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File: 95 KB, 947x622, 1601933273381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12199659 No.12199659 [Reply] [Original]

The WHO is now saying that 760 million people have been infected with the coronavirus. 1 million have died, so that would put the fatality rate at 0.13%. Isn't that exactly the same as the seasonal flu? Why do we have continued threats of lockdowns and mask mandates when it's no deadlier than something that happens every single year?

>> No.12199667

Because governments can charge 50 dollars for not wearing a mask and now lock people up "for spreading" the desease... when no one is cleaning items between country shipments.

>> No.12199670

deaths seem low because the lockdowns were implemented and were followed (at least partially) around the world. if the virus was allowed to spread unchecked, we would be looking at a much worse situation now.

>> No.12199674

of those that get sick, 4% die

>> No.12199679

I think you just pulled that number out of your ass, but if it were true, that would mean only 3% of people who have been infected with the virus get sick from it.

>> No.12199686


26,909,730 (96%)
Recovered / Discharged

1,049,827 (4%)


>> No.12199690

>only 3%
and 97% will pass it on

>> No.12199694

So just like every other airborne virus in existence? I still don't see what makes this any different from the season flu or the common cold with such low fatality numbers.

>> No.12199714

good luck, lets hope your parents are ok

>> No.12199728

I completely support Chinese genocide. It is my honest opinion that we need a final solution to the Chinese question. By releasing one tiny virus, the CCP has caused untold pain around the world. We just need to exterminate that entire country.

>> No.12199738

Cool now we have two flus going around.
Which means twice the deaths.

>> No.12199748

shut up schizo

>> No.12199750

>such low fatality numbers
>1 million deaths
I don't think you know what low fatality means means

>> No.12199767

>Why do we have continued threats of lockdowns and mask mandates when it's no deadlier than something that happens every single year?
Authoritarians will jump on any opportunity to grab power and they never willingly give it up. If the people want to be free again, they're probably going to have to get violent. Most of this class of authoritarians are technocrat dweebs who will fold quickly in the face of real physical threats to them. They're most Bill Nye types rather than Idi Amin.
Maybe the public will learn a lesson from this experience and not give up power so quickly because some dweeb in a lab coat tells them a scary story. If the "researchers" at Imperial College whose faulty projections were the justification for starting all of this aren't beheaded and have their heads stuck on a pike displays in a highly trafficked public place, the lesson will not be learned.

>> No.12199774

The article says 10% of the world population, so 870 million cases. Move your decimal place over.

>> No.12199788

Ordinary flu costs a lot of money because people don't stay at home/wear a mask and carry on infecting others.
Maybe COVID becomes an investment making people all over the world more conscious about how their (ordinary) actions can affect others in a much more severe way.

>> No.12199795

There's a reason why they've been pushing the "new normal" thing. Diseases don't magically disappear. In 5 years, we'll still be doing the same mask/social distancing song and dance.

>> No.12199809

>pushing reality to small brained minds
I know it is hard but what do you. It is reality.

>> No.12199816

Just let the boomers and sick people die already. They're a burden.

>> No.12199817

The 1968 and 1957 flu pandemics each killed 4 million people and nobody even thought about shutting the economy down then.

>> No.12199823

So 4% death rate is "just a flu"?
Time to change the narrative and claim that is only 0.04% and 4% is fake news.

>> No.12199829

why do you hate your parents and grandparents? were you molested?

>> No.12199830

Influenza kills about 600 thousand people every year in a 4-5 month timespan. This pandemic has been going on for 9 months now so I’d say it’s pretty much equal.

>> No.12199835

It’s an official statement from the WHO. Their infection fatality rate from a few months ago was 0.65% btw, now it’s been revised down to 0.13%

>> No.12199849

Do...do you not understand what the term flu season means? You'd have to be an idiot to compare March-September COVID figures against typical October-March flu ones.

>> No.12199851

I don't hate them, it's just a fact. Not all old people would die anyway.

>> No.12199856

ok mr death panel

>> No.12199864

Based. No one should live past 50.

>> No.12199866

Yes. It would help the economy.

>> No.12199913
File: 46 KB, 962x578, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps even fewer if you don't consider 45 years old + with underlying conditions human.

>> No.12199926

>1 million have died
Yeah, I'm sure we're aware of all the deaths in India and Africa from COVID-19.

>> No.12199936

4% is fake news. WHO puts it at 0.1% and dropping.

>> No.12199993


>> No.12199997

>The article
shove that, just hand wavy guessing

>> No.12200008

no nazi shrimp like you should live

>> No.12200049

There have been billion cases

>> No.12200083

Some people just live off fear and fearmongering. Others just don't want to be proven wrong from making a mountain out of a molehill.

Now we are seeing the consequences; millions of living, young people and families losing their livelihood due to over-the-top kneejerk reactions and mass-hysteria, millions can't afford rent and will be kicked out onto the streets, governments backtracking and begging people to go to cinemas, universities and restaurants again in a desperate attempt to restart economies over-reliant on the service sectors they shut down.

And now, as we come into flu season again, the hysterical lunatics are screaming for more lockdowns and supply rationing again! Madness, absolute madness.

>> No.12200087

based. would solve global warming while we're at it

>> No.12200111

Boomers fearing death clutching onto their meaningless and mediocre existences detected

>Waaaa! I'm afraid to die!
Why, what were you doing with you life that makes it so precious?
>I finally had my car paid off and Dorris and I were rewatching CSI all over again! All lives are precious, just like the movies said!

Bunch of pussy ass faggots who don't want to regret poor life choices is what you are

>> No.12200125

>Why, what were you doing with you life that makes it so precious?
To be fair, you could ask that same question to many younger people as well and not get a good response.

>> No.12200182

They have been downplaying the danger since the beginning.

>> No.12200264


>> No.12200354
File: 168 KB, 640x360, fauxi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flu season is coming up! Many people every year, sometimes over 100,000, and despite the Vaccine, die from the Flu. Are we going to close down our Country? No, we have learned to live with it, just like we are learning to live with Covid, in most populations far less lethal!!!

>> No.12200378

>Many people every year, sometimes over 100,000, and despite the Vaccine, die from the Flu.
In recent history? Not even close if you're focusing on the USA.

>> No.12200380

>blm protests protect you from the spread though

>> No.12200394

Cool, can you point me to an article or medical opinion stating that protesting is protective against the spread?

>> No.12200409

Not him, but protect wasn't the right word.

>> No.12200413


Yikes, racist.

>> No.12200420

If it works towards kicking gop out of the government, then yeah.
But it isn't big enough, yet.

