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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12170239 No.12170239 [Reply] [Original]

So now that we've discovered life on Venus, it seems clear to me that enrico fermi's paradox has been BTFO once and for all. Here is my hypothesis:

>Simple/Microbial life is common in the universe
>Intelligent life is extremely rare
>Intelligent life that reaches a hyper advanced technological level is so unbelievably rare that any such civilizations are separated by hundreds of millions or billions of years in-between their time of existence.


>> No.12170263
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congratulations. you wrote down the thing that was in the video, and called it your hypothesis. you've got a bright future as a stenographer kid.

>> No.12170270

I still stand by my poop monkey hypothesis: Earth is avoided, because from other aliens' perspective we look llike monkeys throwing poop at each other.

>> No.12170276

>So now that we've discovered life on Venus
bait, you know what goes in all fields

>> No.12170377

Truly finding life on Venus or Mars will be very bad news for humanity. Because it moves the great filter from "earth is unique planet with life" to at least "earth is unique planet with civiization". That means higher chances for us to die out before colonizing the universe.

>> No.12170483

Not really, it could move it to eukaryote or multicellular life or intelligent enough life...

>> No.12170505

Interstellar travel is the great filter.

>> No.12170509

>great filter

>> No.12170512

same chance either way. realising this isnt gonna stop us from fucking up.

>> No.12170641

>it could move it to eukaryote or multicellular life
Nope. More and more studies have shown that the appearance of multicellular life was not as hard as once though. The components for multicellular life were present long before eukaryotes first appeared. It may literally be just a matter of time.

"Intelligent enough life" could definitely be a great filter. It really is pure dumb luck that a mass extinction event happened to the dinosaurs and allowed our specific shared common ancestors to thrive instead.

>> No.12170654

Why? What does it matter if it takes a few thousand years to arrive anywhere. We could still seed our galaxy with microorganisms

>> No.12170804

either that or are solar system has a higher penchant for life that most places in the universe do possibly to how it was formed/it's position in space

>> No.12170809

Calling the Fermi Paradox the "Fermi Paradox" is like calling prodding your eyeball with a metal rod the "Isaac Newton Procedure."

>> No.12170813

What is your opinion on why there is no evidence of extraterrestrial life?

>> No.12170821

The Earth is at the center of the universe.

>> No.12171043

*of the observable universe

>> No.12171049


>> No.12171077

I stand by my nigger hypothesis: Earth is avoided, because from other alien's perspective we just look like the planet with the niggers

>> No.12171084

It's related to this.

Any alien visiting would have nothing to gain from contact with us. And giving us tech wouldn't somehow make the universe a better place.

They would either donate tech to someone who can build on it and abuse it: and start a new global conflict.

Or they give technology so advanced that turns us into them, which essentially wipes us all out.

>> No.12171193

how does this answer this: >>12170813 question at all?

>> No.12171213

If you can demonstrate that you understood what I obviously meant by rephrasing your stupid your question as, "Did you mean there's no aliens because the earth being at the center of the universe implies BLAB BLAH BLAH," then I will confirm or deny your statement.

>> No.12171227

>Or they give technology so advanced that turns us into them, which essentially wipes us all out.
That would wipe out the white race

>> No.12171269

el schizón, the inner workings of your mind elude me. i dont know what you obviously meant, and im not sure what statement youre referring to.

>> No.12171276

I think you're a liar and I expect that your family will regret having had you live among them due the consequences which I expect to follow from them having done so.

>> No.12171286

funny guy. what am i lying about? i was just curious how what we call the observable universe has any relation to the fermi "paradox". were you even saying anything of substance or was it all just random babble?

>> No.12171299

The universe is teeming with intelligent multicellular life.
Sci fi fantasy tech stuff like Dyson spheres and type 3 civilizations and shit are not actually possible to build within the laws of physics, computability, and materials science and so they never exist anywhere.

>> No.12171743

>Intelligent life is extremely rare
Maybe space is just really big.

