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File: 109 KB, 957x621, lääkeapustaja92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12222586 No.12222586 [Reply] [Original]

mandatory masks -edition

Old thread
Thread for the discussion of evidence-based medicine. We discuss research, we DO NOT offer advice (but the best one is to see your family physician), make fun of premeds and pajeet/chink gunners and shitpost.

>> No.12222591

Will there be antivirals for COVID-19?

>> No.12222593

some day

>> No.12222599
File: 76 KB, 1054x573, lääkeapustaja86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know the words...

>> No.12222638

>tfw alone in break room
>ID chief opens the door and tells me to put on a mask
>be in the cafeteria sitting alone in a table
>ID chief walks by and tells me to put on a mask

>> No.12222656

So do any of you have any hobby or something interesting to do in your spare time?
I carve wood, do powerlifting and do gardening.

>> No.12222666

I lift and run obviously, also do basic research for shit and giggles.

>> No.12222681

Lifting is neither interesting nor a hobby.

>> No.12222683
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>Lifting is neither interesting nor a hobby.

>> No.12222695
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never going to make it

>> No.12222758
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You are weak.

>> No.12222765


>> No.12222784

only simps care about being /fit/

>> No.12222788

>2 strikes on the mask board
>3rd one and they call the Sentinel
I'm scared bros

>> No.12222802

Being fit is important. I'm working on fixing my trashed posture, first off. The underlying scoliosis is another issue, but I'm going to try the laying ona rolled up towel thing and see what happens.

>> No.12222805

>Back curves one way at the bottom and the other way on the top so it's kind of straight
u jelly?

>> No.12222822

I don't really follow what you mean, but if it's straight, yeah kind of envious. You mean you have anterior pelvic tilt, then thoracic kyphosis, or are we talking laterally? If it's like an s curve, and one hip and shoulde ris higher than the other, that probably means you have a scoliosis.

>> No.12222836

i have a the two scoliosos

>> No.12222847


>> No.12222848

oh god it hurt s so muc

>> No.12222853

Try sleeping on a rolled up towel, on the apex of the lower curve. Otherwise, stretches, and and so forth. Look up rounded shoulders and forward head carriage.

>> No.12223306
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>tfw when fren takes off mask and asks about lääkeapustaja54
never saw him again

>> No.12223317

is there any alternative to being either a coomer or a manwhore for a high test man?

>> No.12223341

if you're gonna do gay shit please take prep or use condoms

>> No.12223343

Been taking metilphenidate to improve my brains and after a year I developed a but of a tremor on hands.
Ain't stopping doe. Fuck being dumb.

>> No.12223352

how are you getting it though
hopefully it's legal and not from india where you either get cow poo or meth or both

>> No.12223367

The same thing happened to me with what I suspect was cacao. Or maybe it was a long term, gradual, aftereffect of... frankly excessive (for my body) adderall usage.

However, at the same time you may be confusing correlation for causation. A lot of people these days are displaying tremor, and reporting similar things without dopaminergic stimulant use. It may be due to an accumulation of metals in the brain, combined with microwave irradiation. Perhaps aluminum has a predilection for being trafficked into the cerebellum and other motor areas, a lot like gadolinium.

Look around sometime, watch people's hands when they're trying to do fine work. A lot of them have a tremor. It's very obnoxious.

>> No.12223376

Can you fuck off to abovetopsecret already

>> No.12223379


>> No.12223391

nah i just chase tail

>> No.12223401 [DELETED] 

Calm down anon.

>> No.12223409

Calm down anon.

>> No.12223436

Take covid-1984 patient samples, dilute them in saline and run them in nebulizators before the chief mask nazi enters the same room. See how much his mask really helps.

>> No.12223465

better to just slash his tires, more infections just means more stupid regulations

>> No.12223478

But then you can't go into his room when he's wheezing out his last breath and ask him to put a mask on

>> No.12223486

Guys the skin behind my ears hurts from wearing mask all the time. What do?

>> No.12223487

Why not just step on his throat so he can't exhale covid at you, as you watch the life leave his eyes? Put covid as the cause of death on the certificate.

>> No.12223507

>thinking there isn't droves of similar ID misanthropes ready to replace the head nazi at the drop of a hat

>> No.12223511

get the ones tied behind your head

>> No.12223514

>implying he doesn't sit with his mask on in his room

>> No.12223518
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Wake up before you're replaced by a machine. That's what the medical-industrial complex has already turned you into anyway, just one more cost cutting, simplifying, step, remains.

I mean let's be real here. How much doctor is needed to hand out a prescription of zoloft or brain damaging cholesterol lowering meds? Surgery will be remote, then it will be automated.

I am unsatisfied with the previous discussion:

>> No.12223530

t. clamped schizo.

>> No.12223541

It’s time to take your risperdal friend

>> No.12223544


Wow. You need to unclamp, then unclamp again.

>> No.12223557
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>> No.12223564

This meme you've posted changes nothing about the overarching course of the world, and the potentialities of your place in it.

>> No.12223569

not him, but fuck you and your frogs
they are not funny

>> No.12223572


>> No.12223579


>> No.12223582


>> No.12223614

and btw, fucking wef? Get on with the times boomer.

>> No.12223644

It's sanofis Ritalin. Got it a couple years ago during my social service.
Basically there was a terminally ill guy who was taking about 12 different medications who died. His relatives didn't know what to do with his stash so they decided to donate them to the clinic (from a different institution).
I fucking hated my patients so I took the good shit I could find and donated the rest to the Catholic Church.

>> No.12223663

How does one fix chronic hypocalcemia? Drink more milk? I need my ions channels functioning correctly.

>> No.12223674

Ummm... how old are you and do you have a fairly “balanced” diet?
Unless you got some parathyroid issues or you sustain a diet of Twinkie’s and Mountain Dew, you shouldn’t have this issue at all.
Did someone specifically tell you that you just have an issue with calcium, nothing else? Lol

>> No.12223786
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>Clamped as fuck
>t. clamped

>> No.12223823
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>living in a shithole and having to do +48hour rotations.
only in usa and 3rd country shit holes

>> No.12223825
File: 47 KB, 700x700, 145556838924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong img

>> No.12223840

what am I looking at?

>> No.12223881


Umbilical cord

>> No.12223924

>the knot
How did the baby survive? Is it common?

