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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 188 KB, 475x499, pepemd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12150008 No.12150008 [Reply] [Original]

Paging doctor faggot...

yes you, get in here.

What is the best specialty and why is it family med in rural?

>run the entire medical field in hospital
>doctor god
>L-let me hold the door for you
>nurses love your big peen
>guy nurses (lol) know youre ACTUALLY smarter than them
>lmao whats a premed student?
>wow... another thank you letter
>no <<upper managment>> team to deal with
>tmw youre drinking buddys with the hospital coordinator
>you went where? I dont give a fuck

>> No.12150013

I scraped my knee.

It really hurts.

Can you fix it doctow?

>> No.12150021

Family meds are worthless, not even real doctors.

>> No.12150024
File: 449 KB, 887x276, 2020-09-22_19-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly am I looking at here? will this guy die?

>> No.12150028

That’s a double squiggle, he’s fine

>> No.12150029
File: 781 KB, 769x692, 2020-09-14_14-16_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy pretending to know shit lmao

>> No.12150051

You are a family med because you failed to become a surgeon. You can impress rednecks and spics all day long, brainlet.

>> No.12150055

>doc rings me today
>"hey anon, the results of your stool sample came back and indicate highly inflamed bowels"
>asks me if I have a history of bowel disorders and diseases
>mention a lot of my family has IBS
>"Oh no, IBS wouldn't produce inflammation like this"
What the fuck, anons?

>> No.12150072
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 1598917678106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incoming med student here
which specialty has the lowest effort:cash ratio?

>> No.12150115


Nurse detected

>> No.12150118

A deficiency in which of these most certainly cannot cause ataxia or muscle weakness?

free t4
high sensitivity c-reactive protein
thyroid peroxidase antibodies
total t4

>inb4 anon butthurt that I don't have medical insurance replies

>> No.12150130
File: 341 KB, 617x571, mom and dad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If environment causes behavioural changes and behavioural changes cause a change in genetic expression over time. Then can we logically make gays not have any contact with children and force them to live a life of confinement where they dont interfere with the normals around them?

>> No.12150200

>Nurse detected
Not a healthcare worker, fortunately.

>> No.12150228


Neither are they. All they're there for is repetitive tasks like a literal dishwasher. Women belong at home tbqh

>> No.12150388 [DELETED] 

or cannot be indicative of ataxia or muscle weakness*

>> No.12150391

or cannot be indicative of*

>> No.12151160

Hey /med/ anyone here have any good resources on practice tests for the stuff you'll learn in the preclinical years? Particularly the pharmacology stuff if possible.

>> No.12151217

You manage diabetics bph and occasionally cancer and bladder malformations

>> No.12151221

C reactive

>> No.12151237
File: 183 KB, 830x821, YiHPnEt[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was curious about the methodology and comparisons of this. The chart you lifted off /pol/ or a similar source (the oldest source I can find by google search is this https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/1c8tq8/hey_guys_someone_posted_these_stats_posted_on/ ) is, as things from there often are.

Statistically significant differences are not from "married parents", they are from "intact biological family" - that means, they haven't experienced any form of divorce. There are obvious reasons that this is not an accurate comparison by itself, which the author of the cited study himself admits. Most importantly, children of non-heterosexual parents are more likely to have endured a divorce or come from a single parent family. Accordingly, when in his actual chart we see the comparisons with children who have step families, we find most of the statistically significant differences are in fact also statistically significant for children of divorce who have step-families and single parents, a confounder which the study does not account for (as it is outside of its scope).

The author rightly says that previous studies look at an ideal situation, which is planned gay or lesbian families, and conclude there is no difference—of course, they're planned! Why does he not seek to discern between planned and unplanned gay families? In his own words: "While it is certainly accurate to affirm that sexual orientation or parental sexual behavior need have nothing to do with the ability to be a good, effective parent, the data evaluated herein using population-based estimates drawn from a large, nationally-representative sample of young Americans suggest that it may affect the reality of family experiences among a significant number"

In other words, the purpose of his study is to see what the reality of the differences between straight and heterosexual families are and not to ascertain whether gays can raise children, as your misleading table would seem to imply.

>> No.12151244

colorectal cancer sorry anon

>> No.12151247

Scientifically speaking, why do we allow f*males to be n*rses?

>> No.12151249


>> No.12151251

because they have the menial jobs and need to clean up everytime some patients shits the bed. lots of people who were studying nursing were also part-time strippers

>> No.12151257

*in my university

>> No.12151474

Depends on your age and stuff but you probably have ulcerative colitis

>> No.12151655

lab nigger

>> No.12151659
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>t. clueless

>> No.12151665

Scientifically speaking, why do we allow f*males to be doctors?

>> No.12151879

Redpill me on sluggish liver

>> No.12152114
File: 927 KB, 1511x1089, 14A85569-345A-44A5-BA0D-8F56E285B0A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any neurosurgery chads?

>> No.12152189
File: 72 KB, 458x469, school-funding-dont-matter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Women don't belong in the workforce. I'd rather see paramedics in my ER then these bimbo overpaid whores who cant suck a good cock

>> No.12152237

incoming first year med. give me tips to get to the top ahead of everyone so that I can become a surgeon chad

>> No.12152261

selling medical eqmt to hospitals

>> No.12152282


Just go to lecture and do readings. Also don't be stupid and this should help

>> No.12152323

how do I not be stupid? in what way? pls elaborate :)

>> No.12152354

Is methylcobalamin really the only good B12 injectable?

>> No.12152478
File: 339 KB, 1536x2048, lmaodumbblacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Basically if you study and then study you should be smart enough. This is how IQ works dont let anyone else tell you otherwise

>> No.12152891
File: 150 KB, 1234x892, 1598988891768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry pal but you know the drill.

>> No.12153156

okay I got it.

>> No.12153324

Is the best psychiatry can do when it comes to understanding and diagnosing patients, what the patient says their subjective experience is?

Do psychiatrists 'understand' mental diseases to the same degree a internal physician can spot a disease by looking at charts, and they understand almost everything about it?

>> No.12153364

Both psychiatry and psychology are a joke. Few people take the field seriously and for good reason.

>> No.12153524


Neuroscience is the facts and psychology is the concept. You can't have one without the other or else youll Dx people like a nurseoid

>> No.12153966
File: 256 KB, 1000x1502, noose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is worse? weed or alcohol

>> No.12154013

Whoah, surgeon, such high iq intellectual job!

>Orthopedicians be like
>"Lmao this dumbass bought a bike, Nurse bring the saw, hammer and the huge nails, we're going to do some carpentry here.

>Neurosurgeons be like
>"Yeah, to fix this leg pain we must repair the vertebra. Nurse, bring the krazy glue"
>"This guy fell off a bike and hit his head. Seems he won't make it, get him to the OR, I want to practice head surgery before he kicks the bucket"

>Gastrosurgeons be like
>"Dude, we can totally cure your diabetes, come on just let me remove 90% of your stomach. There you go! Btw you'll have diarrhea the rest of your life"

>Heart surgeons be like
>"Ok, we finished stitching this tube into the other tube. Get him to the intensivist, if the shit clots it's his problem now, who wants a drink?"

>> No.12154014


>> No.12154023

Neuroscience is modern day phrenology. Psychology is a tool for businesses and advertisers. Psychiatry is its own field, always has been.

>> No.12154032

If a mental disease could be easily spotted it would be the job of the internist to treat it. Psychiatry is there to try and treat that which cannot be understood with our current tools.

