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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 805 KB, 1000x1000, science vs bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12184063 No.12184063[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we prevent science from being misused for political agendas?

>> No.12184087

Good thread op old thing bad new thing good!!!’

>> No.12184103
File: 180 KB, 860x838, 00BF513D-4A17-40E1-A9BA-2328E4FDA02D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based OP
(You)(pic related)

>> No.12184310
File: 62 KB, 557x720, 3623164324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By using it for your own political agenda first.

>> No.12184420

the irony is lost on you

>> No.12184624

Have a smarter populace.
Simplify and make actual science more accessible to the common person.
Otherwise share awareness on how much science is used for political, social and other agendas.

>> No.12184641

>Da Vinci
guy was a crank. no wonder pseuds (like you) love him

>> No.12184642

>pro eugenics
>anti abortion
Based retard

>> No.12184730

>How do we prevent science from being misused for political agendas?
By becoming the dominant political agenda. Those discoveries were fueled by the prospect of exploration, trade dominance, and expansion of influence. A lot of that was funded via the nobility if not royalty. Chances are good there was plenty of junk science there, they just called it heresy or witchcraft.

>> No.12184784
File: 1.14 MB, 900x1350, 1594847672261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed the graph. You can't be a race realist without understand evolution by natural selection. Also invasive species is a thing in humans too. Follow the natural law.

>> No.12184786


>> No.12184803
File: 244 KB, 381x383, apumanhattan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the level of based in this image makes my pepe tingle

>> No.12184806

When I made the graph, I remembered
>We sacrificed the stars for this
If you know what I mean.

>> No.12184812

But he's saying the opposite.

>> No.12184814
File: 65 KB, 850x400, hitlerwasright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do know what you mean anon, I do fren

>> No.12184819

Save it if you can and post it any time you see that edit. The OG edit is shit. It tries to put evolution by natural selection as 'science' when it's just simply reality. If it didn't exist, man would have not domesticated the beasts. Race realism doesn't even make sense without evolution.

>> No.12184838

>eugenics is science
>but evolution is not
great thread

>> No.12184845

Fixed graph

>> No.12184848
File: 29 KB, 451x333, sanger negro genocide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eugenics is science
>abortion is "science" despite being highly eugenic

>> No.12185161

the only time science is used for agendas is when people in the field bullshit their results or make shit up for their agendas and also ((them))

>> No.12185232


>> No.12185236

for starters, stop shitposting

>> No.12185243

We're in the most important election cycle of our lives and you think it's shit posting to point out disinformation being presented as scientific truth?

>> No.12185247

>stop shitposting
did I fucking stutter

>> No.12185250
File: 181 KB, 1200x800, 5DE9A6FD-D54C-4073-8827-91BD4AFE3A7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself. You clearly don't give a fuck that civilization is literally burning around you.

>> No.12185265

if the populace was smarter than the entire economy would collapse.

>> No.12185284

Reading comprehension is hard, huh?

>> No.12185285

just send all the politicians to the firing squad, extremely simple solution really

>> No.12185310

>You clearly don't give a fuck that civilization is literally burning around you.

But I do. I give a shit that it's not burning down fast enough :^)

>> No.12185497

Don't know why faggot mods don't ban evolution deniers, we are here to discuss science & math, not listen some theist gibberish.

>> No.12185715

>old good new bad
>s-science is what I l-like!
Classic brainlet thinking, fuck off and never come back or consider suicide.

>> No.12186360

Plain and simple.

>> No.12186533


>> No.12186553

Kind of destroyed op

>> No.12186593

If you have to post a soijak, you’ve already lost

>> No.12186596

By allowing only scientists to be politicians.

>> No.12186628


May be the singular most underrated concentration of science. Think about what we managed to achieve with dogs, we could do radical things with people, but we're simply too scared to try. That's all it is.

>> No.12186636

Religion is a natural eugenics. You don't have to do eugenics explicitly to get the desired effects of eugenics. Christianity for instance got rid of degenerates by burning them on the stake

>> No.12186639


Take government money entirely out of science. But this isn't really possible as they need to get their funding from somewhere.

>> No.12186645


I think a better example of this, in a soft sense, is abortion. It drastically cut down the amount of unwanted births, which "usually" affected lower class, stupider, and more criminal people. The result was a massive drop in crime in the 90's. It's eugenics by proxy.

>> No.12186663

Do poor people have more abortions on average? What's the statistics on this? What about the Elite and rich people, do they have more children?

>> No.12186688


Yeah, over 50% are done by women below the federal poverty level. It's pretty much the only reason poor people don't have families of 3 to 4 little retards running around right now.

>> No.12187037

How the fuck can you believe in eugenics but not in evolution lol

>> No.12187042

Kikes hate evolution, are you a kike?

>> No.12187323

Funnily enough, people who browse 4chan will get executed first