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File: 70 KB, 507x337, gynecologic-surgery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12205410 No.12205410 [Reply] [Original]

ask a 4th year OB/GYN resident anything, i guess. Im bored and have the night off but still wanna talk about work for some reason

>> No.12205415

Do you halt placental transfusion by clamping the umbilical cord early?

>> No.12205418

Yep, clamping the cord stops blood flow between baby and placenta. Whether or not you should delay cord clamping after delivery is another matter

>> No.12205420

That wasn't question.

>> No.12205421
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my dad was an OB/GYN for many years. a really good one too from my understanding, but he never talked about it. i learned he liked to fist people because he didn't clear his internet history

>> No.12205424

do u think nurses are dumb

>> No.12205427

do u clamp? are there OB/GYNs that dont clamp? what if the mother tells you to delay clamping?

>> No.12205428

Can you clarify it then? I mean, the gases and nutrients/waste don't magically stop transfusing just because the cord got clamped, regular diffusion and chemistry rules still apply lol

>> No.12205434

do abortions look like small babies or not?

>> No.12205435

omg that has me laughing, cuz there are definitely times when you have to, like, fist a patient in order to do what you need to do

>> No.12205440

I mean do you wait for the completion of placental transfusion, or do you clamp off and sever the cord while it's still pulsating.

>> No.12205443

uhmmmmm.... they're smart in their own special way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but they don't know what we know as docs

>> No.12205453

eventually you should clamp the cord, but you can delay it and even deliver the placenta with the baby still attached. Before medicine, the umbilical cord would shrivel, involute, desiccate and fall off the neonate by itself. But of course you shouldn't delay clamping and cutting if the baby needs immediate medical care like resuscitation

>> No.12205456

so then where is this delay clamping meme coming from, it sounds like u are appropriately waiting for blood transfusion

>> No.12205464

Depends how far along the pregnancy was. They start looking pretty human at like 20 weeks or so, before that they usually still look like a lil' alien or something.

>> No.12205468

OH gotcha. It varies based on what my attending likes, but I'll delay cord clamping when im practicing after graduation

>> No.12205471

>delay clamping meme
lol wat's the delayed clamping meme?

>> No.12205482


>> No.12205492

based on ur reponse, it must be a conspiracy. and ur response proves that ur not in the know u just follow what ur training toldyou ~ i guess there really is a conspiracy here

>> No.12205495 [DELETED] 

>where is this delay clamping meme coming from
Garrett Ryan, a schizophrenic with too much time on his hands and nothing better to do than spam /sci/

>> No.12205498

Fuckin' ace, thanks dude! These will be good for journal club!

>> No.12205506

ur about to go down a rabbit hole where ur going to meet a lot of resistance from people with a flouride stare...

>> No.12205510

Not really helping your case here.

>> No.12205512

LOL K then enlighten me! whats the conspiracy?

>> No.12205515

Welcome. Cool to see some interest.

>> No.12205523

that the american college/board of obstetrics is telling you all to clamp early, no one realy questions why - and some studies show it makes babies dumber and weaker

>> No.12205530
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im going to ask you again: do you clamp early?

>> No.12205533

>a schizophrenic with too much time on his hands and nothing better to do than spam /sci/
>that paste
lol. the irony

>> No.12205536
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Negatory, brah, latest recommendations are thusly:
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ Committee on Obstetric Practice makes the following recommendations regarding the timing of umbilical cord clamping after birth:

In term infants, delayed umbilical cord clamping increases hemoglobin levels at birth and improves iron stores in the first several months of life, which may have a favorable effect on developmental outcomes.

Delayed umbilical cord clamping is associated with significant neonatal benefits in preterm infants, including improved transitional circulation, better establishment of red blood cell volume, decreased need for blood transfusion, and lower incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis and intraventricular hemorrhage.

Given the benefits to most newborns and concordant with other professional organizations, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists now recommends a delay in umbilical cord clamping in vigorous term and preterm infants for at least 30–60 seconds after birth.

There is a small increase in the incidence of jaundice that requires phototherapy in term infants undergoing delayed umbilical cord clamping. Consequently, obstetrician–gynecologists and other obstetric care providers adopting delayed umbilical cord clamping in term infants should ensure that mechanisms are in place to monitor and treat neonatal jaundice.

Delayed umbilical cord clamping does not increase the risk of postpartum hemorrhage."

Thats straight from ACOG committee opinion #684

>> No.12205537
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>> No.12205540

Early clamping was initiated in Commonwealth countries, and the US, in the early 1950's. The fact that doing it right is still only a recommendation in 2020 is quite frankly not good enough.