>> No.12154034


what? explain.

>> No.12154046

The fuck has urology to do with diabets.

They scrape prostates, put catheters in the kidney and cut off rotten dicks.

>> No.12154064 [DELETED] 

Ignore this idiot.

>> No.12154076

You have a personal problem, you go to the psych and talk it out. Tell me how the fuck do you shoehorn science into this? If anything psychs are giving away drugs for the shift in paradigms to Evidence Based bullshit which is unable to measure people's feelings and qualia.

Neuroscience is a bunch of delusional zoomers thinking they can upload their soul into ones and zeroes and play with brains to justify funding without regarding the practicality of the technology it intends to create.

Psychiatry is still a bunch of hippies who think you go crazy because you don't have enough sex. Their only relevant applications are those regarding how to make people like products more or fool people into buying shit they don't need.

>> No.12154085

Stuck between Derm and Rads

>> No.12154127

And prostrate scrapers here?

>> No.12154179

Gotta admit prostrate scrapping is the most fun surgeon job. Looks like a videogame and the surgery last 20 minutes tops. Kidney shit may last up to 6 hours though.

>> No.12154259 [DELETED] 

>i an intensely butthurt and don't care if you suffer or die, therefore no one else should listen either ;_;
>excuse me while i prance about like I too also care about medicine and patients
>not realizing like half his picture is things i've only revealed in other threads and a long time ago
I'm going to go with you're replying because you're stupid. I've not reported you to whomever's higher up than a mod yet because I've simply been too preoccupied, with things like finding you irl. the_magic_of_something_like_autism.jpg I'll get to it, you spastic.

>> No.12154275

>i an intensely butthurt and don't care if you suffer or die, therefore no one else should listen either ;_;
>excuse me while i prance about like I too also care about medicine and patients
>not realizing like half his picture is things i've only revealed in other threads without the tripcode and a long time ago
I'm going to go with you're replying because you're stupid. I've not reported you to whomever's higher up than a mod yet because I've simply been too preoccupied, with things like finding you irl. the_magic_of_something_like_autism.jpg I'll get to it, you spastic.

>> No.12154368
File: 2.63 MB, 640x356, vape trix.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks. just bought some weed instead of booze. Now im high. why is this better than alcohol? doesnt make sense...feels the same bro

>> No.12154756

here. most of us are chads in our own heads only though

>> No.12155402
File: 165 KB, 327x316, 1485805835959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12155413

Alcohol puts oxidative stress on your liver while it processes it, it also fucks with bone marrow. Low amounts of alcohol occasionally is fine, but excessive intake leads to problems

>> No.12155458

nice, got any good greentext from the OR?

>> No.12155914
File: 660 KB, 1106x1012, 142445697832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its a physiology course by a researcher 1st lecturer 2nd
no thanks

>> No.12155977
File: 2.14 MB, 640x360, DELIVERY.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the `booze good for heart` and champain makes you more happy? you must mean that when you drink lots its bad right?

>> No.12155983

What's the hx?
There appears to be T-wave elevation and 'tenting' in V3. Could this be hyperkalaemia?

>I'm just a med student so don't expect my advice to be accurate

>> No.12156003
File: 65 KB, 350x382, brugadaSyndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hx of father dropping dead near the same age NNK. I actually diagnosed this guy out of hospital having Brugada Syndrome II. Notice the ST elevation with no reciprocal depression. He was later treated at cardiology and given an internal defib. incase he had R on T. I'm not sure what came after that - lost contact with the guy.

>> No.12156050

Can any psych bros confirm this?
Are psychiatrists just bullshitting when they are sure of a diagnosis?

>> No.12156109

They are usually sure within their set of diagnostic criteria. Does that mean that they dont cut corners, leave out important factors and wrongly diagnose? no

>> No.12156713

>find growth in armpit, maybe 2-4 mm in length
>skin colored and shaped like the london gherkin tower
>easy enough to rip off, bled a little
Was two weeks ago and has left me with a red mark bit over 1 cm in diameter.
Could it have been a tick? Thought those little shits were black or brown, this just looked like skin colored mutation.

>> No.12156891

pharmacist :)

>> No.12156906

I manage to record myself having a seizure it looks like a typical grand mal seizure but I was conscious the entire time. I could feel it coming on and was able to start recording and lay down, it really hurt the inside of my skull it felt like literal electric shocks inside my brain every half second which is how I know I'm about to have one. First one I've had in 5 years I almost had one 6 months ago but I can resist the electric shocks if I catch it fast enough. I've had an EEG showed nothing. What is this type of conscious seizure called?

>> No.12156932


possession, seek lavender oil PRN

>> No.12156938

I'm leaning more towards a brain tumor.

>> No.12157173
File: 83 KB, 376x320, 63187B13-69F2-4DE9-9008-3090F69B7ED6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Ben Carson just a feel-good rags to riches story without true clinical merit?
>siamese twins he famously separated became vegetables and eventually died
>faced several malpractice accusations

>> No.12157200

>gee billy your mom lets you have two /med/ threads

>> No.12157201

Claims he go into his residency by talking about classical music with the director.
I would put money on mild affirmative action

>> No.12157226
File: 1.20 MB, 640x360, 1598012870520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is worthy of a sticky lol

>> No.12157240
File: 33 KB, 405x228, D0375008-FF29-4438-AFDD-C742D2F55AB4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12157246

what is that krazy glue he's referrin to ? It gets me everytime I read it.

>> No.12157272

Think he is reffering to bone cement

>> No.12157330

How do I get a test prescription with normal test levels?

>> No.12157370


Drink baby formula. It's chalk full of estrogens

>> No.12157394

theres a glue you use to repair durotomies. Maybe this?

>> No.12157437

So, I've been doing some research and I'm 90% sure the colonoscopy will reveal ulcerative colitis
>stool sample revealed inflamed bowels
>doc says it can't be IBS
The only other options are ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, and I definitely don't have the latter because I'd know about it if I did.

>> No.12157539


>> No.12157646

The surgical glue is the same epoxi glue you buy in the hardware store. Some surgeons actually use the crazy glue because it's cheap, no complications out of the ordinary happen. Fuck Quality of Care bullshit.

All the things on that post come from personal experience.

>> No.12157658

Cyanoacrylate I meant.

>> No.12158282

God why do nurses suck. I came out of anesthesia after an upper endoscopy and right away some angry old nurse gave me a rant about taking my medicine. I was all dazed after my endoscopy and drifting off so I wasn’t really paying attention and she asked me if I had adhd lmao. Fuck nurses

>> No.12159121

Some are nice, some are just bitter, overworked, underappreciated and entitled. Like all professions don't judge (unless they are radiologists who of course do have sexual relations with animals and have poor people skills).

>> No.12159355
File: 316 KB, 960x479, 1597450730690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It occurred to me that my peptic ulcer might be relevant. A stomach ulcer can cause deficiencies in b1 b2 b6 b12 c and folate -- water soluble vitamins. Come to think of it my muscle weakness began presenting within about 8 months of first presentation of the ulcer -- little things like it felt weird to jog and I could no longer perform the routine muscle up to get to the store as at that time used to be easy -- and didn't come to completion until the beginning of this year. So it's pretty much for sure a vitamin issue at this point.

What are the chances that after I resolve this vitamin issue, that I will return to normal. Will any lesions/scar tissue/masses likely be left behind that would prevent function from being fully restored with stem cells?

>> No.12159413

Oh, and make sure to point out that you're not the retarded idiot if you have anything negative to say, so I know.

