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12193315 No.12193315[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>studying ode's for fun
>finish problem set
>bring book back to library man
>foid worker/cleaner/assistant is there
>gives a puzzled/intimdated look
>know this thot from comms class and from hs
>matches with me on tinder
>"I am only matching with you cuz I wanted to say hi "
>not interested
>I thought women like high iq guys

Wtf sci?!?!?!

>> No.12193346

What is your dissatisfaction?

>> No.12193349

Women need to appreciate high iq guys.

>> No.12193361

Allow me to clarify OP. They like intelligent men, but they also want them to be hunky. If you're just intelligent, they see you as a fairly strange and amusing monkey

>> No.12193365

They like guys with high social intelligence I think.

>> No.12193370

If you fail to make women appreciate you, maybe you are not that high IQ.

>> No.12193448
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Why though? Brawns should not beat brains, brain supermacy!!!

>> No.12193503
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>hi IQ
>uses Tinder

>> No.12193505

>tinder slowly growing as the main highest place where people meet
>in 2019
>40% of relationships were formed on tinder

Keep coping schlomo.

>> No.12193556

women do like high IQs. she doesn't like you. understand?

>> No.12193562

if that were true then how come our iq is on the decline nationally.

>> No.12193597

>why are women like this?
Why are you some creepy fuck who thinks he's high IQ, but came even recognize and mimic simple social patterns you are exposed to daily?

>> No.12193600

Because I choose not to, they are dumb and pointless.

>> No.12193674

>women do like high IQs.
Then why they date niggers?

>> No.12193880
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Fuck off n**Rotypical slave.

>> No.12193886

jesus christ I was explaining the other anon's insult
because you were born. also what country do you assume to be "national" for you and me?

>> No.12193904

Stupid people can't use birth control properly.

>> No.12193920

She's probably actually interested and just playing games

>> No.12193978

well not nationally but globally and that would mean everywhere simp faggot.
I am too autistic for these games

>> No.12193993
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>> No.12194018 [DELETED] 

Just take hypergamy/lookism pill already.

>> No.12194024

Just take the hypergamy/lookism pill.

>> No.12194304

I did thats why I am coping with plastic surgery.

>> No.12194921

global iq average is always 100 retard

>> No.12194929

>I thought women like high iq guys
nah dude, there is just a correlation between attractiveness and IQ

>> No.12194943

>use a new line
>in the middle of a thought
and how many of those joke relationships panned out

>> No.12194970

absolute brainlet, no shit if you always set the mean to be X then it will look like the mean is constant over time because you are changing the scale over time

>> No.12196259

you are ugly

>> No.12197298

then I'd like a source for your claim of global iq decreasing over time unless you're going to pull some anecdote out of your ass.

>> No.12197511

this is fairly common knowledge you mong
literally just google "raw iq scores falling"

>> No.12198295

don't you mean eternal virtual musical chairs? Ivy league schools do not need to advertise, and much the same high quality people.

>> No.12198311

>be me
>graduated uni at 18
>total autist
>accidentally "sexually harass" a coworker
>autism gets me off the hook
>have to take social management classes to integrate into society
femoids are weird OP, I honestly don't understand.
but I have a long list of things I'm not supposed to do.

>> No.12198379

What you did and what you have been accused with.

>> No.12198395

this chick i was hanging out with for a couple of day, i literally kept complimenting her on her ass, and she just giggles. a few days later i go try and kiss her and she freaks the fuck out. for like 4 days she keeps sending me msgs on facebook saying i was way out of line. she lives far away. no mutual friends. meh.

>> No.12198403

Because your probably failed to pick up on social cues somewhere around 'and she just giggles'.

>> No.12198416

>your probably failed to pick up on social cues
but it was obviously already over between us. why bother sending me all these angry msgs on fb?
chicks are highly illogical

>> No.12198421

it wasnt like i wasnt taking no for an answer lol
my days of obsessing over some thot are long gone

>> No.12198425

typically constantly complimenting her ass is a sign that a move coming. she had many chances to leave many times long before that happened, but didnt.

>> No.12198431

this, btw it's not like he tried to rape her bug just a kiss?
gurls are weird.

>> No.12198435

Why did it take three replies?

>she had many chances to leave many times long before that happened, but didnt.
And that's the thing, she was probably showing signs she was uncomfortable way before you just didn't pick up on it.

>> No.12198449

I hovered my hands over a coworker's larger breasts and made squeezing motions while wailing
I saw this in a movie.
I've since learned this is bag behavior.
but all femoids should be in burkas or something.

>> No.12198479

She was probably should've said that she is uncomfortable, eh?

>> No.12198485

Yes, she should have considered you were autistic and need to be told things straight-up.

>> No.12198515

>gurl being "shy"
>gurl "uncomfortable"
>same expressions

>> No.12198548

evola sounds like Ignatius Reilly without the digestive problem

>> No.12198850


Yeah but looks should not the determinant of if you get laid or not merit and iq should be.