>> No.12205550
File: 397 KB, 475x364, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all guidelines use the term "recommendation" as to cover their own asses, in fact wen u go to court the court favors the guidelines as fact. its more of a legal reason to use "recommend' so im ignoring ur comment.
30-60 seconds does not sound like much time that honestly sounds like early to me. why does this meme >>12205537
say that it goes completely white at 15 minutes. those are stem cells that u are clamping away in that 1 minute. period. u are clamping early. not take a look at the picture: how does ur chord look like top or bottom when u clamp?

>> No.12205551

>for at least 30–60 seconds after birth.
Kek, no, for at least 10 minutes.

>> No.12205553

What about simply abandoning the notion of timing, and just waiting until it's done?

>> No.12205555

Are you jewish?

>> No.12205556

this honestly seems like the most humanitarian option
i can believe ob/gyns just follow fucking protocol literal drones

>> No.12205559

I mean, it's sense. Like the thing is doing something, leave it alone and it just werks.

>> No.12205567

Nope, was catholic now... agnostic?

>> No.12205572
File: 86 KB, 259x214, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"no i want to watch the world burn - OBGYN

>> No.12205573

yeah with some of the attendings we leave it until it stops pulsating and then clamp and cut, usually like 1-2 minutes

>> No.12205576

>1-2 minutes
kek its 10 minutes its still draining

>> No.12205578

are you circumcised? do you have kids/boys? Will you circumcise them?
Do you circumcise boys at the hospital? Will you do it in future? If yes, why?

>> No.12205589

Hi OP. Not OB/GYN related but med related nonetheless. I’m 25 years old and have a good job but a useless degree. In fact I would consider myself lucky to have found employment at the company I did given my shitty humanities major. But more and more I find myself wanting to make a career change. Options on the table are law school or med school. I have already written the LSAT but I can’t help being drawn to psychiatry as a profession. I have previously worked and volunteered in the mental health field before and really liked it but I guess I am more curious to hear what your experience was like during your psych rotation in med school? Were there things/advice your superiors gave you about the field that really stuck? And lastly any general advice for someone like me who never took the traditional premed pathway would be appreciated. Thank you.

>> No.12205613

i want to comment that new era doctors are dumber than their boomer conterparts. the guidelines are wrecking your intuition. heres an example:
go see a DO at an urgent care, ask him for a EKG reading - dont ask me why i asked for this. he does so. the EKG reading has an AI that reads the EKG for u and gives you a reccomendation. it literally said i was having a heart attack. doctor doesnt even bother to look at the EKG reading just the result. so i look at it and i jst had my heart module in pharmacy school - i think to myself this looks normal theres a slight bump in the PQ but its not blatant.. he refers me to go get my troponin lab done at 10 pm at night. i go to hospital, get it done. negative. the next morning he calls me and says "yea ur troponin is negative, ur good. i sent the EKG over to a cardiologist and he said it was normal and that males tend to have a higher QT bump blah blah. i spent 400 dollars that day because a DO was following protocol.

>> No.12205616

Dumb Amerimutt boomer detected

>> No.12205617

heres an example my dad went through:
my dad is spanish speaking only. he has BPH. he has exacerbations where he needs to go get a cath in every month because he wont take his meds. anyways what seemed like his 10th cath , he goes to his practitioner DO to get his cath out. he asks him a few questions and realizes my dad has had a lot of caths placed in over the last few years. my dad also tells hiim "yes i have leaking" but i dont think it was ever discussed what the leaking was. i think the doctor assumed my dad was high risk because he might have been leaking blood or pus. but thats not what my dad meant my dad meant urine leaked out of the cath sometimes because he was working and moving. DUH. anyways my dad suffered with that cath in for another 2 weeks until i contacted a urologist who said its ok for ur dad to remove it if the doctor didnt want to . just cut the stem above the bulb. he does that, it slips out, there goes that problem. thanks to the doctor for following his protocol and needlessly covering his ass, he caused harm to my dad desu.

>> No.12205623

That is not untrue, however in your case it was probably regulation. If you had told him you don't want any of that, it would have been noted in file and that would have been the end of it.

>> No.12205626

ur putting way to much burden on the patient to go find out for themselves what those events made, the patient is not the expert.do u realize ur not doing whats best for the patient wen u follow protocol?

>> No.12205633

yeah, but he doesn't know if you are really ok or not, if it some hidden condition and he just sends you home without being thorough and disregards regulation because the test result "seems probably ok" then it is his ass on the line.

>> No.12205641

an actual MD would go : "my observations is that hes not short of breath, hes stable, theres no heart attack, and my boomer ass doesnt trust them computers" in fact the MD would take out their stethoscope. all things that the DO didnt do.

>> No.12205646

the DO jst went "no no this is statistically impossible hes not a high risk group owo someone tell me what to do i didnt train for this i dont know this scenario "

>> No.12205652

that's not how things work anymore

>> No.12205656

They need to suck as much money out of a particular patient's event as possible. The system is designed for inefficiency and excess under the guise of being comprehensive.