>> No.12159597

Shut up faggot

>> No.12159627

>"Now let's talk about that special sodium channel I am researching for half an hour"

>> No.12159639

>"You know, if you axe me! Mosart was a brother!"

>> No.12159658

If you know so much why don't you figure it out yourself?

>> No.12159885

That's what we call in the not-an-idiot biz a false dichotomy. I am.

>> No.12160066

>anesthesia rotation
>anesthesiologists are all lazy bums and don't really do anything

>> No.12160827


igel > ett

>> No.12163133

I have a rotation with the PD of a program I want to match to.
Explain like I'm Autist - How to impress them?

Also how did y'all start writing personal statements?

>> No.12163285
File: 85 KB, 496x500, 43254325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/med/ kino coming through

>> No.12163305

>All they're there for is repetitive tasks like a literal dishwasher
That's why women are nurses

>> No.12163386

I don't watch shows featuring niggers.

>> No.12165093
File: 89 KB, 895x931, gay-molestation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow thanks for your affirmative action meme shlomo.

>> No.12165103

what is the best modern medical science has to offer to fix presbyopia?

>> No.12165105

Just got hired as a full time virtual scribe and we are using EPIC. My doctor is orthopedics/physiatry/pain medicine. Advice pleeeeaaassee?

>> No.12165126
File: 277 KB, 402x405, 2020-09-23_16-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cringe. Go back to your easy science courses you squeeb

>> No.12165460

You fuckers aren't doing enough to meme away premed-ism. These little fucks keep coming into my lab thinking they're special. I looked into it and half these little retards have GPAs well below the average medical student, and they jerk each-other off all the fucking time about how great they are.

I write them shitty letters to get them off my back, and give good letters to any of my students with chemistry or biology majors who actually do their research. Fucking do your job /med/


>> No.12165465 [DELETED] 
File: 1.20 MB, 1250x1700, x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to unclamp.

>> No.12165480

write me a letter )))
>be military
>deployed last two years
>finally come back to start working on shadowing and studying for MCAT

>> No.12165493

Ok my niggas, how much do you people ACTUALLY know, how much can you recall; If I asked you some shady protein, would you be able to give me the role of in certain type of cell?
I want to get in but honestly I feel that I won't be able to remember every single shit there is.

>> No.12165501

This. I am an undergraduate Bio major and recently developed a strong interest in the idea of being an attending physician in a hospital/or perhaps a veterinarian surgeon. I'm taking Chem 1 and A&P this semester and I'm doing well, but I will not be able to remember all of this in two or three years.

Before I my plan was to go into Chiropractic and open a practice in this rural zone.

>> No.12165504

Why the fuck do you reward people who research bullshit, aren't you supposed to be a doctor? Your trade is the patient, faggot, leave researching to dropouts. God, you sound like a glorified premed yourself.

>> No.12165507
File: 102 KB, 900x750, hippocrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Signs up to kill people
>intends on studying medicine
Get the fuck out of my field.

>> No.12165511

Nobody remembers that bullshit. The only thing you must remember is signs and symptoms and the common dose for things from your field. If you want to look like a huge pedantic faggot you read some shitty article a day before and ask questions about it to students to humilliate them.

>> No.12165522
File: 1.31 MB, 1200x1200, ok boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>provides social mobility
>pays for school and housing once contract is up
>pays enough to send money home
>builds resume
>makes people seethe

>> No.12165542

So you are telling me that I don't need to Upload the whole Atlas of Human Anatomy in my head?.
Then It shouldn't be as hard.

>> No.12165546

I'm charting for a professor of yale school of medicine. I think I have a chance

>> No.12165556

Thanks, anon. You just raised my confidence in my future.

>> No.12165581

i was diagnosed with stage 2 emmetropia.
is there cure for it?

>> No.12165598

See how you like organic chemistry, it will either energize you to learn more or make you hate lab work.

>> No.12165703

where do you meds get your textbooks? are they specialized enough or you can find them on libgen? i would assume there are some general textbooks but later on it is something more field specific, some handouts etc?

>> No.12165721



>> No.12165728

What do you all think? His HR is very high for his age even during exercise, definitely experiencing angina, sBP is also elevated. Is there any reason for this beyond just using vyvanse 60 mg?

>> No.12165759
File: 33 KB, 1024x512, 5e5440f6a9f40c2c5c7a916f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to tell you my story
>be me
>2 years ago
>go 2 medschool
>decide to buy an Ipad pro because "buying books lmaoooo"
>Cut my food budget by HALF for a year to save for the top tier one
<1 year ago
>The day comes, I buy my 2k Ipad two days before class
>First class, Old ass Teacher says "For all y'all faggots who bougth an Ipadding pro plus x, shame on you, I'm going to Talk with EVERY THEACHER and I will CONVINCE them to ban those shits, those things won't let you LEARN because technology has your brains ROTTEN"
>FML he did it, now Ipads are banned
>TFW could've bougth a Used car or a Motorcylce.
>TFW I lost my hard earned /fit/izen gainz because no chicken breasts/Protein Powder.

>> No.12165766
File: 129 KB, 624x768, 1590092109128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graduating from civil engineering with a 2.5 gpa. Do I have a shot at med school bros?

>> No.12165770


>> No.12165787


>> No.12165793

nice newfag meme
gpa matters a lot for med school admissions, and is also correlated with MCAT scores.

>> No.12165808

People who still fall for the physical pen and pencil meme are just being autistic contrarians at this point. iPad+apple pencil is a god tier combo and makes notes much easier to organize

>> No.12165897

You should do it if you have good memory simple for the fact it makes you able to comprehend what is going on which is 100 times better than a script monkey like >>12165511 that only learnt to regurgitate what his professor told him

>> No.12165904

/biz/ here with a stupid question, how big a deal really is NSAID ulcers?

>> No.12165905

what if i aced the mcat and did volunteering for a couple years, would i have a chance then? im considering a postbac also but i'd rather not go that route if it can be avoided.

>> No.12165908

this but 2016

>> No.12165963

It's a type of hemorrhaging. Risk depends on severity, complications, and comorbidities.

>> No.12165984

I'm following a company developing Naproxen without gastric damage, called Antibe. They just finished phase 2 trials which confirmed efficacy and lack of damage. Should I throw a bunch of money at it?

>> No.12165989

No nigga, your best chance is going to Mexico, Getting into UNAM's Medical school, doing unpaid(but free) research in your summers at some shitty Uni in the US, Pay to do the Step1/Step2, ENARM and USMLE and suck a dick to be accepted at some Hospital in the US.
that's it.

>> No.12166012

You mean this thing https://antibethera.com/pipeline/atb-346/.. Post a link to the phase II trial.

>> No.12166034

Assuming you aren't trolling, have you even taken the chemistry and biology pre-reqs?

>> No.12166035
File: 184 KB, 1097x804, FIkFoyd[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average person accepted to a U.S. medschool has a GPA over 1 point above yours.

At your current GPA you have about a 5.3% chance of acceptance (see pic related) which can go up to a 25ish% chance if you do a stellar job on the MCAT and sharpen up your application in many other difficult and time-consuming ways.

Look within yourself and ask whether despite your 2.5 gpa you can turn your career around now and whether you're willing to stake thousands of dollars on that chance.

