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12211370 No.12211370 [Reply] [Original]

why is repressing sexuality considered inadvisable? is it impossible to kill that aspect of oneself? is the inner coomer unbeatable?

>> No.12211377

It's called having sex
Have sex

>> No.12211382

>repressing sexuality
>have sex
peak cumbrain

>> No.12211384
File: 432 KB, 537x850, 1598697526079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your inner Coomer is just your masculinity saying you want children, the fact you can "make yourself happy" tricked your brain into making you believe you do this indefinitely.
Stop cooming

>> No.12211390

All the religious rules about repressing sexuality is basically old wrinkly boomers with broken dicks mad that young chads would be fucking all the women. So, they made it a sin to COPE.

>> No.12211395

The assumption is repressing urges in order to not consume pornography
Balance and health is achieved with a normal sexlife

>> No.12211408

It's part of the ideology of individualism. Sexual perversion is generally harmless in individualism, most of the major issues come up at a social and community level, so it becomes very effective to promote abnormal sexualities when attacking non-individualist ideologies

>> No.12211416

>why is repressing sexuality considered inadvisable?

its only inadvisable for the last 80 years because if you were able to contain your primal urges who would buy all the shit thats being churned out? For the past 2000 years meanwhile repressing your sexuality was considered very advisable and noble thing to do and has led to many great thinkers of tremendous stature - such as Newton who was himself proud of repressing his sexuality.

>> No.12211434

That requires convincing another person to have sex with you that you wouldn't mind getting pregnant, since abortion is a one sided decision.

>> No.12211440

Children are the main reason I don't have casual sex. It's not worth the risk.

>> No.12211453 [DELETED] 

I thought 4chan retards believed in free will, that you can repress your instincts. It's like saying that you can control your anger. With all the free will threads that get posted here, you'd think retards would learn a thing or two about how under control we are from our reptilian brains.

>> No.12211458

I thought 4chan retards believed in free will, that you can repress your instincts. It's like saying that you can control your hunger or fear. With all the free will threads that get posted here, you'd think retards would learn a thing or two about how under control we are from our reptilian brains.

>> No.12211634

It is inadvisable if you don't know the repercussions. A holier than thou attitude can create social schisms for example, or stopping might cause you to put aggression into things that don't necessarily grant solutions.

>> No.12211640

>that you can repress your instincts
You can. Control is different from repress.

>> No.12211654
File: 22 KB, 335x499, foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>repressing sexuality
>Arguing that sexuality was never truly repressed, Foucault asks why modern westerners believe the hypothesis, noting that in portraying past sexuality as repressed, it provides a basis for the idea that in rejecting past moral systems, future sexuality can be free and uninhibited

>Foucault notes that from the 17th century to the 1970s, there had actually been a "...veritable discursive explosion" in the discussion of sex, albeit using an "...authorized vocabulary" that codified where one could talk about it, when one could talk about it, and with whom. He argues that this desire to talk so enthusiastically about sex in the western world stems from the Counter-Reformation, when the Roman Catholic Church called for its followers to confess their sinful desires as well as their actions.

>Foucault argues that we need to develop an "analytics" of power through which to understand sex. Highlighting that power controls sex by laying down rules for others to follow, he discusses how power demands obedience through domination, submission, and subjugation, and also how power masks its true intentions by disguising itself as beneficial.

>> No.12211660

>retarded pomo said

>> No.12211778

In my experience, all that matters is money, across time and culture. The wealthier you are, the more access to sex you have compared to those less wealthy.

>> No.12211786

I repressed my sexuality for a very long time because I was very religious and fat so I wasn't getting attention from girls anyway. Now as an adult I have a fear of people touching me and I have intimacy issues with my significant other, I'd rather be a coomer than have sexual hangups.

>> No.12211816

If any one saith, that the marriage state is to be placed above the state of virginity, or of celibacy, and that it is not better and more blessed to remain in virginity, or in celibacy, than to be united in matrimony; let him be anathema.

>> No.12211855

It's a behavioural drive that has been an evolutionary linchpin for most mammals for dozens of millions of years and specifically for primates for about 30-40 million years and even more specifically for hominins (take a look at bonobos). The sexual drive is responsible for every single individual human being walking around on the earth today and will be responsible for our species' continued existence.

No cultural notion that will have existed for at most 10,000 years (which would be the most likely entry point for philosophies of sexual control, with the advent of sedentism and agriculture) will be able to repress such a fundamental behavioural drive (both in terms of age, how ingrained it is, and in terms of its strength/relevance to our existence as shaped by evolution).

Politicians, religious figures, social leaders and scientists need to take a good long look at the developmental history of the sexuality of our species through genetic research (and if possible in the near future, genetic analysis of prehistoric and pre-human biological material), studies of sexual dimorphism changes in our lineage in the past 100 million years and comparative behavioural analysis with other apes primarily and primates secondarily. Social values, laws, customs and beliefs need to be structured around the reality of human sexuality, its role, its function in the body and the mind and its biological expression through drives, perception and behaviour.

>> No.12211861

Foucault was a faggot, we can disregard anything he said.

>> No.12211994

have sex what?

>> No.12212002

Man is both angel and ape; enlightenment is not the destruction and suppression of the ape, but the capture of it, the exploitation of its passion in the pursuit of higher purpose.

Cage your inner coomer and redirect his fire to meaning.

>> No.12212438

>Cage your inner coomer

Haven't lol'd this hard in a while

>> No.12213493
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 2140BBFA-DF34-4EF1-BCBD-DD20DF2DD9B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Is the inner coomer unbeatable?” xD
I have nothing significant to contribute but you’re fucking hilarious! Lmao

>> No.12213523

>>Foucault argues that we need to develop an "analytics" of power through which to understand sex. Highlighting that power controls sex by laying down rules for others to follow, he discusses how power demands obedience through domination, submission, and subjugation, and also how power masks its true intentions by disguising itself as beneficial.
this post >>12211377 is an example of this statement
wanting to control your bestial carnal desires is ok.
it's not.
people just fear the power of asepticism, productivity, and semen retention.
I've been reducing my masturbation.
first I shifted it and only did it after doing something productive, so it felt deserved. Then, I started phasing it out by decreasing the frequency. I'm at once a week. when I get an impulse I'll read a book and so that if I do break it continues the pattern.
only draw back are the studying erections.
now I get hard while studying
it'll probably go away once I stop completely.

>> No.12213562

You sound like a really smart guy.

>> No.12213882

Sexuality is good thing, if you have somebody to have sex with and you mutualy enjoy sex both. If you enjoy information exchange, and not just your orgasm, you don't become coombrain. Your sex educators failed you, I undertstand, but find a woman and make her cum immidiately, it will safe your life.