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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12223774 No.12223774 [Reply] [Original]

if you are so smart why do you keep coming to 4chan?

>> No.12223792
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I've tried to leave many times but learned there is no escape the hard way.

>> No.12223894

youtube is boring

>> No.12223901

because I am Prometheus

>> No.12223903

because i'm not smart

>> No.12223908
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basically this
4chins is my favorite fren simulator
a little bit if this too

>> No.12223930
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Because I am the devil

>> No.12223940

because every other place on the internet is a boring hivemind

>> No.12223944

There's no where to go. The internet is a wasteland, the real world is a wasteland. I'm just waiting to die at this point

>> No.12223996

Agree. Just tell me where to go and i will fuck off.

>> No.12223998
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>> No.12224032

this tbqh
though i cycle through /his/ /lit/ and /int/cel and sometimes /pol/ when i wanna know what are the latest happenings that will increase my hatred for mankind

>> No.12224042

rie is double clamped

>> No.12224044

i am a bit above average, not smart
why would i leave one of the only place where the adults are kinda like me, i know i'll be called a fag for that but i kinda like the sci community, i mean it is half underaged retard, two fifth idiots who cannot do research and have no ability to understand simple concept or even extrapolate but whats left is useful and likable
and also the retard on sci at least try to better themself, compared to most normies, which is something that i love

>> No.12224059

the absolute state of you.
even /pol/ makes more sense.

>> No.12224060

I have no friends

>> No.12224061

It's the only place in the internet where you can shitpost without consequence with the smartest people on the internet, plus I'm an anon.

>> No.12224067

Because I have ADD and can’t focus on studying

>> No.12224088

>nowhere to go
that is not true. if you are so smart then go to a message board where they discuss things you are good at. STEM boards etc.

>> No.12224111

/pol/ is the best board by far and possibly the most intelligent if you are taking the top 20% of users
it just makes you mentally ill faster than any other board besides lgbt and mlp

>> No.12224154
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i'm your friend

>> No.12224176

We arent

>> No.12224225

you are barking the wrong tree here. i hate /pol/ and i've never seen anything intelligent there. pol is full of the same retards as /int/ but my point is at least they have some kind of topics to discuss, latest events etc. whether you agree with them or hate them. but /int/ is an absolutely toxic circlejerk with no official "topics", just pointless "banter" and same underage level memes are bein regurgitated over and over. it is for angry incels to trade insults and smell each other's farts.

>> No.12224254

This site unironically has helped me in chemistry and math a lot.
I recognize that my time here is not productive, but I figure getting high and shitposting about science is better than getting high and watching tv.

>> No.12224257

wait wait until tomorrow for something you can do today?

>> No.12224269

Something might change so I'm waiting

>> No.12224302

why shouldnt i?

>> No.12224308

Im doing a coin toss here
Depending on how you act after you see this post, your destiny will be decided
Youre very, extremely, immensely, lucky, I got in this specific thread and had the patience to write this post to a complete loser like you
Dont need to say thanks

>> No.12224314

just because I'm smart doesn't mean I'm not retarded

>> No.12224331

chill the fuck out, she just didn't have uno

>> No.12224357

but you don't look like that :(

Because I don't have much else to do, this is probably my primary source of socialization

>> No.12224377

never said Im smart

>> No.12224385

The layout of the website is already a retard filter unless they were here since the early internet

>> No.12224392

One must imagine Sisyphus happy

>> No.12224400

I’m a slave to my fucked up dopamine resistors and fear the thought of being alone

>> No.12224404


>> No.12224408

Get back to reading philosphy nietzsche poster

>> No.12224437

>primary source of socialization
Mother of God... I have a morbid curiosity to meet someone like you.

>> No.12224952

The only right answer.

>> No.12225458

low wisdom

>> No.12225491


>> No.12225514

um hello rei n, time to get clamped again

>> No.12225518

Yeah this. Longest streak was four years.

>> No.12225552

I've seen some hilarious threads on /int/ desu

>> No.12225645

I'm not that smart, high enough to be able to do and understand a few things while realizing my utter mediocrity compared to others.