>> No.12166047
File: 174 KB, 1594x1087, WH8foMF[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To expand upon this, even if you applied to DO school you'd be an extremely uncompetitive applicant with around a 10% chance at your current GPA. The only place which might even consider taking you as a student is a Caribbean school and a Caribbean school is a diploma mill from which only the most endeavoring and crafty sociopaths can emerge with a degree and a residency position and from which the rest come out with no placement, potentially no degree and a multi-hundred-thousand-dollar debt.

If you want to work in healthcare, do something else and don't waste your money. If you want to make money, go into business. It's NOT worth it

>> No.12166117
File: 79 KB, 500x596, 1600932382586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not trolling and no i haven't taken any prereqs except for psychology which i took as an elective and got an A on with zero effort. actually i did get B- on chem 101 in my freshman semester also, again zero effort. no other bio or chem courses on my record.
thanks for the info anon. 25% is actually very generous for someone like me. i was expecting much less. i can probably increase my chances with volunteering, postbac, applying to every possible school, etc.

>> No.12166123

anterior myocardial infarction

>> No.12166150

do international applicants affect this?

>> No.12167074

God damn, med school is brutal. Imagine being the 12.2% people with a 3.80+ gpa and >517 MCAT who still don’t get accepted.

>> No.12167109

what medical tests should I take regularly to make sure that I'm all right?

>> No.12167226

lol only about 30% of my undergraduate med year is male

>> No.12167463

Tell me all the anatomical accidents in which the quadriceps inserts without looking them up and telling me how these helped you in your practice.

Of course you need to know shit to make an idea of what's going on, dumbass. You don't need to memorize all the fucking shit. Why the fuck do you think specializations exist?

>> No.12167467

booksmedicos.org, or i google "book i want pdf" on google

>> No.12167487
File: 69 KB, 1034x811, 1599022540284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a lot of phlegm stuck in my throat and nothing is getting rid of it. is it safe to shove a wiener (not penis, the thin long sausage) down my throat and wiggle it around?

>> No.12167503

>Cause of death: Weiner stuck in trachea

>> No.12167517

nah, phase II don't mean shit

>> No.12167530

Cerebrovascular Neurosurgeon (hybrid Übermensch here)
Family medicine is nothing
Please be serious next time
PS: lowest effort/money ratio: dermatology
Please non-medical faggots, don’t share your uninformed opinions in this thread

>> No.12167571

Neurosurgeons are the fuckers who give the least shit about people's lives.

>> No.12167600

Not that dude, but who does? I'm pretty shure geriatric niggas are great people, but end up killing themselves the moment they see a gray hair in their head.

>> No.12167608

If you studied civil engineering why do you want to become a medic?

>> No.12167611

Palliative bros do, also pediatricians.

>> No.12167614

Big words to say you do endovascular coiling and empty subdural hematoma.
That said neurosurgeons have cool gadgets, in my hospital they even have a minority report style screen where they can display and draw on RMI/scans.
Half of the scissors and rongeurs still don't cut though.

>without gastric damage
Hahahaha like just take PPIs bro

>> No.12167661

>the most commonly matriculated student is FOREIGN
I might vote trump

>> No.12167671

consider that the 25% is a best case scenario if you perform at a level in which you didn't perform during your undergrad. And I'd wager that cohort of people with very low GPAs and very good MCAT also did everything you did, yet 75% got nowhere with it and had to deal with debt and wages lost.

If there's nothing that will stop you from potentially throwing away many years of your life on a failed endeavor, at least consider DO schools. The pay-gap between DO and MD for the same specialties is not very large for a given specialty, and even though you will still be a very long shot, your chances will be better as a DO applicant and you will throw a lot less money into the furnace of medschool admissions.

If you're not a permanent resident or U.S. citizen your chances are even lower of scoring a spot in a U.S. medschool. Most schools in the U.S. receive some sort of state or federal subsidies but only for students from the state/country, so they don't want internationals unless they are truly exceptional cases

I've heard admissions committee members call them "4.0 automatons" on SDN. If you act like you're on the spectrum or like you just wanna make money in the medical school interview, or if you apply with JUST those scores and no extracurriculars or research because you thought the scores by themselves show you're a choosy applicant, those scores won't avail you.

>> No.12167677

yeah, you rigth
Pls no bro... I just need to pass the USMLE, I did a lot of unpaid research at Jhon Hopkins I migth have a chance there.

>> No.12167738

Is 23 too old to get into med school?

>> No.12167779
File: 49 KB, 1384x459, soNFECG[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was GPA by applicant, and as you can tell the bar is set higher for the foreigners

If you already have an undergraduate degree and pre-reqs that's about the standard for an applicant. If you need to start from scratch, it's been done and is far from impossible, but bear in mind it's gonna take at least 4 years of taking prereqs and getting a bachelor's degree and acceptance is not guaranteed after that. Assuming a 3 year residency you'd also have 11 years to go before you have a good salary

>> No.12167801 [DELETED] 

You forgot:
>See people around who you remember clamping, vaccinating, circumcising, perhaps putting on psychotropics as a child, etc.

Doctor God is apt indeed. He is like a New World priest, all are his half minded flock, all are subject to his will, all are his clay to mold.

>> No.12167836

Does anyone know if you are born without balls if they give you testosterone to develop normally?

>> No.12168056
File: 120 KB, 320x331, firefox_x1YKdpGRW4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can cause pain here specifically?

>> No.12168328

How frequently should an elderly woman with type 2 diabetes, and who is taking daily hypoglycemics, have her blood glucose levels measured?

>> No.12168345

Liver damage

>> No.12168381

how does it feel to be a poorly compensated sucker?

>> No.12168392

You'd have a female phenotype when born if you didn't have balls.

>> No.12168549

>he’s doing the whole medicine thing for cash

>> No.12168564

Meanwhile, plastic surgeons be like
>ah yes, I will rub some cream on that bump and shoot you up with some Botox mrs. MILF, don’t mention it. I’ll even throw in a free bandaid!
>bill: $84,927.99 :^)

>> No.12168736
File: 312 KB, 350x624, godisdope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit same. 2016 was the best year of my life, and it's not even close.

>> No.12168964
File: 72 KB, 621x680, 1586213587989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would cause adrenal spurts/spasms that last for minute or two and are infrequent/happen maybe twice a year? When they do happen, everything seems intense, like it's yelling at me. The most mundane of things seem almost menacing.

It's happened all my life, and was scary at first but now I'm sort of just like "hmf, it's another one of -these- episodes; it'll be gone in a minute. Hey I wonder what [song] will sound like while I'm like this." I'm sort of just assuming it's a spastic adrenaline thing.

>> No.12169038

CV neurosurgeon again. Please don’t come up with shit about endovascular, to talk about coiling nowadays is like talking about Nokia cellphones...
But to be fair, clearly you cannot even compare the learning curve of EVT with microneurosurgery (“open” vascular for the non-medical community)
This may be interesting to discuss, but at least in my area of knowledge, there is a huge gap between finishing your residency and fellowship (first years of real “specialist” work) and being a well known, 10-year specialist.
Basically, I’m again, in an intermediate developmental stage as a specialist.
And for the anon who claimed that we don’t care for people, who really does?

>> No.12169071

>i'm a sociopath therefore everyone else is too
Shut up faggot.

>> No.12169079

when I was 13 back in 2010 I lived with a relative and his wife in South Carolina who was doing his neurosurgery residency because my parents sent me away as I was a problem child. He was such a pompous insufferable faggot. God complex, pretty sure either a psychopath or just autistic. Every time him and his wife would be out I would fuck with his food. Including but not limited to....

