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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 40 KB, 417x317, mask soy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12195181 No.12195181 [Reply] [Original]

do you have some documents about the uselessness of masks, the surgical ones specifically?

>> No.12195185

Would you have surgery without the doctor having a mask on?

>> No.12195189

no tard. I'm talking about the compulsory use in the streets and locals

>> No.12195190

do all covid users have open incisions into their chest? do surgeons wear masks while they converse with their patients and buy groceries.
And before you say "mouth, nose, ears, eyes
3 out of 4 of those are filled with bacteria and the virus predominantly enters through the eyes.

>> No.12195200

>Please justify my a priori belief
The opposite of science.

>> No.12195206
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>>Please justify my a priori belief
>The opposite of science.

>> No.12195207 [DELETED] 

i'm a medical student

>> No.12195212

i'm a medical student btw, so I'm not a complete ignoramus

>> No.12195218

Then prove its usefulness, faggot

>> No.12195221

The N-95s are useful. People don't actually wear those though because they're harder to come by and unpleasant to breathe in, so you could probably say that the vast majority of masks aren't doing much.

>> No.12195225

>wearing a mask on open streets
Do americans realy?

>> No.12195231

I wouldn't ask if I had specific documents, you stupid bastard

>> No.12195234

But the virus predominantly exits your body through the mouth and nose wich a surgical mask covers. And that these mask are used in surgery implicates that they work on some level. Maybe you think that you are wearing them to protect yourself?

>> No.12195241

Go back to /qa/

>> No.12195243
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>Go back to /qa/

>> No.12195258

Don't reply to the post you're soijaking
Again, go back to /qa/ and practice a little more, you're not cut out for the frontlines of the soi frontier

>> No.12195265

Could someone give us a brief summary where do we strand with masks?

There was already several studies, which detected different efficiencies depending on the masks.
So, the several question interesting to answers will be:
-Do we have solid proof that surgical mask correctly worn will protect other from covid?
-Do we have solid proof that homemade/tissues mask correctly worn will protect other from covid?
-Do we know if mask incorrectly worn or old mask are still efficient?
-Do we know if we can contract covid in open street? Should we wear mask in the city street?

Other inputs would be welcome! I will be happy to have the opinion of someone with some valuable knowledge... because for the moment, the information are disparate and it is difficult to know where science stand on this question.

>> No.12195270
File: 96 KB, 800x800, 1601826235559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't reply to the post you're soijaking
>Again, go back to /qa/ and practice a little more, you're not cut out for the frontlines of the soi frontier

>> No.12195278

No, since it's plausible that mask could help prevent the spreading ov covid19 they should bejust worn as a precaution until it is proven that they DON'T have an significant benefit since the health risk of wearing them is nearly zero.

>> No.12195288

Here in Spain the whole situation is full retarded
>Mask is obligatory everywhere except at home and other places like bars and restaurants. It's even obligatory at work. Omg
>People go to work even if they can work remote
>Subway and trains are full every day as always because of that

>> No.12195291

Spain is the only country in europe that is to retarded to get the pandemic under control.

>> No.12195297

It's complicated, anon.
Masks undeniably reduce droplet spread significantly in controlled laboratory conditions; so there is very good theoretical grounds that they would reduce the risk of transmitting Covid.
How much this actually helps in real world conditions is much more complicated to measure, so we don't really know.
Homemade masks are not all created equal. Different homemade fabric masks have been shown to vary in their effectiveness by an order of magnitude.
Wearing them outside is probably superfluous; but in enclosed spaces it's probably a good idea. They might help, and are extremely unlikely to hurt.

>> No.12195307
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>why would something that restricts how far particles can travel from your mouth reduce the spread of the virus

>> No.12195325

I am in favor of masks and it is not a burden for me to wear it in public transportation or in shops.
However, I wonder if it is a good idea to ask people to wear them in the street? The problem is that, if we ask too much to people, they will stop following the recommendation. So, maybe we should not made a recommendation that make poor sense...

Another question, not really related.
Do we know what is the minimal viral load to trigger a covid19 infection? Is the initial viral load linked directly to severity of covid19 infection?
And finally, as mask should decrease the viral load, could it explain partially why covid19 seems to become less deadly?