>> No.12223968

lol just sleep here and there you big pussy

>> No.12223974


>> No.12224019

apparently getting treatment or even so much as talking to a doctor is impossible where i live right now, so i have a small question that i hope is not too rude to ask here. in cases of loss of skin elasticity during weight loss, are collagen supplements a good idea? if so, would a multi-collagen be preferable (advertised as types I, II, III, V, and X) to say bovine or fish collagen products? i would like to talk to a dermatologist about this rather than med students on an imageboard about this, but apparently the NHS isnt even treating cancer patients and ive been waiting on a referral for months.

>> No.12224036

If you think eating collagen would help just make yourself some beef stew.
(It doesn't help, neither does creams or anything else)

>> No.12224037
File: 37 KB, 348x419, lainreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nuh-uh. No you,
>I'm not clamped because YOU are the clamped one!
Okay, unclamp.

>> No.12224056

beef is actually quite expensive where i am tbqh, would probably make more sense to buy the powder.

on what basis would you say it doesnt help? should also mention ive got some acne scarring on my face id like gone which im hoping to eventually ask a dermatologist about, maybe some time next year.

>> No.12224164
File: 43 KB, 667x543, pepe_md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but if you think about it, when you eat collagen, you aren't absorbing any of that collagen whole. Your stomach and intestines break down the collagen into their amino acid bits which you then absorb (predominantly glycine, proline etc.). Those amino acids will float around your body, and sure, they might be used to make collagen anywhere in your body, or, they might not, maybe they'll be used to make other kinds of proteins.

Moreover your dermis cells (fibroblasts) that are responsible for making the collagen/elastin your skin need a signal to act to make that collagen, and then signals to place that collagen in the skin properly. Even if you managed to get collagen amino-acids/peptides/proteins to your dermis cells, the effect that would have on the actual creation of collagen is going to be extremely small (though in principle it may have a non-measurable effect due to Le Chatlier's principle). It's the same reason why even though cholesterol is the substrate responsible for testosterone synthesis, increasing cholesterol consumption beyond what is normal is going to have a neglible/unmeasurable/non effect on testosterone production.

>> No.12224226

fuck. i should probably mention that im not on a terrifically high meat intake diet. my usual food intake for a day is an egg sandwich, and a meat and 2 veg type evening meal. a large chunk of my calories unfortunately come from junk food as of late such as sweetened coffees and teas, and biscuits, which i normally dont have a lot of but tend to struggle to control when me and my bf are locked inside together all day. i wonder, is there any possibility that increasing my protein intake (with contextually useful amino acids) perhaps yield greater levels of natural regeneration vs what i might have only eating 2 proper meals a day? i have heard anecdotes from friends in similar situations, whove taken collagen and noticed over a period of months their skin has significantly firmed.

>> No.12224231
File: 83 KB, 724x633, 1465725542567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get back to debriding those foot ulcers

>> No.12224233

my train of thought for this as someone wholly ignorant of such things is that i may be able to reap some benefits from this in the same way lifters benefit from taking creatine monohydrate over just shoveling down chocolate.

>> No.12224268

There could be a benefit in that case. There is no way of knowing for sure.

>> No.12224296

its the sort of thing i really wish i could talk to a dermatologist about, but apparently my doc has better things to do than refer me to a dermatologist. either way, thank you for your help anon, its appreciated.

>> No.12224329

Creatine is an amine. Collagen is a fucking protein. You know what the size of an amine is?

>> No.12224333

t. clamped and clamper.

>> No.12224339
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I'm not wearing masks and there's nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.12224381

As long as your irresponsible ass stays away from me or my loved ones "Do what thou wilt"

>> No.12224476


>> No.12224487
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>> No.12224724

Bros, I've been set on ortho for a long time, but am currently in isolation with covid and have been thinking of specialties that would let me chill more. I still love money though. Rads?

>> No.12224764

tell him to get fucked, you have every right to not wear a mask when eating.

>> No.12224787

US MS1 here. How much do grades really matter? On track to get a C in anatomy.

>> No.12224873

I think I want to be a doctor
I am 24 though and don’t have a college degree yet. Is it a good idea to go to college and med school starting at 24?

>> No.12224898

2 ppl in my class started M1 at 40+. Couple more in their 30s and even more started at around 26-28

>> No.12224928

Does that mean they started medical school at that age or pre med?

>> No.12224953

I am about to get my xray degree, but was planning on getting a bachelor's while working and then going into med school. My questions are: is it worth the time and investment? Is it really challenging that many drop out?

>> No.12224964

They started medical school at those ages. Honestly with the range of ages in my class I don't think it's a big deal when you start either.

From my original class, I think less than 5% have full on dropped out. We've gained and lost some to people needing to repeat years, but very few at my school have actually dropped out.

>> No.12224973

>less than 5% have dropped out
That gives me hope then. Thanks.

>> No.12225107

Nigga I feel too old to start a spec at 27. Taking into account the fact that your best and most productive years will be your young 30s things like a pension/retirement funds look the more difficult.
Wouldn't recommend. Time and effort invested just ain't worth it.

>> No.12225279

Why do you want to be one? This job is shit. If you like the knowledge go read the phisio book, if you want to help your relatives, read pharmacology, semiology and therapeutics guides. You will have all the pluses of the trade without any tradeoffs.

>> No.12225282

Nigger. How much are doctors paid in the US? Do you think they'll let you earn that salary by half assing through the filter?

>> No.12225302

I don't understand you niggers. I really don't understand you.

You get a degree already, such as rad tech, some fuckers are full blown engineers, and then you plan to leave all those years behind to be a fucking doctor?

What's the point? You fuckers want to become doctors or not? Why don't you fight and protest so the insurance niggers and their AMA lobbysts fuck off so they let you study the tools you'll be using instead of wasting time? And all of you sound terribly dismayed about a fucking highschool level admission test when the real bottleneck is Not the USMLE, but the residency program niggers, without which you can't practice in the first place. I seriously don't understand you at all, don't you research what your job prospects are like as a freshly graduated medic? What do you think the job is about?

>> No.12225308

To get paid a bunch of money and to cut people open

>> No.12225316

Have you actually researched what hurdles you need to go through to get those wages? Consider a surgeon anywhere else in the world earns from 4 to 12 dollars an hour, why is it different in the US?

>> No.12225350

Is that a trick question?

>> No.12225374

Because America is great.

