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12155626 No.12155626[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, what pushes young people to become neets?

>> No.12155636

Laziness, coddling by parents, easy life's without any consequences. You don't have to work or be productive because you can easily leech of your parents or the government.

>> No.12155641

preference of lifestyle

>> No.12155642

All the jobs go to minorities and women so men have nothing to live for.

>> No.12155645

Abuse and social anxiety might be a factor. Like weighing a decision: 'Do I go out, or just remain indoors as the social failure I am?' The answer is obvious. Maybe they already lived their lives and... are just waiting to die. Then, it could have something to do with schizo disorders, or Buddhism. In Christianity you can always go to church. It's not required though, just suggested.

>> No.12155646

>All the jobs go to minorities and women
Totally false assertion.

>> No.12155647

Lived their lives as in perceived not being able to progress or make use of society or their self. I.e. A delusion.

>> No.12155650

cuz wagiedom is hell

>> No.12155663

People like you push people into being neets. Growing up among too many psychopaths (at least one psychopathic parent + enough psychopaths at school to take the school over) = good behavior gets exploited = loss of motivation = NEET.

>> No.12155667

Thank you for proving me point.
Millenials and zoomers are the most spoiled generation in human history, we have had it so easy that we expect everything to be given to us on a plate.

>> No.12155675

I said the exact opposite.

>> No.12155677
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>> No.12155679

I'm a 25 year old millennial.

>> No.12155682


>> No.12155690

People who work are losers
The government is giving me 600 dollars a week.

>> No.12155802

Speak for yourself nigga. However, every generation always blame the youngest

>> No.12155805

Yes goy, blame the result and not the underlying issue, which is that most Western boomers are mentally unfit to have children but do it anyway out of social expectations and denying that mental illness exists.

>> No.12155842

Low motivation
Negligence from schools and adults
Defeatist attitude that the above didn't spot and fix

>> No.12155846

Funny, I’m a gamer, why are you laughing?

>> No.12155853

I refuse to work for capitalists and communists.

>> No.12155858
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game theory

>> No.12155915

This dudes face when goes to file taxes next year is going to be priceless. Enjoy your neetbux, parasite.

>> No.12155953

Found the boomer

>> No.12157068

Why do you care? I doubt you have any interest in helping them out.

>> No.12157095

>filing taxes
I'm STEALING from you faggot, and theres nothing you can do

>> No.12157105

>Defeatist attitude that the above didn't spot and fix
ah i see, even though for the majority of human history children went off to play with other children all day long and turned out fine, its the lack of adult control that made them turn out wrong.

>> No.12157598

>>12155626 Lack of a reasonable economic system centered around solving true problems instead of outdated virtual numbers. I've got better things to do, fuck you.

>> No.12158225

autism,is there anything more to say?i guess single roast moms but they spawn spergs

>> No.12158252
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Young people becoming NEETs is actually based if done correctly. It's a further extension of adolescence which can, like it has evolutionarily in the past, provide great benefits. There is even more knowledge in the world now then there was when adolescence was first being extended and thus there more opportunities for creating people with agency.

>> No.12158257

Fear. The world scares them so they hide at home with mummy.

>> No.12158264

How is this even a question? Why would you work all day doing shit you hate if you didn't have to?

>> No.12158265

It reduces to operant conditioning

>> No.12158310


>> No.12158313

I'd assume the vast majority have been deeply depressed for so long they don't realize it and they feel completely incapable of doing anything, such as holding down a job.

>> No.12158316

Got a felony so now I can't get a job. Though I need one soon before they haul me off to prison for violating probation.

Basically there is no hope unless I want to buckle down and do manual labor. Probably just become a crack addict and kill myself eventually when my parents finally get tired of my shit.

>> No.12158323
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>Minorities are lazy and don't want to work
>Minorities take your jobs

>> No.12158415

Get a late night janitor job at like a hospital or some shit

>> No.12158417

Become a 4chan janny and explain you do it for free

>> No.12158427


>> No.12158439

It can be a criminal offence in the USA to let your children play in your front yard without being physically with them. So children are controlled more by apathetic caretakers. Not really a great environment to grow up in

>> No.12158442


Privilege of being able to.

>> No.12158468
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Ugliness. Any other response is a lie and the people writing them are being intentionally deceptive. The "school shooter look" = ugliness which is usually caused by having mixed race parents. That's why I'm an ugly NEET. My whore mother married a white man.

>> No.12158508

A bunch of things. Bad parenting, slow social que skills, introverted environment, the activities in general you do as a kid. From there on it piles on top of itself picking up worse and worse things the world has to offer as a means of relief which in reality just deepens those pre-existing problems. These things vary but in general i belive that extremely few people can make a "comeback". You dont need to become a social butterfly to live a good life, but it is probably the one that helps most

>> No.12158859

Aren't Brahmins essentially just Mullatoes desperately clinging on to their last remaining Indo Aryan Gene's? Wouldn't being lighter skinned be an improvement? If Hitler and the caste system were right like he said his parents did a good thing

>> No.12158869

To find the real reason and the solution, consider this post and the way we define mental illness.

