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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 347 KB, 1112x632, WAIS 3 question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12169571 No.12169571 [Reply] [Original]

Here's a decent psychometric cognitive abilities test:

What do you fags think of the psychometrics? Open to discussion.
Pic slightly related, it's an ok puzzle.
It's a bit long, but don't let that discourage you brainlets from wasting time on it.
Cronbach alpha = 0.93
Here's a little paper on it: https://icar-project.org/papers/ICAR2014.pdf

>> No.12169646

1 or 2 are the only options that make sense

t. high spatial IQ non-redditfag 145 swag

>> No.12169648

You're dumb.
t. 150 WAIS IV PRI

>> No.12169657
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, 1564122359856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to say this is a troll-image made in mspaint
the shapes are all over the place
>no overlapping
>no rotations
>dubious zooming due to wild variance in shapes
>no sensible parity/inside-outside counting
>single row so there is not really any making a rule and seeing if it applies

>> No.12169660

a dot for every crossing, 5

>> No.12169671

oh so this test is not about a progression?

>> No.12169710

It is, you are just stupid.

>> No.12169719

God damn it I scrolled down first a couple of posts right away like I always do and you spoiled it before I went back up.

>> No.12169722

5 = number of intersections

>> No.12169738
File: 60 KB, 1024x913, 1598938319901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a dumb question anyway. A lot of cheap misdirection and a fairly simplistic deduction

>> No.12169748

Red dots count amount of intersections between the other shapes. Answer is 5

>> No.12169752

how is it a progression?

>> No.12169773

The pattern is that the intersections = the dots.
If you can't see this then you are dumb.
The only reason you were confused was because of the practice effect you have from looking at other question, idiot.

>> No.12169833
File: 109 KB, 681x692, 1601193911177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and how is this relationship between dots and intersections progressing from one panel to the next, my esl friend?

>> No.12169897

IQ tests are not about progression, they are finding the pattern.
Not every IQ test question is a form of metamorphosis or movement, sometimes you are just finding the right answer in the answer field.
It's obvious that none of the other answers work.

>> No.12170009

But the entire strain of conversation was you saying its a progression, and its not, by your own admission.

>> No.12171583

This is the last matrix reasoning question on the WAIS III

>> No.12172971

It's really easy.
How is this possibly 19 scaled score?

>> No.12172992

Exactly. Its not a progression. Which makes him a stupid crawling piece of pajeet-tier fecal matter, staining the floor and breeding diseases.

>> No.12172993

Obviously 5. Points of intersection = number of balls

>> No.12173057

Nicely done, seems simple enough, but I didn't see it.

>> No.12173146

the red circles = the number of line intersections
>5 is the answer

>> No.12173167

Are you negros going to do the actual test I posted or are you just going to keep thinking you're intelligent for solving that 100 IQ question?

>> No.12173211

Aint nobody got time for your test nigga

>> No.12173255
File: 783 KB, 460x460, backpedal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>backpedalling this hard

>> No.12173442

But you guys are no-lifes on 4chan, I'm sure you have LOTS of time.

>> No.12173450

Clearly this forces some people to overthink it. The first thing I noticed was the forth image having no dots or intersections. So if this was intended to be a trick question then good job but otherwise it's just a bad question.

>> No.12173468

No, it doesn't.
If you overthink it you're dumb and have been tainted with practice effect. Any true smart person would be able to see the similarities between the items and know the only correct answer can be 5.