>masturbating in the cookie dough
>putting the washed fruits up against my cock
>gliding leftover pizza up against my ass crack
>spit in the soup
>licking donuts
>a few drops of piss in the mayo

How does this make you feel?

>> No.12169294

What are some routine procedures that you do?

>> No.12169337

Contrary to what people who aren't in medicine might think, neurosurgery isn't very competitive or difficult at all to get into. It's not even very difficult to perform.
You just require a lot of people and equipment and it's also very time consuming. Basically it's just gated by the time investment you have to put into, not by skill.
The individual achievement of the surgeon isn't very high.

Other specialties are way more competitive, due to their nature relying more on the individual surgeons skill.

>> No.12169452

Is an MPH a meme? I'm trying to find a backup plan to use my GI bill in case Im not accepted into med school. BLS shows it's growing faster than average but I'm sure many are trying to go into that field now too

>> No.12169623

Neuro again: for the pathological masturbator, basically the only thing I can tell you is that after passing through Med school, nothing related to human nature surprises me anymore, so that’s why I don’t trust no one. I wouldn’t have received you in my home, never.
The basic procedures a neurosurgeon performs depends on the setting of work: on call (general), vascular or programed cases. The usual Basic emergencies we deal with are trauma (evacuation of clots mainly), hydrocephalus (put or change shunts), or vascular: ruptured aneurysms (dealt with Endovascular coiling mostly, or surgical clipping) and spontaneous bleeding of other causes, usually treated also with surgical evacuation or decompressive craniectomy. The real deal are our programmed cases, which will vary greatly among sub specialties.
Finally, to answer to the skeptical anon: Some sub specialties from neurosurgery Actually do depend heavily on technology, and less on surgical skill (functional NS, minimally invasive NS), however, the opposite is also true: a microsurgical Intracranial bypass or the micro surgical excision of a petroclival meningioma, in my opinion, are probably examples of one of the most manually and mentally difficult things a human being can perform. So please, if you are a undergrad, stop with those pathetic remarks.
Glad to answer more about our not so popular field!

>> No.12169674

>Glad to answer more about our not so popular field!
1) Did you enter the field so you can call yourself a neurosurgeon, and so the next time someone says "it's not brain surgery," you can be expected to chime in, "ahem... I concur."
2) How often do you say "concur"?
3) Did you become a doctor, if not to save patients, because, like retard-anon as he shall henceforth be known, you believe in the fallacy that you can med-school the stupid away?

>> No.12169745

In how many hyperthyroidism cases is the TSH level entirely normal?

>> No.12169749

like out of every 10 cases, how many are that way?

>> No.12169926

parents forced me
i thought those stats meant that i have a 25% chance of getting accepted to any random med school i apply to? if so i should get accepted eventually if i apply to every school i can, shouldn't that be the case? i'll consider every option eitherway. i don't mind going to a DO school either but i'll keep it as a last resort.

>> No.12169953

What to do about OCD? Got the magical thinking type, no meds btw.

>> No.12169993

You can find some meds that will stunt your thinking in general, or my advice as someone who had moderate to severe ocd... find a way to stop giving a shit. You feel like if you don't do some thing successfully, the world will end. The only non-medical solution is to somehow convince yourself "so the fuck what?"

>> No.12169998

Stop caring about it. Anytime your mind conjures up a scenario of dread and agony, think "so what?" No matter how incessant it gets, even if it seems like the obsessive thoughts will stay with you forever, you should still nevertheless maintain an indifferent attitude towards your obsessive thoughts. Once you accept that you can do this, it will only be a matter of time before it heals. You have to understand that the negative reaction towards your obsessions and compulsions and the dread surrounding them are what are reinforcing and strengthening your obsessive thoughts and compulsions, once you get rid of that, the ocd will die off on its own. No experience with meds, but my intuition says that they can't be good, I would avoid them at all cost.
>t. extensive family history of anxiety and ocd

>> No.12170005

First and foremost, fuck premeds.
Secondly, who else is prepping for OSCEs at the moment?

It sucks that you have to suffer because an outdated fossil isn't adaptable enough to keep up with the times.

Students aged 21-25 make up the vast majority of Y1 cohorts here in Australia. Give it a shot mate.

>> No.12170007

you have to remember, thats if you fucking rock the mcat its 25% odds. they dont give a shit if you did engineering, if your gpa is low and your mcat blows.
you're essentially gambling a shite load of money between apps, travel, secondaries and tests. If this is your calling in life, dont be too prideful and add a DO school.

>> No.12170090

>You feel like if you don't do some thing successfully, the world will end.
That's exactly it, even now replying to your post is hard. I've been able to do it but I get one, one delusion and it's back to the cycle.
I've been on meds and you're basically sleepy all day, numb and all that but I'll try to just don't care, any other type or most I could handle but magical is very persitent and irrational. No matter what I just don't have to listen and I know this, I keep failing.
How long did it take anon?

>> No.12170102

>one delusion and it's back to the cycle.
Just wait until someone gives you the idea that your rituals don't work, i.e. once you complete them, did you really? Better do it again to be sure :^)

>> No.12170106

what? I already do that, I've got a cheat system for it

>> No.12170137

Like in those movies or michael j fox on scrubs' they're portrayed as doing shit like turning the water on three times presumably to make sure it's on or something, and somehow that ritual is sufficient to convince them they successfully turned the water on. I guess I just assumed that's how most newfag OCD people actually are, with rituals that just work. For me, it's not being sure if anything I do works, ever., as long as I cared anyway.

>> No.12170161

>No matter what I just don't have to listen and I know this, I keep failing.
Stop caring about failing as well. Make sure you don't set up another cycle for yourself as well by trying to convince yourself not to fail. Just take it easy and ask yourself "so what if I fail?"
>How long did it take anon?
I've had it on and off since childhood but its never persisted at a single time period for more than 3-4 months. I'm lucky because my mother already knows all about it because of the family history I mentioned and knew what words to tell me to quell it while it was still early. Had a friend who had it for 2-3 years and attempted suicide, but he also stopped caring eventually and it subsided for him for the most part, though it still comes on and off in waves. Don't think about the timespan needed, its inevitable that you'll be cured if you stop caring. Do you smoke weed or take any type of psychedelic? It exacerbates things heavily, stop if you do.

A good beginner's exercise would be to look at this faggot's post >>12170102 and just disregard it. Disregard any fear, any discomfort or compulsion by not caring and asking yourself "so what?" Try to look at the dread and fear as ridiculous, a complete laughing matter, because that's what it is when it comes down to it. Expose yourself as much as you can to situations and sensations that trigger your ocd and slowly disarm the danger by not caring or having concern for it anymore. If you're scared of self-harming, hold a knife to your skin, for example. If you're scared of suddenly screaming in public, put yourself in public as much as you can. Its proven that all these ridiculous fears are based on nothing. Literally never will your thoughts take over and make you actually cut yourself, or scream in public, and so on, its just a ridiculous fear. Learn to take it in stride. One day it will seem ridiculous to you that you actually took all your ocd thoughts seriously, that's how it is now for me.

>> No.12170240

Realistically because of the state of things and that I won’t be graduating until the Spring, the earliest I would probably get into med school is 27. Is that too old? I hate the term but non traditional applicant is the umbrella I would fall under.

>> No.12170298

Thanks anon, I've had it since childhood as well, although ypur periods are short, I get a one year or half year mania and it's hell, as of lately though, it just changes fear, refusing to leave but yeah I ignored that post and it's all ok.
That feeling of "what if it hapoens this time?" Is a piece of shit not going to lie.
Glad to hear you got better anon, thanks and best of luck.