>> No.12200422

>1 million have died, so that would put the fatality rate at 0.13%
I highly doubt even 80% of people that died this year got tested for covid. Especially in fucking China where they've been lying through their teeth about their numbers.
Wouldn't surprise me if we're already at 5 million dead. Hell 2 million dead in China alone wouldn't surprise me. Still I don't think the death rate is 1% but it sure as hell is higher than 0.13%

>> No.12200428

Also my post was actually ironic but you seem to be a bit retarded, the fact that people actually say that these "protests" did not contribute anything and in fact even helped curb the spread is probably the best example of the schizophrenic media landscape that exists today.

>> No.12200431

He's saying that protests are defended by the media in the US despite being so pro-lockdown

>> No.12200436

Not seeing where it says protesting is "protective," which is your claim.

>> No.12200443

>hand waving intensifies

>> No.12200476

Not that anon, but it's pretty goofy to rely on estimated cases, and then compare it to official death statistics. India and Africa have no way to quantify what's happening, in fact India's said it will be years before they can even estimate the total number of deaths. Between India and Africa you have 1/3 of the world's population. Add in the lack of health care in those places, do you really believe they wouldn't contribute 1/3rd of the world's cases? Yet they're barely being counted. If you include China's fishy numbers, you're now at 1/2 of the world's population that's not accurately documenting COVID-19 deaths.

>> No.12200481

Good post.

>> No.12200730

>so that would put the fatality rate at 0.13%.
The ten worst countries are already at half of that number RIGHT NOW.

>> No.12200759

Its lower rate than flu. Flu has ~0.5% or something. 0.13% is much lower rate.

>> No.12200776

There are many studies showing the opposite you dumb shit, that the lockdowns caused more infections. You are stupid stfu

>> No.12200778

good job not even reading the headline you absolute fuckwit

>> No.12200783

>that the lockdowns caused more infections.
Can you link the studies? Genuinely curious, everything I've read shows the opposite.

>> No.12200793

Maybe if fucking retard Americans had just stayed home for three weeks like the rest of the world....

>> No.12200794

>inb4 these arent studies
I used jewgle and got the first results look up the sources yourself



I only even jewgled it for you because you asked nicely

>> No.12200799

What does that have to do with how other countries operate? Read his post again. The EU has more new cases than the US right now.

>> No.12200805

Haha Winnie the ping

>> No.12200809
File: 21 KB, 464x450, NewNormal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu cuck, I hope you stay home for the rest of your life so everyone in society who arent complete retards will know who all of you idiots are and never have to interact with your stupid asses again, worthless boot licking NPC retards

>> No.12200813

Yeah, I do pity you in the US. Who wouldn't want to live through an economic crisis that will most likely bring down all social systems and structures. A third of the workforce here is essentially unemployed, but I guess we saved a few hundred boomers all worth it.

>> No.12200825

I don't know who these Americans are that you speak of, but I haven't had contact with anyone other than my parents in 7 months. My friends all turned out to be massive cucks who won't step outside of their homes without a mask on and refuse to meet with anybody because the media tells them it's still too dangerous.

>> No.12200842

Thanks, will need to look at them more thoroughly later, but I find this suspect:

>According to data released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), there were 830 excess deaths at home in one week at the start of September compared to the five-year average of deaths. The UK has registered 5,556 excess deaths at home in the past eight weeks, but only 1,117 deaths were attributed to Covid-19 in the same period, the Telegraph reported.

There is no current lock down in the UK. There's some restrictions on gatherings and socializing, but nothing against leaving the home, so blaming a lock down for those deaths is suspect.

>> No.12200851

And what fucking good did that do you? The rest of the world is threatening to go back into lockdown again! That is if they ever fully lifted them in the first place.

Enough! The whole point of the lockdowns was to ease the burden on the hospitals during the last flu season, not make the virus magically disappear. Get more beds set up, tell the weak to wear a mask and leave the rest of us alone!

>> No.12200859

Complaining about how American businesses are suffering etc. because of prolonged periods of "fearmongering" is totally not based when American quarantine was a joke because muh freedomz and none of you tards wear masks because muh freedomz and none of you tards social distance because muh freedomz.

All the while you complain about your economy going to shit, losing your jobs, and whatever piss poor country song bullshit you come up with because you didn't comply with basic common sense to stay home, avoid people, and wear a mask for a month. Your government didn't enforce the quarantine or masks because muh freedomz, and they're the same pedo retards you voted for in the first place. Get a strong leader, not some tiny hand pussy cuck like Trump, who would have deployed the great American military to enforce the lockdown and stop the spread of the disease. But no, muh freedomz are too important in the moment for you to see the bigger picture, then when you get what you asked for you complain. Most of your country is retarded.

>> No.12200869

But it's impossible, since many countries are at half of that or more and peru is nearing 0.1%.
>the lockdowns caused more infections.
How could that even happen? How would it work? That seems obviously impossible.

>> No.12200871

>In 5 years, we'll still be doing the same mask/social distancing song and dance.
I doubt it. Governments have to reflect the attitude of the people sooner or later, and most people are starting to realize they're better off without the hysterical bleating of the lockdown lunatic retards.

>> No.12200874

right on, well post what your conclusions when you finish it if you want. I will check this thread later to see what your input is. Post it at this reply if you do it. I know of quite a bit more studies actually as well just didnt feel like looking them up atm. This guy is in Ireland and has been doing some good vlogging on the topic for the last 5 months

>> No.12200883

I'm not American and Trump can't enforce lockdowns. One reason being he'd be smeared as a dictator and the other being because it's up to the states so it has nothing to do with being a pussy you misinformed retard.
Also, India, Brazil, France, Netherlands and Russia have had a ton of cases and I'm sure you would agree that they are not as free and/or educated.
America is not influencing how other countries are limiting the spread.

>> No.12200887

It boggles my mind that a fucking virus is being used as a political tool by both the left and right.

>> No.12200890

Sweden is in the best possible situation right now and they've never had a lockdown and have told people not to wear masks.

>> No.12200891

It's because the US is very polarised. SCOTUS was also not politicised nearly as much if at all in the past.

>> No.12200899

>have told people not to wear masks
I don't think they did that. They just did not enforce it like Australia.

>> No.12200902


>> No.12200908

I stand corrected

>> No.12200917

>>declare national emergency and war on coronavirus
>>close border
>>shut down economy
>>give out $4000/person and mails boxes of nonperishable foods to survive for a month
>>military shoots on-sight during lockdown >>defeats coronavirus in 1 month
>>reopens economy, makes more back in taxes than he spent

>>if Trump was actually a businessman and not a lying pedo retard with no spine

>> No.12200924

That's a fucking insane strategy. Grow up.
Realise you're only trying to buy a few thousand sick boomers some more time by severely harming everyone else.

