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File: 95 KB, 1600x685, covid19-1600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12185746 No.12185746 [Reply] [Original]

what makes it so dangerous?

>> No.12185750


>> No.12185753

Mass hysteria and partisanship, basically imagine the flu with more politics.

>> No.12185755

What do you think, OP?

>> No.12185767

Nothing, it is used as an excuse. You can take any flu and do the same with it.

>> No.12185852

Read the rapport from WHO before talking shit.
The virus is far more deadly than flu, moreover it was previously unknown to human immunity system in populations all around the world.

>> No.12185860

>Read the "rapport" from Chinese propaganda agents
I'll pass

>> No.12185880

Sorry, I mean report.
Still better than amerifat propaganda.

>> No.12186022

>Chinese official science is worse than American
Found the retard.

>> No.12186029

ARDS and subsequent drowning on your own lungs
Kidney damage
Neurological damage

>> No.12186030

Whooops lol.
>Chinese official science is better than American
Found the other retard (I’m the first one).

>> No.12186038

Political policies.

>> No.12186168

yeah, you do that a lot with books, don't you

>> No.12186177

The media

>> No.12186183

bradykinin disregulation

>> No.12186253

the media, politicians and armchair epidemiologists.

>> No.12186260

High chance of permanent organ damage. Caused (as it seems right now according to current publications) bradykinine storms upregulating ACE2 in almost every organ, such that the virus can attack there as well. Secondary effect by the immune system heavily reacting and destroying tissue (see, e.g., ground glass in lungs).

>> No.12186305

being a pussy

>> No.12186366

So much samefag in here lol

>> No.12186396

lol retarded 3rd worlder btfo

>> No.12186407

>upregulating ACE2
lol you mean downregulating. no wonder there is so much confusion if you people confuse up and down.

>> No.12186453

ACE2 is what the virus binds to. Why would downregulating it cause infections in organs which usually have very low amounts of it?

>> No.12186488

thats because downregulation of ACE2 causes an increase in angiotensin 2 through ACE. that will result in higher concentrations of angiotensin I and II since they won't degrade. so two things are at play: an increase in angiotensin 1–10 and a decrease in angiotensin 1–9

>> No.12186521

>Instead, it actively hijacks the body’s own systems, tricking it into upregulating ACE2 receptors in places where they’re usually expressed at low or medium levels, including the lungs.
That's where I got that statement from. Does the virus also bind to angiotensin?

>> No.12186537

As you can clearly see, it is made of triangles. Now, we know that triangles are usually either illuminati or jews. It's more than one triangles. The illuminati only uses one triangle. Therefore anon it was jews. The jews did this anon. Look at me anon. It was the jews.

>> No.12186561
File: 377 KB, 1347x782, 41440_2020_476_Fig1_HTML[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't "bind" to angionsin, but rather by downregulating ACE2 it overstimulates the RAS.
there is a good picture here:
fucking antispam won't let me post the link. attaching the picture. google it and read it.

>> No.12186586

I see. Okay, that explains it for the lungs, but what about other organs that usually are low in ACE2, as per the article I posted?
Thanks for taking the time, Anon. I appreciate it. Really want to understand as much as possible.

>> No.12186602

did you even read the post

>> No.12186606

> The virus is far more deadly than flu
3.9% of symptomatic cases. Still nowhere close to the Spanish Flu of 1918, which killed 5.26% of the world population at the time, or about 50 million.

In comparison, COVID has killed about 1 million worldwide, with almost 24 million recoveries.

Compared to the 1918 flu, COVID is a summer sniffles. However, social distancing will probably slow the birth rate in the Western world, more due to a lack of social events than anything else.

>> No.12186615

Bros, is hydroxychloroquine and zinc actually a meme or is it being shilled hard against by big pharma? There's a trillion dollar deal on the line here depending if the former is correct.