>> No.12170354

>Tell me all the anatomical accidents in which the quadriceps inserts without looking them up and telling me how these helped you in your practice.
That made no sense but its relevant to orthopaedics

>> No.12170357

It's like 95% female in mine

>> No.12170653

do you find that good or bad?

>> No.12170669


>> No.12171647

I meant cerebrovascular neurosurgery retard, not neurosurgery in general.
I want specific names.

>> No.12171688

If you are not in bed with the residency program director you ain't getting shit, nigger. Now go and suck some geriatric dick, your future depends on it.

>> No.12171699

Your taxes pay my education and I have free rent in your head.
Stay mad

>> No.12171705

What do you mean "without balls"? Agenesia or just cryptorchidia? If it's cryptorchidia the balls will descend with testosterone and recover normal function. If the balls are not there it's best to raise the kid as a girl. The default state of humans is female.

>> No.12171729

Taxes? What the fuck are you talking about, you think i'm a fucking mutt? God fucking dammit anon.

I tell you because my brother also tried that bullshit and couldn't get in. You can't expect to be selected playing by the rules. You have to MEET people, that's how people who get shit done get around in life.

>> No.12171737

Thats what I said. You only use the handful of knowledge you use on your daily trade. Nobody gives a fuck about insertions but that's what they pad anatomy tests with.

>> No.12171752

>The default state of humans is female.
>we're all female in early developmental stages of life, and males are male because of an addition of genetic information, therefore female is default
>what do you mean what i'm doing is no longer science? That we're all default girls is -in- the data
Your default state is retarded.

>> No.12171771

bro do you think that I ACTUALLY did research @
jh? lmaoo bro. I was in the lab for like 2 hours tops, I was asking Professors shit and trying to like everyone, the only dude that I think didn't fell for my bullshit was some asian dude that had a mean face like this: https://youtu.be/knrznW_WHC0

>> No.12171820

That's what everyone does, but I assume you're living in the US out of your own pocket. These mutts only take people with green cards, so you do must seek out a hospital that is willing to take you in, climb the bureaucracy. You must smell the fuckers and jump ship to another program the moment you detect the smallest fishiness, like they having you pay a flight for a meeting, interview, etc. If they really don't give a fuck about you, you'll be wasting time, and time is money.

>> No.12171839

You don't even study medicine, what the fuck are you doing on this thread? Keep seething mutt, go cry about niggers or trannies somewhere else.

>> No.12171860

They only take people with green cards? how am I supposed to get one? do I marry a trailer white trash to get it? where are you from brah.

>> No.12171872

>free rent in your head
What a ridiculous normalfag insult. Of course there is a facsimile of you, and every type of personality for that matter, in my head. I destroy you in argument because you're always there, to bounce ideas off of. Sincerely, what is insulting about this, i.e. what is the difference between a likeness of your personality being in my head and you living in my head? The obvious difference is life, implying your little facsimile has agency. But this only makes sense if your life isn't life at all.
Do you really think an expression of butthurt is sufficient to make me leave; if anything, it solidifies my presence. And as long as I'm forced to live this way, part of my very reason for existence is to make you realize that med school didn't do much of anything in the way of making you not stupid.

>> No.12171885

stfu tripfag.

>> No.12171891

No one wants the trouble of giving you an H1B visa when they can pick a random brainlet mutt. You could marry, many actually do that, but you could also scout for hospitals that have a high percent of foreigner staff or programmes in buttfuck nowhere since they take anyone.

>> No.12171933

If I chose one of those rural clinics, do I have a chance of moving to a better hospital?

>> No.12171986

what is the cure for the keto retardation?
>carbs are bad because all carbs are basically sugar and sugar=diabetes
>eat 500 grams of saturated fats instead

>> No.12172075

Can someone answer >>12168328 please

>> No.12172077

It will all depend on your networking.

>> No.12172097

Having the clinical history along with a presentation of your case would be helpful, you know.

>> No.12172112

What diseases are intermittently detectable? Like when you go to the mechanic to show him a problem and it's not there anymore, only to start up again as soon as you drive away.

>> No.12172135

I want to do anestesia to later do palliative care and algology.

>> No.12172153

>I want to do anestesia to later do palliative care and algology.
Uhuh. Uhuh. Oh here's the problem. Sir, the question was what is your date of birth

>> No.12172166

Med student here, does anyone know how I can study effectively?

>> No.12172170

Go away.

>> No.12172186


>> No.12172194

Get away from the internet.

>> No.12172245

/g/ here
You're a fucking retard. Why would you buy an expensive mac shit you couldn't afford to read pdf and take notes when something a third of the price would have been fine?

>> No.12172257

Go to the hospital. See a patient, read the book next to him.

>> No.12172270

Nobody wants to use your gentoo shit. Fuck the appletard too.

>> No.12172296

A wandows machine would be sufficient. Fuck pretentious mac retards; it's like they would swear their machines are the only one's with graphics capability. Also for some reason they think putting them in 'sleep' mode over night engages some tech that ultimately saves electricity. I still need to call ICE on that spic.

>> No.12172298

Who said anything about gentoo? tablets running android or a cheap chromebook would have worked just as well.
I wouldn't trust a doctor that doesn't consider the alternatives beyond the most expensive/drastic one

>> No.12172339

You ain't doing anything but giving me the cringe
lmaoing @ ur life doe

>> No.12172394

gr8 m8. I'm just going to go ahead and assume that your stupidity is not impenetrable nor does your stupidity make you immune, Let's see what happens!

>> No.12172420

Bruh, who said that I couldn't afford it? The Ipad Pro is the best Tablet there is in the game and you can't deny it.
"a WANDOWS machine would be sufficient" stupid ass clown, why would I want sufficient? I want the best.
>I still need to call ICE on that spic.
3098-3000 Hunter St
Baltimore, MD 21218
here nigga, ask for Leonardo, it's the apartment below the red chair.

>> No.12172439

>I want the best
the best at what? Your crapbook is not the best at anything.

>> No.12172446

I give you 5 minutes, Find me a better tablet than the Maxxed out Ipad pro.

>> No.12172474

google "better tablet than the Maxxed out Ipad pro." All I know is I can do anything with the cheapest laptop sold at walmart. Hows about you demonstrate absolutely any android that cannot do something an ipad can.

>> No.12172485

>dealing with obese dindus all day

no thanks

>> No.12172497

androids can't give you swag.

>> No.12172506

person 1: jeez, look at the swag on that guy
person 2: that guy probably thinks his apple gives him swag. pathetic
Be person 2.

>> No.12172538

You ain't doing anything but giving me the cringe
lmaoing @ ur life doe

>> No.12172541

U stoopid

>> No.12172587

Though if your goal is to impress hot chicks, get apple. lmao reminds me of a something an old friend told me: "no girl's gonna look at you and think 'omg I want him; he just doesn't give a fuck. so much intelligence." But if you're already with a girl or God forbid, some faggot, go with android.

>> No.12172591

20 years old, no health issues
how worried should I be about covid?

>> No.12172623

You should be worried because it can do permanent damage to your lungs and other organs, cause blood clotting and potentially impact fertility (although this needs more research).

>> No.12172629

So the organ damage wasn't overblown? That's bad news, what are the organs? How likely is it?