>> No.12171967

Why does intelligent life have to be extremely rare just because we haven’t discovered it yet? Seems like an unnecessary wild guess to take at this point

>> No.12171971

No, I checked in my telescope and I didn’t see anyone else haha. Science!

>> No.12172004

For us, the great filter is the elite Jews. I hypothesize that any sapient race will fuck up and cause a resentful, but clever group of cowards to be born. Said group will slowly grow in power and become a monumental threat that could end the race as a whole due to their greed.

>> No.12172012

>To date, no definitive proof has been found of past or present life on Venus.

>> No.12172046

>source: wikipedia

>> No.12173122

Kek. All they know about, say Mars, is that it's a cold rock. Ppl cant even say there is no other life in this system. Looking for it in outer space is retarded. There could be a race of mega sentient whales under the ice of Europa right now planning to migrate to Earth, and we wouldnt know

>> No.12173141
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There could be a twin civilization on top of you comprised of beings with every right to be called "Earthling," and if its sufficiently advanced, you'd never notice.
If you did notice, you likely couldn't comprehend.

>> No.12173171

Did you guys remember the big mother ship next to the sun? You know the thing who seems to suck flue out of the sun?

Thats my hypothesis in periodical intervals there arrives a ship and erases civilizations who are to far enveloped.

>> No.12173190

Could be, but this planet is always in our senses, when we did not bother looking at other interesting places. There can be lots of things we might be able to comprehend.
Cant wait until the discover DNA based life forms on some space rock.

>> No.12173193

How far is too far?

>> No.12173197

You know guys why i know there is no god?
Cause you would ignore him, like you ignore really scary shit.

>> No.12173207
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Maybe the have ships and rifles!
"how far is to far?"

>> No.12173435

I hope that one day humans will be this violent cynic kind of aliens to someone out there.
We were on a straight course to being the space top dog. But this recent movement for egalitarism and human rights makes me worry.
What if equal rights is the great filter?

>> No.12173465

I rather believe in an apocalyptic galaxy wide space war. (and we survived some how) As in an great filter.

>> No.12173506

fucking retarded thread. life on venus has nothing to do with the fermi paradox until we have more data about other solar systems

>> No.12173538
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I think there is no paradox. The universe is just incompressibly huge, and we have very crude observation methods now.

I think this is more likely than us being the only intelligent life, or that all other intelligent life ends up extinct.

>> No.12173833

Maybe that was the story of Prometheus. An alien who taught people how to do things, but he got punished because it is incredibly destructive to teach somebody something they couldn't come up with themselves.

>> No.12173847
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I dunno, were the alien like me it'd spread advanced technology just for the fun of it. Like watching insects or niggers fight.

>> No.12173962

Tired of this pseudointellectual meme. I understand what it spells for probability when we discuss the great filter, but there are so many steps in this process that finding bacterial life will be meaningless, if not positive news. The fact of the matter is that we are progressing into multiplanetary space travel and we see no sign of stopping in the near future *outside of Jews

>> No.12174017

Holy mental gymnastics

>> No.12174022

>fermi paradox
Absolute /x/-tier nonsense. It's entirely based on tons of assumptions and zero data.

>> No.12174025

>The universe is just incompressibly [sic] huge, and we have very crude observation methods
It's this. Anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together comes to this conclusion.

>> No.12174040

No, I believe that maturity and a sense of responsibility is a great filter. A civilization of dickheads like you would destroy itself and would also be a menace that would be stamped out by more advanced civilizations.

>> No.12174070

We haven't found life on Venus yet. We found a molecule that may have been produced by living organisms or maybe just was there all the time.

Also the Fermi Paradox is stupid. The universe is fucking giant. It's hard for intelligent life to try and find each other. As you can see there is non on 4chan either.

>> No.12174086

Well Earth is probably like a very intelligent zoo where us humans simply don't realize that the distance to other planets and gravity simply is a sort of cage designed to keep us in.