>> No.12186623

yes because we get the spanish flu every year

>> No.12186629

the studies used doses 10 times larger than normal prescriptions and never included zinc, take that however you will.
however hydroxychloroquine only showed a slight increase in survival rate when dosed at nontoxic levels

>> No.12186633

Prove it does anything to the physiologic pathway. Up to this moment nothing suggests patients are pissing lots or dying from hypokalemia. The virus may bind with anything but that doesn't mean it will bind in a way that makes the receptor biochemically active. It's like saying you can drive a car just by holding the wheel.

>> No.12186713

It's a meme.

>> No.12186763

Sell Kodak.

>> No.12186806

>what makes it so dangerous?
Nothing. It's about as dangerous as internet memes.

>> No.12186976

>as dangerous as internet memes
NEDM, tide pods, planking on skyscrapers and cranes, Instagram pics on train tracks etc, eating live animals, lol kys and livestream, QAnon, antivaxx, ammonia crystals, etc etc.
So pretty fucking dangerous?

>> No.12187326

>Still nowhere close to the Spanish Flu of 1918, which killed 5.26% of the world population at the time, or about 50 million.
Prior to antibiotics. There's a reason it hasn't been repeated.

>> No.12187346

>against viruses
Anon, I...

>> No.12187392

>what is a secondary infection
ironically a significant part of people who died from covid got a secondary infection that they would've been able to survive weren't it for the covid already wrecking havoc

>> No.12187397

Antibiotics fight secondary infections, but not the viral initial disease itself. You said it hasn't been repeated since antibiotics, implying that these are connected.

>> No.12187401

People primarily died from bacterial pneumonia due to the virus destroying the mucociliary barrier, allowing the bacteria that normally resides in the upper respiratory tract to migrate into the lungs. Presumably many of those deaths would have been preventable had antibiotics been available.

>> No.12187457

Sure, but see >>12187397

>> No.12187484
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Fuck off with that bullshit shill faggot propagandist fuck (You)

>> No.12187497

FYI, I posted >>12187326 and >>12187401, >>12187392 is a different person.

>Antibiotics fight secondary infections, but not the viral initial disease itself.
It's not the viral infection that often kills.

>You said it hasn't been repeated since antibiotics, implying that these are connected.
Influenza can still kill today. It often doesn't because antibiotics treat the secondary bacterial pneumonia, which is the major cause of death. Antibiotics can also have antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties which are protective of the lungs, for example azithromycin and doxycycline, but I still think the bulk of their efficacy is in keeping the lungs clear while the body fights off the viral infection.

>> No.12187606

If you're an idiot with little care for your own safety, that is. Stay at home, and you won't catch it.

>> No.12187616

>Stay at home, and you won't catch it.
Not possible with a family. No one can stay at home indefinitely and stay healthy.
>If you're an idiot with little care for your own safety, that is

>> No.12187649

next year it'll be nothing

>> No.12187655

>next year it'll be nothing
I doubt it, but I'll be happy if that turns out to be true.

>> No.12187661

I know at least 3 people who died because of this virus, but you're going to pretend it's not real.
Keep being a delusional burger.

>> No.12187673
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Do you have any understanding of what I just posted?

Let me break it down for your birdshit brain: the picture depicts a tweet from WHO which is short for World Health Organization, wherein they are blatantly lying. I posted this to show you absolute sub-brainlet retards that WHO is not to be trusted regarding the virus, not that it doesn't exist.

>> No.12187676
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>what makes it so dangerous?

Being unhealthy and stupid.

>> No.12187715
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Not even a burger. Eat this

>> No.12187739

>stand on a tall cliff
>someone pushes you off the cliff when you were otherwise standing still and stable
>"actually you died of standing on a cliff"
that "only 6%" shit is fucking stupid reasoning

>> No.12187751



>Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.

Anon, it's almost as if being ""unhealthy"" makes it dangerous. You know exactly just like I said, but I suppose being an idiot is second nature to you.

>> No.12187755

>fall off a tall cliff
>bleed internally and externally
>broken everywhere, punctured lungs and cranium
>don't die before tested positive for covid in hospital
>its covid
That is way better reasoning if someone can push their agenda and gain money from it as well.

>> No.12187759

how many Yuan you made with this one zhang?