>> No.12172653

If you ask this question now, Not at all, go ahead do whatever you want. In fact, visit your parents as well, give a lot of handshakes. The more americans you infect the quicker the world will get rid of the disease, and i'm not talking about SARS-2.

>> No.12172659

Why would you think I'm American? I'm not

>> No.12172663

We don't know the long term damage, we'll have to see in decades. The most likely to be affected is the kidney.

>> No.12172672

If you get infected, you'll probably be fine. You'll become a vector and if you take it to your parents, they will surely die.

That said, the risk of you dying is a 1/20 chance. Make of that what you will.

>> No.12172711

A lot of truth to this unfortunately

>> No.12172730

Is 27 too late to start med school? I want to do rural family med or psychiatry. I’m not fulfilled or happy with my current degree or job. Every time I go into work and sit in my cubicle for $25 cuck bucks an hour I genuinely think about blowing my brains out.

>> No.12172790

>Every time I go into work and sit in my cubicle for $25 cuck bucks an hour I genuinely think about blowing my brains out.
Med is more of this, but add dealing with shitty people.

>> No.12172797

>who said i couldn't afford it
"Had to cut my food budget in half"

you are poor as fuck and a retard to boot because you think macs give you clout.
too bad your professor is not legally allowed to ban gay niggers or you would have been expelled

>> No.12172801

Besides, don't know where you live or how it exactly is in the US. But elsewhere in the world "med school" doesn't exist, it's a full degree like any other which takes 7 or 8 years to finish. In the US you can't practice without a specialty, which that means at least 3 years of training and about 2 years of USMLE preparation if you live there, if you're a foreigner it's almost impossible to get in unless you're rich and lobby with the topdogs.

>> No.12172804

Yes. At 27 I'm already feeling to old to do a full 4 year spec. Can't imagine what'd be like at 33/34.
You can try it, there isn't a reason not to. The thing is that you also have to take into account your wishes to start a family, becoming independent and reaching financial freedom while at the same time saving for your retirement.
A doctor's life is stressful as fuck and will age you like no other profession, no matter how much you tell others you enjoy it.

>> No.12172829

>saving for retirement
Why is this an issue for most people? Just don't fucking burn money and you'll stay alive.


Also tell him how romantized the job is, you'll have to do night shifts regularly that will probably take a toll in your lifespan, you'll practically live in hospitals and become colonized by the nastiest shit for which antibiotics don't even exist to fuck you up when you're old. You won't meet people outside of colleagues so if it's a sausagefest you won't be able to start a family, or if you brush someone off the wrong way your whole stay will be a nightmare. You'll also have to deal with people of all kinds, not only patients but bureaucrats too, don't know how well you are at that.

Just be happy you have a job that pays the bills to be honest.

>> No.12172873

Canada so the schools here are mostly 4 year programs but there are also 3 year programs. I was also considering applying to 4 year programs in Australia and Ireland.
I don’t have any intentions to start a family or get married until maybe my 40s, if ever.

>> No.12172879

no it’s not about 20% of my class is between 25-29. I don’t know why /med/ always tries to dissuade people from pursuing it. If anything your life experience and maturity will make you more liked by patients and staff. It’s tough though you just need to be prepared for the commitment.

>> No.12172891

>start a family or get married until maybe my 40s
What kind of thinking is this? You want your kids to burry you in their 20s? You should have gotten children when you became 20.

>> No.12172897

What the fuck would a premed know.

>> No.12172942

Is DID pure LARP or not?

>> No.12173069

I’m not a premed. I never went through a traditional premed path. I am confident it is what I want to do from the exposure I’ve had.

>> No.12173075

There are enough people in the world. If I do have a child I’ll have 1.

>> No.12173100

Does deficiency in any vitamins cause any disease that could then in turn cause muscle weakness? note: this would not be the same thing as vitamins directly causing muscle weakness, rather indirectly

>> No.12173270

If you're going to have children, have them now. If you'd rather wait you're better off not having them. What use is a family you won't even enjoy?

>> No.12173345

P2 vitamin deficiency is lead cause of penile softiosis.

>> No.12173362

Said the IM gunner

>> No.12173376

>Social mobility

>> No.12173434
File: 6 KB, 215x178, small violin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligatory fuck to you all the Asians who riced up the medical field in the usa. medical used to be a comfy profession. FUCK YOU!

>> No.12173453

Blame the insurance jews

>> No.12173515

>have children in the middle of a pandemic said the wise retard.
Yeahhhhh nah, don’t listen to this dumbass op. Wait until society is not on the verge of civil war and not completely diseased before pumping babies out with some broad. My dad fathered me when he was 41. There is nothing wrong with it. It’s a problem if you are female because of the biological clock. If you are a guy and keep yourself healthy having a kid in your 40s is perfectly fine. I have never seen such nonsense. Telling someone not to advance their education and have kids at probably the worst time since the Great Depression. God damn you are either a troll or seriously dumb.

>> No.12173601

with all of the advances in technology and COVID going on why can't I do some sort of broad spectrum blood test at home?

it just seems shitty that we just stopped at heart rate, blood oxygen, and glucose monitoring as testing options for the general public.

>> No.12173745

>heart rate
Hardly ever useful
>blood oxygen
People's own lives depend on it, they are educated well in order to use it.

We could sell everyone urine strips, but what good would it be for you? You don't know how to interpret it, you'll probably be a smartass and think you're fine or some shit, then let an infection worsen until your balls hurt or your kidney starts to get eaten. For the blood test people don't even have centrifuges at home, the values need to be more precise and really dangerous shit can be found that can also be misinterpreted by dumbasses.

People don't deserve to know shit about medicine.

>> No.12173804

Do you really think that some of the wealthiest and most medically advanced countries in the world have fucked up their pandemic response on purpose?

>> No.12173832

I don't see how they could not.

>> No.12174007

My dad was also in his early 40s when I was conceived but my professor impregnated his wife when he was 50 and now the kid has down syndrome. Don't pretend like its not a dice-roll with chances increasing against healthy conception at an exponential rate once you get into your 40s as a man.

>> No.12174009

Also you're a fucking retard if you believe that the pandemic is real no wonder doctors are retards nowadays who only know how to use google. The medical profession has become an utter joke, getting pajeeted is the fate it deserves at this point.

>> No.12174043

You are not a medical student, resident or practicing physician. I doubt you’re even a premed or in any STEM field. Take your schizo meds and fuck off.
like the other anon said 27 is not too late at all. There is a sizeable amount of non traditional students in my cohort as well. A lot of them have masters degree or PhD’s but plenty are doing a career change. We also have one lawyer, a few people are mom’s, and some engineers who decided to switch. As long as you are willing to work hard and don’t gamble and take the IMG route, there is no reason why someone in their late 20s can’t pursue medicine. Ignore the other anon he is obviously mentally ill and it doesn’t sound like he’s in med school at all. Probably a schizoid.

>> No.12174062

You do realize that men can preserve their sperm right? Why do fertility clinics exist anon? Christ you are stupid lol.

>> No.12174067

>You are not a medical student, resident or practicing physician. I doubt you’re even a premed or in any STEM field. Take your schizo meds and fuck off.
Exactly why I have a deeper and more intuitive understanding of human physiology then you dribbling retards regurgitating your rubbish textbooks. I swear to God I have not been to ONE competent doctor in the last decade. The medical profession is a complete failure in first world Western countries. 2020 has been an especially good year for the medical scam, but everyone is tired of your shit by now. A doctor is synonymous to a retard today. Fucking invalids. Medical doctors should be hanged in minecraft ASAP.

