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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12192702 No.12192702[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ completely and utterly BTFO

>> No.12192740

>implying he ever had the virus and it wasn't just false positive and anxiety

>> No.12192751

>John Michael Posobiec III (/pəˈsoʊbJk/ pə-SOH-bik; born December 14, 1985)[1] is an American alt-right[2][3][4] political activist and conspiracy theorist[5] who is considered an Internet troll.
/pol/ BTFO

>> No.12192788
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>how do we make the prez look strong?
>not having him catch covid?
>or have him get covid and be healthy again the next day?

>> No.12192999

>false positive and anxiety
Possibly, but I think it's more likely
>Trump gets COVID
>reddit thinks he's going to die because they believe COVID is deadly
>most likely just going to have mild-flu like symptoms for a week or two
>goes to the hospital anyways because he is the president
>cleared when physician at hospital, who was likely an MD instead of the dumbass white house DO, realize it's going to be a small cold.

>> No.12193005

>conspiracy theories

>> No.12193010

Take your meds.

>> No.12193017

I lost 3 people I knew due to COVID in the past months,, you stupid nigger.
it IS deadly.

>> No.12193020
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>Before walking away, Conley said the president had a “high fever” and a blood oxygen level below 94% on Friday and during “another episode” on Saturday. He was evasive when asked whether Trump’s level had dropped below 90%: “We don’t have any recordings here on that.”

>The level currently stands at 98%, Trump’s medical team said.

>Blood oxygen saturation is a key health marker for COVID-19 patients. A normal reading is between 95 and 100. A drop below 90 is concerning. People with the virus sometimes do not realize their oxygen levels are low.

>> No.12193022

The coronavirus of October 2020 is not the same coronavirus of March 2020. There's tons of selective pressure for it to become less deadly and now it really is closer to the flu than SARS.

>> No.12193025

>conspiracy theories
This has been done by a large number of politicians across the world. They claim their ministers have been infected and in 2 days they say they're healthy again. It's a publicity stunt.

>> No.12193026

>who is considered an Internet troll.
lol wikipedia

>> No.12193032

Or, you know, he had access to experimental antibodies that aren't available to the general public. He was apparently in pretty bad shape for about 24 hours, then makes a sudden, significant improvement. That's not going to happen if he's left to rely on his own immune system.

>> No.12193037

age, race, weight, pre-existing conditions?

>> No.12193043


>> No.12193047

psychopaths don't exist

>> No.12193056

I don't even know why are non-medics giving opinions on the matter. If something has been proven to be lethal your best bet is to do what you can to avoid it (wanted to say 'avoid it like the plague' but this is the plague and nobody's avoiding it). It's easy for fuckers who don't deal with people to treat statistics as numbers in a bank account, amount of product with some rate of failures or whatever. Every single one of those fucking numbers are families grieving, are irreplaceable persons and relationships cut down, plans that will never come into fruition and a bitter memory their loved ones will carry the rest of their lives.

I lost a cousin who had diabetes 1, probably not because coinfection ( we'll never know) but certainly because of the mismanagement of the disease. Diabetes 1 complications are difficult to treat, but they are treatable, and she was let die as a consequence of politicizing a fucking healthcare issue.

I don't give a single fuck about what your bullshit forged numbers say, I could pay any fucker to write whatever the fuck I want provided i had money. This virus is lethal enough to give a fuck about it, so I know better than downplaying its effects.

>> No.12193077

Antibody therapy works, it's just very limited and expensive because you need blood donors. Money and access aren't issues for Trump.

>> No.12193081

The CFR for new cases today is a tiny fraction of what it was at the beginning of the pandemic. Sorry about your cousin or whatever, but statistics are statistics.

>> No.12193098

statistics are models, prone to error like anything people do, and specially prone to corruption if industries are involved. Healthcare is an industry in the US. The issue here is the utility of those statistics, and it's clear as fuck the objective has never been to protect lives.

>> No.12193108

Nah, the case fatality rate is pretty simple anon. First you count the number of people that die, then you divide by the number of people that got sick.

>> No.12193109
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>> No.12193116


>> No.12193117

>Every single one of those fucking numbers are families grieving, are irreplaceable persons and relationships cut down, plans that will never come into fruition and a bitter memory their loved ones will carry the rest of their lives.
Wah wah, same shit as the flu. World sucks get over it.

>> No.12193121

This makes no sense, Remdesivir is a 5 day treatment given in the hospital. Are they going to stop treatment midway through? Or are they lying about the president's health?