>> No.12225649

Because it's the only place you can just say anything you want

>> No.12225651

you can get in unironic serious trouble for saying don't come to school tomorrow type jokes

>> No.12225670
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>if you are so smart

>> No.12225712

dubs and I leave the channel for ever

>> No.12225725

2d asian qts also this is the only spot on the internet where everyone hates ifls and ndt as much as i do

>> No.12225875

This place may be garbage but it’s still genuine in its own fucked up way. The internet has essentially been turned into cable tv. Have you been to r*ddit in the past 4 years? It might as well be a fucking sitcom, heavily edited and censored with a laugh track to remind you what to laugh at and what not to. And if the shills get their way, that’s exactly where this site is headed as well.

>> No.12225880

loser kek

>> No.12225913


>> No.12225939

I liked when nobody knew what the fuck to do with the internet. Sites just existed and they came and went, and it was nonstop discovery of cool stuff you didnt need to photograph and show to strangers to feel it was valid. Now everyone has a plan and sites come and stay forever, its all so shit nowadays.

>> No.12225961

True. Most boards are an interesting hivemind.

>> No.12225974

>I'm just waiting to die at this point

>> No.12225977
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Even Perelman shitposted here c. 2011-2012

>> No.12225984

once you pull back the veil of maya there's really nowhere else to go

>> No.12225987

>veil of maya
What is it?

>> No.12225995

Everyone should leave 4chan and /sci desu. It's a cesspool. No reason anyone should spend any of the little time their given on this planet on this god forsaken site. Everyone's life here to some degree sucks. This isn't a a place for healthy people.

>> No.12226050

This is unironically true. I tried posting a math question there and was really surprised by how smart pol is. A lot of /pol/ even knows deep mathematics. Makes sense that people who question the mainstream narratives are also smart as hell.

>> No.12226090

where else should i go for internet socialising?

>> No.12226100

>/pol/ is the best board by far and possibly the most intelligent if you are taking the top 20% of users
This is unfortunately true. My main board is /lit/ and I unironically think it's one of the dumbest board I ever frequented. Sometimes I have to take a break from /lit/ because it makes me angry how low IQ they are, but I never get that with /pol/. They're unpretentious and while many of them have schizo conspiratory takes, at least the rest of them seem normal people who are just sick and tired of the daily circus. Perhaps many normal people simply found refuge there in these times.

>> No.12226104

what the fuck does clamped mean?

>> No.12226113


>> No.12226116

yes i know now tell me

>> No.12226119

>caring about knowing the latest hip lingo by 4chyn hackers
Grow up fag

>> No.12226120

/pol/ is the dumbest board by far.
There, you can physicists, engineers, mathematicians, scientists, economists, and experts of every kind you can imagine that failed algebra II.

>> No.12226132

Maybe we have different interpretations of what is intelligence. I've seen many successful academics that I consider retarded and vice versa. I prefer talking about real life with some of my old high-school teachers than hearing more shit from experts in my field.

>> No.12226180

/pol/ hates niggers but don't confuse that with being stupid. /pol/ is the board that triangulates the exact location of something with little to no information in the course of 3 hours type of smart.

>> No.12226185

prove it, he didn't even have an internet connection at home iirc. He had to go to his local university to upload his paper.

>> No.12226190


>> No.12226191

Also the type that elected trump in 2016 in a very close election, and their memes are actually part of political discourse now with high officials and even the president retweeting memes inspired by /pol/. Not realising the cultural imapct of /pol/ is not understanding our current world.

>> No.12226224

To discuss video games with the smartest people on the internet.

>> No.12226291

Like /b/ before 2006, there was 99% shit and 1% gold. The good was so great I put up with the bad. After chanology it became effectively 0%. I stick around /sci/ for similar reasons.

>> No.12226297

/sci/ is genuinely smart as shit. even the unironic shitposts are high quality. i love this board and hope it never changes.

>> No.12226316

You're right. Bye.

>> No.12226451
File: 355 KB, 642x620, erge25re.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ is the best board by far and possibly the most intelligent

>> No.12226488

Based high iq /v/ poster

>> No.12226557

Because I'm not smart. 110 IQ at best.

>> No.12227554

Everywhere is else somehow worse

>> No.12227573
File: 16 KB, 645x770, 1602422645728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is filled with Facebook exodus boomers now and otherwise is populated by schizo reactionaries that daily melt down over this one image (pic related). You may be right that there's some gifted people there but if there are, they're stragglers from pre-2016 /pol/ when it was actually nice to visit for Happenings instead of being a 24/7 Trump circlejerk.