>> No.12174072

You know as well as I do that shit doesn't work. And you can't replace the intimate process of sexual insemination without any consequences you soulless robot. Jesus Christ the audacity of you dipshits

>> No.12174077

Hahahaha he’s going all out! Look at this massive inferiority complex. Stop projecting anon, you know you’re a failure in life. Probably have no kids of your own, a shitty job...you know it in your heart you’re upset because you see people in this thread who are actually doing things with their lives while you can only cry and be bitter.

>> No.12174082

it does work. You can still fuck your girlfriend after she’s inseminated with your younger, superior sperm. You’re very dumb lmao. Go have sex incel. Or better yet if you hate doctors so much go become one. Oh wait, you’re probably too autistic and would get filtered out by every single medical school including those Diploma mills in the Caribbean. Go back to /pol/ cuck.

>> No.12174089
File: 163 KB, 1024x1024, covid nurse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Automated response? I'm in an ok position in life. I have much malice for doctors because they nearly ruined my life, something they do to their patients often without much concern. And I especially hate them now for peddling the corona scam, shilling their cuck muzzle masks, and felatiating the government's cock in general. Doctors are too up their own assholes to have a shred of self-awareness though, so the easier, more efficient solution of public execution should be enacted upon them.
>autistic ramblings about muh medical degree!
Heard all this shit before. Shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.12174094

Hahaha imagine being this guy. Totally delusional, disconnected from reality and low IQ. So is the pandemic a mass conspiracy between the health authorities in every country on Earth? What did your psychiatrist diagnose you with?

>> No.12174101

so doctors almost ruined your life? I think you officially ruined it on your own lmao. How does it feel to know that I am a 5’9 manlet Azn with a 6.5 inch dick and my gf is also in residency like me and we are going to have babies in a few years and a combined income of 700-800k? Does it enrage you? I will make sure to cum inside her tomorrow while thinking about u. Lmao fuckin incel loser.

>> No.12174271
File: 62 KB, 1100x1007, 1598582284813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will make sure to cum inside her tomorrow while thinking about u

>> No.12174285

I'm not a doctor but yes. That looks fucked.

>> No.12174337

Why are surgeons the most respected and looked-up to of all medical professionals? Are they superior in intelligence, training, and skills to regular doctors or is it just because operations can dramatically improve someone's health whereas taking drugs work slowly if at all?

>> No.12175314

>Take your schizo meds
There's more than 1,000 hits of this phrase in these threads alone.
>h-how does he keep spotting me
Think of a different juvenile insult, idiot.
>You are not a medical student, resident or practicing physician
Neither are you.

>> No.12175402

can dizziness make me feel less pain???

>> No.12175412

>why's that emo kid always stumbling around
>the internet told him it's an alternative to cutting himself

>> No.12175433

welcome to the rice fields motherfucker

>> No.12175463

fuck off retard i have another condition that makes me feel pain

>> No.12175483

>i have another condition that makes me feel pain
Yellowcard isn't a condition

>> No.12175503

Wrong I’m a student. Take meds.

>> No.12175513

>Take meds
Took meds. You're still an insufferable faggot. wat do?

>> No.12175677

thought on psychiatry ?
to they just throw some stimulant and antidepressants and see what stick ?

>> No.12175683

Take the correct dose, fag lmao.

>> No.12175749

The only mass conspiracy is that all the governments saw this as the perfect opportunity to pocket money, so they promoted ineffective measures like "Flattening the curve" so they could jump into the mask selling venue.

Why do you think the WHO never named the disease its proper name of SARS-2 and kept downplaying its threat until trucks of corpses were piling up in the streets? Why do you think they never urged all the airlines in the world to stop air traffic for one month until the virus went away? Why do you think they never gave a guideline to make effective homemade masks when the massive shortage was foretold by anyone with 3 fingers of forehead?

>> No.12175851

Yeah I definitely agree that governments failed, and it’s hard to write it off as simply incompetence. CDC and the WHO lost credibility, people profited, politicians politicized medical science. In some third world countries like the USA wearing an N95 is a political statement now lol. It’s a real virus and can leave you with permanent damage. The corruption and failure to act sooner is a separate issue.

>> No.12176370

K, we'll see. Meanwhile, would you like to share more about yourself, "student of medicine"?

>> No.12176672

How is there "intrinsic factor" when supplementation is injected?

>> No.12176746

Fav spec: Algology
Worst spec: Cardiology

How do I learn that shit? Everytime I read exam cases everything looks the same.

>> No.12176754

I want to read some case studies about third degree burns to the mouth, cheek muscle, tongue and palate to find out what the treatment entails for fireeating gone wrong and similar events involving people who put burning objects in their mouth, but I have no idea how to find something like that. What keywords should I put into google to get actual stuff instead of self-help for hypochondriacs?

>> No.12176784


>> No.12176930


Treatment is debridation, and dressing until it heals.

>> No.12177096

No I wouldn't, fuck off and stop posting in /med/ if you're anti intellectual, dumb mutt.

>> No.12177150

Have you ever got depressed in med school /med/?
I had. It was worst time ever. I got a break up with girl and my GPA was going downward from 3.7 to a fucking 3.00

>> No.12177365
File: 490 KB, 1080x2197, 20200930_055523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on what drugs she's talking, but probably not daily, just a couple times per week.

>> No.12177366

SMBG = Self monitoring blood glucose

>> No.12177390

Got a weird question, recovering from an eating issue and I cannot eat meals in one sitting, one meal takes me 3-5 'attempts' I'm gradually increasing the quantity per sitting but how long should I wait before attempts, 10 minutes? 20? thanks

>> No.12177420

"Eating issue" is a broad term. Retard. Also read the OP. Double retard.

>> No.12177422

>"Eating issue" is a broad term. Retard.
it's psychological so not relevant in the slightest, I'm asking how long should you wait between eating the OP is >>12150008 it's a greentext story what's your point?

>> No.12177432

I just realized OP didn't post the disclaimer. The fucking useless piece of shit.

>> No.12177434

Could you give a rundown of the disclaimer? is asking for medical advice/questions discouraged?

>> No.12177442

Yes. For your own safety.
Best case scenario is you're dealing with a graduated GP who is making a diagnosis without physical examination or a detailed clinical history of your case.
Worst case (the more common) is a premed/MD retard/dothead gunner LARPING, pulling diagnosis out of his ass and misleading you.

>> No.12177452

Pretty much this lol the amount of medical advice I see people give on the internet is frightening. Unless it's something very basic like "try melatonin for your insomnia" or "take vitamin D to lower your chances of severe covid symtoms" you should be very skeptical. Keep in mind just how many people are retarded and genuinely don't believe the current pandemic is real. Those are the types of people who might be giving you medical advice. See your GP or psychologist anon. Don't rely on the internet.

>> No.12177459

oh ok my mistake I figured since it was something basic it'd be fine, cause i know you feel hungry again every 20 minutes so I thought maybe there was something like that
already under the care of psychologist just a while since my next app

thanks lads I'll wait to speak to someone in person

>> No.12177465

no worries hope you overcome your eating problems. take care

>> No.12177551

Hope you get over it soon pal. Best wishes.

>> No.12178468 [DELETED] 

>If you're anti intellectual
Anti you is not anti-intellectual.
Why am I still talking to you? Because you're an abomination.

>> No.12178484

>If you're anti intellectual
Anti you is not anti-intellectual.
Why am I still talking to you? Because you're an abomination, and you will be snuffed from existence.