>> No.12198899

absolute state of USA

>> No.12198929

That was a global study.

>> No.12199065
File: 205 KB, 660x1100, 601D4ACF-BE0D-4B9C-9DFA-21543421DEF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men who are unusually tall tend to marry midget tier women and women who are extremely tall tend to be more willing to date men shorter than them. In the same way I would imagine humans naturally avoid freakish outliers in other traits like iq. Sexual selection can work to weed out anomalous traits to conserve the phenotypic mean. White women prefer midwits because whites are a midwit race and will actively recoil from you if they find out you’re TOO smart. Either you need to find a woman as smart as you (unlikely) or find a woman slightly dumber than average. The only women who show an interest in me are jewesses, latinas, black women, white trash, and vaguely creepy white women with autism. The midwit upper middle class white femoid is as mysterious to me as other men in terms of sexual interaction.

>> No.12199078
File: 72 KB, 640x712, 7F3253C6-67C6-41B5-AF74-8A3398718890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American white women are statistically the least flirtatious of all women in the world. They expect the man to initiate everything and their reciprocal encouragement is so subdued and demure that it’s indistinguishable from casual friendliness. They’re wrong, not you, and it’s not all women. Women of other countries will ask you out on dates and/or molest you. White American women meanwhile act like nuns and expect you to risk being metoo’d just to be with them like some kind of twisted proof of your courage.

>> No.12199081

how is odes high iq? Are we that below the mean that now doing some trivial differentials makes you high iq or some shit? Also your story doesn't add up

>high iq
>white trash, nigs and latinas

Doesn't seem the logic works completely, not trying to insult but that shit don't add up.

>> No.12199086

High IQ equals graduating HS now a days.

>> No.12199098

Holy fuck you weren't lying. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/iq-rates-are-dropping-many-developed-countries-doesn-t-bode-ncna1008576

>> No.12199112

Why is lookism a pill. I was always lookist against women and logically figured they'd be lookist back and could just plainly see it in action since elementary school.

>> No.12199114

OP here I was lied to and fell for the personality meme, women are shallow and whores.

>> No.12199122

So like... when girls would say "tee hee he's cute" and shit. What do you think they meant? Did you ever see them say that about an ugly guy?

Lookism should just be plainly obvious self evident truth.

>> No.12199127

I have had girls call me cute before but I never thought much of it, I always figured unless she calls you hot and is actually jumping on you, why bother. I was like you but not for the same reasons I just have too much self respect to simp and try to get the attention of a woman.

>> No.12199131

Just send "ok. nice ass though."

>> No.12199136

If she messaged you multiple days in a row you're in her head. Don't apologize, just fuck with her.

>> No.12199155

something bread something pretend what I said was really deep and based
it's no real loss though.
there's no beating death, why waste now? I'd rather live here then there.

>> No.12199166

>that could not only mean 15 more seasons of the Kardashians.

Do people really watch the Kardashians? I've never met anyone that talks about the Kardashians except in the context of ... haha "i'm so special I don't watch the kardashians like everyone else".

>> No.12199215

ok I'm now ashamed to have ever replied to you; you clearly have no clue what you're talking about. iq is neither an objective measure, nor has it been in use long enough to make such a bold statement. how about you stay out of all things science related, retard.

>> No.12199292

lmao you're a fuckn creep. Move to Pakistan if you really can't control your urges, there society is built on sexually aggressive autism likes yours

>> No.12199326

if you're so high iq, then why can't you figure out how to fuck a woman?

just use science to figure it out:
how to fuck a woman:
step 1:
make sure there are at least several people around
step 2:
tell her "hey I think you're cute we should fuck"
step 3:
brush off the angry stares/admonishments from the others who will try to cock block you
step 4:
if she says no then try again tomorrow
step 5:
when she finally says yes, fuck her

>> No.12199363

also false

You both suck. IQ is declining, but only on most of the developed world (probably because you are not malnourished and you simply hit your peak already...unless the Flynn explanation of shit getting more abstract over time in civilization or some shit and that affecting IQ actually keeps providing gains? doubt it due to the recent trend among developed countries I mentioned).

>> No.12199374

the fuck are you on about. I have the impression I'm reading a bot message.

>> No.12199455

nigger do you only feel horny looking at women with phds? no. IQ will never matter in dating because we're all attracted to sexual characteristics, bodies, not what people have to say or how impressive their brains are.

>> No.12199461
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Ok Mohamed

>> No.12199739

Don't listen to this autist, she wouldn't have messaged you if she didn't want the D

>> No.12199911

But it optimizes exposure to femoids.

It may not optimize success per encounter, for that you may want to hit up a bar around closing time, but it does optimize the number of women that see you and decide if they want to date you.

>> No.12200527

Whats the point of being around them if they can't even carry on a interesting philosophical discussion? If someone is as dumb as nails you can't really communicate on the same level.

>> No.12200699

...but guys I'm a white male
I know better now.