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File: 117 KB, 634x985, article-2312871-196D1668000005DC-481_634x985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12188553 No.12188553 [Reply] [Original]

Will there ever be a cure for manletism that doesn't involve breaking your legs?
I'm tired of being a 5'9 subhuman

>> No.12188590

There are couple ways:
- redefine inches and feet, so you'll finally be 6'
- thick soles in shoes
- stop dwelling on the issue and improve other aspects of your life

>> No.12188616

Just get over it and remember that many important persons were short. For instance

Karl Marx
Robert Hooke
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

>> No.12188640

yeah, it's called being rich

>> No.12188644

Yes, just remove the legs of the person you are dating that will show them!

>> No.12188664
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>> No.12189000

gene editing, but only for future progeny if you ever manage to reproduce anyway lmao

>> No.12189004

learn your place, manlet

>> No.12189015

Using height as a barometer of any status beyond superficial trifle is midwitted cope.
Who’s the alpha in this photo? >>12188664 hint: it’s not the big dumb oaf

>> No.12189138

putin has comparable hand size

>> No.12189156

get over it buy banging tall chicks

>> No.12189409

It's called stopped being insecure you fucking faggy bug boy.

>> No.12189567

don't forget Hitler

>> No.12189586
File: 535 KB, 517x584, Manlet_Victory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What a convenient excuse you have for your failures... I am a manlet

>> No.12189591


Putin is the most powerful man on the planet

>> No.12189605

Who is the giantess he is shaking hands with?

>> No.12189620

This shows it's all about confidence

>> No.12189634

VR world is one solution.
There are copes, such as being rich and having a personality that's pleasant to be around. Having others fear you is another route. Manlets who are serial killers tend to have their height ignored.
For the average manlet, your best course is going to be getting /fit/ and having really good posture. Seriously, posture have a huge impact on how other perceive you.

>> No.12189644


lol he is the most insecure manlet on the planet, just like stalin was, and the nork man etc. that explains his hunger for power.

>> No.12189921

>this is how I justify my comfort with underperforming mediocrity!

>> No.12189940

Not even close.

>> No.12189948

That doesn't mean he's wrong, though.

>> No.12189949

>Not even close.

Name anyone else!
Putin wealth is rumored to be more than $200 billion AND he runs a nuclear armed nation with a population that (on average) loves him.

>> No.12189968

according to Crystal Cafe some weird girls love manlets
And also rejoice, because you can be with girls taller than you, as a lanklet with such fetish this is next to impossible save for moving to Norway or something

>> No.12189972

His position is too precarious for him to have real power. His wealth is all tied up in his dodgy deals and could disappear at the drop of a hat.

>> No.12190652

Maybe, but why would you want to? Increased size and body mass is correlated with increased risk of cancer and genetic degeneracy illness.

>> No.12190659

Growth hormones, but they come with side effects

>> No.12190684

Go to a dwarf convention and you'll be one of the tallest in all the lands for a couple of hours.

>> No.12190696

Each rothschild has 300 trillion to their name, idiot

>> No.12190833

Doesn't work once your plates close (which is around when you are ~20 when you are white, lower or higher when you are black or asian respectively). You will need surgery if you are fully developed.
GH while you are an adult causes Acromegaly. Which does give you a chad body/frame but makes you look like a Neanderthal.

>> No.12190842
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Cool fanfic bro

>> No.12191239

sorry, I added a 0 on accident. it was 30 trillion each

>> No.12191392

Viral injection that will alter developmental epigenetic factors to put you through puberty again.

>> No.12191508

Crystal cafe is all trannies and unironic men

>> No.12191517

Let me guess, you're also a /pol/tard who believes the Holocaust is fake and Pizzagate is real

>> No.12191548

I did post a few times there but I recon most of the posts are made by women, or at least 1/3 of them
but either way they're the female equivalent of /tv/ neckbeards

>> No.12191662

What kind of vicarious bullshit is this, this is fb-tier reasoning, the kind of shit fat women tell each other so they feel better about being fat. If you really are against this 6ft/5'11ft dichotomy then you should go beyond height as a measurement of human worth rather than use Nietzschean slave morality to point various exceptions to the rule.

>> No.12191668

If you're upset over being 5'9 then there's some other factors, most girls don't give a fuck about that height at all. Don't blame your failures on your height, boys... Alpha is a state of mind

>> No.12191694

>all of them were born on or before the 1800s
over if you're a manlet in 2020

>> No.12191833

hahahahahaha do you genuinely believe this?

>> No.12191858

Leave it. Smaller people live longer. Less strain on the circulatory system.

>> No.12192197


>> No.12192206
File: 113 KB, 500x700, 68F26571-6783-47A3-86BF-C670FD359C81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find cute femdom mommies, I don’t think I’ve met one out in the wild

>> No.12193019

I made a mistake but you can find the info yourself if you don't believe me, I don't really care.

>> No.12193470

Manlet Detected

>> No.12193546

Lanklets better go and hide.


>> No.12193582

No wonder they espoused egalitarian philosophies

>> No.12193624

If you work harder to compensate for your shortcomings. It should be just a minor issue to find a little piece of luck in your relation ship.
Just don't let others get you down ok?

>> No.12193748

There's a cure. Its called Buddhism. Break out of your identity programming. Don't let it drive your lifestyle. The identities are just spooks.

>> No.12193790

>Einstein, Newton, Churchill, Mozart, Beethoven, and Brunel were just compensating for their height everyone!!!1 Anyone could achieve what they did and probably better since they're taller XD

>> No.12193797

Me on the left