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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12197994 No.12197994 [Reply] [Original]

how long does the corona virus last exactly?

>> No.12197999

Like flu, about 2 weeks. Why?

>> No.12198000

Why does he seem so fucking fine? HE WAS SUPPOSED TO DIE DAMMIT!
Fucking meme virus.

>> No.12198004


>> No.12198010
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holy fukkin w0t

>> No.12198013

just like flu, it never goes away

>> No.12198023

This board is really slow.

>> No.12198048

still best board tho

>> No.12198053

t. literal commie

>> No.12198064

Heil Stalin

>> No.12198082
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can't stop winning xer

>> No.12198084

Well at least you're honest about it. Now get in the fucking helicopter.

>> No.12198103
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>> No.12198132

Why does /pol/ browse /sci/? It's not like they understand science.

>> No.12198133

understand it better than you desu.

>> No.12198141

>best board
You only get one.

>> No.12198193
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Why do you discord trannies browse /sci/? You think if you cut your dick off you are a woman and race isnt real. You can't interpret reality correctly on even the most basic level much do (((science)))

>> No.12198223
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sickness hasn't run its course. he's also pumped up with drugs at the moment to prop his walking garbage bag corpse up

>> No.12198246

delusional, as usual. he is struggling to breathe

>> No.12198251

he's keeping in coughs.

>> No.12198253

Trumps an asshole and it would have been great if he died from this, but I wonder if the lockdown losers will STFU and fade away back into obscurity now??

>> No.12198256
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his battery is running low

>> No.12198269
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oh fuck

>> No.12198271

blood maggots from higurashi last forever because june 1983 never ends

>> No.12198282

According to Dr Norman Swann, if trumps infection is going to go bad it should start happening between Wednesday and Saturday (thursday-sunday) for americans

>> No.12198374

honestly hard to know where he is at in the infection, other than he wasnt coughing at the debate

>> No.12198712

Even recovered patients appear to be left with lifelong lung damage.

>> No.12198719


>> No.12198757

t. hippie trash

>> No.12198774

dumbass is going to infect the entire fucking Whitehouse staff because he STILL won't take it seriously.

>> No.12198775

and that's a good thing!

>> No.12198776

>oh no, the whole whitehouse staff is gonna get the flu!!!
fuck off already

>> No.12198799

Make America Gasp Again

>> No.12198807

and after they all report barely getting sick, will all you lockdown lunatics finally just STFU and fade away back into obscurity??

I sure as fuck hope so!! But I doubt it. I'm sure you'll all still be pushing as hard as ever for mandatory quarterly vaccines for all 7.8 billion humans and martial law until that's possible. hysterical fuckwits

>> No.12198961

Anyone remembers the time when it were right wingers doing stupid shit like this?

>> No.12198972

I see no reason why they should fare any better than the Iranian government when they ignored it.

>> No.12199010

>>best board

>> No.12199016

apparently the virus has been weakening as it spreads, doctors have had a lot more time to perfect their treatments, and new drugs have probably been developed as well

>> No.12199027

It doesn't even kick in for real until 10 days from now. I don't understand why anyone is reading into anything happening at this stage.

>> No.12199028

>have corona one day
>be discharged the next day

>> No.12199044

He hasn't been discharged. This is a political stunt for his base. They moved him to the hospital in the white house with the same team.

>> No.12199070

Is this just me or is this board genuinely full of retards?
How can you watch this gif and think he is fine?

>> No.12199075

>he is fine
relative to any other 76 year old? probably

>> No.12199083

Look at his cheek twitching outwards. Something is up with that.

>> No.12199603

>sickness hasn't run its course
This. He's only had symptoms for a couple days. Covid-19 kicks into high gear after around a week from the start of symptoms.

>> No.12199629

Well, that's what people were concerned with. Why did he need to live at the hospital. So, now he's moved back.

>> No.12199635
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>> No.12199826


>> No.12200128

Haha wow

>> No.12200271

From personal experience ~7 day , the last days being the worst

>> No.12200278

What symptoms did you have?

>> No.12200297

finally the covfefe

>> No.12200370

It was noticeable to me for about 5 days, the 3rd and 4th day being the worse. But even then, it was like a bad cold, I could still eat, drink and walk around, just not as much as I used to. A pile of paracetamol and sleep was all I needed.

>> No.12200423

He's clearly still recovering, but he doesn't look near sick enough to be in hospital or Death's doorstep as some would have you believe. Dude should just take it easy for 2 weeks.

>> No.12200529

Mostly feaver and joints pain the first days, aroud the 5th day i started to have chest pain, like somone was sitting on my chest, i wasn't grasping for air or anything but it was annoying.
It lasted 2 day then i started to feel better again.
I'm still not 100% 2 weeks later i still feel tired and my smell is 90% back

>> No.12200735

>Mr. president, you really need to stay in hospital.

>> No.12200750

Yeah, that fits the standard trend where it seems to start in the sinuses and moves to the lungs. A lot of people are experiencing a loss of smell before any other symptoms, and for some people, that's the only symptom. Glad you're improving, anon.

