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12172033 No.12172033 [Reply] [Original]

What is the scientific explanation for why 40% of transgenders commit suicide?

>> No.12172050

Borderline personality disorder

>> No.12172055
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Between fucking women and death they choose the latter.

>> No.12172062

its almost like there is a correlation between one mental aberration and another

>> No.12172078

It's because they're denied to ability to be altered to match their psychological gender. Once they have their genitals mutilated, ok, so the same amount attempt suicide but at least they're happy while trying to kill themselves.

>> No.12172084

not even one passes. is there any passing trannies ever?

>> No.12172130

I know putting yourself in another person's shoes is probably difficult, but imagine for a moment feeling as though your body doesn't match how you feel it should be. All the time. Every minute of the day, year after year. It'd be like wearing suit you can't take off. I'd want to kill myself too.

>> No.12172146

Why don't they just undertake straight conversation therapy? Clearly they were inducing a trans conversion therapy and it didn't work

>> No.12172224

You basically have to be a massive attention seeker and drama queen to become a tranny.

>> No.12172227

I wish I could be a one piece character and sail the world to become PK, but I don't kill myself over it because I know it will never happen.

>> No.12172234

bullying doesn't help either

>> No.12172243

neither does trying to force other people to play into their delusional make-belief

>> No.12172273

I wish I looked like a super handsome anime boy with superpowers and had an iq of 1000+ in a dream world with cute monsters and continents to explore.
I'm not taking weird drugs and mutilating myself for that.

>> No.12172299

Because yours is a hypothetical thought experiment and not something that is mundane enough to be seen as readily achievable, you see all around you everyday, AND something your brain is actually obsessively fixated on to the point where it overwhelms your every waking moment like trannies. This shit really isn't hard to understand if you just drop the retarded bullshit and think about it for a second.

>> No.12172338

That's called "mental illness", but we chose to celebrate it as something to aspire to instead of a disease that needed to be treated.

>> No.12172423

>Be born feeling as if your body doesn't match up with your mind
>90% of the world population treats you as subhuman, either wants you dead or isolated from society
>Most of the people that do support your cause are annoying libtards
Honestly i'm suprised 60% don't kill themselves, seems like a fate worse than death

>> No.12172455

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, and pretending mental illness is cured by succumbing to it is an exercise in retardation.
So a lot of trannies get social support and surgeries only to learn that it doesn't help because the root cause of the issue is their brain, not their body.
It's pure insanity, like trying to cure schizophrenics by demanding society act as if the delusions are real.

>> No.12172476

Funnily enough, schizophrenia IS actually cured at higher rates in less developed countries when family and friends are more accepting of it as something spiritual. Somehow that cures it more then the decades of research we have on drugs

>> No.12172494

Stop watching porn.

>> No.12172495

I’d fuck top right

>> No.12172533

considering that ~40% of transgender surgeries are botched that seems about right

>> No.12172536

Transitioning both increases quality of life and lower suicide rates of trans people taking in account for severity which the meme study you are thinking of didn’t. Seems like the best treatment for trans people is transitioning.

>> No.12172543

>Seems like the best treatment for trans people is transitioning.
It's objectively not.

>> No.12172562

How can they tell whether mtf trans commit suicide less because of the surgery and not because their ability to produce their own testosterone is not only blocked but permanently destroyed? Isn't testosterone know to lead to a range of impulsive and dangerous behaviors?

>> No.12172573

Feel free to go through all 50 or so studies and debunk then all

>> No.12172581

Less developed societies tend to adhere to Dunbar's Number better. A mentally ill person's impact ends up being limited to those with a personal relationship with them. In societies where the average person interacts with thousands of different people, most of whom are strangers, it is unrealistic to expect everyone to be willing to learn be and knowledgeable of each mentally ill person's delusions.
Forcing these people out of the shadows and into the public eye has been very harmful to them. In the former case, they could rely on the family and close friends to be sensitive to their mental illness. Now they have to be exposed to the public at large and it's not going good for them and never will. The public is never going to accept the requirement of learning the mental illness and appropriate make believe affirming statements for random people they run into while buying groceries. Most people are already at the breaking point of their cognitive load. They're not going to welcome yet another imposition from angry strangers.

