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12188875 No.12188875 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready, /sci/?

>> No.12188883

>women go to Mars
>get lost on the way

>> No.12188890

Yes :)
I hope the next President sends us to Mars :)

>> No.12188898
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>> No.12189097

The problem with the oceans is that if I would want to exploit them to their fullest people would get in a hissy fit. Now on the other hand you could go to space and have total freedom.

>> No.12189103
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No, fuck you

>> No.12189109


>> No.12189114

>plan was to have a man on mars back in 1988
>mission was cancelled by progressive executives
>they want a woman to be the first human on mars
>they're still searching for candidates

>> No.12189119

>dear reader, please consider: women astronauts on mars
>NOTE: women

>> No.12189121

>there no single damn thing in there i wanna see
t. cthulu

>> No.12189130
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>Now on the other hand you could go to space and have total freedom.
You won't and that's a good thing. There are many legal, social and ethical issues that need to be adressed first. Space isn't some frontier to exploit. For example let's say there is microbial life in our solar system. Do we have the right to simply bulldoze their environment? What if we can't tell if it's alive?
And what about the term 'colonization'? That's highly problematic to anyone who isn't a white male. It implies reckless resource exploitation for the benefit of the few.
Who decides who gets to live in your backup colony? How will we enforce legal norms in a privately owned mining operation? What if they decide to turn off your life support systems to crush your union? Who will regulate the conditions people will have to endure once our economy moves into space?

>> No.12189141

I see they have taken Samantha Carter out of the Star Gate programme.

>> No.12189144

Well, we all know Mars Needs Women.

>> No.12189151

Yaaasssss Queen, smash patriarchy!! Future is female !! I fucking love science !!!:)

>> No.12189157

*Mars needs Moms

>> No.12189164

Yea thats not happening, there is a fucking capsule and no rotating habitat, theyd fucking go blind

>> No.12189173

>pic related
Thanks, I'm going to check it out.

>> No.12189261

And I can't wait to send them

>> No.12189271

lmao they're all dykes

>> No.12189300

Does the fact that this pisses me off a bit mean that I'm an incel? I don't see anything wrong with women going to Mars yet, it pisses me off.

>> No.12189512


>> No.12189515

Came here to post this.

>> No.12189523

this is gonna be a fucking disaster.

>> No.12189525

Kind of yeah. What does it matter? You're making a big deal out of nothing. Nobody cared when the Soviets put a woman in space just to say fuck you to the Americans.

>> No.12189536
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>Space isn't some frontier to exploit.
Yes it is, and you can't stop us.

>> No.12189541

Still voting for Trump

>> No.12189564

>not wanting iron without Caesium-137
We must get out there and try not to nuke shit while we are at it.

>> No.12189571

that's grammatically wrong, you wouldn't say "men astronauts". Are they scared of using the word female or something?

>> No.12189597


The second from the left defines a tall tomboy.
More masculine looking than most men.

>> No.12189747
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>You won't
And who is gonna stop me anon? The space force? I am literally shaking and shittn n cummin rite now.

>> No.12189754

>The space force?
The USSF would most likely support an expansion of space exploration and industry. It'll give them more work to do which justifies a larger budget.

>> No.12189772
File: 49 KB, 704x589, Problem =].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have the right to simply bulldoze their environment?
I do that every day already. If the life was worthy of something it would fight back.
What if we can't tell if it's alive?
Glass it anyway
And what about the term 'colonization'? That's highly problematic to anyone who isn't a white male. It implies reckless resource exploitation for the benefit of the few.
Problem? Pic related
>Who decides who gets to live in your backup colony?
A literal patriarchy
>How will we enforce legal norms in a privately owned mining operation?
We won't
What if they decide to turn off your life support systems to crush your union?
I am the one shutting down the life support systems to the space communists
Who will regulate the conditions people will have to endure once our economy moves into space?
The space emperor

>> No.12189798
File: 1.27 MB, 1440x3040, feminism-kills_babies_for_being_male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mission to Mars: Women need not apply
>Regressive Left: "DATS SEXIST!!!"

But then
>>Mission to Mars: Men need not apply
>Regressive Left: Stunning, brave, powerful and progressive

This kills the progressive movement as well as gets Drumpt in office.

When will the left learns that this sort of shit keeps the far right relevant and in power since they're the less insane and less hateful alternate to regressives.

Pic related

>> No.12189802
File: 2.89 MB, 320x258, 80A118AF-5EE9-453B-944E-2BC0C08AD592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck off, we’re full

>> No.12190953

This isn't a debate. It's not up for discussion. We don't need anyone's permission or seek to change any minds. Our attitude is simple, direct, and totally absolute. Space or death.

No one can take the stars from us. We simply will not allow it. There are two futures for humanity-one where we stagnate and die and this rock is our monument until it's vaporized by the dying sun and all traces of us pass into nothing-or we survive. Thrive. We carve out our place in this universe, potentially for billions of years. It's that simple. Do not give the nihilists, the anti-natalists, the craven political opportunists quarter. They are enemies and should be treated as such. They are slavers in the guise of "concerned citizens". Call them out at every turn.

Not. One. Step. Back. Ad astra.

>> No.12190974

>they end up landing back on Earth in Nevada but still think it's Mars like in that Twilight Zone Episode

>> No.12191036

based and humanity pilled.

>> No.12191058

Primordial tentacles typed this.

>> No.12191060

They unironically look like characters from star trek.

>> No.12191075
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We have a proposal for you anon.