>> No.12200927
File: 168 KB, 1331x601, excess deaths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't that exactly the same as the seasonal flu
Not even remotely. First off the seasonal flu only kills so many by being bundled with pneumonia. Secondly the flu and pneumonia kill even a fraction of that because the numbers are inflated by the CDC based on death counts and estimates.

For example, in the United States last year about 5000 people died of the flu all year. The CDC then bundles it with the 15,000 or so who died of pneumonia then estimates another 40,000 may have died of both that were unreported.

Covid has killed over 220,000 Americans so far. Besides being over 40x more deadly than the seasonal flu Excess Death numbers show it's even higher. Please stop trying to push your political agenda pretending Trump did nothing wrong and Covid is just da flu. You were wrong before and you're wrong now.

>> No.12200929

fauci himself said not to wear one

>> No.12200935

It's not 40x more deadly when 40x more people are infected.

>> No.12200939

>Realise you're only trying to buy a few thousand sick boomers some more time by severely harming everyone else.

Oh, I forgot:

>>declare self national hero
>>award self national presidential medal of honor

>> No.12200942

>First off the seasonal flu only kills so many
No, seasonal flu numbers are always revised to take out pneumonia/other causes. This revision hasn't been done for covid yet because of perceived political correctness.

>> No.12200943

>b-b-but drumpf
Who mentioned anything about Trump?

>> No.12200944

He later admitted it was due to a lack of masks and not wanting people to hoard them when they would be needed for health care workers. I think lying about that was totally the wrong strategy and caused a significant amount of the backlash we see today from people regarding mask efficacy.

>> No.12200945

Less posts makey, more meds takey

>> No.12200948

Ahh of course, severely harming everybody by shutting down the economy for a month and making you stay inside vs letting an economy die on its own for years while you lose your job and write a country song about losing your truck and house too? What did I harm? Your fragile masculinity? Your freedomz??

>> No.12200951

TDS is not a meme, fren

>> No.12200952

So why should anyone trust him again when he's shown himself to be so untrustworthy?

>> No.12200961

He can't even shut down the economy

>> No.12200967

Because the only people who pretend it's just the flu have been Trump supporters.

>> No.12200971

[citation needed]

>> No.12200972

They shouldn't, they should do their own research.

>> No.12200993

OK, boomer here.
You'd we wrong. Our lives have been great. Far for meaningless. And you zoomies are facing doom and gloom for the next 50 years. You will survive the virus and then what? No jobs, no future, AI is taking over, college education is an expensive scam, real estate prices are through the roof, etc etc. No wonder you hate us so much because we LIVED.

>> No.12200999


Now show me the liberals who believe the same.

>> No.12201006

Oh yeah and last but not least, no Debbies for you, sorry. Dating is a thing of the past.

>> No.12201020

That's not proof of what you claimed, retard

>> No.12201030

What is your favorite the WHO song?
For me it is Won't Get Fooled Again. I was in college when it was released.

>> No.12201035

>seasonal flu numbers are always revised to take out pneumonia/other causes.
If you're talking about what the CDC reports for each flu season, it's the exact opposite. They over report flu deaths using a model that assumes influenza is responsible for a substantial amount of pneumonia deaths and deaths from other causes that never listed influenza on the death certificate.

There's another report that lists mortality by year for different causes. Flu and pneumonia used to be listed as separate stats until 2014, at which point they were lumped together so you can no longer see how many deaths each was responsible for. You can see the numbers for 1999-2013 here:


>> No.12201060

It's exactly proof of what I claimed. Trump is the only major political figure still pretending this is just da flu. Therefore only Trump supporters are still holding onto an already universally debunked theory.

>> No.12201080

Spoken like a true chink bootlicker

>> No.12201093

>proportions are irrelevant
Making a comparison doesn't imply exact identity

>> No.12201107
File: 159 KB, 1024x683, ny morgue trucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were there 500 deaths a day in New York and rows of refrigerated morgue trucks during last year's flu season? I forget.

>> No.12201116

You're ironically just making the left look dumb now

>> No.12201125

There was no refrigerated truck storage because funeral homes were operating normally and could accept the routine volume of corpses from morgues.

>> No.12201136

I wonder too, fucking Trump didn't die from kung flu why should anyone worry. Every single libtard commie basedboy cuck on twitter and basedboys on here said he was gonna die.
Whoops hes still alive.
Literally a fucking nothing burger.
Never worn the mask either, still haven't got it.

>> No.12201226

>Never worn the mask either, still haven't got it.
You should try visiting the White House.

>> No.12201244
File: 122 KB, 1664x1078, urban scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for pointing out where the real problem has been but the United States is 50 states, not 48 states. Put the governors of NY and NJ on trial for crimes against humanity, and let everyone else take reasonable measures appropriate for this virus rather than the hysterical overreaction based on two sociopaths murdering old people in nursing homes by dumping covid patients on them.

>> No.12201294

I'm sure the half dozen or so liberals who think masks don't work and covid is just the flu are statistically insignificant. You are technically right that they do exist but that hardly speaks well of conservatives who are overwhelmingly the ones claiming wearing a mask is communism and people need to get back to work laying their lives on the alter of capitalism.

>> No.12201301
File: 111 KB, 1200x600, crowds-of-travelers-pack-us-airports-amid-trump-coronavirus-travel-ban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes of course, I'm sure this had nothing to do with it

>> No.12201346

Funny how the corporations are the one that want the lockdown though
It’s allowing big business/wall-street to get a stranglehold on the market thanks to all the small businesses closing shop with no income.
Jeff Bezos has doubled his net worth since covid, and Walmart’s profits have tripled.

This entire thing is a power play for the elites, and they’re using they’re lobbyists to get the politicians on both sides of the party line to play along.

>> No.12201657

NY and NJ did fuck over everyone else, but I don't see how this chart can be accurate. Those two states are responsible for 22% of COVID-19 deaths.

>> No.12201670

lol okay enjoy not having a job for the next five years faggot

>> No.12201684

based gov cummo

>> No.12201690

Beats being sent to an organ harvesting camp

>> No.12201717

lol this entire thing has been such a fucking FARCE.
People who went hysterical and lockdowns and masks and "flattening the curve" (now "stopping the spread) should be ashamed of themselves.

>> No.12201727

theres too much peoole anyway

>> No.12201816


I'd rather let you get sent to organ harvesting camps and let the national guard run their tanks over your F250 dualie than let you faggots perpetually spread china flu by being retarded.

>> No.12201883

>all that projection
Not a trump voter or republican.
I’m just not dumb enough to fall for the propaganda you’re shilling on behalf of Wall Street and the CCP

>> No.12201904

You... You do know that COVID is a pandemic and so is global right? You also know that March-September is winter in the southern hemisphere right?

>> No.12201935


Explain to me using facts how following basic common sense and niglet-IQ-level public health advice is supporting Wall Street and China?