>> No.12172588

I don't need to, it's common sense.
If I have a neurological disorder that makes me feel like my dick is on fire constantly it doesn't mean it's been cured when I chop my dick off as I've only treated a symptom and not the root cause.

>> No.12172593

Do you have studies that show better outcomes for transgender people then transitioning?

>> No.12172603

The biggest losers in all of this are straight females who have some masculine physical features and now are suspected of being trannies.

>> No.12172605
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>> No.12172618


>> No.12172619

Better outcomes for whom? Trannies don't live in isolation. If they did, none of this would be an issue. They are attempting to impose an another burden on society that doesn't want any more. When this ends in violence, which it will, transitioning will be the least of their worries.

>> No.12172636

So you pivoted from it’s common sense transitioning isn’t the best treatment to transitioning puts a burden on society. What’s the burden? Calling people female that have a dick? Wow what a great burden anon. Ends in violence? It won’t.

>> No.12172695

>Among the positive outcomes of gender transition and related medical treatments for transgender individuals are improved quality of life, greater relationship satisfaction, higher self-esteem and confidence, and reductions in anxiety, depression, suicidality, and substance use.

It only looks like suicidality and substance abuse can be directly and objectively measured.

And how do they know that the component of the treatments they think is working is doing the actual work?

For example, a treatment team screens candidates for SRS. They reject people with a history of substance abuse due to risk of non-compliance. Then they require several sessions of counseling. They used to even require spending years living as the other gender. The surgery is performed and the patient received many follow-up appointments with caring doctors and nurses who undoubtedly make positive comments on the transition. This might be followed by a period of post-operative psychotherapy.

The control group might occasionally talk with a social worker or counselor they would not receive the level of support providing by the treatment team.

If trans is really a cluster B personality disorder, any change to a person's life requiring frequent medical and social support would probably decrease negative outcomes.

I'd like to see wrap-around dialectical behavior therapy evaluated against SRS and see if SRS is really better.

>> No.12172697

>common sense
>better than empirical evidence
As much as I miss the days where you could just say whatever you wanted and if it sounded good enough, everyone would beleive you, the only reason the medical field is where it is today is by challenging the idea that common sense is always correct

>> No.12172704

You’d have to go into the individual methodology of each of the studies and see how they account of different things anon.

>> No.12172705

>Wow after this I feel so much happier, less anxious and less depressed
>That's not an objective measure, doesn't count
You're lucky retards are treated better than trannies

>> No.12172721

>I don't need to because I already came up with the idea that transitioning is bad before I even looked at any research

>> No.12172727

>When this ends in violence, which it will, transitioning will be the least of their worries.
Retard, and most likely godtard detected. Chimp smash!

>> No.12172739

didn't nazis believe that homosexuality was a mental issue

>> No.12172742

This is empirically false

>> No.12172753

you can't actually become a woman and the results of sex change operations are pretty gruesome. Its completely no wonder so many can't handle it. Its probably a bit like anorexia, no matter what they do they cant see the woman in themselves, or at least many can't. Crucify me for thinking its a mental defect but frankly I can't see how it isn't. I'm gay myself so I know kind of what it's like.

>> No.12172786

They believed they should be eliminated from society just like they did with trannies. This is what happens when a society gets to its breaking point but the forces that are constantly keeping everything agitated don't know it's time to stop. The killing will come back, as it has many times throughout history, but the ability to kill on a mass scale has been improved dramatically.
Should have ordered games online instead of going to GameStop to bully some kid over not validating a mentally ill person's delusion.

>> No.12172803

They don't. That's not a fact. You started this thread with a lie and then a bunch more pseuds and armchair sociologists weighed in with their common sensical takes. >>12172536 is the only one with an opinion backed by science, and so the only one who actually belongs in this board.