>> No.12187777

Only 6% of death certificates listed only COVID-19 as the cause of death. The 2-3 other "serious illnesses" could be pneumonia and respiratory failure caused by the virus, which would still make COVID-19 the cause of death. 2/3rds of all death certificates in the USA list multiple causes of death.

>> No.12187784

>fall off a cliff
>hit head on rock
>lungs fill with water
>three causes of death listed on death certificate
"See, the person had 2 other serious injuries, so the fall didn't kill them!"

>> No.12187795

>The 2-3 other "serious illnesses" could be pneumonia and respiratory failure caused by the virus

If they are caused by the virus, then that's the CAUSE OF DEATH you fucking moron e-scientist. Those are the symtoms of the virus, hence thats what you die from: the virus.
Do you think the 6% died of covid which is some mysterious symptom in and of itself which causes sudden death? The 2-3 other ailments are just that -OTHER- aka NOT CAUSED BY COVID.

Idk if you are trolling, a shill or I'm discussing this with someone with severe brain damage. The latter would be unfair for both of us, so please refrain.

>> No.12187819
File: 55 KB, 842x201, death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all need to be more specific about what you're talking about. You're clearly talking about the causal chain in Part 1, while >>12187777 is talking about the comorbidities in Part 2.

The presence of comorbidities doesn't mean covid wasn't the most immediate and relevant cause of death, it just means it was the final straw that killed someone who might otherwise still be alive.

>> No.12187841

>If they are caused by the virus, then that's the CAUSE OF DEATH you fucking moron e-scientist.
That's not how death certificates work. There's up to four causes that can be listed as a chain of events that caused one another. Listing just two would disqualify that death certificate from having COVID-19 as the only cause of death, which would prevent it from being included in the 6%.

>> No.12187851

Yes, and the CDC specifically said that death certificates may include conditions caused by SARS-CoV-2, such as respiratory issues.

>> No.12187852

Anon do yourself a favor and use reputable sources. Here is a good article written in simple language:

Basically there are two different theories that kind of contradict each other:
what your article is saying is there is a *theory* that SARS upregulates ACE2 because it binds to ACE2. So theory is that an increased number of ACE2 makes it easier for SARS to spread into other organs. On the other hand, ACE2 are the "good guys" since they counter some negative effects caused by ACE. So the other *theory* is that SARS actually downregulates ACE2 so it no longer counters ACE. ACE is known to produce another group of "bad guys": angiotensin II which it breaks into angiotensin (1-9), a super evil guy responsible for high blood pressure and other bad things: it binds to AT1R and activativates really bad and harmful pathways. ACE2 on the other hand breaks angiotensin II into a good guy angiotensin (1-7) which binds to AT2R and activates the "good", protective pathways that counter AT1R. Long story short ACE2 is good for you is ACE is bad for you and thats what ACE inhibitors do that are used to treat high blood pressure.

That said, this is strictly in the context of RAS and has nothing to do with bradykinin storms. But since your article is based on the Bradykinin hypothesis, it is about a totally different system (KKS) and there is a complex interaction between RAS and KKS pathways. The article from lancet that I linked talks about both. Yet it insists that ARDS is linked to
*decreased* levels of ACE2 which implicates a loss of ACE2 protective effects. It also states that there is no evidence that ACE blockers prescribed for high blood pressure increase susceptibility to infection. For tl;dr you can read Summary at the bottom.

I also would like to point out that unlike RAS, KKS and this whole bradykinin stuff is very poorly understood due to insufficient research.

>> No.12187900

by 6%er logic, when trump kicks it in a week, it won't be covid that killed him, but his outstanding obesity. he died because he was so goddamn fat and old

>> No.12187932

based sci

>> No.12187937

kek and based

>> No.12187971

If you have to fight a war do you want to fight two fronts or one?

>> No.12188107

>replying "based" to his own posts
Cringe and gay

>> No.12188113

Old people

>> No.12188619

Are you implying that
>we have no clear evidence
means the same as
>it doesn't
? Because these are different things. The WHO didn't lie.

