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12213812 No.12213812[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12213825

I actually don't know.
I mean just because races are different doesn't mean that's bad.
biodiversity is a good thing.

>> No.12213827

Who cares about the particular agenda? The question is, why do they get away with outright lying under the guise of "muh science"? Remember when James Watson made comments on race and had a bunch of honorary titles stripped because he commented on race and IQ multiple times? If someone as distinguished as him can be discredited over someone's feelings then there really is no fucking hope.

>> No.12213837

can we see 1 and 2 as well
nice time stamp btw

>> No.12213845

Just write a humans protections act that protects the life of all humans.
I mean I figure we have more gene flow than most animals that exist, and because we're K-strategistst.
however, africa has the most biodiversity in humans because of the isolation different groups have.
I mean there would be so many human subspecies in Africa to be defined.

>> No.12213855

>biodiversity is a good thing.
Invasive species aren't.
This is a matter of conservation.

>> No.12213858
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a fair few yeah, 3 main ones tho

>> No.12213862

this, thats like saying we should accelerate domestic dogs breeding out dingoes from existence if diversity is the most important thing lmao

>> No.12213866
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>> No.12213878

conservation is a meme.
systems change.
if one group out competes the others and stretch out through that territory they'll begin to diverge themselves creating new subspecies.
exactly what happened with homo sapiens.
wether groups interact at intersecting points or not really doesn't matter.
nothing really matters.
do you have ulterior goals aside from proper human classification?

>> No.12213879

The leftist belief system is essentially that all problems come from conflict between social classes and we can make a utopia by murdering all the rich people and stealing their things.
If certain groups are eternally poor, unhealthy, stupid or criminal because of genetics instead of oppression by the rich and powerful then leftist beliefs are wrong, their programs won't work and they lose political influence. They want power so they push misinformation to maintain the social class conflict narrative and discredit biological explanations.

>> No.12213880

But certain groups are not inherently poor, unhealthy, or stupid because of genetics. Your refusal (or perhaps inability) to recognize historical geopolitical factors keeps you from seeing the larger picture.

>> No.12213894

We're in an actual dark age where appearance is held absurdly higher than merit. Welcome to the new Catholicism.

>> No.12213903

wrong, for our veiw point to be correct either, genetics is partly responsible for poverty along with other factors, or genetics is entirely responsible, in your veiwpoint the onyl way it can be correct is if genetics plays ZERO role AT ALL. this is straight up wrong

>> No.12213907

They have troubles to cope and conform to their pressumed not being excellent in test. But their behaviour is showing, it's not just the test, otherwise they would choose different approach to make us look at their information than woman's clothes.

>> No.12213911

genetics actually makes KINGS superior to whitesoicucks
to counter this, the whitoids kept KINGS down, and now KINGS are 3 deviations below their genetic potential due to environment

>> No.12213956

lmao nice mental gymnastics there, except for the fact that every comparative genetic study on whites vs blacks shows this is false.

>> No.12213983

>no writing system for 200,000 years
you're right. "Kings" as you put it don't belong here and should go back to their native land.
let them develop on their own into "superior" beings.

>> No.12214025
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>groups are not inherently poor, unhealthy, or stupid because of genetics
tell it to pic related.
If historical geopolitical factors did anything Europe and Japan would be the worst places in the world. Nothing like the WWs ever happened anywhere else.

Obviously both biology and society contribute to outcomes and it's the relative proportions in dispute. There are studies and numbers that could be discussed but the in my experience the left don't do that, they demand it's 0% or less biology and cry racism.

>> No.12214029

To be fair we didn't have writing either for 195,000 years.

>> No.12214040

>do you have ulterior goals aside from proper human classification?
Not as they relate to conservation.

I believe you're being disingenuous in disagreeing with me. Lets suppose our unstated political leanings are accurate: doesn't the left support matters of ecology, and it's preservation? Don't they oppose genocide for humans?

That is the essence of conservation. You're afraid because the truth because it can't be used as a weapon for progressivism in this instance.

Here is that truth: all races are unique and deserving their own continued existence, free of intervention, just as any species on earth is.
The Dalai Lama said as much, so did Malcom X, and scores of other forgotten voices.

>> No.12214061
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are you sure about that?

>> No.12214082

Validity of race in what? Discrimination?