>> No.12193125
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>> No.12193136

Seems crazy that nobody knows how ill he actually is. Is there a chance it's much worse than they're saying?

>> No.12193139
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>> No.12193141
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>tfw to smart to wear ppe protesting

>> No.12193145

There's a legit chance he's not actually sick.

>> No.12193146

>Tests positive Thursday night
>in the hospital Saturday because of an unexpected downturn
They're lying.

>> No.12193148

Lying about him being ill?

>> No.12193151

great hemispheres think alike

>> No.12193154

Don't know. They're certainly lying but with so little information we have no idea about what.

>> No.12193175


He's the president of course they won't discuss all the details of his condition. Also people here need to understand that being released from the hospital means fuck all if you have doctors at the White House (it's not like the average person when release means in the clear). It's also almost guaranteed at least one or two doctors from Walter Reed will stay with him at the White House for a few weeks.

>> No.12193345

74 ~250 lbs, history of high blood pressure

>> No.12193389

>cleared from hospital in 2 days
Corona takes a week or longer to recover from. Lmao he never had it.

>> No.12193472

>Tax issue
>Reeeing at debate
>SC nomination shit
Hey guys he just got COVID focus on this and forget all about that other stuff

>> No.12193477

Wtf am i looking at?

>> No.12193481

>"Hurrrrr I knew people who had existing health conditions that died from this virus"
Go fuck yourself you fear mongering faggot

t. Had COVID and entire family infected, none of us needed to go to the hospital died.

>> No.12193496

>This thing happened to me therefore it happens the same to everyone else

Why are you on a science board?

>> No.12193508

>t. Had COVID and entire family infected, none of us needed to go to the hospital died.
So you died and didn't need to go to the hospital? That's awful!

>> No.12193515

A spiteful mutant.

>> No.12193526

Yeah that's total bullshit.
He was on oxygen yesterday, is on a stage 2 drug, and now on a steroid only recommended for severe covid cases. There is zero chance he is walking out tomorrow, this is a political spin to keep the markets steady. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a gullible retard. This obese fat fuck ain't going anywhere.

>> No.12193567

He's just a crisis actor

>> No.12193572

>He was on oxygen yesterday, is on a stage 2 drug, and now on a steroid

How much of that is actually true?

>> No.12193591

Everyone got infected with the virus including my 87 year old grandmother that had two strokes, has high blood pressure and a myriad of other problems. She tested positive when my mother took her to the CVS testing site and all she had was a shitty cough and told that she couldn't taste anything. Didn't even wanted to tell her that she has the virus due of constant fear. My father is a dude weed lmaoer that smokes on a daily basis, tested positive and complained of lung pain, coughing, and loss of taste and smell but nothing serious. I eat junk food on a near daily basis and tested positive. It took a week to get rid of the cough and two weeks to get back my smell. Surprise didn't have any problems

Face it. The people who died from this virus have to had chronic health conditions.

>> No.12193607

why do /pol/tards frequent /sci/ of all boards? because of the climate change and race threads?

>> No.12193610

Or maybe he gets the best healthcare anyone can get anywhere so he survives despite being a fatass grandpa

>> No.12193615

Because science btfos their worldview and they love recreational anger so /sci/ is like porn to them

>> No.12193625

Your anecdote is all the proof I need, your Nobel Prize is in the mail!

>> No.12193632

Bidenbros...we got to cocky

>> No.12193643


>> No.12193646
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These are the left wing rioters that have been arrested in Portland. These are the people who call you a "nazi incel chud" on the internet.

>> No.12193732

Kek, looks like a meth cookout

>> No.12193749

Ockham's razor says that Covid-19 is just the coof and he's fine, like pretty much everyone who gets it. the thing that is crazy is the past nine months of hysteria

>> No.12193753

holy uncanny valley. are these actual demons?

>> No.12193772
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oh god, he's about to die, isn't he?

>> No.12193784

We live in the shittiest timeline, so no.

>> No.12193816

Did they inject him with bleach and shove a UV light up his ass? I hear that works.

>> No.12193881

>get tested positive one day
>get discharged the next day
Surely the world was fooled. Corona is something you can cure in a day.

>> No.12193917

How about you faggots just wait for things to develop instead of creating scenarios based on information from anonymous sources and hungry journalists.

You don't have to have an opinion on fucking everything.