>> No.12188629

Completely irrelevant.

Why is reading comprehension on /sci/ so bad?

>> No.12188634

I understand (to an extent) that chain of reactions and that me and the other Anon were apparently talking about different hypotheses, but I don't understand how the latter results in the virus being found in organs where there usually is low ACE2, when the virus binds to only that.

>> No.12189313

>The WHO didn't lie.

>> No.12189433

I don't see a contradiction. ACE2 is abundant in lungs, kidneys, heart, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid and to a lesser extent in the brain as well. Also it is a pulmonary disease so initially it goes for the lungs. But the suppression of ACE2 leads to widespread systematic damage that can affect other organs indirectly. But that doesnt mean the virus got in those organs by somehow generating more ACE2. One example is the famous cytokine storms which may be the reaction to ACE2 suppression, if you believe in that theory.

>> No.12189743


>> No.12190113

My replies there and I didn't write the original comments.

take yer meds

>> No.12190116

"Crimson Contagion"

>> No.12190254

will trumps death certificate say covid or old, obese, and heart disease?

>> No.12190267

A lot of the statistics is obviously cooked. Just look at the graphs for Spain. Someone realising this kills of their tourism industry. Suddenly the infection rate implodes with no obvious explanation.
India is in exponential growth phase while none of their neighbouring countries report anything like it. Strange. Palestine reports a lot of infections but few die of it. Perhaps other causes of death like being gunned down or executed by the religious police are more common causes of death overwhelming the corona figures. Greece also has strange graphs but have always been flexible in their approach to statistics, ref. the financial reporting to the EU. Again tourism is crucial. Leaks confirm security agencies in Iran have remanded the figures be reduced down to 1/3 of reality.
Etc. etc. etc.

>> No.12190457


>> No.12190569

Major new wave of infections in Spain. And local authorities are resisting lockdown.

>> No.12190678

How would I cite something that didn't happen?

>> No.12190841

how pajeets are dealing so well with this?

>> No.12190844

I hear it kills blacks more than any race despite blacks thinking they couldnt catch it....sounds like...based

>> No.12191065


>> No.12191077

It's a cold virus you complete unrepentant nigger.

>> No.12191158

No it's not.

>> No.12191218

>ARDS and subsequent drowning on your own lungs
>Kidney damage
>Neurological damage
None of this will be proven definitively for several years. The timeline hasn't been long enough so far.

>> No.12191226

>cold viruses aren't caused by coronaviruses
please consider suicide

>> No.12191242

>cold viruses aren't caused by coronaviruses
Fucking what?

>> No.12191254

Colds, which people commonly refer to as "cold viruses," are sometimes caused by coronaviruses.

>> No.12191274

A cold is just a collection of symptoms, of which 200 different viruses can cause, including influenza. The four endemic coronaviruses fall within that group of viruses, I've never seen SARS, MERS, or SARS-2 listed in that group.

>> No.12191303

I've never seen your mother listed in that group.

>> No.12191314

takes advantage of the fact that most of the planet is vitamin D deficient and many common condition decrease your vitamin D production. But I have no large randomized trial data to prove my point. Just small one. Time will tell.

>> No.12191318

Hey, I have a small one too; but I won't tell anyone if you don't.

>> No.12191324

Right, exactly, just like some coronaviruses are considered cold viruses doesn't mean all coronaviruses are cold viruses, your mother being a dirty whore doesn't mean that all mothers are dirty whores.

>> No.12191335

this is the study that made me seriously consider:

first group: califediol treatement, 50 people. result, only two who required ICU
second group: traditional treatement, 26 people. result, 13 required ICU and 2 deaths.
it seem significant, but it's 76 people. For now it's my main hypothesis.

>> No.12191354

Ok, but I think you know what I mean. Also some people have described covid as being like a "bad cold"

>> No.12191359

It's not.

