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12196172 No.12196172 [Reply] [Original]

Engineering discipline rankings

Nuclear = Electrical > Chemical > Aerospace > Biomedical > Mechanical > Civil

You literally can't dispute these.

>> No.12196196

Sometimes i laugh thinking about how stupid people really are, but this time I only want to cry

>> No.12196198

Idk bro, I feel like chemical would be last

>> No.12196218

>Senior project time
>Chem E’s doing some pipe flow analysis
>EE’s making some snore fest of a circuit board
>Civil guys making a bridge out of cardboard
>Mech bro’s are ripping around campus in a suped up go-kart

Suck it nerds

>> No.12196219

People tend to cry when exposed to the truth, just let it all out man.

>> No.12196228

for my civil senior design we made a wastewater treatment plant... your school must be shit

>> No.12196282

The only reason you think it's a snore fest is because you're not smart enough to appreciate it

>> No.12196298


>> No.12196305

>go to uni for 4 years to learn how to build a go-kart
>built one from scratch with my tradie dad when i was 11

>> No.12196310

Why is aerospace above mechanical when aerospace is a specialization of mechanical?

>> No.12196311

Because Fluid Mechanics.

>> No.12196314

most aerospace jobs are in DoD which means you have to be a citizen to be eligible which means far lesser chance that you'll be working with a bunch of poos

>> No.12196317

Rankings for what? Difficulty or usefuleness of the degree? Either way, it's pretty much Nuclear >> others >> Civil

>> No.12196321

>the point of university is to learn

>> No.12196325

yeah studying nuclear engineering is a great choice if you want to be on the college-to-welfare pipeline.

>> No.12196329

>muh best engineering race
of course it's engineering dumbfuck undergrad brainlets who are concerned about arbitrary ranking.
>t. engineering researcher

>> No.12196333

Nuclear has the lowest job satisfaction out of any discipline

>> No.12196349

It's actually just undergrads in general.

>> No.12196406

You got a source on that claim? Everything I can find on google puts them in the middle of the pack.

>> No.12196436
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>Le Nuclear and Aerospace!
This is the easiest way to out yourself as a naïve 18yo
Any engineering degree is good, but the core 4 are a better option than any 20XX meme field that will be gone in 20 years. The students that hype up these degrees tend to be the "bro 120k a year out of undergrad!" types that don't actually care about engineering and just think they'll make an easy salary from it.
From my experience Civil and Electrical students actually enjoy their degrees, while my Chem/Mech friends want to kill themselves.

>> No.12196476

I think Mech E is fucking awesome, but calling a circuit a snore fest is fucking bizarre.

>> No.12196498

op is a faggot

>> No.12196506

>t. civil

>> No.12196510

>4 core
I would argue that MSE would be the 5th in the core. Materials is fundamental.

>> No.12196969

Civil autists never enjoy their fields, from my experience. Civil and industrial engies are the archetype of "I was told that engineers make a lot of money".

>> No.12196990

>nukies are in it for the money
A recent job fair at my uni had over 300 companies do interviews and only 5 of them wanted nuclear engineers, and two of those five were military.
I fully expect to earn the same amount of money as I was making before I started going to school after I graduate.

>> No.12197012

this. It's just a place to get your degree on a paper. Nobody cares what you learrned at uni, and companies won't hire you just because oyu got a degree, they really don't care.

>> No.12197138

>You literally can't dispute these
I can.
Mechanical and electrical best all the others.

>> No.12197142

LOL. Most of the people working in aerospace jobs ARE mechanicals. Followed by electrical.

>> No.12197154

>nuclear in the year of the lord 2020
enjoy spending your entire career decommissioning nuclear plants

>> No.12197748

EE here. I made a solar powered electric car to compete against the Mech bros. Oddly enough, we tied.

>> No.12198433

i just want to build a tank to bomb muslims, so mech e isnt that bad

>> No.12198483

You work in Mech E in America, you're probably working with a bunch of Arabs.

>> No.12198586

I thought electrical was one of the lower tier engineering disciplins, but it's definitely the one I'd love to do most. Working with electricity and informational signals is so awesome compared to, idk, computing stresses on a bridge.

>> No.12198601

The only rankings that matter are salary rankings.

>> No.12198604

You can get a job as a reactor operator, there is a surprising amount of demand right now. Great pay once you have your license, but shitty, shitty hours.

>> No.12198611

Mechanical ftw. Have fun not having that broadness.
>Oh? This involves biomechanics? I got you senpai!
>Oh? A wind turbine? Of course bro
>Oh? A engine? Yeah that's kind of my main thing
>Oh? Something that moves? For sure I can do it.

>> No.12198613

EE is one of the few that require you to not be a math brainlet and have an genuine understanding of analysis and calculus

>> No.12198615

no the shit goes to the wastewater plant wtf

>> No.12198616

electrical is a high tier Chad discipline it's the crack smoking civil engineers that think otherwise

>> No.12198619

y are u all balding then tf

>> No.12198621

I do not remember typing senpai. Holy fucking shit I'm switching majors.

>> No.12198622


>> No.12198630

Stress and genetics.