>> No.12195340

>do surgeons wear masks while they converse with their patients and buy groceries.
When they are sick or when they are with sick people, yes. you are not very smart, aren't you?

>> No.12195349
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>hen they are sick or when they are with sick people, yes. you are not very smart, aren't you?

>> No.12195419

Yeah, I agree, making people wear them outside is daft. Where I live they changed the rules so you don't have to, thankfully.
About the minimum infectious dose, I don't think we know. I also don't think there's any good evidence it's becoming less deadly. Rather, we're getting a better idea of how many are infected, which drives down the case fatality rate, and doctors are getting better at treating severe cases

>> No.12195422

>they changed the rules
Who? Retarded politicians or smart scientists? I have my little idea...

>> No.12195532

they're making people wear them in the street because their purpose is psychological rather than medical. the mask is there to convince you that you're living in "covid times" and all extreme government and banking actions related to it are absolutely necessary, when really it's just a coof

>> No.12195543

Both. The guy currently in charge of the rules is a professor of epidemiology who became a politician, and is now Minister of Health.

>> No.12195547

>the virus predominantly enters through the eyes.

>> No.12195559

Over here the rule is you do not have to wear a mask outside unless you are less than 2 meters from other people. Seems sensible.

>> No.12195582

Have you ever heard of a concept known as confirmation bias?

>> No.12195605

>they're making people wear them in the street
Only in murica

>> No.12195606


>> No.12195613

>Masks are actually for GOVERNMENT MIND CONTROL
Does it hurt to be that stupid?

>> No.12195618

Would you prefer if i sneezed/coughed on you without a mask on OP?

>> No.12195628
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>> No.12195828
File: 76 KB, 680x471, 1600978585352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm completely incapable of doing my own research and need to be spoon-fed like an infant
As always usual OP is a massive faggot and utter cunt.

>> No.12195858
File: 724 KB, 960x540, cropped_image_l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just Americans? Don't take yourself so seriously next time you post friendo
>the virus predominantly enters through the eyes.
>respiratory virus predominantly enters through the eyes
>responds to criticism with le funny jpg
Stick to twitter normalfaggot
This is your brain on common sense, a rare sight these days

>> No.12195941
File: 70 KB, 598x711, ff2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stick to twitter normalfaggot
>This is your brain on common sense, a rare sight these days

it's sad how this board has been filled by low IQ subhumans who believe everything CNN tells them

>> No.12195966

maybe I thought that 4chan would have speeded up my research.

but apparently /sci/ is populated by braindead poorfags who can only answer with reddit-tier sarcasm without being able to provide any information about whether the masks are useful or not.

i guess you wouldn't be in this board if you weren't so mediocre

>> No.12195972

I don't watch CNN you wojakposting cocksucking faggot nigger
>low IQ
ironic coming from someone unable to see the connection b/w wearing a mask and lowering transmission of a respiratory virus. keep posting your funny little images tho, I guess they're funny to some people, and it hides your blisteringly dull talking points
>oink oink!

>> No.12195981

>question in OP begins with implicit bias
I take it back, I'm just gonna sage/hide this thread. Just another stinky piggot muddying up my board

>> No.12196095

>do you have anything to validate my opinion
Why don't you look at the documents on masks then form your opinion?

>> No.12196112
File: 11 KB, 229x250, 1599821449968s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just another stinky piggot muddying up my board
oh please don't do that to me, you are so special virgin boi i need your contribution in this thread and I need your instructions on how to post.

>> No.12196124 [DELETED] 

my opinion is based on the opinions of various physicians, including my lecturers, who are doctors, at my medical school.

I looked for some papers on the effectiveness on masks but I seriously overestimated the intellectual capacity of this board.

this appears to be a containment board for seething dropouts who never excelled at anything, let alone sciences or math.

>> No.12196144

>you wojakposting cocksucking faggot nigger
>wearing a mask and lowering transmission of a respiratory virus
>>>oink oink!

you know nothing on how viruses are transmitted cringe boi, obviously you never studied the subject.

but even if for some miracle you were admitted in a med school, whose standards are now pretty low and would allow a retard like you to enter, I seriously doubt you would understand.

