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12194975 No.12194975 [Reply] [Original]

why does time dilate?

>> No.12194979

because it can't cope or seethe

>> No.12194992

I fucking hate this website.

>> No.12194999

it's a consequence of the speed of light being the same in all reference frames

>> No.12195041


>> No.12195362

Time =/= Spacetime

>> No.12195364


>> No.12195365


>> No.12195552

>why does time dilate?
because time is a vagina

>> No.12195590

because all physical process boil down to exchange of photons that move through time-space at a constant rate

>> No.12195620

Because the speed of light (in a vacuum) in all reference frames is the same. Hence if I'm going at 0.99c both me and you must still observe light as traveling at c, meaning that in order to account for how something traveling at a velocity (m/s) over a fixed distance (m) time must dilate to account for this (this is also proven by experimental evidence). I'd suggest watching the recent video about relativity by stand-up maths.

>> No.12195622

Because otherwise the time gap will close permanently.

>> No.12195760

Beat me to it

>> No.12195769


>> No.12195771

because it is non binary

>> No.12195906

Ironically, time dilation is PRECISELY a coping mechanism, so to speak. Once you take the constancy of the speed of light in all reference frames as an axiom, you can easily deduce time dilation and length contraction. Basically, these phenomena arise because you have to cope with the fact that c is the same for all observers -- something else has to give way instead.
So the real question is, why is it so important that c be the same in all reference frames? You can think about it in terms of causality. c is really the speed of causality, and dictates in what regions of spacetime it makes sense for a given observer to talk about cause-and-effect. Without some finite, consistent notion of this region (called the light cone), you run into all sorts of illogical inconsistencies of causality of events.

>> No.12195938

Time is a tranny?

>> No.12195961

when I was working at a prestigious lab, one of my tasks was to monitor the transmissions of satellites. after analyzing many different satellites, time dilation was the only explanation of the discrepancies between some of the timestamps. it was spooky because even a couple microsecond difference would throw off calculations downstream. Some satellites had bigger time dilation effects.

after understanding the phenomenon better it’s led me down some serious rabbit holes. It’s given me a different perspective on the notion of spacetime.

>> No.12195970

I kind of wish I could talk about the downstream effects but it would out my anonymity. the lab was also top secret

>> No.12195994

Did you ever see/encounter aliens or alien signals?

>> No.12196010

no aliens, and trust me, I tried.

>> No.12196021

Thanks for the info, opsec will be reinforced since you fags scientists keep attentionwhoring on anonymous image boards.

>> No.12196081

how should I change my opsec. what was my give?

>> No.12196126

To maintain causality.

>> No.12196139

>no aliens
Does that mean you found evidence of something else? possibly terrestrial but of non human origin?

>> No.12196160

The give was that you're a larping faggot.

>> No.12196180

came here to post this

>> No.12196189

Time is a part of spacetime and is distorted as spacetime is.

>> No.12196527

call me reddit fag but I'd give this one a medal

>> No.12196548

Good post in this pile of horseshit

>> No.12196551

Because the speed of light is a constant in all reference frames

>> No.12196589

Draw a spacetime diagram for multiple observers witnessing the same event.
You should get a nice intuitive grasp of why things act fucky at lightspeed when you begin reconciling the various frames of reference.

>> No.12196601
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truly the smartest board

>> No.12196838

'yikes' or 'yikes!' and arguably 'cringe' is reddit vernacular

>> No.12196858

reddit fag

>> No.12196895

I always thought yikes was a twitter thing

>> No.12196984


>> No.12197287


The speed of causality implies time dilation

>> No.12197673

Where do you think the scum of the earth go when they inevitably get downvoted or banned? You guessed it: Twitter or 4chan. Everyone can smell a redditor from a mile away.

>> No.12197781


>> No.12197786

t. Time