>> No.12225379

There's no harm spending a year seeing if it's a viable thing to do. If you're not getting straight As by the end of your first year then probably give up on med, but still finish your degree since having a college degree is useful.

>> No.12225574

Is it really that competitive? I need straight A’s all through college to even be considered?

>> No.12225606

how difficult is it to transition from graduating with a chemical engineering degree to getting accepted into med school?
i only know one guy who did t but he had to study for the MCAT for 2 years while working as a tech at a ophthalmologist

>> No.12225663

Video about some of the science showing the benefit of masks:

>> No.12225698

clearly not

>> No.12225740

Answer this question >>12225302
You're already a chemical engineer. Why the fuck do you want to learn a skillset from zero to end up in what's basically a glorified musical chairs game?

>> No.12225745

the only country in the world that has surgeons (witch doctors in africa dont count, and neither do volunteers) and pays them that badly is cuba.
even in india a surgeon can make 20-30 dollars minimum a month

>> No.12225747

*20 to 30 dollars (usd) an hour

>> No.12225757

>Surgery will be remote, then it will be automated.
No it won't be you absolute spastic cunt.The only case I can see remote being viable in civilian use is in trauma in rural areas at which point it would be cheaper to send them to a better equipped facilty

>> No.12225761

That's what they get in El Salvador. I doubt other countries with pea-valued currencies are any different.

>> No.12225765

I was a 28 year old plumber with 2 kids and a bachelors in philosophy before going to med school. Being a non traditional student has its advantages in acceptance as long as the GPA is where it should be.
However, I do miss the mindlessness of just doing a 9 to 5 job. No real stressors, consistent schedule, and the carefree atmosphere of watching my sons basketball game without worrying about being tied to my cellphone all the time.

>> No.12225830

Only ppl who did med right after school are real doctors.

>> No.12226388

>yurareno real dotcor

>> No.12226414

>Dr Sleep isn't real doctor

>> No.12226587
File: 923 KB, 3264x2448, 879A33C9-6F13-4B77-BC90-D3FFC5B9BDB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Torn my pec last week. Swelling spread throughout my arm to the point it was huge and purple. It’s mostly cleared up, but now I have itchy hives from my elbow to halfway down my forearm. What is it and what should I do? I have surgery on Thursday, so I am weary of taking anything.

>> No.12226599

Really the idea I have is not my original one which was to be RadTech whole time, because I fucking hate school and just want to work and there are a ton of options in that field. But I've had boomers tell me at clinical sites that I should go for doctor. I was more or less floating the idea here. Other users have clearly stated that people at a much later age go for it.

>> No.12226608

This is what I was told.

>> No.12226663

Go to emergency services. Ain't telling you shit so you don't mislead the emergency specialist but you should go now, no questions asked.

>> No.12226670

It isn’t bothering me. I just put some hydrocortisone cream on it. Not wasting hundreds of dollars on nothing.

>> No.12226703

Have fun never recovering from the injury then.

>> No.12226780

What kind of growth factors do I need to blast my cock with for it to grow? Would vascular endothelial growth factors accomplish this? I'm speaking hypothetically of course.

>> No.12226877

Is there such thing as a career guidance counselor for guys like me looking to jump into healthcare relatively late in their lives? I’m 27 and looking at doing advanced practice like PA of NP.

I remember back in college premed/prehealth students had advisors who could guide them on which classes and prereqs to take. But having graduated a while ago, I don’t think I have access to those resources any more.

I majored in chem and history with a minor in biology. I have just about every prerequisite class needed for most programs but I’m afraid those are about to expire and I would need to retake those. Surely I would need direct patient work experience as well such as a phlebotomist or cna.

Overall I just don’t know where to begin. Seems like every school has totally different, confusing admission standards, and I’m tired of working a dead-end lab job.

>> No.12226946

Best source to review pharmacology? Please help.

>> No.12226973

Well wtf
Is anyone here actually a doctor or in medical school?

>> No.12226984
File: 108 KB, 776x812, 1590330559167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyonw got a link/picture of that boy who had a rare skin disease and the doctors had to remove his entire skin, put him in a plastic bag, and wait until it grows back?!

>> No.12227005

Nigga you'd be much better off on r/skincare looking through their wiki. The only medically approved shit is a tummy tuck or surgical removal of excess skin. If I remember correctly some people had success with dermarolling and applying hyaluronic acid (cant do it with dark skin if I remember correctly), but you have to be as close to sterile as you can be, which you won't, because you're asking for medical advice on an anime forum.

>> No.12227008

Do you really want to be replaced by AI anon?

>> No.12227011

Stating your country and university prospects would've been of great help, dumbo.

>> No.12227013

It's too late.

>> No.12227072

It's the track i'm on anon. I didn't goto undergrad until I was 22, graduated when I was 27 (fucked around in community college too long). Now i'm trying to do a post-bacc to get my GPA not retarded and will apply medical school in 2 years. If you do go down this path heed my advice well: Get solid fucking grades. Kill your MCAT. Get the clinical experience you need to not get filtered. Try and get a research position early on. Try and enjoy your college years. Break up with shitty needy girlfriends who fuck up your ability to study.

>> No.12227116

>t. clueless about radiology and ai

>> No.12227171

Was Sasuke clamped? I know Naruto was most likely clamped.

>> No.12227203

Sasuke never achieved shit by himself and always relied on curse marks and dojutsu transplants.
He's the most clampestest of all ninjas. Unclamped Uchihas like Izumi, Shisui and Itachi chieved greatly and were respected.

>> No.12227215

Was Rock Lee unclamped?

>> No.12227242

is unclamped a synonym for based
is clamped the same as cucked or cringe

>> No.12227409

Unclamped post

>> No.12227582

yeah lol that shit aint happening

>> No.12227701


>> No.12227817

AI has been in rads forever but will never replace a radiologist's readings

>> No.12228065

I had a sexual encounter with another man 6 years ago, condom came of for a little while on his request, until he came. Within a week I got pretty sick, fever, sore throat etc. for a couple days
Never been sick much more than once or twice a year until this year. Been sick once every month since july and had a stint with fever back in february. Typically a cold and stuffy head for about a week and then im back.
Could this realistically be HIV or would there need to be other more severe symptoms present? like night sweats, weight loss,diarrhea etc? I find that I often get sick when im low on sleep and or cold, which happens quite often because of the climate here.
>inb4 go get a test
Im not able to get a test until next week

>> No.12228316

Probably? Most schools are pass fail here

>> No.12228461

I graduated with a chemE degree and went to med school. I enjoy the studying lol

>> No.12228481

>do people really

>> No.12228494

>Im not able to get a test until next week
That's ok. I'm not able to tell if you're HIV+ until next week.