>> No.12191360

a lightbulb is radiation
nuclear bombs can't kill you

yeah you make sense

>> No.12191603

And some haven't, what's your fucking point?
>kid survived falling down Niagara falls
>guys it's just a wet rollercoaster ride total nothingburger

>it's difficult to prove therefore it isn't real

>> No.12191656

Largely because it's an endothelial disease. It can fuck around with the portion of our physiology responsible for maintaining homeostasis. This is how the virus can affect the heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, brain, blood vessels, etc. It cause cause blood clotting even post recovery. There is also a possibility that the reproductive system is affected by the virus (and not just because of the fever). Testicular pain has been noticed in some covid cases, and the virus is detectable in sperm. So basically it's not just a flu but can have much more severe affects. I think it's a biological weapon personally.

>> No.12191860


>> No.12191863

Keep shilling, libtard.

>> No.12191869

>muh books
Retard believes everything in print.

>> No.12191882

WHO copped to its fuck up already. https://www.sciencealert.com/who-tries-to-correct-wuhan-coronavirus-risk-level

>> No.12191898

Nowhere does it say they lied. Another try?

>> No.12191925

It's severe enough to make susceptible people really sick yet subtle enough that many healthy people dont notice they're sick. This makes it easy to spread among the population which results in a scenario where many sickly people overwhelm the hospital system leading to excess deaths. Its surface proteins also have an extremely high affinity for the ACE2 receptor making it difficult for the immune system to eliminate completely and thus leading to long periods of being contagious.

>> No.12191929

>compared to [the worst pandemic in human history] it's not that bad
Lmao go fuck yourself. Humans have had over 100 years to become accustomed to the spanish flu virus (all influenza A strains are descended from the spanish flu) which has made it far less virulent. This virus is new and has a death rate 2 orders of magnitude above a typical seasonal flu.

>> No.12191939

I can guarantee you almost everyone you know has a preexisting medical condition

>> No.12191950

You calling it RAS confused the shit out of me because I thought you were referring to RAF/RAS at first. What a crazy system of abbreviations

>> No.12191957

At the very least china majorly profited off of this virus. Their GDP has exploded while the rest of the world has gone into a deep recession that is likely to become a depression as deflation sets in due to decreased consumption.

>> No.12191962
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In short, infectivity.
I don't like the anti-lockdown conspiracy boomers but it's getting a lot harder to not at least sympathise with them.

Essentially, the virus isn't very deadly, especially compared to past pandemics like SARS. However, the virus is extremely infectious and can take 2-4 weeks before a patient starts showing any signs of infection, so it has the potential to spread like wildfire, weeks before anyone even realises what's happening.

The worst case scenario is that the health system becomes overloaded, thousands of times over capacity and thousands of people start to die from easily preventable causes, this was the logic behind all of the lockdowns.

This may have been an overreaction and I'm no scientist but things do seem kind of fucky to me.

>> No.12191963

Definitely. That's the advantage of their system. They can truly do whatever they want because the people know they don't have freedoms or any chance of resisting.

>> No.12192013

Its important to note that this very same lack of accountability has its disadvantages too.
For example: despite sequencing the genome of the virus quite early in the outbreak, China refused to share that data with the WHO until an American lab had also sequenced it and released thier findings publically. The WHO was unable to exert any pressure on the chinese to act sooner because doing so risked china cutting off all thier information, which would have made the situation worse.

>> No.12192494

>dealing so well with this
What? They die in droves while the graphs show exponential growth until recently. There is a reduction now but for all we know that might very well because the testing went past their capacity.

>> No.12192499

They call it an "error":
>WHO Has Admitted an Error in Its Assessment of Wuhan Coronavirus Risk
That is weaseling out of it.

>> No.12192514


>> No.12192531

They didn't lie though. Especially not about the statement Anon (you?) mentioned in the beginning.

>> No.12192556

You idiot it's a secondary infection AKA bacteria FFS man seriously!

>> No.12192595

Learn to read before seething, retard. He said we haven't experienced that kind of flu again because of antibiotics. The correct statement would have been that we haven't experienced such devastating effects of a flu thanks to antibiotics.
God, this board is chock full of people without any capability of reading comprehension. Read a book instead of shitposting all day long, you smoothbrain.

