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12214760 No.12214760[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Transferred to the Based Department.

>> No.12214768

Why do people even make these political statements? I believe a lot of shit that would get me fired, which is why I don't say it. You just vote for the politician who agrees with you and leave it at that. The vote is secret for a reason. Your political opinions should be too.

>> No.12214770

It's pretty retarded to deny the Holocaust but even if you "think" it's fake, just keep your fucking mouth closed.................

>> No.12214781

He can't confirm it wasn't real either.

>> No.12214787
File: 11 KB, 180x219, D12FE3F6-A8B8-45AB-A476-B393A1D16A08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muzzle yourself. Don’t speak your mind,
Goyim. Do not question the narrative. Obey. Wear the mask. Accept social distancing. Eat bugs. Drink onions.

>> No.12214792

Well, probably because he has a double digit IQ, and made some off the cuff statement that some wokoid drone heard and reported to someone up the chain, and some other wokoid drone thought they could score some upcummies.

>> No.12214797

>Muzzle yourself. Don’t speak your mind,
Yes, it's called being human and living in a society.

>> No.12214800

You can believe whatever you want. But stating those beliefs at work literally has no benefit to you. Why would you even waste your time?

>> No.12214807

>yes I truly am a free thinker for spouting every and any conspiracy theory I have, to such a degree that everyone I come in contact with hates me, I lose any potential at getting a good job, good friends, good family, a gf at all. But at least I am a FREE THINKER by regurgitating opinions I have heard from other FREE THINKERS on an anonymous image board.
>God I'm so smart.
A tip of the hat to you, dear anon.

>> No.12214808

NPCoids on full on damage control, kek.

>> No.12214811

Be lonely, believe only obscure online texts, argue with strangers on the internet, type on your keyboard. See the invisible and of the jew everywhere. Isolate yourself, only you are based. Locked...in your basement.

>> No.12214813

>by ruining my life, I am not an npc!
congrats bro.

>> No.12214817
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>> No.12214822

stfu coward

>> No.12214829

Prove it was real.

>> No.12214835

>Be Germany in WW2
>round of Jews because they are the "enemy"
>be losing the war
>having millions of jews imprisoned
>not enough resources to give to the "enemy"
>let them die, kill them, burn them, whatever, just make sure we don't need to feed our prisoners.
Whether you agree with killing jews or not, it happened. Maybe it wasn't as systematic as people like to make it out to be, but they still died.

>> No.12214843

>It happened
Truly a compelling argument anon.

>> No.12214846

Are you color blind, or you just can't read?

>> No.12214855
File: 60 KB, 419x505, 63FC0F1A-A942-4A65-9DBA-B98FFA79A54E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you color blind, or you just can't read?

>> No.12214858

why are people who post reddit tier wojak images afraid to reply?

>> No.12214863
File: 58 KB, 601x508, 262423D1-F325-4ED8-9FE9-884D49423979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are people who post reddit tier wojak images afraid to reply?

>> No.12214865

It was systematic. Hitler was rounding up Jews to kill them to kind of get 'one up' on the Jews who ran america. Like all failing states, the nazis thought doing more absurd shit would help keep them alive. Unfortunatley Hitler didn't do his research. He ended up killing a lot of Yiddish Jews, which the Ashkenazi Jews do not like very much (a lot of conflict between the two, especially in america). So the Ashkenazi Jews didnt really give a damn when they found the death camps full of Yiddish Jews (which is why the 'holocaust' as a Jew-specific phenomena is not used as post war propaganda in the west in the 1940's 50's). Not that the Ashkenazis wanted the Yiddish dead, but at the same time didnt mind seeing them ruffed up.

>> No.12214869

>Prove it
>Just states his position again with no evidence

>> No.12214881


>> No.12214888

I refuse to
I have already openly defended racism in public and convinced people Im right

>> No.12214895

Yeah, as someone in IT, i know that my views on feminism would make me unhirable, due to the whole "more women in tech" narrative. Best just shut up. It's not a fight worth fighting

>> No.12214926

But seriously though, they probably just nodded their heads to get you to shut up. I zone out whenever people start reciting political catechisms at me in real life, and trying to evangelize me on whatever the latest social cause floating around in their brains is.

>> No.12214935
File: 83 KB, 750x750, 01fc858bb2602514b0cba677f67164c2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goyim, we must know everything that is on your mind, post your every thought to your Twitter and Facebook accounts

>> No.12214943

>Anime poster
>also retarded

Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.12214948

>they probably just nodded their heads to get you to shut up
Then subconsciously they already accepted that im right and that theyre inferior, so it does not matter

>> No.12214958

Do some kind of proof this happened? Do you have proof Hitler was behind it?

>> No.12215116
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Patiently waiting for a response to this post.

>> No.12215136
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>> No.12215143
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>> No.12215144

I'd agree that anyone with a lot of spare time to waste on political frivolity should already have a fairly comfortable personal life of their own. I wouldn't agree that the converse applies.

>> No.12215149
File: 589 KB, 881x733, BEBE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the PM of Israel is too woke to be a hs principal

>> No.12215156

>implying there's something wrong with getting your news from angry conservatives
go turn on cnn you boomer

>> No.12215217

What sort of proof are you looking for?
History isnt written on napkins, especially 20th century history.

>> No.12215231

Advance to barbarism is a good start by Vaele.

I don't think 'Hitler was behind it' in the sense that Hitler as a dictator ordered an extermination of all Jews asap. Hitler was a cog in the regime he created, it took on a mind of its own, like a computer virus.