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12208522 No.12208522 [Reply] [Original]

Why am I, a man, sexually aroused by penises?

>> No.12208529

The real question is how come most men aren't aroused by pp

>> No.12208554
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Because your gay. Also dicks are hot

>> No.12208563

you are the result of a very persistent evolutionary flaw that, thanks to some groups of interest is not being actively culled anymore which was a staple of good and sensible reproduction for thousands of years. Part of what we will need to do to ensure the survival of the human race (white people) is to make sure people like you never get born again.

You are a nuisance and a burden on humanity.

>> No.12208577

Historically speaking homosexuals and bisexuals have taken wives and had children though. It was even law in Sparta but that didn't stop the men butt plundering each other. Your argument of it as a genetic fault is flawed.

>> No.12208593

>organisms themselves must be able to reproduce to pass on their genes
erm... a non-reproducing sibling could be beneficial to a reproducing individual

>> No.12208594

Homosexuals can still be contributing productive members of society which in a civilization large enough is more important than simply having kids, of course historically, like >>12208577 pointed out gays still married and had kids as well.

>> No.12208596
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How do gays stop straights from having children? It's not like gays can't have kids or such a small percentage of the population has any effect on birth rates.

>> No.12208613

nigger homosexuality is proven to be non-genetic.
Theres a huge meta study on that.

>> No.12208618

deviant sexuality is purely behavioural.

>> No.12208626
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Because you're a fag, and deservedly should be strung up on the nearest sturdy tree branch along with all your other degenerate faggot peers.

>> No.12208630

Not really, but even it it were there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.12208642

Too much free time, it wasn't that uncommon for aristocracy throughout asia and europe to be in these kind of things but the masses never indulged in them. It's only today that the masses have indulged into homosexuality, my theory is the abundance of free time and not needing a will to hunt or create anything worthwhile creates those kind of weird kinks that are counter intuitive to evolution since the brain completely loses touch with it's instincts. There's this myth that people are born gay, it has been debunked thoroughly by scientific studies and logically it doesn't make sense. If people who were born gay only stayed with a partner of the same sex, their entire bloodline wouldn't even exist in the first place

>> No.12208677

>Too much free time, it wasn't that uncommon for aristocracy throughout asia and europe to be in these kind of things but the masses never indulged in them. It's only today that the masses have indulged into homosexuality,
This is factually wrong.
Not only homosexuality is an extremely common behavior among many species and has been recorded all over human civilization in the past.

>> No.12208719

okay, it's purely environmental, and if not show me a good, big dataset study that proves that homosexuality or deviant sexuality is genetic.

In 2019 the consesus was a definite : No
based on a meta study published on nature I think.

>> No.12208725

>has been recorded all over human civilization in the past.
I expected this kind of response and I even addressed in my paragraph, that type of behavior was majorly only found in the elite of society and wasn't common for the masses unless you can find me a credible historical record that state the masses (5%+) of any ancient society were having behavior associated to homosexuality
>Not only homosexuality is an extremely common behavior among many species
This is wrong, what you see in the animal kingdom is affection toward another animal, it's not sexual and the animal don't exclusively stay with the male companion for life. You realize how crazy that sounds right? That type of behavior would destroy 2 bloodlines of the species involved, it's not evolutionary beneficial but showing affection and that you can be counted builds trust between animals. Affection!=homosexual behavior. Homosexual behavior would be if a male lion found another male lion and would exclusively stay with that male lion even when there are females who are ready to produce offspring

How many people in a society being homosexuality is common and if you can find any ancient society that are consistent with it. I would say beyond 5% of society being homosexual would qualify as common and I guarantee you wouldn't find any ancient society that had it's masses indulge in these behaviors

>> No.12208733

This, the act of homosexuality is environmental. Studies have found that just changing the sexual orientation of the parents who raise the child can change the outcome of the child sexual orientation. It's not even a debate yet people still want to virtual signal about it

>> No.12208739

They cull themselves retard. They remove themselves from the gene pool and provide less competition for straight people. They are saints.

>> No.12208771
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In old civilization is majorly recorded in the elite because those were the ones recording history what happened in the masses is not super clear in those texts. You also have books like the Bible written by pastoral society where homosexuality is also recorded.
>male lion and would exclusively stay with that male lion even when there are females who are ready to produce offspring
It is absolutely sexual. Exclusive homosexuality in animals even when there's a female present has been recorded in studies. You are being extremely reductionist about evolution when you surely know genes are selected on a population level. It's not as simple as grug passing down genes. Even if homosexuality in humans was affection we have more complex concepts of companionship where we can develop romantic relationships
. What animals show us is that homosexual behavior is a common occurrence across species and thus not a trait that is actively selected against in a population.

>> No.12208779

There have been relationships found with hormonal levels in the womb and more chances of an offspring being gay the more siblings they have.
At the end of day the actual cause is largely irrelevant outside of scientific curiosity because there is no immorality in homosexuality itself.

>> No.12208785

Because you're the OP, duh.

>> No.12208802

Read Catullus 16, 50 and 99.