>> No.12201942

The only people who have anything to fear from covid should by all rights already be dead. The long term damage caused by the shutdown is going to have a significantly higher impact on humanity than the virus itself.
also read
This entire lockdown is being pushed so hard that useful idiots like yourself bow down to receive the bourgeoisie's cocks & try and force this shit onto others

>> No.12201967

Lol my dumb nigger. I already made the point that if faggots like you would have just put a mask on and stayed the fuck home for a month the American Pandemic would be over. Instead, your benevolent leader Trump let all of you retards loose with mixed messages and was too spineless to declare a national emergeny, deploy the national guard to send faggots like you to lung harvesting factories, and end the pandemic in a month. Guess what: masks and social distancing aren't the root causes of you leading a meaningless life of blowing loads into your socks like Trump and the other American faggots want you to believe.

>> No.12201971

Never let a crisis go to waste. Even if you have to manufacture it.

The whole thing was exploited to stop the shift in western politics to the right. By making people dependent on the nanny state.

>> No.12201983
File: 67 KB, 596x272, fuck the glowies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing masks actually work
glownigger detected

>> No.12202014

It would be because people were told to stay away from hospitals unless absolutely necessary / were scared away from hospital, so many conditions that would have been caught by the GP and potentially averted were missed. The lockdown is a bad strategy because there is no exit. At some point, people will just tell the govt and the police to fuck off.

>> No.12202018

You are retarded. Trump can't do that. The states have to take the lead.

>> No.12202028

He’s just a chink trying to spread propaganda, he doesn’t understand American politics.

>> No.12202040

The southern hemisphere is a meme, you redditor
>Around 800 million humans live in the Southern Hemisphere, representing only 10–12% of the total global human population of 7.3 billion.[6][7]

Try again.

Also your justaflu idiocy in >>12199830 should be fixed. It's not 600k, try 400k: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6815659/

>> No.12202053

Way way way more people also have some form of a immunity to different strains of influenza since it’s been around so long.

It doesn’t mean jack shite

>> No.12202056

Mate, if we are already hitting 2.5x the total annual flu mortality when 90% of people are in the nice weather, we are absolutely fucked as we enter winter.

>> No.12202072

If you go to one then you have to be isolated for 2 weeks so most people can't do the shift.

>> No.12202077

Can you stop using scientism statistics?
My country's main city is above 30%

>> No.12202088

Less taxpayers getting drained for medicaid

>> No.12202097

Well yes, and I'm glad it will lower the cost of cruises in a post-COVID world, but mass graves tend to turn people all crazy.

>> No.12202099

pretty sure every time you get labelled a schizo you are speaking truth lmao

>> No.12202100

>It would be because people were told to stay away from hospitals unless absolutely necessary / were scared away from hospital, so many conditions that would have been caught by the GP and potentially averted were missed.
But that has nothing to do with a lock down, that would have more to do with people being frightened by the virus and news stories. There's also been no excess deaths in many countries that did have lock downs.

>> No.12202163

less vitamin D, closer quarters with people you live with, the virus doesnt live long in sunlight but can be around quite some time indoors etc. Not hard to figure out mate.

>> No.12202173

doest matter how he backtracked he explicately says dont wear them because we need them, he says very specifically they are worthless and dont do anything and he was 100 percent right. Many such studies and just common sense should tell you this. Not to mention these idiots that wear them do not wear and use them corrctly they are literally pointless in fact they are less than worthless they are actually bad for your heatlh

>> No.12202177
File: 361 KB, 1263x649, forbes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing your own research is white supremacy though. You dont want to be racist do you anon?

>> No.12202179

>mails boxes of nonperishable foods to survive for a month
Who will delivery those boxes? Who will pack them? Who will can the food that goes into them? Before you say something stupid like "the military" remember there are 130 million households in the United States. The military doesn't have the manpower to do something on that scale and even if they did, congratulations, you have a massive population moving outside of the lockdown spread the virus to each other.

>> No.12202191
File: 206 KB, 1000x1000, glowie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12202203

Oh gee, only if there was a fucking government organization whose sole purpose was dedicated to delivering packages to every fucking address in every fucking state. GTFO with your dumb nig nog bullshit. lol.

>> No.12202330

>Many such studies and just common sense should tell you this.
Just the opposite. Studies show they can directly filter the virus, studies show the significantly reduce droplets expelled by the wearer, studies show they both reduce the chance of infection and reduce the severity of infection.

>Not to mention these idiots that wear them do not wear and use them corrctly they are literally pointless
Maybe people should wear them correctly, then? If someone dies because they don't wear a seat belt, you don't say the seat belt is worthless.

>> No.12202375

People in Sweden aren't retarded sociopaths who go out of there way to screw over everyone else like the average American is.

>> No.12202380

arguing common sense vs these inbred retard weebs is literally useless. They don't wear masks or follow social distancing measures and get surprised when they get COVID.

>> No.12202382


It can be used to damage Trump.

>> No.12202416

The only reason most people are wearing masks is to make a political statement.

>> No.12202425

Or because it's required everywhere and I don't want to catch or transmit COVID. Yall dumb niggers porchmonkey it hard at the corner stores and then get pissed when you catch covid at higher rates and then die at higher rates because of your hypertension and coronary artery disease.

>> No.12202629

>t. hysterical black cunt posing as a white nationalist to get retarded point accross

>> No.12202833

Damn right, I cant wait for Trump to croak from his infection

>> No.12202842

they are lying about deaths in America, Indonesia and Brazil as well, so you can add a few hundred million more to the number of people not reporting accurately

>> No.12202905

You mean all those countries that are already seeing new surges? Spain? The UK? France? India? etc

>> No.12202922

>trolling is a art

>> No.12202982

The USPS delivers an average of 18 pieces of post a week to American households according to their published volume reports, only 3.8% of which is parcels.
Adding a weekly crate of food to every household in America would require a 250% increase in parcel household deliveries by the USPS, and that's neglecting the scale of the parcels being delivered.

What're you gonna do? Force them to work triple shifts? Conscript citizens into working postal routes? And that's just physically delivering the groceries - there's a whole fucking chain of things you'd have to do on top of that.

>> No.12202991

>arguing common sense vs these inbred retard weebs is literally useless. They don't agree to random strip searches at the airport or submit to having their emails read by the NSA and get surprised when they get attacked by terrorists.