>> No.12172808

Anything that requires society to confirm the delusions of the mentally ill is an negative outcome for everyone other than in a few cases, the mentally ill.
You might as well say you want to be a billionaire so it is the responsibility of everyone else on the planet to send you $1 each. What's the big deal? It's just $1 and it helps you deal with your economic dysphoria so everyone must conform.

>> No.12172813

>4=2 because I say so!
>It's science! 4=2!!!!

>> No.12172819

Thanks for summing up the thread. Now fuck off back to /pol/ where you don't need facts.

>> No.12172826

They and their gullible mothers are victims of a predatory system designed to transfer resources to psychiatrists, psychologists, and drug companies. They're told a lie that their lives could be easier.

>> No.12172831

>at least they're happy while trying to kill themselves.
are you serious?
perfect response

>> No.12172850

>Weirdo Thinks Being Outwardly Weirder Will Make Them Happier
more at 11

>> No.12172861

When assessing something like suicide risk in a client with PTSD and depression, I'd rather look at the last two weeks of sleep and activity data on a client's smart watch than soley depend on interviews and questionnaires. Unfortunately that's not the way things work yet in clinical practice.

Clinical psychology and psychiatry are not at all immune to the replication crisis in social sciences more generally.

Bullshit structured interviews, rating scales, and so forth, that attempt to indirectly assess a diagnostic contruct that only exists because that's what insurance companies reimburse for presents a huge methodological threat for almost all clinical psychology.

The problem is our clients don't know themselves that well. And the way we control for this is to use methods plagued by publication bias.

It's fucking stupid to subject people to surgery based on philosophy dolled up as psychology.

>> No.12172888

I wonder what do doctors think about this phenomena. There are obviously two sides and unfortunately surgeons only profit from that so they probably lobby politicians to make legislative changes to make insurance companies pay for the surgeries etc. But psychiatrists probably hate them.

>> No.12172900

> I'd rather look at the last two weeks of sleep and activity data on a client's smart watch than soley depend on interviews and questionnaires

It just truly shows how little you know about what you're talking about. Think about it this way, you understand so little about the states of other people because you're biggest problem in life is how little sleep you get. Obviously sleep affects people a lot and having little sleep can be very damaging to your psyche but your inability to realise that other peoples mental states are very different to yours is why no one takes the idea seriously that you can accurately assess peoples mental states from a fucking smart watch

>> No.12172906

being a tranny sucks no matter how you slice it

>> No.12172929

This could be a fun project. Do a little metaanalysis of the abstracts at https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-well-being-of-transgender-people/
to see if they use bullshit criteria that either overly rely on patient reports, fail to isolate treatment and control variables, or are just irrelevant.
>Quality of life of individuals with and without facial feminization surgery or gender reassignment surgery (Ainsworth&Spiegel 2010)

Facial Feminization Surgery outcomes evaluation survey and the SF-36v2 quality of life survey were administered to male-to-female transgender individuals via the Internet and on paper. A total of 247 MTF participants were enrolled in the study.
Mental health-related quality of life was statistically diminished (P < 0.05) in transgendered women without surgical intervention compared to the general female population and transwomen who had gender reassignment surgery (GRS), facial feminization surgery (FFS), or both. There was no statistically significant difference in the mental health-related quality of life among transgendered women who had GRS, FFS, or both. Participants who had FFS scored statistically higher (P < 0.01) than those who did not in the FFS outcomes evaluation.

Doesn't seem to measure suicidality, inpatient stays,drug abuse, or somewhat reliable indirect measures of well-being such as earnings.

But am I reading this right that facial surgery alone had as good as outcomes as SRS? lol.

Not exactly a ringing endorsement of genital surgery.

>> No.12172936

It's even stupider to deny people treatment that has proved effective based on your layman's opinion.