>> No.12228882
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>I had a sexual encounter with another man 6 years ago

>> No.12228887

Radiology resident here.

3.8 in undergrad, had a 25 on the old MCAT, ended up doing a postbacc program to get into a med program. Some schools offer it and if you do well in the first year they take you into the med program the following year. At least that's how it works in the U.S.

>> No.12229361

Yes it could be HIV. You better get tested. A week isnt gonna make a difference but do get tested next week.

>> No.12229473

Im scared desu

>> No.12229567

>Within a week I got pretty sick, fever, sore throat etc. for a couple days
why the fuck did you not go to the doctor?

>> No.12229577

Because I was 17 and didn’t think along the lines of having been infected by HIV

>> No.12229580

I'm more scared about people normalizing faggotry and promiscuity.

>> No.12229587

I'm 25, I have an MD and I'm a virgin. You have no excuse.

Besides, you worry about nothing. If you're infected you can't do shit about it, and the symptoms are certainly not AIDS. No one dies of AIDS anymore. Although they do die nastily from tuberculosis and kidney failure.

>> No.12229599

i.e. If you're concerned about your health, get the test and check up regularly. There's no urgency in this.

>> No.12229604

you should be, youre now all but required to be celibate and you managed to catch HIV at 17.

>> No.12229617

ha ha

>> No.12230048

tracked down the guy on grindr lmao
HIV Status: Negative
Am I good now bros?
Do they lie about this?

>> No.12230106

For the matter, I'm transexual.

>> No.12230130

What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.12230186
File: 312 KB, 864x487, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its these conditions you need to watch out for

>> No.12230225

Literally have had none of these

>> No.12230252
File: 24 KB, 380x390, binibijihijjb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inspired on the degenerate's story I'll start the HIV/AIDS trivia.
First question: State the dermopathy most commonly found/developed in AIDS patients.

>> No.12230275

Chronic friction burn of the kneecaps

>> No.12230359

Bout to have my wrist opened up and a plate put in

>> No.12230373


>> No.12230406

gl hf

>> No.12230408

>Surgery will be remote, then it will be automated.
If you ever entered in an OR in your life you would realize it's not going to happen even in our lifetime.
The best we will see will probably be machine learning implementations biological tests, imagery and ECG which is good but already is a very smaller part of a daily practice and not that hard.

>> No.12230438

Is hematology a good spec or will I end up becoming a lab rat not seeing any patients?

>> No.12230534

seborrheic dermatitis/malassezia furfur

>> No.12230635

pretty decent

>> No.12230646

I object conscience in treating trannies, as psychiatric disorders is not my specialty.

>> No.12230665

It is seborrhoic dermatitis but hiv viral exanthema has to be more specific, at least in acute infection. Everyone has seborrhoic dermatitis

>> No.12230763

You have to read the question carefully and differentiate between HIV infection and AIDS as a syndrome.
The correct answer is seborrheic dermatitis but if the question was worded as "most common in HIV+ individual" then the answer would change.
A lot of exam answering is about semantics and wording.

Next question.
State the drugs used in the standard scheme of AIDS treatment in adults and their most common adverse effects.

>> No.12230790


>> No.12231036

ah yeah you're right, the question was about aids not hiv lmao

>> No.12231064

Now that you mention candida. What kind of candidiasis turns an HIV+ patient into AIDS patient?

>> No.12231131

why do i need to know the details of aids and hiv treatment if i'm not an infectiologist
i know about haart and the principles there, do i really need to know so much specific shit about aids

>> No.12231189

As a general practitioner you have to know this things. Not all infectious shit is spec affair.
Imagine you have a patient that develops pneumonia and after your standard antibiotic treatment he remains the same. What's your next procedure? What of the tests come back positive to bronchial/tracheal candidiasis?
Now imagine you have a pt with AIDS that starts pissing/seeing colors? Under what clinical suspicion do you proceed with your diagnosis?

>> No.12231193
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>> No.12231202
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>tfw /med/ has become /aids/

>> No.12231206
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>> No.12231349

>Now imagine you have a pt with AIDS that starts pissing/seeing colors?
pretty sure that's a sign of a cryptococcus cns infection
>Under what clinical suspicion do you proceed with your diagnosis?
i don't proceed with diagnosis, i refer to the hospital
as with the fungal pneumonia, literally all i would do is treat once with drug A, treat twice with drug B and if i fail basically refer. As a gp i cant be expect to diagnose this sort of thing
i would take an HIV test if weirdness is going on or the guy is gay, recent african immigrant a junkie etc.
but even a positive hiv test is not good enough, since it's just antibodies and you need to do pcr, if i recall correctly so referral is imminent

so yeah, if weirdness is going on, just refer or at least call the infectiologists on the phone, can't hurt

am i wrong here

>> No.12231399

My guess is he likes chemistry and but realizes he is more interested in using chemistry for healing than chemistry for industrial applications.
t. also an engineer who thought about switching to medicine

>> No.12231459
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>mft engiqueers lurk here

>> No.12231498

kek someone post the mel gibson pasta

>> No.12231862

How do I know if the black spot on my little toe is melanoma?

>> No.12231929

Histopathological biopsy.

>> No.12232973

>Not replacing bits of people's spinal cord with copper wire
ok medbrain go reinvent integration while the chadgineers do the real work

>> No.12233021


>> No.12233422

Copper isn't biocompatible, cretin.

>> No.12233578

Med school interview tomorrow. Wish me luck bros

>> No.12233679
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are there lymph nodes in this circled area?? deep or superficial does not matter

>> No.12233686

Irregular shape, uneven coloration, growth speed.

>> No.12233697

anon, i...

>> No.12233708


>> No.12233715
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>> No.12233725


>> No.12233727

you gotta have general knowledge bucko

>> No.12234105

My shithole country shills ID and shoves everything bug related into university syllabi.

>> No.12234344

Today I woke up hearing someone opening a bag of chips behind me and I freaked out when I realized it was a hallucination of some kind, my internal dialogue went all over the place and I even had an experience of someone "not me" saying something or contributing but it had the same internal voice as me.