>> No.12202997

ITT: Retards shouting at other retards based on the WHO pulling a number out of its ass

>> No.12203001

>n people were infected
>x people that were infected died
>x/n*100 is the mortality rate
>durr if everyone one was affected we would expect a significant chance in this fraction

>> No.12203048

You basically end up recreating half of the economy, which requires large number of workers to leave their homes. Then there are the side businesses that have to be tended to such as automotive repair since some of the delivery vehicles will break down as will some of the personal vehicles of the workers. Those businesses will need parts, so that supply chain will need to be restarted too. Next thing you know, mines are reopened, which means safety personnel and regulators will need to be let out of their homes. The interconnected web of businesses and workers will keep growing and growing until it's mostly people in the entertainment industry who are in lockdown while everyone else is working the serve them. Millions and millions out of their homes, spreading the virus. That anon you replied to is a moron.

>> No.12203052

Pulling numbers out of their asses still would be more accurate than the models created by Imperial College that justified starting this authoritarian takeover of the planet.

>> No.12203303

Most countries aren't counting and the UK has a government controlled healthcare system. There is very little capacity in the private sector. Add to that the family unit has been destroyed since the 60s, so you have many oldies living alone.

>> No.12203467

Pretty much all the restrictions limit people gathering inside. Nobody prevents you from going outside.

>> No.12203471

And there is no particular reason to belive vit D prevents it.

>> No.12203633

The npc/sheeple meme is real. These people are so incredibly stupid that they literally cannot do anything but pick a side and regurgitate that side's orthodoxy ad nauseam. Their entire life is a true or false quiz.

>> No.12203686

Democrat controlled states all mandate wearing a mask any time you step outside your house.

>> No.12203701

When will people finally learn that covid-19 is used as a scapegoat for the real cause of death; sepsis.

Several thousand people die to sepsis every year and now they are flagged as covid-19 death, now there is less shame.

>> No.12203708

Do you know how many people die every year? Just because there is a target to blame as cause of death, does not mean it is truly the "cause". You can't prevent grim reaper taking grandpa/grandma, I'm sorry.

>> No.12203709

That's ridiculous.

>> No.12203713

It is not ridiculous, it's literally what causes all those symptoms uneducated people read about. They won't tell you it's due to sepsis because it's easier to just blame it on covid-19, even if that may be the catalyst, it is sepsis killing people.

>> No.12203723

It is ridiculous. You misinderstood what someone told you - covid can cause sepsis and the reason why they don't want people to talk about it is because it means that covid is far worse than what the media pretend it to be.

>> No.12203725

You're an absolute imbecile. That is the point. People think covid-19 is dangerous when it is the triggering of sepsis that is actually killing people in such brutal ways. Someone really needs to lock you paranoid people in mental asylums.

>> No.12203741

Are you saying covid-19 isn't triggering sepsis, or that triggering sepsis isn't in itself a danger?

>> No.12203756

>0.13 percent
Have you noticed that that number was at 0.07 percent a few months ago? It almost doubled, and that's WITH global pandemic measures and modern hospital care.

>> No.12203767

>I don't know how to read percentages
The last time the WHO estimated the fatality rate back in July, they said it was 0.6%


>> No.12203768

>Why do we have continued threats of lockdowns and mask mandates when it's no deadlier than something that happens every single year?

Mass media completely uninterested in facts and career politicians only interested in looking good in media.

>> No.12203769

Fucking retard. I bet you live with your mommy or are a student. We have fucked the world economy because of your spastic attitude.

>> No.12203774

Sadly true in UK

>> No.12203778

>the lockdowns caused more infections.
Overcrowding, higher viral load, people less exercised and lack vitD.

>> No.12203790

No the point it that a disease that can trigger sepsis in somebody who isn't gravely ill from another reason is on the black plague level. It doesn't mean it's nothing, it means the exact opposite. It's only because of modern medicine and the restrictions that we aren't experiencing a major plague.

>> No.12203806

Then why didn't Sweden experience a major plague, and why are they doing better than the rest of Europe now?

>> No.12203825

Compared to its similar neighbors, Sweden has been a total shitshow.

>> No.12203828

the foundation of the economy was already rotten and twisted to the core
the lockdowns have done nothing more than crack the plaster on the wall, giving us a glimpse of the abyss that is the true depth of the problem
forcing people to go back to work and convincing the gullible that anything else is an assault on their freedom is just spackling the cracked wall of a house that's built on top of a sinkhole

>> No.12203833
File: 28 KB, 142x253, covid-19_3koronar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three times the deaths of the other 3 combined

>> No.12203844

No idea. But the countries that had it good in the spring now see a massive increase in severe cases.

>> No.12203856

The problem is capitalism. The problem of capitalusm is that it's efficient. Nature hates efficiency. The most succesful organisms waste massive amounts of energy for no reason in particular. The problem with efficiency is that it keeps no headroom for emergencies. An efficien anything always walks on the edge of a catastrophy, because every single mishap means collapse.

>> No.12204350

The reality is that protests have been happening the world over, for a variety of reasons, but they haven't been contributing to the spread of COVID. it's the same issue we had with people going to theme parks and beaches because we think they should be breeding grounds for COVID but science has proven that they generally aren't.

>> No.12204359

>he doesn't remember the SPH orders

The lockdowns are not the reason the US failed at controlling COVID. If we had forgone lockdowns and done everything else right--testing, contact tracing, building up hospitals, earlier mask mandates, proper border control--we'd be in a much better position.

>> No.12204631

It's all an excuse for central banks to print empty money and buy up any assets that have real, physical worth.

>> No.12205055

Sweden didn't lockdown. Great Britain had a jackboot lockdown.

Their infections/deaths are comparable. Lockdowns started after the virus already spread through most of those countries, it's been spreading since late November 2019 and this was confirmed by the early presence of immunity in the British people by an Oxford study.


>The Oxford research suggests that Covid-19 reached the UK by mid-January at the latest and perhaps as early as December. It spread invisibly for a month or more before the first transmissions within the UK were officially recorded at the end of February and the epidemic started to grow exponentially.

>> No.12205062

Spanish flu killed 675,000 Americans in 1918, when the population of the US was less than a third of what it is today.

Spanish flu killed 1 in 20 people in India.

corona isn't shit.

>> No.12205398

I am a Swede and you don’t know what you are talking about. I am tired of seeing stupid americans point to us like we are better. Many people here wear masks and practice public health guidelines especially in the larger city like Stockholm. We didn’t lock down but as a result there are many vulnerable people who died and many people here now have health complications and lots of scientists and people have been critical of the gov response. Shut the fuck up, retard. You listen to your stupid right wing news sources pointing at us and you don’t even know the reality here. Idiot

>> No.12205665

>many vulnerable people who died and many people here now have health complications and lots of scientists and people have been critical of the gov response

we had a lockdown and suffered the same thing, lockdown accomplished nothing
the fact they're still forcing children into sardine can classrooms instead of going outside to learn shows you just how little they really care

>wear masks and practice public health guidelines especially in the larger city like rape capitol of Europe
>you don’t even know the reality here stupid american

learn to appreciate their subsidies of your economy or suck on one of your plentiful grenades faggot, also the Financial Times isn't fucking infowars and your English is terrible

>> No.12205674

the black plague which corona is actually compared to wiped out a third of Europeans. If you had 4 siblings, 2 parents, and 2 grandparents in your family, you would expect to lose 3 people within your immediate family on average. I've not known a signle person who died from corona, nor do I know anyone who directly knows someone who died from it.