>> No.12172955

>proved effective

>> No.12172977

What do you think made them claim they are happier then? Also,
>Indirect measures of well being
How can you have indirect measures of well being if you claim we can't even measure well being? Literally makes no sense and yeah obviously a perfect study would ask transgender people 1,000 different questions in order to rule out as many extraneous variables as possible but that's not exactly feasible is it

>> No.12172985


>> No.12173000

I can only imagine how this guy interacts with people on a daily basis
>Wow Anon I feel so good and happy after spending more time with my family
>Actually, i've measured a loosely correlated variable with wellbeing like income and by this measurement you should be unhappy as you are making below the average income

>> No.12173001

the transgender movement might be the the most disgusting thing to come out of WOKE philosophy. transgenderism is LITERALLY the modern equivalent of the brain "surgeries" of the 50s, where they'd icepick your brain if you had emotional problems.

every doctor that engages in this culturally-sanctioned body mutiliation is in violation of their hippocratic oath

>> No.12173012

it's literally impossible to prove that our current approach to gender incongruency is more effective than a placebo, so there is absolutely 0 proof that the treatments are actually effective, and it's unprovable (how are you going to have a control for something that relies on bodily perception?)

>> No.12173021

Nigga, just look at the fucking results. No one cares about your philosophical exercise.

>> No.12173031

you SHOULD fucking care you raging faggot, if it's just placebo then i'd much rather just put trannies in some kind of cognitive-behavorial therapy and have them do better then fucking mutilate them while holding every normal person at gun point to join in on their delusion

the way we OUGHT to be approaching transgenderism is to find medications/treatments to modulate activation in parts of the brain responsible for feministic feelings, like we do with literally every other pyschiatric condition

>> No.12173038

>Hey you know that thing we already tried in the early twentieth century that didn't work?
>Yeah let's try that again rather than what we tried afterwards because that worked better
>Even though I don't think either of them can really be proven to work so there's no reason to prefer either one

>> No.12173040

This. These doctors' mentally illness is far more serious.

>> No.12173049

Kek successful bait

>> No.12173051


>> No.12173053

yeah it's called gender dysphoria

>> No.12173059

>making literally every other sapient human being deny science to protect your ego is mundane and readily available

>> No.12173071

Yes and no. It's likely caused by a behavior altering infection, as yet unknown. Its likely to be a virus, bacteria, fungus or protozoa. Many such instances occur in nature where some parasite infects their host and alters their behavior, thus causing a "mental illness", but really its just a disease which has an impact on the brain.
As a very relevant example, there is a fungus called Massospora, which infects cicadas. It alters the behavior of male cicadas so they imitate female sexual behavior. Then unsuspecting males attempt to mate with them, and this helps spread the fungal spores and perpetuate the life-cycle of the fungus.

Toxoplasma gondiiis another example of altering sexual behavior. It increases risk taking behavior and makes rats sexually attracted to cat urine, making them more likely to be eaten by cats, which in turn spread the virus through their feces.

>> No.12173077

>Hey you know that thing we already tried in the early twentieth century that didn't work?
>Yeah let's try that again rather than what we tried afterwards because that worked better
90% of our developments on neuropsychiatry has been found from the 90s onward. fuck off with this
narrative. most of our intimate knowledge of the brain is a very RECENT development

>Even though I don't think either of them can really be proven to work so there's no reason to prefer either one
the surgery can't be evidence-based, medication can be

>> No.12173084

Is nobody going to mention how they're taking unnatural quantities of hormones that easily pass the blood brain barrier? Color me surprised when their mental illnesses are worsened

>> No.12173096

>Wow anon, you seem unsatisfied with your new Tesla Model 3 because it looks like you called Tesla tech support like 50 times, spent $6000 on repairs, and never drive it anymore
>Actually Tesla sent me a survey and I wrote "highly satisfied" so as you can see I love this fucking car

>> No.12173111

>Results can be wrong if the participants explicitly lie for no good reason
Umm I guess so, i'm sure all those transgender people are just lying about feeling happier!!

>> No.12173117

nobody disputes some think they're happier you retard, what's disputed is whether or not the standard treatment (based on no real evidence btw) is actually the way to maximize safety & happiness, and there is absolutely no evidence to believe that that is the case

>> No.12173127

>No evidence
>Despite there being a good bit of evidence
I will agree if that study you linked is accurate then getting the facial surgery is just as good as the gender-reassigment surgergy which is argueably more invasive but like idk man if transgender people say it works who's to say it doesn't

>> No.12173137
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>> No.12173145

I have body dysmorphia. I just learned to get over it.