>> No.12205660

why do they offer EKG readings if hes not going to be reading them hes just letting the stupid computer tell him what it is.
well i think ur new way is robotic. and it will not help you treat your patient as an individual. and ur going to be hurting patients like my father and i financially

>> No.12205664

ewwww why would you want to work with stinky scary vagina?
I'm a math major and I've never even seen a vagina before. and I'm happy.

>> No.12205670

There is definetely a need to profit, but if your initial test resukt had been good then none of what happened next would have happened.
And you (not some other nameless patient, but you specifically) knew there is nothing wrong with you, were certain 100%, why did you continue with additional tests then?

>> No.12205675

Why won’t Op tell us when he clamps? Fucking schizoposters are always right

>> No.12205679

i told u i dont have to explain to you why i wanted an EKG, i wanted more tests because the situation made me very uncertain. i never felt confident about being ok. The MD would have.

>> No.12205684

Just be happy that you will never have to experience such horrors, and don't worry about others who may not be so fortunate as yourself

>> No.12205685

for real , cant get a real answer out of these nigger doctors -

>> No.12205690

see u cant even see the situation from my point of view. youre asking ME why i wanted more tests? honey the doctor recommended them to me, im not the expert.

>> No.12205696

Lol oh my god yes let’s go down this rabbit hole. No, and not gonna circ my kids, do them now but don’t like em, and probably won’t do them in the future

>> No.12205706
File: 113 KB, 583x482, iqpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wont do them in the future
are u really that afraid of being scrutinized ? are u afraid that ur loicense will be taken away for standing up for what u believe in ?

>> No.12205710

whats stopping you from stopping circumcisions' now?

>> No.12205715

You initially claimed that you were ok, you looked at EKG reading yourself and it was fine, so if you still had doubts do you think it is not possible your DO was having doubts too?
Again it is not even that, if there is even a smallest possibility, not an opinion but objective conclusion based on fact (EKG result, ok how many times this AI have been wrong and showed false positive 85 out of hundred? then it is entirely possible you might be one of those cases 15) there is something wrong then he will send you for additional tests to be 100% sure.

>> No.12205716

Yikes man, how do you deal with that psychologically? To circumcise someone means there are now boys out there who will eventually be masturbating and having sex, and how they like to jerk it, the rhythm or their thrusts, the fine particularities of their pursuit of sensation and intimate connection, entirely hinges on the details of how you amputated their foreskin. I'm sorry, but that's just way too much connection for me. The idea that you can force people to do this in their residency is very cult initiation-like.

>> No.12205718

>do them now
Kill yourself

>> No.12205722

1 stop putting the blame on me im not the expert i thought the EKG was fine but do u realize im a pharmacy student? im still very uncertain.
2 he could have ruled it out using empiric observation using his stethoscope , just because it doesnt have a screen doesnt mean its not a diagnostic tool
3 this happened because the DO is inexperienced

>> No.12205728

LOL its part of the initiation? LMAO

>> No.12205732

Apparently man, yeah.

>> No.12205733


>> No.12205734

Cope over what?

>> No.12205736
File: 441 KB, 358x370, pepepunch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep punching the OBGYN guys - break him, these faggots live inside their heads they never get a taste of what people think of them

>> No.12205737

>2 he could have ruled it out using empiric observation using his stethoscope , just because it doesnt have a screen doesnt mean its not a diagnostic tool
That is not done anymore. He looks at tests and if they show irregularities he will ask for more tests until something is found and if all of those come back negative only then you are all cleared. This is how it works these days.

>> No.12205741


>> No.12205749

im not going to go in circles with u , ur new way is shit. period.

>> No.12205759

This is true. They don't care, only thing they are concerned about is how to most efficiently remove foreskin following approved guidelines and regulations, even if moshe himself comes to collect the foreskins, it will not trouble the obgyn.

>> No.12205762

I mean, it's been said before... They clamp, they vaccinate, and they circumcise. It's not even a meme, it's just a fact.

>> No.12205763

It is not my way and I don't like it either. But it is how it is.

>> No.12205765

haha yea
imagine knowing removing foreskins is wrong but its ok because their mom consented to it

>> No.12205769

focking hell they branding you and destroying you right out the pee hole aintit?

>> No.12205770
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Imagine looking at this thing after you've done your "work".

>> No.12205805
File: 780 KB, 2206x1268, skylar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long do you wait until you clamp????

>> No.12205837

What circumcision style do you favor?

>> No.12205853

This thread is boring. You ever seen a woman have an orgasm from putting a hand up there?

>> No.12206361

>do them now
Fuck you kike golem

>> No.12207213


>> No.12207584

Get on vacation asap, two weeks bare minimum, try to get three.