>> No.12205772

The bubonic plague still exists and is easily treated with antibiotics.

>> No.12205788

Nigga, fuck off to the Amazon rainforest if you don't want to live in this system.

>> No.12205839

Can’t really do that when the corporations are tearing/burning the entire thing down

>> No.12205846

Typical American retard. Lockdowns helped all over the world. Also notice how the rest of the world is not having riots in the midst of the pandemic? Notice how normal people in other countries don’t spit at and hit people for wearing masks? You are a mentally ill nation of anti intellectual niggers who made public health a political issue. Lockdowns helped in the USA too just not as much because your population and your leadership is stupid and incompetent. If you didn’t lock down you probably would see double deaths and more health complications. You deserve to die for being so dumb and I enjoy seeing your nation crumble.

>> No.12205850

>telling someone from non English speaking nation their English sucks
>Be dumb American
Based retard

>> No.12205902

sweden is one of the most internationally integrated economies in the world and without the USA you wouldn't even exist
you rely on NATO (USA) for security, USA for your internet, USA as reserve currency, the list goes on

sweden could be glassed tomorrow and nobody would notice, you are irrelevant
>normal people in other countries don’t spit at and hit people for wearing masks

normal people in the Philippines get shot dead by the state for not complying with face diapers

normal people don't break old women's bones for when they're asked to properly mask up, but USA has lots of those too

normal people don't qq about America all day on the internet, but scatinavian faggots do

normal people don't think the CCP handled the coronavirus well, but the WHO does

>> No.12205909

triggered faggot

>> No.12205912

WHO lied, just like the whole world is lying about everything. All institutions are corrupt.

>> No.12205922
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Are you do have stupid?

>> No.12205941

You and me both know that the reason why they said what they said was political maneuvering, not scientific rigour, and they didn't say that, they said that if you do it while doing the things they said you should do, like washing your hands yelling "MUH DIIK" and whatever else it was they were saying back then, your risk would be minimised.
Were they right to tell people that protests were fine?
Obviously fucking not
Fucking misinformatios spreading retard

>> No.12205957

Ironically if there was a global effort at the start of this just to close borders for all travel between countries, the virus would've been stopped dead in its tracks, but airplane engine go BRRRR

>> No.12205992

It's a virus that disproportionately kills less young people than the flu but more old people than the flu.

People act like influenza is just nothing. Seasonal flus often aren't that bad, but that's partly due to widespread yearly vaccination. We very well could have a major new flu pandemic within some years or decades which would also warrant a response like this, like the 1918 one, especially if it evades all current vaccines and is more lethal.

>> No.12205998

Obviously it's not nearly as bad as the black plague. Doesn't mean it still isn't bad.

>> No.12206007

good leaders and people who'll say whatever it takes to get elected are mutually exclusive

>> No.12206026

>nitpicking over words
Tranny Cope.

>> No.12206030

Almost only those who get symptoms ("sick") get tested. What he said is correct.

>> No.12206031

Did we have a global lockdown for the flu? Did you account for that in comparing mortality?

>> No.12206036

No one should live past 30 and you know it.

>> No.12206050

>Notice how normal people in other countries don’t spit at and hit people for wearing masks?
When has that happened? All of the conflict seems to be from maskers throwing autistic fits when someone isn't wearing a mask. I've never heard of someone attacking a person for wearing a mask, only for not wearing them. Maybe you can find an isolated incident somewhere but it sure isn't the norm like the attacks on non-maskers by maskers.

>> No.12206084

That's not a nitpick. There's a huge difference between saying protesting probably didn't contribute to the spread, and saying that it was actually protective against spread.

>> No.12206090

There's been a lot of incidents where people without masks resorted to violence when they were asked to wear a mask or leave the establishment.


>> No.12206095

Not even trolls think it protects you tranny. Use your MTF brain.

>> No.12206098

>Not even trolls think it protects you tranny.
Of course they don't think it's protective, they just think the media claimed it was.

>> No.12206103

>they just think the media claimed it was
No, tranny. Not even trolls think the dumbass media said it protects you. No one thinks mass gatherings "protect" you.

>> No.12206110

>Not even trolls think the dumbass media said it protects you.
Then maybe they shouldn't say it over and over?

>> No.12206129

>one chud mistypes some troll bait on here
>say it over and over

>> No.12206225

Neither of those are true.

>> No.12206241

This is anecdotal, but I now know 4 people who have died from COVID-19. Two from work, one family member, and a member of my girlfriend’s church.
I can’t think of any year where I knew two people that died of the flu.

Mask wearing not only decreases initial viral load (read severity of case) but decreases rate of transmission altogether. We are probably seeing a much lower death rate than what would be if not for lockdowns and mask mandates.
Comparing populations that are denser and rely on public transportation to countries like Sweden is completely misleading.

>> No.12206242

how old and fat were they?

>> No.12206245

they linked an article and clearly don't mean "protective", while your autistic transbody trying to academically break down troll posts

>> No.12206249

probably just chinese

>> No.12206253

Two at work were in there sixties. One family member was overweight (40% of the US) and the church member was probably in his late 50s.

>> No.12206264

Not that anon, but I've seen numerous comments made in these covid threads that the protesters are protected, shielded, invulnerable, etc.

>> No.12206268

>Not that anon
>protesters are protected, shielded, invulnerable
two lies in the same post

>> No.12206274

>I can’t think of any year where I knew two people that died of the flu.
I haven't known a single person who died from the flu, but I've known two people who died from COVID-19.

>> No.12206276

>Why do we have continued threats of lockdowns and mask mandates when it's no deadlier than something that happens every single year?
Because how else would you get the population docile and used to increasingly totalitarian measures?

>> No.12206278

boomers have a longer lifespan than any generation in history

>> No.12206287

Can't tell at this point if you really don't spend much time here, or if you're trolling.

>> No.12206299

Who would have guessed MAGAtards come to /sci/ too.

>> No.12206310

they are pointing to the news articles saying that covid wasn't spread by nigprotests. you fall for whatever extra bait they add, like "immune" "protected" "invulnerable". it's not that hard to understand, tranny.

>> No.12206319

>we had a lockdown
No, you didn't.

>> No.12206324

>this damage control

so basically you have nothing better to do

>> No.12206325

You're trolling or you don't spend much time here if that's the first time you've seen a post saying they're protected.