>> No.12173174

Same I had depression and got over it, therefore the best solution for humanity is just to tell everyone to get over it

>> No.12173219

i didn't link any study, i'm a different anon. i'm just pointing out that current transgender science makes claims (e.g. transition surgery is good! taking hormone blockers is fine! it's ok to artificially raise other hormones!) and then asks dissenters to prove negatives (well prove that it doesn't work!)
>if transgender people say it works who's to say it doesn't
this is the core issue, they'll say it works, and yet their suicide rate is still LITERALLY 20x higher than average, they're all depressed and have all of these other problems. transgender health is as credible as alternative medicine (and incidentally also peddled exclusively by rich white people)

>> No.12173236

But wellbeing is not the same as suicide. If GRS improves wellbeing and doesn't increase suicide surely that is a net positive that people should have the prerogative to take

>> No.12173247

GRS and hormone replacement is considered to be THE treatment, though. you would get much better results with theoretical treatments outlined in my other (>>12173031), things that alter activities in parts of the brain associated with sensations of body image

>> No.12173260

Are you sure those other treatments haven't been tested before? I know it sounds very easy on paper to say "feminine parts of the brain" but in practice, a lot of psychiatry medication is extremely complex and narrow in scope which is why it is so hard to find pills that actually help people

>> No.12173273

they certainly haven't been tested in the past few decades, which is simultaneously when we've acquired most of our knowledge on the pharmocodynamics of psychiatric medication.

if you even so much as suggest an idea such as mine, trannnies and activists (oops...i mean transgender scientists) immediately kvetch

>> No.12173285 [DELETED] 

>40% of transgenders

You can never trust any statistics of any kind that involve transgendered people. Simply because there are a large portion that goes completely under the radar and are omitted by any and all statistics.

>> No.12173292

cope. i guess the idea of "bieng born in the wrong gender" would barely exist amongst white people if not for lefty prapaganda. indians are naturally prone to that homo shit though
t. havent seen a white ""tranny"" until like 1 year ago and lots of indian (spic) trannies befotre that

>> No.12173293

I don't know if that's true because another body image related problem for example body dysmorphia has nothing to do with gender and there generally isn't a consensus on drugs that really work in curing that, usually other treatments are given instead so maybe those kind of problems are just out of the scope of medication.

>> No.12173296

>yeah it's deffinitelly not people develop it becasue they live in misery, it's definitelly that it's CURED by family being open mided bro.

>> No.12173312

>I don't need to, it's common sense.
feelings over facts lmao

>> No.12173316

I'm going to answer this statement seriously since I've heard it a lot before, even from my retard friend who turned out to be trans (the retardation and body dysphoria not necessarily related but probably are).
I've done my best to imagine a world in which I woke up tomorrow and found myself in a body of a girl, no strings attached. I would probably first explore my new body, still attracted to women so probably masturbate quite a bit since it's quite interesting. Past that, I would probably be a fair bit distressed since I don't want to be cute or dress up like a girl. I would likely dress androgynous (short cut, jeans, t-shirt) to try and be masculine as possible without standing out too much.
What I would never, ever fucking do, however, is inject myself with testosterone, go through horrid surgeries, or anything like that to become a plastic horror. These things take up so much of my life in medical expenses and time, all so I can feel a tiny bit more like my old self. I would sooner adjust to my new body and get on with my fucking life, since I have desires and aspirations. I want to become a novelist and publish something people enjoy. I want to get a high paying job in cryptography and be a well respected individual. To waste all my life trying to pursue such trivial outward changes to my body with such high inward cost.
And yes, I also want to begin a relationship with a woman. Unfortunately that might be out of my hands, as to find a lesbian/bi woman that would be willing to date a weird ass "girl". But there is almost nobody, less than 1% (and my source is some study I saw, afraid I forgot identifying information so you're gonna have to believe me) of the straight population is willing to date a person after they go through trans shit to "look like" the opposite gender. Almost everyone willing to date a trans person will already be willing to date you in your previous form.