>> No.12192607

>He said we haven't experienced that kind of flu again
He said it hasn't been repeated, i.e. a pandemic of that severity.

>> No.12192634

keep in mind, lotsa healthy people who had "mild" cases have been found with rekt lungs/organ damage. no one knows for certain if the damage is permanent tho

>> No.12192703

Swine flu = spanish flu. It was nowhere near as serious as the original.

>> No.12192726
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>> No.12192867

>I have a right to party with strangers
kek, the entitlement. This generation is made of pussies. We need another war.

>> No.12193000

>can't handle a disease with 0.001% kill rate
>thinks he can handle a war

Also yes going out and socializing with who ever you want is a god given right.

>> No.12193008

You can't live a few months without drinking out, you're a pussy. Nice strawman tho. Peace destroys mankind.

>> No.12193018

I mean you're a pussy too for being scared of a virus.

>> No.12193085

Has nothing to do with "being able to", rights are rights. And again you are the one panicking over nothing, peace has indeed destroyed mankind.

>> No.12193170

Never said I am scared or panicking you massive brainlets. Keep on fighting strawmen, I enjoy your senseless drooling.

>> No.12193684

It has already killed nearly 0.1% of the entire population of Belgium and also Peru and is far from over. Your figures are way off by orders of magnitudes even.

>> No.12193698

LMAO imagine ACTUALLY being so fucking retarded you actually trust this. FUCK YOU you fucking faggot. I'll kill you

>> No.12193795

You need to breathe to keep living and the virus makes you not breathe good so you have a harder time living.
If you already don't breathe good it makes you breathe double not good which is equal to bad and therefore your living is also bad.

>> No.12193912

Your cope is just beyond this dimension. Many of the currents deaths have been due to multiple infections on top of COVID. Even bacteria found in the dirt everywhere can have virulent genes. My goodness... eij eeij eiiiij!

>> No.12194434

The WHO changed Gender Dysphoria from being a mental issue to a sexual one, like erectile dysfunction.

>> No.12194693

>hurrrrr I'm a retard who can't read but it's not my fault it's yours

>> No.12195141

Indeed. It's already worse globally than any flu in the last hundred years, and there are no signs of it ending, in fact it hasn't even peaked and it's still accelerating. I don't see how anyone can still deny it's dangerous.

>> No.12195209

cytokine storm

>> No.12195272

>a few months

>> No.12195276

because everywhere you look is bullshit data being used for political gain?

>> No.12195304

Sheer numbers.

>> No.12195338

Well let me repeat myself because you are clearly too retarded to fully understand anything. People still die from secondary infections with COVID, even now.

>> No.12195360

The economic fallout alone will remove more human life-hours from this planet than the disease ever could.
The cultural fallout from the quarantine is icing on the cake.

>> No.12195632

Long COVID is also a financial killer. Imagine the cost of millions with brain damage? You can tell this is trouble by the fact nobody is talking how this will affect the future.

>> No.12196107

Who gains anything from this?

>> No.12196111

I never denied that or said anything to the contrary, but thanks for repeating what I already said a few posts up. Do you feel smart now that you said what everybody already knew?
Please acquire some reading comprehension.

>> No.12196153

By lying? If Spain can persuade other countries that Spain is really safe, my friend, they will gain more tourist income.

>> No.12196178

Jews have gained more wealth since the start of the year than any other period of history.

>> No.12196184

take your meds.

>> No.12196458

>what makes it so dangerous?

The 2020 US Presidential election.

>> No.12196649 [DELETED] 

From personal experience I've been haggling against doctors claiming non-existant secondary infection when it quite likely saved my friend's father after the doctors declared he only had 48 hours to live. He was given antobiotics and they were able to lower the pressure and oxygen in the ventilators after 3 days.

>> No.12196676

It saved my friend's father after the doctors declared he only had 48 hours to live. They were against antibiotics, but after insisting on a last try they were, after 3 days, able to lower the pressure and oxygen in the ventilators.

