697

>The only hard part is the drug names.

Oh ya cuz that's not important or anything.

>> No.12224709

this, everything is just sent electronically here
t. california

>> No.12224773
File: 180 KB, 860x838, 5A23814C-DC63-4F86-BDA8-26C3388A51D6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g-go back to /pol/!

>> No.12224780

Im a
Doctor I’ll tell you why we do this it’s because fuck your mother

>> No.12224865

Sure we can talk, just not in spanish

>> No.12224882

So, how has your day been?

>> No.12224957

It's so that the pharmacists can tell the recipe isn't a forgery.
This has now been replaced by digital recipes in the 1st world.
Maybe US will follow some day,

>> No.12224974

not enough subscript or greek alphabet.

>> No.12224998

The only time I've ever had to bring a script in is for painkillers after oral surgery because I couldn't articulate what pharmacy I was going to pick shit up at. I brought the script in, which was written perfectly legibly, gave it the the pharmacist, and they called the surgeon's office because lol opiates.
Every other prescription I've ever gotten for myself since I started doing my own shit in 2009 had been either faxed, called in, or electronically submitted to the pharmacy along with a bit of my medical record so the pharmacist can double check the drug and dosage to ensure no mistake are being made by the doctor or the nurse who submitted it.

>> No.12225027

Just have to hope there isn't a rolling blackout when you need to pick up your medice

>> No.12225031

>This has now been replaced by digital recipes in the 1st world.
>Maybe US will follow some day,
How do they know it isnt a forgery in the digital version?

>> No.12225065


>> No.12225094

You are cucking your doctors or they are cucking you (online examination)
Writing is way faster than typing and sending a message
Largate si vas a ser un marica

>> No.12225131

>not refilling on time instead of when you actually run out so you have extra supply for emergencies
plus even if they still used paper scripts the pharmacy would be closed anyway

>> No.12225221

I'm a medic and i've tried writing the best I can, but it can't happen.

Time is the most important thing in this profession. When you're trained, in the hospital you must write pages of indications for 20 patients in 30 minutes, and during the staff visit you have to fill the paperwork for exams as they're being discussed so the staff signs it, if you're too slow, the fucker will go away to his other job and you'd have to run around for hours looking for someone to sign the shit. For patients being discharged you have to write a summary of why the patient came, the general treatment plan, what happened during his stay and how he leaves, which must be filled by noon or they won't be released. Some tests such as CTs require similar summaries, and at the end of the day you have to fill an "evolution note" for each one of the 20 patients, in which you write the same shit over and over.

Filling paperwork that you know nobody will read is tiresome, you develop that script from getting work done in time.

>> No.12225284

what if the power is on but the internet is out

>> No.12225342

At first it started out with little things to save time writing notes. Like not putting the "stick" on certain letters like n. Then it got more sloppy as I was working full time on top of studying. Sleep derivation, anxiety, stress, depression contributed too. Maybe deep down I secretly hope the opiate addicts taking what little time I have gets a incorrect filling and ODs.

>> No.12225377

Sounds like humans treatment has transformed into factory production.
Nothing against you or other doctors personally. I hope over 50% of doctors get into the field to actually help patients.

And no ideal if you are talking about physically ill or mentally ill patients.

I trust doctors more with physical issues/surgeries the mental diagnosis.

The reason being.. if we can not scientificly decide a proof of consciousness. Or love. As well as coherency. Which many may argue coherency is a plausible proof.

Which it is not.

Some of the greatest ground breaking methods were done in odd behaviors and thoughts.

Cells were discovered by the inventor of the micro scope and he supposedly did it because of the circular gaps in corks. And divided to try and find smaller circular patterns. And when he found them decided to name them ceela because it reminded him of jail cells.

The discovery of genetics.. was a monk who randomly decided to record how he bred beans.... so all our genetics on humans and animals. Was based on bean reproduction records. Do you believe these are coherent trains of logic. It's the same as the video champion winners who earn lump sums of money most parents argue.. playing video games will never pay off. But currently many people are becoming millionaires based off this illogical incoherent process.

People even argue oprah is a self made woman who worked hard. But when you look into her history she randomly got invited on to a talk show. And the producer liked her attitude/charisma. And she slowly built up. It is the same for many people. They lucked into the role.. not worked into it.

