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File: 69 KB, 223x214, LOVB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12173005 No.12173005[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Yup. All you popsci faggots ate it all up, and it turned out to be complete BULLSHIT!


What do you fags have to say for yourselves?

>> No.12173016

I don't watch youtubers. Publish a paper that refutes the current argument and I'll read that.

>> No.12173020

Thunderf00t is a highly trained scientist with an IQ of at least 140.

I'll take his word for it, thanks.

>> No.12173026

Woah, OP you've officially peeked my interest!

>> No.12173029


>> No.12173047


>> No.12173054


This fagg was more as one wrong i dont watch him unless he revisit university.

>> No.12173063

So it turns out it was never life after all. Just lightning strikes hitting phosphate deposits.

thanks OP

>> No.12173066

lol venus lifers btfo

>> No.12173072

Is i Thunder food, Corona needs 3 Month, to infect every person on the planet. I dont know why YouTube bans me. (besides that its most likely much faster)

>> No.12173074

lol the anitta sarkeesian content dried up, huh?

>> No.12173105

Reminder that Thunderf00t was clamped and vaxxed.

>> No.12173112

"phosphine can be produced by some processes on venus but only in such incredibly tiny amounts it's not enough to explain our observation"

>> No.12173131

Thunderf00t is absolutely based and credible evidence. In fact, my professor even said we can cite him, vsauce, kurgeszat and minutephysics.


>> No.12173135

Lol thunderf00t said that in can be produced by lightning hitting phosphate deposits. Seems to me this "Royal" society neglected that fact.

>> No.12173147

Did he really make a 30 minute video when he could have said "biosignatures are not conclusive evidence of life"?

He really needs to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

>> No.12173149

I will wait until wonderful person Anton makes his analysis.

>> No.12173160

>peeked my interest

>> No.12173165

grant whores on suiwatch.

>> No.12173169

Based and wonderfulpilled.

>> No.12173189

Hullo wonderful person! *waves*

Actually it looks like he did one.

>> No.12173221


I'm going to go with CRINGE on this one

>> No.12173229
File: 84 KB, 540x960, ysb3hcmjrr151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what they say about people with thunder feet...

>> No.12173252

Not a fan of thunderfoot but they really are overselling this life on venus thing. It's not enough to say its "possible signs", you have to tell the public that this life would be unlike anything we know because as he said, fuck all hydrogen, fuck all water.

>> No.12173264

>e-celeb youtube cuck

>> No.12173277

>not enough to explain

>> No.12173288

Pretty much this. The state of science is bad when the only sane one is a greasy incel that tells at women.

>> No.12173301

But can it get the 'rona tho'?

>> No.12173380

He's an egomaniac who think his word is gospel because he can debunk bullshit on kickstarter targeted at people with IQs below 80.
Oh that and le feminist and creationist epic takedown.

>> No.12173392

lolling at all the sjcuck and christcuck asshurt itt.

>> No.12173394

In high school, I really liked watching thunderf00t videos. Now I can't stand him, and it's not like he really changed. I can't stand his old videos anymore either. I guess he only appeals to teenagers in high school, like an atheist Ben Shapiro.

>> No.12173396

You're a dumb nigger. It's not that those groups don't deserve the derision they get, it's that they're low hanging fruits.

>> No.12173407

anyone have the 35-year old debooonker pic?

>> No.12173428

I mean, it doesn't mean there's NOT life on venus.

>> No.12173481

It's not particularly likely, which is what most of the science youtubers he featured in his video said, but that didn't stop him from quote mining an optimistic "maybe" so he could pretend he was the only one casting doubt on this media driven (likely) bullshit.

>> No.12173486

>Complete shit production quality
>Annoying disparaged rambling
>Can smell the grease thru the screen
>Longer than a full blown anime episode

I don't even give a shit if there's life on venus or not, but why the fuck would you post such shit video? Are you demented or retarded?

>> No.12173498

It's not "bullshit" though. If you don't think it will turn out to be life, join the club. But it's still the most plausible life sign yet. It's sort of like a story about a close encounter with an NEO. We probably won't hit it. But the small probability story is still a story. It would be dishonest not to report it.

>> No.12173505

The media portrayed it as a likely sign of life, which is bullshit
But yeah of course this is definitely a story, and hopefully in the near future we'll send a probe to do more research on it (and other stuff).

>> No.12173507

Debunkists are just crackpots in their own way.
>Mick West

>> No.12173510

>the 'rona
Only bluepilled npc cucks say this.

>> No.12173513
File: 169 KB, 1044x869, deboonker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12173522

Did they though? Maybe if you only read headlines. Every major story I see says the same thing: that there is no known way to produce phosphine on Venus, that phosphine is associated with life on Earth but we're not exactly sure why, but that this doesn't mean it's neccessarily life on Venus.

I mean, unless you gravitate towards stupid blogs that only mention science when they think it will affect their astrology reading or whatever.

>> No.12173528

Honestly most of the articles I read were fairly restrained, even from garbage websites like CNN.

>> No.12173672

>that's the joke

>> No.12173697

This fucking guy says 'ehhhhhhhh' so fucking often I just want to punch him in his smug fucking face

>> No.12173702 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 805x851, CD26D935-E1D3-485A-9139-C94043B30100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This fucking guy says 'ehhhhhhhh' so fucking often I just want to punch him in his smug fucking face

>> No.12173712

You're implying I'm soi ?

>> No.12173728 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 227x222, 5AB87AD2-968C-4BD1-81AF-97EE5051E5AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're implying I'm soi ?

>> No.12173799

Sorry, I don't watch shittubers.

>> No.12173800

This is very ironic

>> No.12173810

>thundercuck posts something
>must be true
that guy's almost as far up his own ass as his fans are up his ass
Truly pathetic downfall

>> No.12173814

>everything thunderfoot says is gospel
its one of his groupies anon

>> No.12173822

broad shoulders, lean build for a soyk1ke

amirite desu?

>> No.12174031
File: 1.56 MB, 400x300, purrincess_anxiety_2018_scene.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 'rona!

>> No.12174095

Apologize to ufo fags now for thinking thunderfoot debunked pentagon ufo release.