>> No.12196677

i have a hard time believing we would have this flu hysteria had Hillary won in 2016

>> No.12196717

What would we have then? A national suicide pact?

>> No.12196736

Yeah because trumps dumbass didnt act fast enough, and continues to tell people to spread it all over eachother while hes in diapers at a hospital.

>> No.12196783

>be jew
>bought stocks when market was way down
>now living a life of luxury as a thousandaire
Holy shit, /pol/ is on to something!

>> No.12197109

There are 9 countries with more dead per million than the US
The US also has one of the best infrastructures for travelling, a culture for social and geographical mobility so it was from day one like tinder ready for the match.

>> No.12197119
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Even then, most of the deaths have been in urban areas in two particular states.

>> No.12197124
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The US is a failed nation that should just collapse already. A plague upon this planet for sure.

>> No.12197230
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It's proclivity towards the ACE2 receptors

>> No.12198904

Your answers make it seem like I said antibiotics didn't work. What makes you think I did that?

>> No.12198918

Then tourists will get sick, Spain is marked as dangerous and tourists will stay away even more. No net gain in the end.

But that's not related to covid-19.

>> No.12199053

>waaaah sheeple
Dunning-kruger who believes everything on the internet which aligns with their shitty politics

>> No.12199055


Lmao you fucking weasel.

>> No.12199099
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, trump_gasping_for_air_and_wincing_in_pain.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12199173

Why this conspiracy hypothesis when Semitic people, including Jews, are above average susceptible to COVID-19?

>> No.12199209

Looks like he is touched and shedding a manly tear, not gasping for air. What a remarkable man, never hiding his true emotions.

>> No.12199287

>virus is far more deadly than FLU

>> No.12199683

Does anyone have anything that shows the mortality in the US for 2020 compared to previous years? Like how much more likely is an american to die today than october 6th, 2019

looks like he has to take a shit, not gasping for air. He certainly looks odd in that video, but don't delude yourself that he's "gasping"

>> No.12200014
File: 76 KB, 1139x549, Excess Deaths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone have anything that shows the mortality in the US for 2020 compared to previous years?
Official numbers usually take several years to be released, but the USA has had many deaths above the expected rate. The 2017-2018 flu/pneumonia season was pretty bad, and it's clearly well below peak COVID-19 deaths.


>> No.12200138

He looks fine.

>> No.12200325

Who don't journalist bring thermo cameras to check the temperatures of senior staff? They could have broken the news much earlier.

>> No.12200379

Wasn't that peak due to the New York quarantine debacle?

>> No.12200432

New York's at 119% of their expected deaths, but many other states are over 110%, in fact New Jersey and Arizona have more excess deaths than NY. The country as a whole is at 111%.

>> No.12200439

Yeah, I forgot New Jersey had a spike at the same time

>> No.12200446

The whole NE region was a mess, probably because so many international travelers go through NYC, and so many people commute between states for work.

>> No.12200459

>Israel is once again in lockdown
>Somehow the eternal Jew is winning here
Alright, you go ahead and list the number of countries that have it under control.

>> No.12200853

60K/w periodically every year is not worth mentioning.
67K/w (2018), also not worth mentioning (maybe side note).
80K/w SHOCKING! Justifies full attention from science, politics and media, closing borders, "stop" schools, force people to wear masks, etc. etc.
And this in relation to a population size of 330M.

>> No.12200921

>Justifies full attention from science, politics and media, closing borders, "stop" schools, force people to wear masks, etc. etc.
I agree.

>> No.12200925 [DELETED] 

It's going to be the third most common cause of death for this year.

>> No.12200937

It's going to be the third most common cause of death for this year, assuming it isn't going to get much worse.

>> No.12201268


>> No.12201940

This is not common

>> No.12202971

It is though. What you mean probably is that the lung adapts to the damage over time. The damage is still there.

>> No.12203014

>what makes it so dangerous?
The President and his 'Administration' not taking it seriously, even after being personally infected by it.