I went to bed after smoking a lot of tobacco and only slept for 2-3 hours, could this be the cause?

I really hope its not an early sign of schizophrenia, i'm 26 and I heard in your twenties is when this stuff begins. I do not experience any kind of auditory hallucination while awake but I believe i've had something like this before right after waking up at least one other time.

>> No.12234364

Relax bro. There are 100 reasons why people may hear a voice once in a while

>> No.12234390

Are you taking your meds, Anon? Is someone telling you they're harmful?

>> No.12234405

I haven't ever been diagnosed with schizophrenia nor am I prescribed any anti-psychotics

The only mental disorder i've ever been diagnosed with is ADD and I stopped taking that adderall at 23, but I was on it as a kid for many years

>> No.12234420
File: 7 KB, 296x170, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you probaly were still asleep and didn't actually wake up at that point

>> No.12234425

Thanks this is reassuring.

>> No.12234465

How is Ritalin compared to Adderall?
How is Adderall IR compared to Adderall XR?
I have ADHD and I'm just wondering what the different options are like.

>> No.12234480

Don't take anything that hasn't been prescribed by your psychiatrist.
T. idiot with tremor for Ritalin abuse

>> No.12234486

Oh, I don't mess with stuff I haven't been prescribed. But my doctor has given me the option of which to try and I don't know which I should go with. I tried Adderall XR and it did literally nothing but keep me up at night. Wondering if I should bother trying IR or just switch to Ritalin. I know these threads aren't for advice but I'm more interested in what the research says would be a good option.

>> No.12234493

Might come off as rude but I ain't diving into a biochem research to answer it. I'm also a GP so I don't have the deep knowledge a specialist has.
From my personal experience with Ritalin I'd say it gets you "in the zone" as long as you have the willpower to open the book.

>> No.12234498

I appreciate the response. I'll do some more research myself and try to come to a more informed conclusion.

>> No.12234512

Honestly to me doesn't have to be that hard. If Adderall isn't making the cut conclusive reasoning leads us to come with the fact that your chances at getting better with a different medication are greater with two than one.
I'd give it a try. In my case Ritalin makes me sleepy so that'd be great for you.

>> No.12234519

>I tried Adderall XR and it did literally nothing but keep me up at night. Wondering if I should bother trying IR

Not a shrink but having dealt with XR/IR opiates...

XR is eXtended Release. IR is Instant Release. IR would be less likely to have you stay up. but if it helps you you will need to redose after 3-4 hours.

Also how long did you try it? There's a difference between what you can subjectively notice and what effects it actually have.

>> No.12234523

I didn't give the XR much of a chance because it made it impossible to sleep so I had to stop taking it after a couple days.

>> No.12234615

can i ask a question about the puborectal sling here? for whatever reason my muscle never seems to relax properly, no matter what angulation i go for it always seems tight and painful, and makes running a high fiber diet difficult as i tend to struggle to empty myself. weirdly enough, my body seems to prefer a high starchy carbohydrate diet in this regard, but thats not exactly as healthy for me as one high in greens, and tbqh i like my greens. is it possible a lifetime of carb heavy trash food has caused this, and is there anything i can do about it as someone attempting to stop being a fatty?

>> No.12234665
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passed my final exams to become a paramedic, feeling good lads

>> No.12234805

paramedics are bros

>> No.12234848

i am supposed to pick what i'm going to be doing the next 1 year for my residency (my first year as an MD but under supervision)

I have 4 options and I need to pick two of them
>internal medicine

which combo should I pick or does it even matter - which 2 would you pick

>> No.12234897

Follow your heart.

>> No.12234912

Has anyone got any experience on using/prescribing an antibiotic ciprofloxacin? Doctor prescribed it to me even after admitting he didn't think it was an infection.

Reading the side effects makes me scared to take them.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.12234945

The whole s-oy estrogen thing is retarded right? There's no way you can actually absorb a molecule with such low bioavailability without pharmaceutic intervention. Plus, polypeptids are broken into simple aminoacids when digested. I'd imagine that at best, it would increase the amount of molecular precursors, but that'd just mean that people with an already high disposition to producing estrogen would be affected.

This is a serious question, idgaf about trannies or w/e

>> No.12234968

Cock size is determined by fetal progesterone levels. Hypothetically speaking, rather than vascular growth, mesenchemial augmentation is your best bet at penis growth iirc. Something that stimulates proliferation of connective tissue and expands the extracellular matrix.

>> No.12234984

Phytoestrogens are recommend on national guidelines as an alternative to treat menopause.
I don't have any doubt of it's undeniable endocrinologic effects but at the same time you have to be critical enough to know that all the basedboi & tranny bullcrap shilled by whitecel /pol/ is shit blown out of proportion by NEETs and radicalized borderline retarded manual labourers.

>> No.12234994

my heart says surgery/internal med but i fucking suck at surgery and can't even suture properly

oh well fuck it, i'll learn right

>> No.12235022

>fucking suck at surgery and can't even suture properly
That's the first requirement to be a surgery R1. The 2nd is being an alcoholic slacker.

>> No.12235064

I've read a scarpetta novel. Should I start applying for medschool

>> No.12235079

What are med school interviews like in the UK? What do they expect of you?

>> No.12235116

>I have ADHD
I doubt that's the case.

>> No.12235118


>> No.12236355
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Probably not too hard. Gf got her 7th acceptance today and was a business major w a chem minor. Also got a 3.98 and 517 though. Just apply to the right schools.

Tore my pec and got prescribed hydrocodon. I know this shit is serious, but can I take on after 4 hours as opposed to 6? I took my first at 5, but go to bed early and don’t want to be woken up by pain.

>> No.12236391

Yes you can it wont kill you. If you keep doing that though you might run out of pills early. But if you take the same total amount of pills per day its all right. If you cant sleep because of pain mention that so that they can give you more or a stronger dose next time.

>> No.12236410

It’s only a ten day supply. I’d like to stop taking them ASAP as I have an addictive personality. I’m sober swear I’m not a degenerate haha

>> No.12236807

Quit being a bitch.

>> No.12237092

>went to family physician for persistent sore throat and a runny nose
>37something C temperature when I got there
>asked whether I had shortness of breath, aches, pains etc, presumably to screen me for corona; told her I don't
>said I have some kind of upper respiratory infection and prescribed generic meds
>3 days in, fever went away but now I'm coughing and sneezing like a motherfucker and I can't smell or taste anything
This is just a bad cold, right? Should I be worried?