>> No.12196342

The issue with masks, air dilution, and social distancing is that it's been remarkably hard to educate people about them.
>Why are people allowed to play tennis outdoors maskless but we can't play rugby even with masks?

This is unfortunate because the procedures for staying safe in the pandemic aren't much more complex than
>pretend you and everyone around you has bad breath and your goal is not to smell it/be smelled
> pretend you and everyone around you is making spittle when they talk and you want to avoid getting it in your mouth or nose

Even if you wore masks, you'd smell rank breath in a rugby scrum. So it's more risky than Tennis. Likewise for wearing masks in an overcrowded car. But it'd be better to wear a mask than wear nothing at all.

There's a 'black and white thinking' cognitive bias impacting many people right now.

>> No.12196369

The governments did little to help. Calling a liquor store an essential business while keeping a dentist closed for months is bad optics (an even legit. silly).

Could have done an actual lockdown, give everyone a weeks notice and ration cards for a couple weeks of groceries and only let out actual essential workers.

I work at Coca Cola and we stayed open well above normal production, and I find it a real stretch to call us important enough to keep open.

>> No.12196624
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>> No.12196732

>do all covid users have open incisions
Yes. They're called Mucosa. We have them in our mouth, nose and eyes.


>do surgeons wear masks while they converse with their patients and buy groceries.
Infectologists do. Surgeons dress the wounds which is tantamount to putting masks on them.

>but muh bacteria
How about you read a fucking highschool level biology book.

>implying you're not supposed to wear glasses as well
Fucking retard. What do you work as? If a fucking retard like you can hold a well paying job then I want to do that as well.

>> No.12196737
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>> No.12196760

Unironically food production, even confectionry and excluding luxury products, are also important to keep high morale in crises like that. My retard country forced snacks factories closed and the empty aisles told you there was hopeless shit going on.

To be honest, only roads should have been lockdown and special unloading protocols should have been defined to keep supplies coming safely, until a case were detected in town. Then direct emergency supply lines should have been done to each house for 6 weeks. That's enough to make sure everything is clean.

>> No.12196816

you don’t reply to the post you’re soijcking dumbfucker

>> No.12196817


>> No.12196825


>> No.12196830

all doctors were pred-meds once anon... you don't even need a degree to shitpost on this board

>> No.12196868

Wore masks for the first time today, it's mandated where I live. I swear the mask gave me covid, my lungs feel terrible after wearing it. Might also be because I never exercise. Regardless the entire thing is stupid, about as useful as buying excess amounts of toilet paper.

>> No.12197094

you must be a slav or a mudslime for making fun of pigs

>> No.12197108

Why do retards like this exist lmao? The IQ of people like this must be somewhere between 75-85.

>> No.12197115

Spain is a feminist country so let it crash and burn, I don't give a single fuck and never will

>> No.12197134
File: 12 KB, 201x250, 3338F980-3E33-4E89-A6B4-3FC2761F5766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. This is a gem of a post.

One of the many purposes of soijaking is to trash someone’s post while robbing him/her of a precious (You). That’s why soijaks are posted with just a green text and no link to a post

>> No.12197146
File: 177 KB, 582x782, E335BB21-74B2-4C8C-BEFE-1BE3C49FA82C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would you have surgery without the doctor having a mask on?

There’s a difference between someone’s mouth being inches away from a gaping wound and someone walking by me at a grocery store

Pic related. It’s you. Don’t forget your maskie-waskie, soiboy cuck

>> No.12197170
File: 239 KB, 600x848, A8B4CE20-6F5A-4FC5-8D59-2453E576C084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all doctors were pred-meds once anon... you don't even need a degree to shitpost on this board

>> No.12197266

>3 out of 4 of those are filled with bacteria

>and the virus predominantly enters through the eyes.
Highly unlikely.

>> No.12197277

>you know nothing on how viruses are transmitted cringe boi, obviously you never studied the subject.
Mhm yup
Go back lol
Lurk moar retard


>> No.12198905

if you had covid, you would have contracted it days or even weeks before wearing the mask
unless he suddenly coughs in your direction or sneezes on an apple
>the virus predominantly enters through the eyes
that's just wrong
1+1 isn't 3
I don't know what else to say to you

>> No.12199090

Would anyone except /pol/ posters be against banning anyone that have posted on /pol/ from posting on another board?