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12210679 No.12210679 [Reply] [Original]

What's the redpill on Springer, /sci/?
(Thread isn't limited to talk about Springer math books, since they publish in other areas of science as well).

P.s. Dover shills fuck off:
>flimsy paperback
>old font from the 1800s
>text is crammed on each page, no visual formatting
ngmi with dover

>> No.12210686

Also feel free to drop great Springer books in this thread, or Springer books with a better alternative from another publisher.

>> No.12210773

>kino cover
>everything else

>> No.12210817
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kek good reply. see that's what I'm talking about, that's what I want to see in this thread. good kekworthy replies

>> No.12211175

Springer is the authority of math publication and their books are periodically on sale.
We can buy 100dollars book as 10 dollars ebook.

>> No.12211179

Just take libgen + e-ink pills. Better than paying for those retarded publishers.

>> No.12211184

>Just take libgen + e-ink pills. Better than paying for those retarded publishers.
math books and any other books with diagrams and formulas are unreadable on eink devices.

>> No.12211186

imagine buying books, just get a fucking printer

>> No.12211195

This. I used most of my printing quota when I was in Uni with printing pirated books and bible.

>> No.12211205

yeah that's what I do for most books but some are worth buying. also, I don't have access to my unis printers right now since I am at home

>> No.12211211

You may want to try 3D printer. It's pretty affordable these days and you can use it to print other cool shit beside books.

>> No.12211214

or use https://z-lib.org/
I still buy the most important ones I need tho (if they don't cost 250$ each)

>> No.12211217

>I used most of my printing quota when I was in Uni with printing pirated books
hehe I did it too
the equivalent of 200$ turned into 20-30 springer books

>> No.12211218
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I use one to make butt plugs

>> No.12211232

Isn't z-lib limited your quota to 5 books a day? Better use http://libgen.is/ imo even if its interface is fucking suck.

>> No.12211330

>buying books
Just pirate the file and read it on your computer

>> No.12211556

10 with a free login

>> No.12212631

>What's the redpill on Springer, /sci/?
all of their books are high quality

>> No.12212662

I use Lang's algebra as a rabbit hutnign brick

>> No.12212677

Filters retards that buy books because of a pretty cover

>> No.12212683

Go back. Faggot.

>> No.12212719
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The Soviet era Dover books are unbelievably based though.

>> No.12212786

Fuck off 2016 newfag.

>> No.12213386

Their print quality went to shit

>> No.12214932
File: 20 KB, 333x499, 41ZAZ8sS5lL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dozens of undergraduate real analysis text books that keeps coming and I'm waiting here for someone to publish "The Real Introduction to Analysis"

>> No.12215027

Math. Anal. Done Right

>> No.12215562

Nobody even told you if excercises offer solved version if you don't undestand.

>> No.12215599

Is that so? How so?

>> No.12215621

lol I finished algebra in high school nerds

>> No.12215630

What's wrong with Springer?

>> No.12215663

some fags hate Springer mostly because their books cost a lot and the oldest have poor graphics, but the content is almost always very high quality.