>> No.12237292

Congrats homie.
You are now banished from /sci/.
I hope you'll enjoy your new home in /biz/

>> No.12237308

Do you feel liquid in your lungs? If youre worried go see an Imagenologist

>> No.12237316

What I want to say Don't take it, whatever you may have isn't worth the increased risk of developing resistant strains. Fuck you and your pajeet doctor - stop prescribing broad spectrum antibiotics because you're lazy. Fucking asshole retard
What I should say - you'll probably be fine. Unless you have some intense underlying condition that your doctor would have been aware of when perscribing it you'll get by with maybe some stomach issues at most for a while.

>> No.12237317

Yes, you should be worried that you're a midwit.

>> No.12237321

retarded zoomer sugar drinker here, got back from a dental check up and need 17 fillings at $4200 dollarydoos(aud). is it worth trying to get another quote or are most prices roughly the same?

>> No.12237328

>17 fillings
Just buy dentures. You're gonna get them eventually dumbass

>> No.12237334

I give them away like candies, what about them? He probably gave them to you since you have an UTI, don't know what the antibiograms where you live are like but where i'm from uvamin hits it better.

Side effects? None.

>muh antibiotic resistance!
Fucking pussy. Do you even have proof this shit happens, or are you parroting it because you read it on the book? Antibiotic resistance only happens in hospitals because nobody knows what people are infected with so they give a Ceftria-Genta-Cipro bomb until the shit dies. Doesn't happen in community settings.

What's next, you're going to say people need university degrees to babysit because your shitty book said some AMA propaganda about Quality of Care?

>> No.12237347

Nigger, fillings cost $10 each at most. What the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.12237353

im not confident ill make it to that age.
is this a meme or do you mean just the materials cost? a quick google for australia says the average is anywhere from 100-300 depending on type.

>> No.12237360

Just buy a blender and eat through a straw in that case

>> No.12237363


They're fillings. They're not fucking surgery. You drill shit and put paste on it, then drill to shape it. How the fuck does that cost $100.

>> No.12237380

guess our dentists are overpaid out the ass then.
not far off what i was going to do which is drink my sodas through a straw on top of cutting back by a shit load.

>> No.12237413

Anyone joined defence forces after graduating medschool?
Waste of time?

>> No.12237451

I don't.
How so?

>> No.12237470

I dont see what a doctor has to gain from going to war. Are you isrealite?

>> No.12237475

Then its not corona. Probably allergies or the flu

>> No.12237589

My ankle was bothering the hell out of me and so I injected it with 50 units of testosterone and now I can hardly walk. Do ankles just not like injections or what? Maybe it's a coincidence.

>> No.12237593

Emergency or Surg

>> No.12237594

>My ankle was bothering the hell out of me and so I injected it with 50 units of testosterone

>> No.12237601

>50 units
Like half a syringe. I think 0.5 cc.

>> No.12237610

Something has to lowerng t levels and sperm count. it binds stronger than estrogens and it's used for menopause. It's either plastic or phytoestrogen

>> No.12237616

but why

>> No.12237639

it works well to speed up the healing of injuries. Usually. :(

>> No.12237691

dont inject shit into your joint wtf
first of all why would testosterone work in there, that's not how it works, it needs to enter cells and it takes longer to work. Never heard of anyone inject test into their joints therapeutically

and secondly (more importantly) whatever you injected and the injection itself wasn't sterile so you potentially injected bacteria into your joint and you can, in theory, develop a septic joint that can ruin your joint forever

good job moron, but MUH TEST right

>> No.12237706

Stop larping dude. Testosterone works good for that stuff. I usually use the gel on sore spots. But I had half a bottle of the solution I needed to use or throw away. It's just skin. It ain't like I stabbed it into the bone and it was a brand new needle. I'm not totally fucking retarded. I'm not asking advice. Well, maybe. I wonder why'd it fuck my ankle up so bad. Maybe there isn't enough meat there or something. I have a prescription and I gotta put it somewhere. Seemed like my ankle needed it.

>> No.12237940

What are some not-dogshit medical or anatomy youtubers besides Heme Review? I'd like to watch lectures or dissections or whatever that explain different pathologies/anatomical features or how blood ph works and so forth.
I'm not afraid of math of chemistry content, I' just looking for something to pass the time at work.

>> No.12238016
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Small larva from patient's eye.

>> No.12238141


>> No.12238578

A mostly irrelevant question: is having ⪆64cm cranial circumference with an height of 186cm rather uncommon? What are any (possible) repercussions of such characteristic other than having to find an XXXL hat that fits well?

>> No.12238584

>What are any (possible) repercussions
you may have had hydrocephalus as a kid

>> No.12238600
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Interesting, thanks, I should look into it. I suppose that could explain my frequent migraines as early as I can remember, but I doubt it's the case, unless it was a very mild occurrence, I don't feel too retarded. I suppose that's also what a retard would also say.

>> No.12238744

Where do I find questions banks for practicing?

>> No.12238833

>I suppose that's also what a retard would also say
Then you'd not be THAT retarded.

>> No.12239071

I remember when I fell into the trap of using stimulants for university. It worked the first year but I was on a steady decline as it took a toll on my mind and body, I was depressed, uninterested, constantly felt sick. You could see that reflected in my social relations that worstened and in my grades that dropped. When I stopped taking stimulants my final year I aced every course

>> No.12239080

Also glad I stopped cause I couldn't do research with a resting temor

>> No.12239102

Yo, /med/cels.
I am a 4.0 mechanical engineering graduate. I've worked in industry for 7 years. I will turn 30 soon and I am considering applying to medschool, but I don't remember much biology/chem. I have, however, completed an objectively harder degree than you.
Either medschool or I apply for a PhD in mechanical engineering.
Medschool because I know I could be 10x better than every general practitioner I've ever met, and solving people's problems would tingle my autism everyday. Engineering and medicine are very similar, both are applications of science to a system, the only difference is the system.
Any advice?

>> No.12239220

Yes. Don't have any doubt and go for it. Can't wait to see your ego get crushed into particles after receiving your first grades.