>they are pointing to the news articles saying that covid wasn't spread by nigprotests.
Well if you want to argue that, the evidence isn't impressive that it did much to increase the spread. The two biggest hot spots during the second wave coincidentally happened two weeks after the states lifted the majority of their mandates and people flooded bars and restaurants.

>> No.12206348

It doesn’t take a Trump supporter to be anti-CCP
It only takes a brain

>> No.12206356

>attacking the messenger
I'm not the Swede. Point stands, you didn't have a lockdown. Closing some businesses isn't a lockdown.

>> No.12206359

There's a huge difference between Chinese genocide and being anti-CCP. Your /pol/-brain probably won't understand it though.

>> No.12206360
File: 38 KB, 318x287, 1_KRvRoVY86J7LaS1GEwmCEw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potholer54 just did a video explaining the difference between Case Fatality and Infection Fatality Rates.

Basically what people in this thread are doing is accidentally or purposely confusing the two. You cannot take the WHO's report about the estimated infection rate and claim what the death rate is based on the CFR. That's not how science works because you're leaving out the unreported deaths in order to falsly claim Covid-19 is less lethal than it is.


>> No.12206366

Right, but you also can't take the reported "deaths from covid" to calculate the mortality rate, since a laughable amount of those reported deaths were not actually due to covid but comorbidities or even totally unrelated causes.

>> No.12206369

the virus has barely spread since spring

>> No.12206372

>don't spend much time here
>don't spend much time here
i'm not paid to shill covid propaganda on here

>> No.12206377

That's not what comorbidities means. That's like saying 'I hit someone with my car and he bled to death, therefore it wasn't my fault he died, he simply bled to death'.

>> No.12206390

Can you explain why the average age of people who die from covid is higher than the average life expectancy?

>> No.12206407

I’m not /pol/ lol, not Marxist enough for my tastes.

And no, CCP is not communist. It’s an elitist oligarchy.
That guys post is obviously hyperbole, I’m literally autistic and even I can see that.

>> No.12206410

Totally why I know a deputy who’s had to attribute overdoses/car accidents to “covid” if they tasted positive.

You’re so far up your own ass

>> No.12206426

Okay, you know how I know you're full of shit?

Excess deaths. Which is exactly explained in the video you never watched. You people have no intention of learning. You only wish to spew garbage you don't understand.

>> No.12206448

You know what else you’re not counting on?
All the unreported/untested cases

The number is lower than whatever bullshit the media is shoving down your throat for compliance

>> No.12206455

At what age have you decided you'll an hero?

>> No.12206458

I don't know but even with the lockdown hospitals morgues and funeral homes are completely overrun. Bodies literally pile in the street in poor countries. That doesn't happen with the common flu

>> No.12206471

there is no such thing as real communism

>> No.12206482

Thanks for proving me right I guess.

>> No.12206488

Using excess deaths to argue your point is retarded. You can't just look at the total number of deaths this year and assume that covid is the causal factor. There thousands of variables that contribute to that number, this is basic "correlation =/= causation" freshman shit. I might as well use the excess deaths myself and argue that the lockdowns killed so many people, but that would be just as retarded as your argumentation.

>> No.12206495

My chink detector went off. Protesters were murdered during the tiananmen square massacre. Free Tibet and Uighur muslim deserves their own nation. The Chinese Rightist movement shall never die!

>> No.12206506

Apparently one in every 5 Americans now knows someone who has been either killed or hospitalised by COVID 19

>> No.12206513

You fucking moron, what's the point in focussing on a number that vastly inflates the fatality rate by taking the lowest possible number of infections? The number of deaths is stable, since there are hardly any deaths caused by covid that go unnoticed. In fact, even the reported deaths are already greatly overstated.

>> No.12206522

NEVER forget the fact that it was EFFETE international travelers from urban EUROPE who brought the virus to the United States where ROOTLESS metropolitan sewer rats spread it outside of the cities instead of staying put in the TRASH they made out of them

>> No.12206530

In the post-industrial first world, we should all definitely wear masks at public gatherings and to prevent small particles from entering our lungs. This has always been my stance. Corona or not, masks are always a good idea. Working from home if you can is always a good idea. Too many people die from disease in current year, when we know exactly how diseases can spread and how to prevent them. Its stupid as fuck

>> No.12206538

Not with humans in charge

Ideal Marxism would leave room for different income levels for different levels of effort, but more on the scale of say 35k-350k, than, y’know, billions.

>> No.12206543

That's really moronic and paranoid. Why aren't you equally up in arms about how so obviously the criminalization of drugs is for locking up people and getting the govt money? Think about it, if you decriminalize drugs, the police would make shit for arrests. It'll never happen. The LAPD has the same budget as North Korea's military. Look it up trumpie

>> No.12206544

Enjoy reduced lung function and being the establishments bitch

>> No.12206548

Who says I’m not equally opposed to the criminalization of drugs?

They’re both evil practices

>> No.12206553

>I've not known a signle person who died from corona, nor do I know anyone who directly knows someone who died from it
Basement dweller detected. I know 3 people who died personally. It's bad.

>> No.12206558

>reduced lung function
Right, because, you know... how much standing at a concert or in a crowded train just kicks your lungs into gear!

>> No.12206562

>being the establishments bitch
>lock people up "for spreading" the desease
Nobody's going to fucking mess with your precious lower-faces snowflakes.

>> No.12206565

Your blood literally gets oxygenated at a 60% rate of normal if you’re lucky

But sure, whatever you say glownigger

>> No.12206593

Right, I'd much rather just catch and spread deadly viruses than undergoing the most minor inconvenience ever for 1% of my yearly life. Get covid and die retard

>> No.12206604

Nice narrative bro

>> No.12206661

The mortality rate depends heavily on amount of people infected, if public healthcare collapses then deaths skyrocket. While it's true that the mortality rate is just x/n * 100, both x and n depend on a lot of factors that you're not accounting for.

>> No.12206676

>India, Brazil, France, Netherlands and Russia
>not as free and/or educated.
Very wrong. Travel the world when you have the chance and actually talk to people instead of roasting at the beach.

>> No.12207178

>when no one is cleaning items between country shipments.
virus can't last more than a day outside a host

>> No.12207571

Nobody is talking about the CFR. The IFR is the only relevant statistic, and it's pretty much an impossibility that there are any unreported COVID deaths with how much scrutiny there is on it everywhere. In fact, it's far more likely that deaths are over reported and the IFR is even lower than the current estimate.

>> No.12207577

CFR is the only important number

>> No.12207590

CFR doesn't tell you anything about how deadly the virus is. If there was a virus that only had a 1% chance of making you sick after infection and a 10% chance of killing those who got sick, it would have a 10% CFR yet would still be practically harmless.