>> No.12198674

parents cry when their child is born retarded too

>> No.12198812

>3rd year civil
I think civil is the least interesting to study but the easiest and jobs in some areas could be pretty sweet. Any graduates in the thread to attest? I think there is often broad crossover within larger companies that just hire engineers period for general project management or "environmental" work. At least I'm hoping so cause working as a structural engineer seems quite boring to me. What masters should I do if my work sucks dick or can't find a job?

>> No.12198822

If I had to pick a team to solve a hard problem with no a priori information I would make the entire team electrical engineers. This is coming from a civil.

>> No.12198942

>EE's doing the work of Electronic E's
>Chem E’s doing the work of Mech E's
>Mech E's doing the work of Motorsports E's
>Civil E's fucking around with cardboard
Yea, seems about right for senior year projects

>> No.12198948

this is what every passionate PhD that has ever existed has thought about their work. in reality its just boring

>> No.12199355
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I think MatSci falls under the chemical branch for most universities? Its cool stuff, and I liked to mat sci class I took.
I haven't seen this in my personal experience, but that's all I can really attest to. Maybe it varies based on the sub-discipline.
I agree with you though, I just meant that those disciplines tend to attract those types of students. Like I said, any engineering degree is good, and if you're doing NE because it's what you are really passionate about then 2 thumbs up!
Why are you in civil if you don't think it's interesting? Most cookie-cutter civil jobs are with construction companies or local DTI's. You should do whatever post grad is interesting enough for you to be motivated to put in the work. Construction research outside of work improvement and programming can be very economic/philosophical in some ways. Water resources researchers are biologist who know more about math and less about fish, and the work is super fun/interesting. Structures and materials research is also interesting, you just need to find a prof that won't push you towards doing "I-beam shear optimization #54 climates averaging 20.71 Celsius". Foundations/Soils is math-y. Transport is interesting.
And I agree, don't finish you're undergrad and become a "structural engineer" because you'll just end up designing connections your whole life. That is suicide tier.

>> No.12199805

>EE's doing the work of Electronic E's
To be fair, Electrical is considered by the government to be "Electronics and Electrical Engineering", my curriculum is for electrical engineers but I have to take a bunch of electronics

>> No.12200806

Went Into it because I thought It'd be the most employable discipline with government jobs and construction in every city, think I'm just having a lot of grass is greener thoughts right now because I have a pretty dry semester with shitty profs and online classes. I'd like to get into oil and gas midstream, mining, or some cushy gov't shit but I'm spending this whole semester analyzing beams and losing motivation thinking mechanical or chemical classes would be more relevant to fields I'm interested in. Any thoughts on Mining Engineering Masters?

>> No.12200856

>t. Civil engy cope

You are a glorified mechanic

>> No.12201261

>Went Into it because I thought It'd be the most employable discipline with government jobs and construction in every city
In general yea. As long as there are humans there will be a need for civil infrastructure.

>think I'm just having a lot of grass is greener thoughts right now because I have a pretty dry semester with shitty profs and online classes
Everyone has doubts. Half the time I wonder if I should've done a math or physics or EE degree, and in a perfect world I'd probably drop it all and become a poet. It's ok to have doubts, but you need to make sure what you are doing is what you will enjoy doing the rest of your (only and short) life. For me, Civil blends abstract thinking with communication and public service, and I feel that through it I can leave a positive impact on people while also indulging in intuitive thinking. Your degree needs to align with your will and this is even more true for post-grads.

>I'd like to get into oil and gas midstream, mining, or some cushy gov't shit but I'm spending this whole semester analyzing beams and losing motivation thinking mechanical or chemical classes would be more relevant to fields I'm interested in. Any thoughts on Mining Engineering Masters?
I don't know a lot about Geo but the class sizes tend to be smaller and they do more field work so there is that. I think we need less brains in the oil/gas and more in enviro/water resources. Unless decommissioning is your thing, I don't even think it's a safe bet long-term. On the other hand, Geo will be around for awhile.
You need to schedule a meet with your academic supervisor, or any other profs that you could act as mentors. I'm just some guy on the internet, they will have professional opinions on the specifics of your program and school. Do some thinking though. I hope you figure it out anon!

>> No.12201352

Nuclear = Electrical > Chemical
Are oversaturated sectors, especially Electrical. Aerospace engineering is the best.

>> No.12201374

>In college currently getting a second degree in CS.
>Adding skill into my current role in finance.
I am thinking about just saying fuck it and leaving my current job behind. CS is neat but there is something about engineering things and being a builder that seems cool. I was considering Aerospace or Civil but I can do an online program in EE or Comp E.
I am unsure though what it would be like starting from the ground level with 10+ years in a totally unrelated industry.

>> No.12202827
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My reason for choosing civil is that you can live in an area with a relatively low cost of living and still have a pretty solid salary. I would rather make $70,000 in a rural area than $100,000 in a place like Vancouver or Toronto.

>> No.12202837

Appreciate the replies man, thanks. I've always heard geotech is high risk low reward especially in construction where the entire foundation rests upon the estimates of the soils strength so they end up taking on a ton of liability and the market for consultants doesn't seem to reflect that. You seem to know quite a bit about the water resources side of things do you work in that field? I feel like that's the sub discipline i know the least about

>> No.12202841
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Have you taken Hydrology yet?