>> No.12239375

Remember that (more than) half your job is talking and socially interacting with people, as well as that you'll be presented with problems that don't get to be solved and people you're directly interacting with will suffer or die because of that.
If you can get over that, go for it

>> No.12239751
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My 2 cents

We are over the worst of the pandemic.

The "second wave" (at least in Europe) is not as severe as the "first wave" based on ICU admissions of COVID patients.

We are now in a situation where governments are trying to juggle letting the elderly succumb and allowing people to go about their lives (assuming countries have the ICU capacity to continue routine services in tandem).

This will likely continue until the first (likely) non-sterilizing vaccine(s) are rolled out and then people will start to relax and begin to let the virus live alongside all the other respiratory viruses that have jumped the species barrier over the centuries.

Humans will continue and evolve parallel to the virus until the virus becomes as severe as the modern flu virus was pre-pandemic.


>> No.12239764

About ten days ago I hit the inner site of my left knee (which I think unstable) on a steel bolt and it still hurts now.
Should I see my GP about this?

>> No.12239798
File: 51 KB, 650x850, Covid cases UK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iunno lad.
The UK is literally doing worse now than they ever did in the first wave.

>> No.12239812
File: 44 KB, 600x728, Covid stats france.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And holy shit look at France, what the fuck are you even doing lads?

>> No.12239873


Those are case numbers my dude. Case numbers are at all time highs due to increased testing. The infrastructure for testing takes time to build up. The real figures are the number of ICU admissions for COVID positive patients.

>> No.12239886

Covid is about globalism. I seriously can't believe anyone still thinks this is about a virus. It's obviously to facilitate globalism, to mask a rapid social and economic reorganization, then to redistribute wealth and resources via icnreased remote work and decreased domestic food production in some regions.

You have to be fuinctionally retarded to wander around the world like a mouse in a maze, and remain completely ignorant of the broader organizational and control mechanisms employed by those in charge. Ignorant of history, ignorant of self, ignorant of everything. A golem.

>> No.12240001

Why everyone talking about le chink flu all of a sudden?

>> No.12240077

More like le clamp flu.

>> No.12240092

>All of a sudden
The fuck you been the last year?

>> No.12240292

I mean on this threads.

>> No.12240364

>The UK is literally doing worse now than they ever did in the first wave.
Now look at deaths

>> No.12240375
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Medically or scientifically speaking. How can I have a education like pic related? currently working on my EE B.S. at UCLA.

>> No.12240672
File: 40 KB, 604x724, Covid UK deaths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your point? It looks like it's literally just delayed, still follows the other graph pretty darn spot on.

>> No.12240783


>> No.12240810

>The "second wave" (at least in Europe) is not as severe as the "first wave" based on ICU admissions of COVID patients.
We're not really in the second wave yet.

>> No.12240941

My nigga try Mexico. While the numbers are barely going down the influenza season is already knocking.

>> No.12241134
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>Engineering and medicine are very similar

>> No.12241365

is there a singular resource for human anatomy
i just want to refresh my knowledge

>> No.12241630

Is it true acidic food/vitamine c reduces ritaline effectivness?
For aderall it seems to be true but for some reason no one seems to agree when it comes to ritaline.

>> No.12241808

>>12234615 anyone here got any advice for this, or any pointers as to where i might be better off looking if not?

>> No.12241815

So your problem is constipatio? Am i getting you right. If so you can try OTC laxatives.

>> No.12241829

yes, but its constant and prolonged. ive had this issue since i started taking antibiotics for some acne and trying to improve my diet over a year ago, and i have it more often than not. recently i tried a more potato heavy diet, and lo and behold i no longer have that issue.

>> No.12241868

>ive had this issue since i started taking antibiotics for some acne
look into probiotics or bacterial yoghurts w/e
those can help with gut dysbacteriosis in some cases
and also give it a try with some otc laxatives. You'd be surprised how many people make use of them.
diet changes are always a hurdle but the bacteria in your gut need time to adapt to the new food, the different strains need to readjust. For example the ones that break down carbs are still more numerous but as you eat more and more green the veggie breaking ones will start to take over. You are literally doing evolution and naturally selecting them with your food choices

so you're issue is bound to get better

>> No.12241905

fuck, so it has to be prolonged use of probiotics with additional laxatives? my first thought was prune juice but thats actually really fucking hard to find where i am.

>> No.12241907

also, on the actual muscle issue, is there anything i can do about that? even with an easier diet im prone to straining as a result of it.

>> No.12241931

>fuck, so it has to be prolonged use of probiotics with additional laxatives? my first thought was prune juice but thats actually really fucking hard to find where i am.
the laxatives is just to loosen the stool so you aren't constipated. do some trial and error there - it's mostly symptomatic suggestion
the probiotics is just a suggestion that may work
i think antibiotics just messed up your gut and that's the main issue
as for the muscle issue idk, but it doesn't sound worrying. there are some exercises you can look into. Pelvic floor exercises tend to have a positive effect on pelvic floor pain/issues

>> No.12241937

are pelvic floor exercises what i want for what i think is a range of motion issue here? its not really worrying so much as it is inhibitive, as much in that bathroom as in other places for which a more flexible muscle back there may be quite desirable.

>> No.12241939

Which drug can you give to stop a fit of jacksonian march?

>> No.12241942

What do you mean by a singular resource? If you want a book that just gets straight to the point, use memorix anatomy.

>> No.12242064

My school allows deferring a year of medical studies to complete a MSc in Research medicine, and I plan to do it next year
My question is
>Are there any fields I should avoid? Or on the other hand, pick?
I am in my first clinical year right now (so just learning patho, micbi, med sur etc) and I'm sure I will gain some idea by the end, but am also interested to know what you guys think

>> No.12242237

I don't know if here is the right place to ask this, but how sophisticated human genetic engineering is currently? How long until full blown designer babies are available to the general public?

>> No.12242244

>>Engineering and medicine are very similar
They are. Engineers and doctors take what real scientists do, then dumb it down and apply it to create a real world result (while getting most of the prestige and money).

>> No.12242259

yes but there's some actual differences
medicine is also a trade, a craft
it's a lot less accurate, there's tons of emotions and talking involved
not to mention that some of the different specialties may as well be different professions

it's a lot more complex than you imagine it to be

>> No.12242281

>yes but there's some actual differences
>medicine is also a trade, a craft
>it's a lot less accurate, there's tons of emotions and talking involved
>not to mention that some of the different specialties may as well be different professions
>it's a lot more complex than you imagine it to be
You are also describing engineering. We have fudge factors, look up design stress, FOS, or many of the variables we put into equations because they "work". There are a lot of emotions as well and legal liabilities. The main difference here is that seniors or CEOs get blame when a bridge shows signs of failure before it should and not the lowly engineer. If you put a patient on drugs as a GP and they croak because of it, you get the blame, I guess.