>> No.12173323

a few seconds on google scholar led me to this, clearly psychiatric medications lead to much improvement for BDD (even if they just seem to be generic SSRIs).

transgender medicine is a fucking joke, can't wait to wake up from this cultural nightmare.

>> No.12173346

Unironically yes

>> No.12173347

They look gross. Also the kind of tranny that actually acts tranny and does the surgery is the type of person to actually go through with things in general

>> No.12173372

I just don't get why anyone would want to be a woman if you started out as a man.
Why the fuck would you want your all your stats nerfed big time, specially strength and dexterity? It doesn't make any fucking sense

>> No.12173375

No as in they report their delusions as stopping, negative symptoms going away etc. I know you have no idea what you're talking about but you're making a lot of incorrect assumptions, people in third world countries report their hallucinations as STOPPING more than people who get treatment in developed countries

>> No.12173379

I understand your sentiment, but as we can clearly observe, just because it works for some people, we know it doesn't work for most so it's not exactly a good solution

>> No.12173438

How often does it stop vs in the 1st world? maybe it's somehting the gov puts in the water here then. or what if it's a race/age thing? or maybe just living with sane people instead of brainwashed lefties and clown TV

>> No.12173700

>schizophrenia IS actually cured at higher rates in less developed countries when family and friends are more accepting

Having gender dysphoria and simply existing in a society that doesn't accept it properly is a source of trauma. That trauma alone is enough to cause mental illness. It may be very hard to empathize or understand the nature of this trauma if it's never happened to you, and it may be easy to assume the source of this trauma is being transgendered, but it's not. It's societies reaction to being transgendered that's the source. That feeling that you are being rejected by society simply for being YOU has a way of really messing you up.

>> No.12173767

look at image,would you want to look like this

>> No.12173777

>I’m not taking... weird drugs for that
And why not?

>> No.12173952

The simple solution that impacts society the least is a rapid application of a dose of lead. Instead of telling over six billion people to change society to conform to a handful of mentally ill, removing them from society is much more effective and much less disruptive. It's also the most commonly used solution throughout human history for those who insist on social disruption and ignore the more mild forms of pushback they receive. It is their ultimate fate because it is the one they're pushing society into choosing.

>> No.12173977

Maybe 20
That was a nice south park chapter anon

>> No.12174008

It's tied heavily to mental disease and autism, but instead of treating the underlying disease we encourage the deviant behavioral symptoms. It's like if you had cancer and everyone congratulated you instead of suggesting you get chemo, then they further act surprised when you fucking die of cancer.

>> No.12174035

Could say the same about incels and 4channers that waste their time being depraved on a Chinese basking weaving forum

>> No.12174256

>where it is today
You mean failing with a horrible replicity crisis? Lmao nice field you got there tranny

>> No.12174263

Who tf gives a shit about the people it doesn't work for lmao.

>> No.12174344

Charisma is an OP stat and if it we were literally talking RPG stats, it's way more useful in a society that doesn't hunt or wage war. That being said, tranny surgery would probably impose a charisma penalty instead of a boost due to the obvious uncanny valley effect.

>> No.12174347

do you also advocate weight loss surgeries for fat people that struggle with image, weight GAIN surgeries for people that suffer with image, and cosmetic facial surgery for people who just think they're ugly? How about leg extensions for reductions for people insecure about height? Skin bleaching for black people who feel closer to white?

>> No.12175117
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I've never seen an incel go to a GameStop and scream at the cashier for not knowing he identifies as Anon.

>> No.12175143

I'd like to see the suicide rates for transgenders who transition compared to transgenders who don't. I imagine the suicide rate would be extremely high in both groups, but it would be interesting to see if transitioning improves or worsens the risk.

>> No.12175248

The percentage is nearly the same because like everything else they try, they idealize it, believing this will be the one thing that finally makes them a real woman. Then when it is done, they discover they don't look like a woman, they look like a mutilated man.