>> No.12193945
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translation: he exposes the (((mainstream))) narrative by doing actual journalism

wikipedia is literally just digital graffiti and you are a retard

>> No.12193946


>> No.12193948
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>> No.12193953

fake and gay
source or gtfo

>> No.12193956
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>> No.12193957

oh it's real, it was released by Portland PD. Find all the mugshots on Portland reporter Andy Ngo twitter feed

>> No.12193965
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>we are only allowed to think what we read or hear from a (((msm))) here. If you wish to think please do it on another board

>> No.12193967


>> No.12193970

no wait, i mean no way this is not shopped:
this dude looks like a double chamber. a queen of spades shaped head?

>> No.12193971

lol no its real bro I swear, those freaks really look like that

>> No.12193977
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holy fuck it is real.
KIϟϟ is touring again !!!

>> No.12193988


The actual news is reporting this too.

Anyway, Drumpf is going to pretend he isn’t sick. I don’t know why anybody is surprised. What would be surprising is if he listened to doctors and stayed in the hospital for a long time.

>> No.12193996

There have been many protests in Europe over lockdowns as well.

>> No.12194001


>> No.12194046


On the contrary, although quite deadly, Covid is not the PLAGUE, the BLACK DEATH. That's a ridiculous comparison to make. It doesn't matter if you are an HCW who is under an understandable and considerable amount of stress when the claim made is patently silly.

>> No.12194065

The White House basically has full hospital capabilities in it, doesn’t mean much

>> No.12194069

She clearly fell asleep at some point during the protest and someone drew all over her.

>> No.12194070

The plague still exists and it's not that deadly.

>> No.12194076

they are sending swat units to arrest protesters in Australia. They are going full dystopian retard there

>> No.12194313

never had the virus in the first place. you know how the world works dont you?

>> No.12194332

Ya that's what a lot of the people who base their entire world view around their hatred of trump... you're all really starting to get way out there with your conspiracy theories.

>> No.12194380

This, Donald trump never actually existed it was all an elaborate scheme to get access to the treasure vault under the whitehouse

>> No.12194402

The Public Order Response guys are not SOG, SOG doesn't show up unless something actually goes wrong.
The reason the police response is so disproportionate is that these guys buy clicks and talk made shit online so a hundred thousand "people" say they are going to turn up but when the actual protest happens its just the same two dozen wogs as last time.

>> No.12194429
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trumps special agents. thats what their nightly mission was. find her and paint her different colors.

>> No.12194444

>He was apparently in pretty bad shape for about 24 hours
citation needed

>> No.12194446
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thats trump himself in disguise.
here, thats clearly him if you remove the paintjob.

>> No.12194454

>I lost 3 people I knew due to COVID
no you haven't

>> No.12194457

Why do you not see the double standard?

>> No.12194480

That was reported by the doctor. A high-grade fever and his oxygen fell twice. Requiring oxygen puts him beyond the mild case stage. If you look at the trend of severe cases, at best they're hospitalized for a couple of weeks, but it sounds more like Trump was headed for a ventilator. Either the doctor was exaggerating about Trump's struggles, we're being lied to about how well Trump is doing now, or Trump's treatment plan needs to be made available to more people.

>> No.12194502

Give the name of the doctor please and where they made their public statement of anything you have claimed.

>> No.12194505

Yes, you know, the citation.

>> No.12194510

>Implying I thought he was ever in any danger.
Not my favorite president but I don't wish him any harm, I care about continuing the status quo and neoliberalism to its logical endpoint: capitalist space colonies.

>> No.12194513

Are you living in a bubble? His doctor, Dr. Conley, gave a press conference.


>> No.12194526

Healthy people can die from covid and people with pre-existing conditions can survive it. Are you all fucking morons?

>> No.12194549

>are they lying about the president's health?
Surely they wouldn't!

>> No.12194591


>> No.12194607

I’m sorry about your family, but you have to understand that people die every day from myriad causes, and none of them necessitate utter lockdowns and fear-mongering. There are thousands of people that die every year from flu, yet we don’t place blame on policy-makers like they pulled the trigger.

>> No.12194615

because we have a vaxx for that

>> No.12194874

christ you are a fucking moron

>> No.12195020

>How much of that is actually true?
A lot it, watch his doctors press conferences, retard.

>> No.12195030

>Get corona one day
>discharged the next day
If they wanted to make it believable they should have

>> No.12195054

>Dr. (((Conley)))

>> No.12195058
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>Portland home to subhumans

Wow who new