>> No.12242312
File: 263 KB, 1242x1512, 1601625051071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello medfags, my dad had a heart attack wednesday, which he didn't realize was a heart attack which only got found out after he was tested for corona on friday (due to one of his employees being positive)

After he described the symptoms the doctor he did blood screening, and my dad was taken to the hospital that evening. How fucked is he?

>> No.12242333

I'm sorry for your father's situation. It's likely he'll have to be on medication for the rest of his life and a bit of rehab for the upcoming weeks or months; it all depends on the subsequent damage induced by the functional tissue lost.
Use it as a wake up call and bond a bit more with the man.

>> No.12242348

>After he described the symptoms the doctor he did blood screening, and my dad was taken to the hospital that evening. How fucked is he?
it depends on several factors that we here can't possibly know
so anything we can say here could just end up confusing you. Best to speak to the doctors at the hospital

>> No.12242391

>how sophisticated human genetic engineering is currently?
well you can select from a pool of embryos from the two parents. you can select for one or two monogenic traits from a pool of babies - at my hospital this is used for selecting embryos that don't have a particular monogenic genetic disorder

an alternative is crispr some simpler cosmetic or monogenic stuff though - we don't do that at my hospital and to my knowledge it's not done anywhere
>How long until full blown designer babies are available to the general public?
to me a FULL BLOWN DESIGNER baby necessarily implies shit like 155 IQ, extremely good short and long term memory, imagination, brilliancy etc. etc. - basically optimized brain genetics that would justify the label 'full blown designer' baby

this is very far away

>> No.12242400

low iq mednigger

>> No.12242471

Interesting. When you say "very far away", what do you mean? 50 years? More? And what about something more simple, like just being able to ensure IQ>100ish baby with no genetic disorders?
Also, what kind of seletection did you do in the hospital?

>> No.12242481


>> No.12242571

>Also, what kind of seletection did you do in the hospital?
it's egg selection where you fertilize some eggs from the mother with sperm from the father
let's say the father has some genetic disorder
you simply choose a fertilized egg that was spermed by a sperm cell that doesn't carry the disorder
that's my understanding of it
>And what about something more simple, like just being able to ensure IQ>100ish baby with no genetic disorders?
honestly i don't know
maybe, with polygenic scores you could select the egg that would statistically end up having the highest iq from say five or six eggs? Idk maybe
i meant fertilized oocytes/ eggs which IS an embryo desu

>> No.12242588
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>How fucked is he?

If he didn't even know he had a heart attack then he will be fine as long as he takes preventative action to ensure he doesn't have another. It's likely that he may have some limitations with physical activity now that he may not have noticed, but again, if he didn't know he had a heart attack it's unlikely that that event will worsen after the fact.

>> No.12242608

you can't predict that without an actual examination of the heart

>> No.12242631

>you can't predict that without an actual examination of the heart

Are you implying that he will have additional myocardial death 4 days after the initial MI? Yes, he can have issues arise, including clot formation, aneurysm, and rupture of portions of his heart, but if he's gone this long and had minimal symptoms his MI was likely not enough to wreck a large enough portion of his heart to matter, at most the surrounding tissue will be stunned but still viable. The penumbra of the MI is screwed already and the amount of stunning that the surrounding myocardium will get is likely as high as it will be following that single event. Preventative measures to prevent another MI and to reestablish oxygen transfer to the remaining myocardium would quite literally prevent any additional deficits.

The biggest killer of people following an MI is arrhythmia, and that's usually within the first 48 hours.

>> No.12242657

>Yes, he can have issues arise, including clot formation, aneurysm, and rupture of portions of his heart
It is possible to have a significant area of tissue dying with milder clinical symptoms if he is diabetic for example. So you can't rule out later complications with fibrosis, rupture, papillary rupture, valve degeneration on the basis of 'it's probably very small'
>The biggest killer of people following an MI is arrhythmia, and that's usually within the first 48 hours.
he can still get a branch block depending on the location of the infarction. Or some reentry
>Preventative measures to prevent another MI and to reestablish oxygen transfer to the remaining myocardium would quite literally prevent any additional deficits.
assuming he doesn't have 90% occlusions in the 3 coronary arteries and needs a bypass to prevent him getting an even worse MI

i wouldn't promise anything without an angiography and more information which I simply do not have

>> No.12242682
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>> No.12242742

read a book zoomie

>> No.12242762

No, I've never been in an OR (aside from when I had my adenoids taken out). Can you elaborate?

>> No.12242855
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Dentistry Anon here.

Soon anatomy exam for head/cervical region. Considering roping my cervical.

>> No.12242918
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>> No.12242975

In my country at least Radiologist/Internist/Dentist.

>> No.12243178

Read complications by atul gawande bro, he went through the same shit that all residents do. Incredible self doubt about their ability, which does with experience.

>> No.12243706


>> No.12243944
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>Soon anatomy exam for head/cervical region. Considering roping my cervical.
Head and neck anatomy was easily the worst part of med school for me. I dunno how ENTs do it. good luck

>> No.12243993

How do i medicine? Any brainlet-friendly book? Do you guys even have a freshman textbook like chemistry/biology/physics majors? Not trying to become a doctor, just noticed I don't know anything about it and it kinda makes me uncomfortable

>> No.12244020

Sounds like you want to learn more about physiology anon, I'd suggest just choosing a textbook. I like animal physiology by Sherwood, klandorf in undergrad. It's a textbook that's really readable, but doesnt pull punches with content. I think it's on scribd.

>> No.12244025

Lads, what does adderall feel like when you take it, and you have adhd?

>> No.12244097

Thanks for the suggestion, anon. Will check it out.

>> No.12244130



>> No.12244135

No worries, buddy. Hallucinations caused by little sleep is common.

>> No.12244312

Do any of you draw? I am trying to get into drawing and I would like to hear about good anatomy references for drawing.

>> No.12244384

Psychiatrist. Most stress and no one outside respects you

>> No.12244547

>Most stress