Right. Just think about how hard it is to leave the planet.

Considering that with the billions of species to ever live only 1 invented SOPHISTICATED tool use this is a very compelling great filter.

I don't think they actually even care. To them we are just what an ant hill is to use. Kinda cool and interesting to study but not of any inherent value and sacrificeable when necessary.

You mean like humans are doing right now?

>> No.12174133

Say it with me /sci/


>> No.12174157

U got a better source that says otherwise?

>> No.12174170

Yeah just look on the wikipedia page and scroll down to sources.
You realize that wikipedia isn't its own source but they take information from scientific literature and lots of other sources?

>> No.12174171


only high iq post here

>> No.12174181

>that we've discovered life on Venus,
>discovered life on Venus,
/sci/ is the new /x/

>> No.12174237

Developing technology sufficient enough to answer the paradox is the great filter.

>> No.12174270

I know I'm late to the party but just remember this: El Arcón is El Great Entertainer of this board. When you see his post just look up to the sky and say "onions indigno, papá" and you'll be ok. Once a day is fine

>> No.12174282
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>> No.12174310

What studies?

>> No.12174387
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>> No.12175891

Not that dude, but I'm guessing he just means the recent-ish studies finding how easy it is to pressure different organisms to evolve from singe to multiceullar organisms, ala
"De novo origins of multicellularity in response to predation" (the spam filter thinks the link is spam)
and how multicellularity was pretty easily seen early on in life
"Evolution of multicellularity coincided with increased diversification of cyanobacteria and the Great Oxidation Event"

>> No.12175897


A...Anons I...

>> No.12175930

Mars lobby hit job

>> No.12175949

Nah, he also went against that.

>> No.12176063

He didn't "bust" anything. He misrepresents other scientists in this series fairly regularly, he clicks around wikipedia to make his points, and spends a lot of time on the character of who is presenting information. Hell, in one of his videos he "busted" Trump's claims about a rally size by estimating the crowd at a completely different rally months before and to my knowledge hasn't made a correction. He's good at showing off bullshit that gets crowdfunded, and going after low hanging fruit like YEC or flat earth now, but everything else isn't scientific at all.

>> No.12176089

>now that we've discovered life on Venus
We didn't.
This. He's a cunt.

>> No.12176925
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>> No.12177178

Wow, how did you get such a recent looking photograph of Poincare?

>> No.12177196

If there was life in Venus and Mars then we can say with 100% conviction that Europa has life, that means life can pop out at an alarming rate, alarming because it doesn't look like there is anyone out there.

>> No.12177807

Nuclear weaponry and or the Great Filter suggests a likely possibility for why very intelligent life doesn't last too long on a universal time scale. Sooner or later, a highly intelligent species figures out how to quickly destroy itself and it "presses the button."

>> No.12177817

Not necessarily, all of the life in the Solar System could be of common origin because of panspermia. And it's really hard to prove that a form of life formed from a separate abiogenesis.

>> No.12179592
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>So now that we've discovered life on Venus

>> No.12180344

It's not that stupid. Space is big but there has also been a lot of time for early civilizations to colonize it and spread. At least over the distances on the scale of the galaxy.

>> No.12180725

There is no fermi paradox.
It is nothing short of arrogant to assert that there is nothing else out there simply because in our one hundred years of actually searching we haven't found any solid instances of someone shooting the same style of communication beams we use directly at us.

>> No.12180730

Science doesn't have a rigorous conception of race because race as it exists today is a socially constructed classification system.

>> No.12180798


>> No.12182117


According to thunderkike it's all bollocks

>> No.12182214

I disagree with your last statement. Bambiraptors had opposable thumbs, and they're suspected to be able to lay traps. Given enough time, the sentient species of earth would've been avian or reptilian instead of mammalian.

>> No.12182217

>same style of communication beams

It's photons. there's only ONE style of "communication beam" and that is it.

>> No.12182253