Hell even current streamer pokimane said she was doing biology/chemistry/medical college. But gave up once she started earning 100k a year streaming.

The Wright brothers for years building wooden contraptions and tossing them self off big heights.

Part 1. Part 2 is small.

>> No.12225382

Save it, schizo. Fuck off to reddit if you expect someone will read your delusions.

>> No.12225383

Part 2

The Wright brothers for years building wooden contraptions and tossing them self off big heights.

We cannot fully comphrend how the pyramids and stone henge were built. Before technological advancements we curreny have.

If no one can currently explain how ancient civilization constructed massive builds with out gas/machines/steam and use man power alone. How could anyone currently be coherent?

Also up to the 1900's labotomies were an options psychologist where using... and that is the same thing being used in the Salem witch trials. They would drill a hole into a person's head and throw them in a dark room if they weren't coherent after 3 days. They were killed. As far as I know there was no successful case.

And the sad part is Egyptians did minor brain surgery to relieve pressure and why many royals wore the head attire to protect the soft spots. But Salem witch trials weren't doing it for this not were the psychologist of the 1900's.

But I definitely trust a doctor doing surgery or prescribing antibiotics more.

>> No.12225389

>he trusts the butcher more than the guy who becomes genuinely concerned.
Typical schizo shit. Surgeons suck my dick.

>> No.12225406

>Time is the most important thing in this profession. When you're trained, in the hospital you must write pages of indications for 20 patients in 30 minutes, and during the staff visit you have to fill the paperwork for exams as they're being discussed so the staff signs it, if you're too slow, the fucker will go away to his other job and you'd have to run around for hours looking for someone to sign the shit. For patients being discharged you have to write a summary of why the patient came, the general treatment plan, what happened during his stay and how he leaves, which must be filled by noon or they won't be released. Some tests such as CTs require similar summaries, and at the end of the day you have to fill an "evolution note" for each one of the 20 patients, in which you write the same shit over and over.
This sounds like an issue that systems engineers could work on

>Filling paperwork that you know nobody will read is tiresome, you develop that script from getting work done in time.
Funnily enough, as a patient, when I requested some paperwork they couldnt find it

>> No.12225411

Why not shorthand then?

>> No.12225414

>Sounds like humans treatment has transformed into factory production.
The State artificially limits the supply of doctors so its no wonders

>> No.12225427

It's opinionated diagnoses.

And how can they be genuinely concerned if they are only willing to have 5 minute talk every other day.... or few weeks.. guess you rather avoid kidney surgery... and be giving "feel" good medicine. And your promoting the field of study that would determine to take a chunk of brain because you cannot have a decent conversation within 5minutes to prove your ability to be out in public. Because you may be a danger to your self or others. Which if you hirt your self and get workers comp. OMG. You are an obvious danger to your self. Or you walk around a corner and bump heads with someone.. danger your a danger to others... shit.

I know they mean you might attempt suicide or might go on a rampage and go postal... but that is literally everyone in the world. There is no way to prove a person doesn't fall into this category.

It is such a retarded debate.. it's the same as the communist problem back in the day. If you was labeled a communist. You were basically screwed because there was no way to prove you were not a communist..

Since you believe you are not a shizo fag.. can you prove if the sun is rising or falling in space. Heat rises... the sun's is a ball of pure heat... so is it rising? Or is it falling? Coherently prove this within five minutes.

>> No.12225431

Plus I slightly trust random psychologist over mental facilities or personal ones.. because there is no money for you or them to gain. Which was the original apothecaries. They diagnosed you and told you the remedy or provided the Remedy wether you paid or listened was up to you... now adays..m if you have a problem unless you have insurance or money... then they don't care about your problem.

>> No.12225742

it's to prevent fraud
a pharmacist will know instantly if you faked a prescription

>> No.12225752

>This sounds like an issue that systems engineers could work on
Sounds like something that requires money which my government isn't willing to pay for.

>Funnily enough, as a patient, when I requested some paperwork they couldnt find it
It really is all bullshit though. The only important things in a medical record is the emergency history, the floor history, recorded complications, and the treatment log if you want.

>> No.12225972

This is the answer I have heard from doc friend.
The brief way to say it is:
You write so much everyday it gets to the point where only you can understand it.