>> No.12208805

Sorry meant to respond to >>12208725

>> No.12208924

>In old civilization is majorly recorded in the elite because those were the ones recording history what happened in the masses is not super clear in those texts. You also have books like the Bible written by pastoral society where homosexuality is also recorded.
Why state it was commonly practiced? That implies that the masses indulged in homosexuality when there's no evidence of it
>It is absolutely sexual. Exclusive homosexuality in animals even when there's a female present has been recorded in studies
source? would love to see a study that shows 2 male lions or any species of the same sex being exclusively in a relationship. what i've seen is as you've said, companionship, in the animal kingdom where same sex will show affection to build a stronger bond but will settle with the opposite sex when the opportunity comes. my definition of homosexuality is when an animal exclusively stays in relationship with the same sex when there's a mate ready

>> No.12208938

I'm looking for a historical record that state it was practiced by the majority of the population (5%+), I don't care about individual cases of homosexuality. Surely if the masses commonly practiced homosexuality it would've been written down, instead it only focuses on some key aristocrats

>> No.12208954

Generally only the aristocrats could write you dumbass. If you want examples look at Pompeian graffiti:

> Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!

> Amplicatus, I know that Icarus is buggering you. Salvius wrote this.

> I have buggered men.

And many more.



>> No.12208966

>Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!

>> No.12208970

Disappointing, I thought the conversation was going somewhere. Faulty generalization fallacy

>> No.12208971

no but it's still to avoid from a non-moral perspective.


Virtue signaling, you signal virtuousness not virtuality

>> No.12208986

So we have a correlation, still far from evidence.
Maybe it's epigenetic and the study only made sequence analysis.

>> No.12209003

If you look closely, women are shaped like dicks. You just prefer the smaller variety on men.

>> No.12209012

i think it has something to do with our sexual strategy

>> No.12209047

>three unambiguously homosexual poems from a respected neoteric writer
>authentic commoner graffiti
>faulty generalization
It sounds more to me like you are desperate to hold onto your increasingly dubious world view. There are many more examples than what I've listed here, Google them.

>> No.12209075

>Too much free time,
This, THIS!
The more you fap the more you end up liking a cock in your hands.
With time you like it so much you want more cocks.

>> No.12209079

Why do people think like this about gays? They just want to fuck other gays. Why is this poster so offended ?

>> No.12209118


>> No.12209202


The claim is that homosexuality was widely practiced in ancient times, stating that at least 5% of the population were in such behaviors. I stated over and over that individual cases of homosexuality does not prove that claim, however if a poet wrote something along the lines "a good amount of the masses were practicing homosexual behaviors" then that would be sufficient. Faulty generalization fallacy is a fallacy that implies there are individual cases that were found to support a claim but they aren't enough, which is a prime example in your case.

Repeating it won't make it true anon

>> No.12209240

>It is absolutely sexual. Exclusive homosexuality in animals even when there's a female present has been recorded in studies. You are being extremely reductionist about evolution when you surely know genes are selected on a population level. It's not as simple as grug passing down genes. Even if homosexuality in humans was affection we have more complex concepts of companionship where we can develop romantic relationships
>. What animals show us is that homosexual behavior is a common occurrence across species and thus not a trait that is actively selected against in a population.

>> No.12209290

>The claim is that homosexuality was widely practiced in ancient times, stating that at least 5% of the population were in such behavior
No one ITT claimed this.

>> No.12209495

Yeah I'm sure there are ancient texts that have done surveys to calculate the percentage of gays
You dense can you be? It appears in many texts so it was common enough to warrant a mention in times where only few people actually recorded events. It also appears in art and things like graffiti in Pompeii makes multiple mentions of homosexuality and that would be written by the masses. The fact that that those writings survived at all with how rare it is for such old writing to be preserved is an indication that homosexuality was fairly common.

>> No.12209516

By common, it's implied and 5% is pretty generous
This is going in circles, I've rebutted your statement and you keep repeating the same statement. Numerous single cases does not prove your claim however a historical record that claims "a great number of people in the city would practice homosexual behaviors" will do. Ffs, we've went on this over 3 times and you keep repeating it, are you even aware or conscious?

>> No.12209519

Sexuality isn't predetermined by your genetics, retard!

>> No.12209522

He's full of shit, he doesn't have a source

>> No.12209559

You are legitimately retarded. As I've said before for example the Bible as a non elite written text makes multiple mentions of homosexuality in the people enough to make a law about it as well as the story of Sodom and Gomorrah describing cities that many people were gay. There are no concrete numbers because they simply did not record those things back then.
Just off the top of my head where rams did not mount females when given the opportunity. Same goes for giraffes dolphins and many more.
Look here for many more sources.

>species of the same sex being exclusively in a relationship
This claim of exclusive homosexual couples in animals is faulty when the vast majority of animals do not engage in monogamous heterosexual mating. Even when they do homosexual pairings have been readily observed such as penguins in the wild and in captivity.

>> No.12210465

I am disappoint. This pic gave me false hopes this thread would prove to me that /sci/ has great taste in men.

>> No.12210466

You're a higher mind and can stimulate yourself from an aesthetic angle.

Gay isn't real.

>> No.12210470

No one really knows yet. Just conjectures as far as we know.

>> No.12210555
File: 127 KB, 604x1200, taftaj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most men being phallicsexual is an easy google. that's why pov porn with dicks is second only to lesbians. that's why shemales/traps is a thing.

>> No.12210638


>> No.12210648
File: 271 KB, 1080x1073, Screenshot_20201008-142910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His name is Matthew Crawford

>> No.12210660