It doesn't really help your credibility as a proponent of research if you've already set on the conclusion stating "And THAT'S why it is justified to exile people looking like this and exterminate the rest!"

>> No.12214087
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>194.5k years we have the first writing system (not in Africa)
>At present there is no standard orthography of Kikongo
>32.9k years ago Egyptians were using math
>Egyptians are not black Africans
>Pythagoras of Samos
>Namely, the 1960s were known as the First Development Decade by the UN. Policymakers prioritized secondary and tertiary education before also setting their sights for universal primary education around 1980

>> No.12214097
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because in order to flood your country with third world retards to collapse it then trick them into enslaving you all under communism first they have to try and convince you they are just like you and not actually dumb people whop cant form a functioning society on their own.

This is also why they viciously attack anyone to calls them out on their bullshit as "racist". They know they are liars and cant win a debate on their bs arguments and falsified data.


>> No.12214102
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I am perfectly fine with exterminating shady, lying pieces of shit like you that create ridiculous strawmen to try and obstruct reasonable conversations though

>> No.12214108
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he isnt sure about anything, dont forget they are still in the (((matrix))). Oh they think they are sure and they will fight to death anyone who disagrees with them and they will die sure and be dead wrong about everything they think they know

>> No.12214115

i never stated that u stawmanning piece of shit, no as in the validity of race a biological groupings, also a ethnostate can be done peacefully, its not exile its repatriation

>> No.12214118

>doesn't the left support matters of ecology, and it's preservation? Don't they oppose genocide for humans?
your argument fails when I'm not part of the left. Thus, it's failed. I care little for ecology.
To me human duty is not to shepherd land and animal, but rather if not to just merely exist then cease after momentary action, then it is that action that is of great importance. And in those actions to solve the flaws of man and reach an optimum unary existence of ceaselessness and continuum.
Humans not partial to my goals serve to purpose to me.
I've no intent to convince them of anything.
>That is the essence of conservation. You're afraid because the truth because it can't be used as a weapon for progressivism in this instance.
your argument continues to fail, as I am not one to respect human life in general. It has an equivalence of a gnat or dirt, yet more like a gnat because dirt does not act antagonistically. Ideally nuisances should be eliminated or ostracized.
I am concerned with truth.
but action is acted by actors, not willed by truth.
Truth has no will except within itself.
no one is deserving of anything.
A wolf does not deserve the flesh of sheep.
A sheep does not deserve the flesh of grass.
A grass does not deserve the flesh of the sun.
Things unadaptable will die with change.
Humans do no deserve their desires, that is why they often suffer for them.
Faggot spacing btw
left politicucks desire one end of self preservation. To align with the weak and ensure their right for if they fall prey to weakness they desire entitlement.
right politicucks are on the opposite side of self preservation, concerned with individuals rights and freedoms, and the protection of competition because they desire to dominate and to ensure their desires with effort
The left would not exist without the back of the right and the right naturally disdains such an existence The right believes natural civility will govern enough laissez faire

>> No.12214132
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Controlling the narrative isn't always easy.

>> No.12214136

>sonic the edgehog here

>> No.12214145
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hes a 110 iq fedora tipping edge lord dawkins quoting atheist nihilist who probably thinks hes unique for having this regurgitated opinion lmao

>> No.12214161

Nobody wants to be in politics, so they can label it as slave work. Sorry for my language, but I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.

But for being in politics, first you cannot be stupid. Let as example for excuse have Donald Trum who overdoes propaganda and doesn't seem to work with information much, and pretty much wants a tyrany where he's unpunishable leader instead of somehow fair word.

It's defense against concentration kemps, also what left does, if they did it correcly.

They need to find proper place for minorities, that seems adequate to minorities, you can be lead by minorities only after diversity they argue for.

But angry white cop, that caused BLM was dumbest person of white race probably, maybe we should replace cops with somebody enthusiastic in helping in different way.

Also they do robbery out of social situation, but it's still they mechanism of action, I didn't robed, I just stole from somebody who wouldn't miss, and they thing white wouldn't miss a man, but they also do.

Scientist working on first cold fusion reaction was shot in his house in a robbery, wait for it, proabably by nigger, therefore they caused ecological catastrophy by their need for something shiny or crack.

>> No.12214162

>Invasive species
Concepts created by people in an attempt to undo shit that they themselves caused.