>> No.12200768 [DELETED] 
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Never mind the virus, he's gone full mad

>> No.12202174

he looks completely fine

>> No.12202251

It's like he's looking at the eclipse within with no sunglasses.

>> No.12202340


Probably totally forgotten days after the election.

>> No.12203225

>liberal talking about science

>> No.12203251

>litterally trying his damnedest to suppress a cough
>NO symptoms!!11
You have to go back.

>> No.12203253

>alleged /sci/ientist is afraid of politics and the /pol/boogeyman
Just go back to plebbit already. No one likes you retards.

>> No.12203290

>I'm smart
>that's why I oppose the guy who wants to help our country
How stupid can you be and still use a computer?

>> No.12203327

incoherent logic.

>> No.12203438

inject lysol

>> No.12203455

allow drug dealers in the country
give them tax payer funded health care
abolish police
continue getting americans killed in the middle east
give your jobs to china and mexico

>> No.12203477

don't forget:
forbid yourself from owning a firearm
forbid yourself from voicing your opinions
legalize race based hiring practices
raise taxes so politicians can spend it on themselves while destroying your ability to help the economy
create more red tape to strangle small businesses

>> No.12203492

>call yourself an anti fascist
>utilize fascist practices

>> No.12203539

>Why does /pol/ browse /sci/? It's not like they understand science.
/sci/ is the new /x/
how come haven't you noticed it yet?

>> No.12203654

It's like how nationalsocialism contains socialism. Antifascism contains fascism.

>> No.12203865

People with good genes don't die to viruses.

>> No.12203869

Do you love Capitalism? Modern day leftism is extreme Capitalism, they found a way to capture the low IQ masses. Aren't you supposed to be a Commie?

>> No.12203870


Lol if you think he's fine.

He's pretending to be fine in order to try to save his failing campaign.

>> No.12203875

Do you feel fine when you have the flu? Cold?

>> No.12203898

What's with the physical state of American candidates anyways?
>Clinton was walking around fainting
>Biden is going senile

>> No.12204058

It's not like Democrats had any better options to choose from. Bernie is a senile communist and Buttiwhatshisname is a literal flaming faggot. The rest were women and automatically disqualified.

>> No.12204131

"everything I believe about politics is centered around a fear-mongering strawman of my political "enemy" created by wealthy elites to trick me into voting them into further wealth and power" -you

>> No.12204238

Yang gang will never forget. I'm voting for Trump though.

>> No.12204253

Even more retarded than Bernie. YAY FREE SHIT FOR EVERYONE!

>> No.12204283
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Yeah I would never want a government who handed out trillions of dollars of helicopter money to save retards who should just be allowed to fail.
Oh wait.
Might as well get the money pumped into durable infrastructure, nuclear power and my bank account rather than the sociopaths in Boeing's C level.

>> No.12204296

You're advocating for trillions of dollars of gibs in addition to the already huge amount we have right now.

>> No.12204337

Wrong. I'm advocating for a return to properly optimized capitalism and the abandonment of corporate welfare. Shocking and sad that conservatives have been slowly boiled into thinking capitalism is backed by giving corporations enormous piles of taxpayer money, and a good currency is propped up by constant QE. Yang ran on gibs because people understand gibs. His actual platform is sound.

>> No.12204375

>conservatives have been slowly boiled into thinking capitalism is backed by giving corporations enormous piles of taxpayer money
How exactly do corporations get enormous piles of taxpayer money? The coronavirus stimulus was for them to keep paying their workers and necessary expenses.

>> No.12204642

Tax breaks are subsidies by another name.
A company that's so leveraged that it folds as soon as revenue drops for a few quarters needs to be given a hard lesson. Bail outs are a moral hazard. Always. And you're an absolute idiot if you think that corpo cocksucker helicopter money didn't get largely pocketed. Some of those companies are already doing fucking stock buybacks again.

>> No.12204666

>Why does he seem so fucking fine? HE WAS SUPPOSED TO DIE DAMMIT!
Blood of virgins?

>> No.12204705
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all the replies were "you're a retard"

>> No.12204727

>Tax breaks are subsidies by another name.
What a fucking dumbass. Why do you think the average person today has a better quality of life than a king 200 years ago? Innovation. If you incentivize companies to invest their money back into R&D then you'll increase living standards much higher than if you tax the shit out of the companies and distribute the proceeds among the poor so they can buy alcohol and drugs and have a dozen kids.
This is what communist and socialist cocksuckers don't understand, LIVING STANDARDS ARE MAINLY IMPROVED THROUGH INNOVATION, NOT TAXES.

>> No.12204744

>70+ year old
>admitted to the hospital then discharged the next day

>> No.12205450

this old fart is the pinnacle of masculinity in murica.

>> No.12205465

That's how like 99.9999% of united states citizens who care about politics think. Everyone who doesn't agree with their politics is literally insane

>> No.12205491

When corporations get tax cuts, they don't use it to fund R&D. They already have the R&D budgeted based on other factors.
They use the extra money to pay their CEO more or pay out to the investors.