>> No.12207595

Fucking whataboutism
>we can save millions of people
>but let's not because other people die too
Fuck you and your kind. Disgusting.

>> No.12207614

Hundreds of millions of people die every single year from all kinds of things. What makes this particular time so different that I have to all of a sudden make major sacrifices to save a small amount of extra people who may die?

>> No.12207633

>Hundreds of millions of people die every single year from all kinds of things. What makes this particular time so different
>let a million people die because more people die anyway
Fuck you. You are a pathetic human being.

>> No.12207641

If you start to feel sick, CFR is the only number that matters. 4%

>> No.12207644

>destroy the economy so more years of life are lost to missed regular care, suicides and economic misery.
>wow we sure saved someones life!

You're a colossal fucking idiot.

>> No.12207645

You haven't given me a good argument for why I should care.

>> No.12207665
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>pathetic human being.
gop in a nutshell

>> No.12207671

No, because the new WHO estimate implies that at least 90% of cases are asymptomatic, so they wouldn't have any interaction with the healthcare system.

>> No.12207672

> just flatten the curve, bro
low iq detected

>> No.12207673

If we approach it from a public health perspective where we factor in effective treatment cost and so on we could've cured malaria, polio, and tuberculosis, and provided universal HIV treatment on a global scale if we skipped the covid lockdowns and siphoned the equivalent amount of global GDP for treating other diseases.

So by chosing retarded unproportional lockdowns over a sensible distribution of resources we have effectively killed several hundred million people over the coming decades. Our Covid-19 response never stand a chance of becoming cost effective.

Only if we decide to nuke ourselves in response to the next pandemic will the covid response appear rational and proportional when we look back on it from the future.

tl:dr: You're supporting more preventable deaths than the nazis and the commies managed to achieve, combined, for the last 100 years. Literally worse than Hitler, Mao and Stalin combined.

>> No.12207689

Uneducated garbage. Every medical doctor agrees that the excess deaths this year are Covid. Should I believe them or some nobody on 4chan?

>> No.12207699

You suck at math.

36,511,903 known cases of Covid-19
1,062,273 known deaths from Covid-19

That's a rate of 2.9%. Of course, that is not how you calculate mortality rates. But the current estimate is in that ballpark. That compares to a mortality rate of 0.02% for influenza. So Covid is more than 100 times more deadly.

>> No.12207711

10% of the world's population is 760 million.

>> No.12207716

>that is not how you calculate mortality rates.

>> No.12207718

WHO says 780 million cases (10% of 7.8 billion). Or are you suggesting there are millions of covid19 deaths that are being hidden? Asymptomatic cases are easy to go undetected. A dead body is a bit more difficult to ignore.

>> No.12207748

>Or are you suggesting there are millions of covid19 deaths that are being hidden?
I'm not saying it - WHO is saying it. You only reported their estimated number of cases, which implies that 95% of Covid cases are "hidden". That further implies that there are more than 22 million "hidden" deaths from Covid globally.

>> No.12207759

>That further implies that there are more than 22 million "hidden" deaths from Covid globally.
lol I hope this is bait and that nobody is actually this retarded

>> No.12207773

>Or are you suggesting there are millions of covid19 deaths that are being hidden?
You're suggesting that couldn't happen in India and Africa?

>> No.12207789

The WHO is saying it, not me. They are literally saying that there are more than 740 million hidden Covid-19 cases.

>> No.12207794
File: 52 KB, 750x512, USA Cases.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the virus has barely spread since spring
>March 20 - June 20
Anon, the majority of the USA's cases happened after Spring ended, and coincided with a number of states lifting restrictions in early June.

>> No.12207806

>destroy people's organs and hence the economy for a very long time instead of for months
Cool idea, let's just cripple people instead so they'll never be able to work their old job again.

>preventable death of millions of your kind
I repeat: pathetic.

Can you name a politician you would deem sensible/reasonable? What always bugged me is that the share of politicians with children is unbelievably low. It seems like they are just trying to sell out and live the good life.

Imaginary stock market money doesn't count, sorry. In order to use that for a cure you'd have to sell, which would make it less valuable. It's not that easy plus you can't just throw money at problems to make them go away. I'd say nice try but you didn't even think before you posted.

>> No.12207815

>Imaginary stock market money doesn't count
A save the planet tax of 20% on all businesses funneled into some UN program. Would be real money.

But keep making up your excuses for your genocide.

>> No.12207948

ummm why haven't deaths gone up. maybe the false positives from the chinese test kits?

>> No.12207970

There's been 90k deaths since the end of Spring.

>> No.12207977

Where is your source?

>> No.12207987

>deaths peaked in april
>still all boomers
why do covid shills pretend like 80 year old boomers are immortal?

>> No.12207988


124,715 total deaths by June 20th. 216,784 total deaths as of today. That's 92,069 deaths since the end of Spring.

>> No.12207995

governments shutting down their economies, costing them literal trillions in tax revenues collectively, so they can charge people $50 mask files

when did /sci/ because the worst of /pol/ and /x/

>> No.12208002

>costing them literal trillions in tax revenues collectively
It won't cost them anything because congress will keep passing bills to print trillions of dollars for free.

>> No.12208006

I see what spirit is this child. Thanks for trying, but I'm not interested in feeding trolls.

>> No.12208175

That headline is misleading. Their models said a MAXIMUM of 10% was possibly infected. There are already a million confirmed covid death worldwide WITH lockdowns, masks and social distancing being enforced compared to the ~400k that usually die every year from the flu. Not trying to say the damage done to the economy was worth it but it's still objectively worse than the flu.

>> No.12208658

Yes we did. The governor of my state literally called it a lockdown and closed everything but non-essential stores. There was also a curfew in effect from 6am to 9pm, but this was lifted 1-2 months later.

>> No.12208772

>Every medical doctor
First of all that's just wrong, there are plenty of experts that disagree with the narrative. Secondly, outsourcing your thinking to experts and appealing to "consensus" in science is brainlet logic.

>> No.12208856

Someone calling it a lockdown doesn't make it one. They call everything a lockdown these days.
If that was a strict curfew I agree and would call it a lockdown too.

>> No.12209096

I love how you can tell this website is filled with underage retards.
>encounter unknown virus
>buhhh it doesn't kill you immediately!!!1
>try to tell them that viruses can go dormant and/or have lasting effects
>buh muh flu
kys normies.

>> No.12209165

it is genetically engineered

>> No.12209259

>buying the mainstream narrative
>calling others normies
Pick one

>> No.12209378

>using common sense that a virus could have lasting effects we aren't aware of yet
>indicating that's the mainstream narrative
Come on.

>> No.12209524
