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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12215018 No.12215018 [Reply] [Original]

holy based this is from the humanities board. How are humanities more based and scientific than /sci/?

>> No.12215028

pretty based.

>> No.12215038

>i know it when i see it
It might be based but it's fundamentally not scientific.

>> No.12215056


Yes it is.

Humans can't articulate how their pattern recognition abilities work - but they still work.

>> No.12215062


>> No.12215065

>>>/pol/ pretty please

>> No.12215102

latin? a man of culture I see

fuck off cuck

>> No.12215185

This would be a valid counter point assuming human perception worked every time. Human perception is subjective and therfore not 100% reproducible. Elements emit light at the same wavelengths every single time. And believe it or not some people don't think blacked is obscene. Because you cannot reproduce this phenomenon of "i know it when i see it" you are posing opinion as fact. This is unscientific.

>> No.12215241
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>How are humanities more based and scientific than /sci/?
Because being smart in terms of creating theoretical physics and having the stamina of doing calculations is a very different activity than meta-systems thinking of philosophy.
This of course also goes for STEM fields like mathematics which are even more boxed and concerned with logical consistency than physics is.

Being able to come up with Thermodynamics or Sheaf theory is a different pursuit than writing prose like Nietzsche and Hegel that influences the 100 years after you by sheer ideological turning of minds.

>> No.12215357

us vs them is a natural and regularly occuring psychological trail in the vast majority of animals, which is itself proof that racism is genetically advantageous.

>> No.12215363

To add to that:
an individual would rather help his parents get another child than his siblings because the genetic similarity of the newborn would be higher .

>> No.12215420

you don't even need a concept of races
just use the leftist concept of people of color vs whites
"I am not a poc. Don't call me a fucking poc!" will trigger the fuck out leftoids.

>> No.12215610

I know it when I see it is not scientific retard. Got back to your far right huebox already. You've done enough to kill the credibility of this board.

>> No.12215628

He specifically rejects science you fucking retard.

>> No.12215660

humanities as a field is unfalsiable garbage

>> No.12215665
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>> No.12215833
File: 44 KB, 370x320, EehlwKGWoAgW1Ix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I learn olympiad combinatorics, enough to build up to IMO level? Been my weakest topic for a while and I'd like to get a solid foundation in it.

>> No.12215836

Fucking boomer moment why did it post here

>> No.12215850

>supreme court case
>referencing genetics
>not posting sauce

>> No.12215902

>unrelated empty statement, has nothing to do with the original OP
you're not smart enough to use forums, kys

>> No.12216817

> I will use my intuitive sense to categorise people because that is clearly not influenced by culture in any way
What a fucking moron. I'm not saying that race isn't real but this is truly a humanities tier argument

>> No.12216839

I am certain any given person 100 percent of the time can pick out a negroid, chink and euro from a line up

>> No.12216846


>> No.12216872

>good enough for the supreme court bit it's retarded
this is why no one takes this board seriously. it is nothing but autistic retards that only understand freshman and sophomore level math and they think it makes them smart because they are in somewhat of an exclusive "club" but it is because people who aren't autistic aren't interested in the field not because they arent.smart enough to do it. normal people don't want be around people this autistic

>> No.12218387

Gene sequences... I could say that sickle cell anemia doesn't exist, but it would be better to treat it with proper tools and frameworks so somebody suffering it would be feeling good or feeling ok with himself, not saying it doesn't exists, but that being different race is OK, because that are two different things, and I still don't have certain race traits, and I don't even exist on this planet as race properly. But race exists, but it's okey to be any.

>> No.12218717

hmm this is indeed based and dare I say red pilled?

>> No.12218733

well the actual case and even the judge's name is in the post and op said it was from the humanities board. the post number is perfectly clear and easily searchable so what exactly do you not have a source on you retarded motherfucker?

>> No.12218740

see >>12218733