>> No.12205531
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not long when your walking corpse is propped up by a drug-'roid cocktail

>> No.12205668

>No new posts
what's it like simping for capitalists when you yourself own no capital and are a worker like the rest of us.

>> No.12205705

>When corporations get tax cuts, they don't use it to fund R&D
Companies can claim tax credits by investing in R&D. And the tax rate is already pretty high in the US, twenty something percent.
I, unlike you, realize that everyone benefits from a system which fosters innovation. You're just too damn stupid to understand that putting money in the hands of the government will make everyone poorer.

>> No.12205755

Scientists and engineers made modern life happen. They'll basically do it for free if you give them some space. You owe everything to piles of people who devoted their lives to figuring shit out which, at the time, had no commercial application. Corporations are exploiters of intellectual resources and stupid plastic shit from China is not making your life better. Capitalism is an optimization engine, for sure, but if you reward the wrong optimizations then corporations will find the best way to salt the earth to maximizes profits.
Giving Boeing pallets of cash to continue being absolute dumb fucks is not a good expenditure of energy, even if it provides "shareholder value".

>> No.12205758

>a system which fosters innovation
he fell for the carrot on a stick

>> No.12205775

Giving tax payer money for corporations is what is called corporatism; when private enterprises is associated with the State in a 'mutual' relation.

>> 12204337 says
> I'm advocating for a return to properly optimized capitalism and the abandonment of corporate welfare.

That is the way; no corporate have the right of welfare. If do so in a State government perspective, you are obliged to take from some to give to this corporate; is basically thief.

>> No.12205829

>those trips
Well I guess he's gonna die

>> No.12205968

riddle me thusly. the claimed reason why sars 2 is so much more devastating than sars 1 is because the 14 day incubation period with no symptoms. so you do not know you are sick (unless tested), and you walk around spreading it everywher. asumming missir president gets tested regularly (every day?), then his positive test rezult occuurreed ruffly at day 0 of his infection. why, then, did he immediately "not feel so good"? and is uspposedly superpressing coofs? shouldn't he show no symptoms until a few weaks frum now?

>> No.12206028

>this is who is arguing with you on /sci/

>> No.12206035

Two o three weeks, sometimes with a critical period on the third week, otherwise asymptomatic.

Trump is a nigger who used this as a publicity stunt.

>> No.12206089

First 10-14 days are like a flu or whatever. Some people develop the really bad symptoms after that. So he's not really out of the woods (assuming he actually has the virus etc etc)

>> No.12206181

>self preservation is stupid
You're welcome to kill yourself any second now

>> No.12206183
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>> No.12206238

i cant stand the guy. but you know what? i dont wish him dead.

and this show of trying to calm everyone down is very brave, even if it is election propaganda

BUT...someone needs to stop him infecting others and encouraging everyone to take all this lightly.

Rump's ego wont let him sit back for a short while and let others take over.

>> No.12206265

>death rate under 1%

>> No.12206668
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Can COVID-19 cause strokes?

>> No.12206922
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He can't allow himself to look weak. He has built a personality cult around him that sees him as some sort of übermensch. If he struggles with the virus he spent months downplaying that will shatter the mythical version of him that his core base sees him as.

>> No.12207012

Yes, that's been known since February or so.

>> No.12207016
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He's clearly just emotional. Being true with one's own emotions is a sign of strength. What a remarkable man.

>> No.12207022
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>> No.12207025

>returns to WuHan
>takes off mask despite infection

Truest retard or truer retard?

>> No.12208030

He can hold all the viruses in by sheer strength, pressing his lips together (that's why his "wrong" is so pronounced). Why would he need a mask? Don't you trust your president?

>> No.12208040

>Don't you trust your president?
Of course I don't, not that I trust any president.

>> No.12208052

Good, the smear campaign worked and soon FEMA will take over.

>> No.12208091

found the clorox wingnut

>> No.12209474

not really

>> No.12210634

no, 14 days is the supposed maximum incubation time (although apparently longer times have been reported), on average it's 3-5 days. Policies specify 14 days in order to make sure you cover the people with long incubation periods

>> No.12210653

>has no actual argument
>just spouts buzzwords that don't mean anything

>> No.12210864

>tfw you realize china unleashed covid in a calculated move against America because Trumps retarded ass got rid of the pandemic prevention
>china was willing to take a hit, board up their people, to do greater damage to America
>tfw you realize even if Biden wins the damage has already been done
>China gets to kick back and simply wait
>America more divided than ever as well

It will be an eventful decade to be sure

>> No.12210886

Depends who the virus Is in

>> No.12211854


>says he's 100% healthy
>says he's symptom free
>say he feels better than he did 20 years ago
>coughs a million times

What did he mean by this?

>> No.12211866

Idk but china is being blocked in every way. They can't even make semiconductors anymore

>> No.12212010

Uhh, he's a narcissistic liar? All politicians are like that. It should hardly be surprising.