>> No.12191559

Female is now a problematic word. Wish I were joking but I'm not. Once transsexual males started demanding to be called women, people switched from using gender labels to using sex labels. This went against everything transsexuals and their supporters were trying to accomplish. So the word female became problematic. If you use 'female' you are labeled an incel and transphobic, even if the context has nothing to do with male women. The whole concept of sex must be thrown out so that only the modern PC category of gender remains.

>> No.12191566

>Stuffing four women in a box for months
They will claw each other to death within the first 3 weeks

>> No.12191585

>Have I ever told you the tragedy of Darth Stacy?
>It's not a story the feminists would tell you
>She was so gullible and ignorant that she would use the internet to be influenced so that her hands would be able to take....life
>She had such a lack of knowledge of reality she could even keep the ones she cared about...from breathing.

>The underbelly of reddit is a pathway to many conclusions that some consider to be unreasonable

>She became so unreasonable that the only thing she cared about was losing women's freedom, which eventually of course, she did.
>Unfortunately, the feminists taught her everything they knew, then Stacy killed her children in their sleep.

>It's ironic, she could save her children from attacking women, but she couldn't save them from herself.

>> No.12191752

>Be a woman
>Become astronaut
>Dreams of riding the most exclusive alpha cock carousel in the galaxy for the rest of your life on mars
>Instead your crewmates turn out to be other women instead

>> No.12191759

>For example let's say there is microbial life in our solar system. Do we have the right to simply bulldoze their environment?
Yes. Just like we do here on earth. Who gives a shit about microbes? If there's one there's a billion. Now if we found actual animals you might be on to something.

>> No.12191777

First 'female' on another planet is gonna be a man.
Hello based departament

>> No.12191789

we’re going to screw up another planet and it’s not making a great case for other, more advanced, highly intelligent life in the universe. We talk about colonizing Mars and we can’t even stabilize Earth. Let’s try the moon first before undermining humanity

>> No.12191802

me hiding in the capsule, waiting to sniff their farts

>> No.12191946

That's what I'm saying. Earth to space skanks: no one is interested unless it's a mission to Uranus

>> No.12192151

how they get past Van Allen belt?

>> No.12192587

just undo the belt buckle and give this Van Allen guy an oral

>> No.12192610

>it’s not making a great case for other, more advanced, highly intelligent life in the universe
Why should we hold ourselves to the imaginary standards of beings that we're not even sure exists? Seems like a great way to make our species extinct.

>> No.12192664

>For example let's say there is microbial life in our solar system. Do we have the right to simply bulldoze their environment?
Why the fuck not? We bulldoze anthills all the time when expanding our cities. You kill trillions of microbes by simply existing. Once we're done learning everything we can about them ill stop giving a shit about those spacebugs, I say kill them all.
post is b8 but some people take that argument seriously.

>> No.12192673

In space no one can hear tree huggers whine.

>> No.12192781

>Everyone must wait until China has occupied Mars.
50 yuan are added to your account.

>> No.12193391

*explodes on launchpad*

>> No.12193744

>no Latinx astronautx

>> No.12195222

Just wear a chastity belt, of course.

>> No.12195248

Imagine being the sole astronaut in the picture that hasn't gone to Space because her first assignment was on a fucking Boeing Starliner.

>> No.12195252

2 on the left - butch lesbians
on the right - fem lesbians

they planned this

>> No.12195293

Maybe it's the fact that "women" was enough of a positive quantifier that people needed to mention it, while if it was titled "...men astronauts..." no body would care and see it as redundant.

>> No.12195318

going to mars is almost a guaranteed suicide mission, going together with 4 women is 11000 % objective fact, a truth of a universe that not even quantum and newtonian laws of physics can hold up to and will break down first, going to mars with 4 women will result in certain death during the mission.

>> No.12195361

BASED...is that you elon?

but more seriously these anti-space crowd should be shot or better yet, put in groups under a rocket noozle to be vaporize upon ignition.

>> No.12195380

dude honestly people like piss me the fuck off. It could well be the technologies used to sustain life on mars can will and be used on earth solve whatever climate/environmental issues.
The fact that you are typing this is testament to MANkind going into unexplored territories. From laying transatlantic cables in deep sea to communication satellites that people like you would literally consider nazis(some were) who helped design and launch.

My theory is "people" with your mentally know you wont be going to space and fear being left behind. Some inherent in you knows youre a genetic dead end. So you'd rather damn the entirety of all of humanity than giving us a chance by becoming a multiplanetary species, where as even if i knew id never be off planet id rest happy knowing humanity was multiplanetary and relish the day i can shit post with people on various planetary bodies.

>> No.12195382

my only worry is there arent 10 elon musks.

>> No.12195416
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BASED as fuck

>> No.12195421

They didn't use "Female" in the title because that term is derogatory

>> No.12195452

I get human life is important but progress is padded in corpses anon. We have to make mistakes to learn, no man alive can predict every injustice that space will bring and if we spend our time thinking about what if instead of what is the opportunity might not ever come.

>> No.12195462


wE'rE gOiNg To MaKe It A bIg DeAl BeCaUsE wOmEn

>> No.12196399 [DELETED] 

Extraordinarily based

>> No.12196414
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>We found everything that taste good.

*Talks in blubber*

>> No.12196415
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Excuse me gentlemen. but theres... someone... i need you all to talk to

>> No.12196427

Good post. Let the mummy's teenage sons moan and groan.

>> No.12196428

I like the short one on the left, she looks spunky.