>> No.12203026

Maybe you should trust their first-hand experience over your own conjecture then :^)

>> No.12203041

Imagine thinking a quasi-inanimate replicating particle looked into the future, saw one dude in charge of one geographically arbitrary grouping of people on the planet scoffing at it, and thought "Fine then, I'm going to cause atypical pneumonia that can progress into sepsis and acute respiratory distress."

>> No.12203056

The flu was probably just as deadly when it first appeared, humans have had time to develop some immunity to it.

>The first reliable documents regarding influenza-like illness syndrome date from 1510, when the virus spread from Africa to Europe. The first pandemic, or worldwide epidemic, occurred in 1557, though some scholars deny that it really was an outbreak of influenza. The first pandemic/ worldwide epidemic that undoubtedly fits the description of influenza appeared in 1580, beginning in Asia and Russia and spreading to Europe via Asia Minor and North-West Africa. In Rome, it caused the death of over 8,000 people, while in Spain it decimated the populations of entire cities. Subsequently, it also affected the Americas



>> No.12203059

>what makes it so dangerous?
it's fake

>> No.12203092

Most currently circulating influenza strains can be traced back to just a few parent strains. In particular, the H1N1 "Spanish" flu. A lot of conjecture recently actually finds that some of those "influenza pandemics" in the past were possibly when "human" coronaviruses entered the species.

For example, while the 1890 Russian flu pandemic was originally thought to be an avian flu, recent evidence puts the emergence of CoV-OC43 at 1890. Until the mid-20th century, "influenza" really only referred to a syndrome, not a disease, and Sarbecoviruses seem to look a lot like nasty pandemic-grade influenza.

>> No.12203097

It would correctly be treated like a flu, and not fucking Ragnarok.

>> No.12203146 [DELETED] 

Also, keep in mind that back then the virus spread incredibly slow compared with today.

>The first passenger coaches appeared in Hungary in the early 1400s. These were essentially heavy wagons pulled by two or more pairs of horses. More advanced coaches, which were easier to turn, came into use during the 1500s.

>> No.12203158

Also, keep in mind that back then the virus spread incredibly slowly compared with today.

>The first passenger coaches appeared in Hungary in the early 1400s. These were essentially heavy wagons pulled by two or more pairs of horses. More advanced coaches, which were easier to turn, came into use during the 1500s.

>> No.12203445

>The flu was probably just as deadly when it first appeared, humans have had time to develop some immunity to it.

No, it was specifically designed to cull the intelligentsia, including Perelman and Mochizuki. They are hard to come by any other way. Maybe you're one of their victims as well? It seems they're going mostly for mathematicians.

>> No.12203544

>It seems they're going mostly for mathematicians.
Statistics so far show people in the Far East get ill but few die. Also obvious is that Semitic peoples are unexpectedly susceptible. Even if this is not a bioweapon it shows that one can make one with high selectivity.

>> No.12203568

It kills more blacks due to vitamin D deficiency most likely

>> No.12203594

It is not as bad as that epidemic was. That is what the post you are replying to says.
But I guess a poster who starts with ‘lmao’ probably can’t read well anyway.

>> No.12203600

Unlikely. The worst hit country is Peru, and it's near the equator, which makes widespread deficiency rather unlikely.

>> No.12203608

really? Kek, and people still unironically listen to them.

>> No.12203609

I was replying to Tooker. Did you really think I was serious?
The higher susceptibility is caused by cultural reason, i.e. living style, group work and worship etc.

>> No.12203878

>Did you really think I was serious?
This is 4ch, it is impossible to tell.
>The higher susceptibility is caused by cultural reason, i.e. living style, group work and worship etc.
In that case Pakistan and Bangladesh should be worse off than India but statistics is otherwise.

>> No.12204591

>Pakistan and Bangladesh should be worse off than India but statistics is otherwise.
Perhaps testing capacity.

>> No.12204945

>testing capacity
Unlikely, the capacity was plenty earlier with 10x the numbers:

>> No.12205262

I take back what I said. I didn't realize the CDC was listing NYC and New York (sans NYC) as two different stats, meaning New York's entire death toll was much higher than New Jersey's and Arizona's.