>> No.12175276

the board should just be renamed /pol2/ at this point

>> No.12175283

If I ever woke up with a gaping rancid open wound, hell yeah I would commit sudoku

>> No.12175349

>psychological gender

>> No.12175371

There probably isn't a science describing mental states accurately. Psychology isn't a science so that can't be used to explain their condition, and neuroscience is far too incomplete and complex even at the microcosmic level to even hope to explain something more intricate like gender dysphoria.

The only possible explanation that can be given is from speculative disciplines, like the aforementioned psychology, and philosophy.

>> No.12175559

Failure of system, more of them should.

>> No.12175689

What system?

>> No.12175708

Untreated mental illness and echo chambers full of people doing the same shit. You're a product of your environment
The best way to be a tranny is to not make it your only defining characteristic.

strength and dex are pretty useless in post industrial society. Maybe if shtf but women can shoot people too.

>> No.12175712

>be depressed and hate yourself
>think things will be better if you're someone else
>turn yourself into something else
>still hate yourself
>commit suicide

>> No.12175734

Surgeries fuck up your mental state. Post op depression and mental issues are common, combine that with a population that all have BDD
It's a dangerous slope, a lot of them start off not wanting SRS but convince themselves they need it

>> No.12175773

probably just str, con, int, and wis get nerfed
the idea is that you trade that for dex and char going up, but in reality char takes a massive dive and dex doesn't even go up. im thinking int and wis would already be low af anyway and str and con wouldnt go down much. so in reality you're just taking 5 points off char.

>> No.12175895

The thing about stats is that you need to know what the objective is.
For most people it's just make money
Int and cha are the most consistent stats for that the others don't maximize DPS (dollars per second)

>> No.12175943

Transgenders are the modern version of

>> No.12175978


>> No.12176074

Depending on what you're taking trannies are extremely horny. There's a huge sexual component to transition for a lot of people but it's taboo to admit it.


>> No.12176824

That sounds more like just accommodating it, not curing it.

>> No.12177079

preach brother

>> No.12177085

When you deal with the devil he takes you back on his terms

>> No.12177362

I think I know where you're getting, but they don't turn into women, just mutilated and castrated men that might look generally women shaped if you're not looking at them longer then half a second.
Leg bone extension actually gives you few cm in height. But if bone extension surgery was like sex reasigment surgery, they would trim off your muscles so that you turn from mesomorph to ectomorph in bodyshape, but don't actually gain the height you are looking for at the end of it.

>> No.12177367

Is it 40% pre-op or post-op? I’ll answer for you: We don’t know yet. We barely even have evidence. Make of that what you will, but I’d say further discussion is pointless at the moment.

>> No.12177409

I was born with a congenital birth defect, I feel like that every day.dont want to cut myself though

>> No.12177987


>> No.12179919

I would too if I looked like that

>> No.12179934

That is called psychosis.

>> No.12179948

Autism? We've been over this OP.

>> No.12180109

>mental people commit suicide

>> No.12180112

They have been redpilled on how gross the "gender" thing is.

"We were all depressed"
Translation: We had a very strange irrational attachment to the imaginary "boy" spirit that we forced onto you, instead of the arrangement of cells that defines the individual human you are
e.g. my family members bounced around all day deriving happiness from the "boy" shit , even when they were thousands of miles away from me, and that's gross. As if there's an invisible wire connecting my boy spirit to them at all times.

>> No.12180216

I don't get why people go out of their way to be an asshole just because you're different. It's true lizard brain mentality.

>> No.12180225

mirrors reflect light

>> No.12180634



>> No.12180784
File: 3.69 MB, 409x498, Sir Maam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask this man.

>> No.12181969

Ayy Lmao

>> No.12183060

Somebody tell me what the difference between gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia is such that BD is treated by acceptance of your current state (because adjusting your physical state in a case like weight loss is what leads to e.g. anorexia, and in most cases the feeling of dysmorphia will never go away), whereas GD is treated by altering your current, unaccepted state? And the irony is that altering your appearance is far more attainable than altering your gender, and yet is not an acceptable treatment.

>> No.12183099

Being janitors on 4chan.