>> No.12158929

Nah he's right. Why do you think there's been a huge push to get women in the workplace for "equality"? It was to double the labor pool, justifying wage suppression. All part of the sociopathic MBA technique of gutting and selling everything out. It doesn't matter that, long term, having children grow up poor and without real parenting will lead to a broken society. That takes a few decades to happen, and by that point you'll be filthy rich and living in a Philippine mansion.

>> No.12159094

what kind of a felony?

>> No.12159114

I found a lot of restaurants didn't care that much in my case. I had to go through some shit bosses but it was better than construction.

>> No.12159122

Systematic demoralization in the school system and high house prices.

My Granny was telling me her first house cost £900 and buying a house was really no big deal. Now you're enslaved to it for 40 years and as a single young man you could be buying another anchor to cockblock you.

If you're not married it's not that bright to buy honestly.

>> No.12159254

>Waah waah
>Life is hard
>I expect everything to be handed to me!
You proved his point, retard.

>> No.12159320

>Put a felon tag on you
>Lol go get a job or it will be "violating parole"
What a load of shit.

>> No.12159483

Everything is already owned by someone, there is nothing unclaimed remaining, and so it's much more difficult to work by yourself, for yourself, without making others richer in the process.
>But making others richer as a consequence of making yourself richer is a good thing
This only applies in cultures where people actually like each other. If everyone thinks everyone else is a cunt, then nobody wants to make others better off as a side-effect of their work, because this is just giving advantage to the enemy.
During times of peace, a transaction that results in group A making $1 profit and group B making $10 profit benefits A and B, even if it benefits B more.
During times of war, a transaction that results in group A making $1 profit and group B making $10 profit benefits B at the expense of A.
The greater the internal tensions within a society, the more it resembles a warlike economy, where people instinctively focus in relative gains rather than absolute gains.

This is also a huge part of why monogamy, laws against violence, etc were almost universally selected for in high functioning societies. Competition based on relative standards => warlike economic mindset => focus on where you stand relative to others over where you stand in the absolute => social dysfunction.

Competition for food, water, etc doesn't create this problem, because the threshold is absolute - healthy people don't need to "keep up" with obese people, etc - and this means that people competition incentivizes more production and lower prices.
Competition in violence, sex, etc don't work like this, because the threshold is relative - less attractive people need to keep up with more attractive people, people with knives need to keep up with people with guns, etc.

The more deregulated the "relative economies" such as violence and sex are, the more people will begin to adopt a warlike economic attitude where they focus on equality and inequality over their absolute position.

>> No.12159743


>> No.12159808

I miss the good ol days when kids were raised by abusive alcoholic peasants in order to toil in the fields, only to die of cholera.

>> No.12159953



Based schizoboomer

>> No.12159963

Mind linking sources for me to read too?

>> No.12159969

Quality of education and realization of high school dream. It's like American's dream, completely bullshit.

>> No.12159970

sexual market rigged by abortion, contraception, nonjudgementalism, funding of singleparenthood etc

>> No.12159996


>> No.12160174

You forgot the part where minorities are handed the jobs.

>> No.12160194

You forgot the part where women are also deemed as a minority.
>t. Foundry worker
>t. The company I work for gets taxed 45% more because we don't have at least 35% women in manager roles
>t. Dude who sees diversity hires come through last 3 months then leave

>> No.12160223

>tfw you will be a wagecuck in plasma incineration plant

>> No.12160258

>45% tax increase
That cant be true?

>> No.12160262

It's a tax on a smaller tax. So it results in like 7% of the total tax. This is in Australia.

>> No.12160270

Nah fair enough.I wasn't meaning you were lying, it was more shock that any country could seriously mandate that high! (7% is still alot)
>Oh yeah we need more women in the foundaries
>but women dont work there
>Doesn't mean they can't manage them bigot!

Its like hindering a tech company for not hiring english majors.

>> No.12160301

>Everything is already owned by someone, there is nothing unclaimed remaining, and so it's much more difficult to work by yourself, for yourself, without making others richer in the process.

This is really one of the tragedies of capitalism. Not trying to write a polemic here, just that since all the land was snatched up and parceled in the 1800s, you can’t effectively run off and just build yourself a cottage and be a hermit in the mountains.

If I had the choice, I’d take my math books and build a hut on the edge of town, heard goats, write in a journal, and maybe teach the occasional apprentice abstract algebra.

>> No.12160342

*will never be

>> No.12160461

How do I become neet? I'm a workaholic but notice more and more that academia as well as industry suck for various reasons and I don't want to feed them my life force anymore.

>> No.12160484

Have generous parents and obey their terms.

>> No.12160695

Never met my dad and my mother is poor.

>> No.12160717

In a normal society and healthy culture young people who exhibit behaviors like this would be given extra attention and resources to attempt to fix them, but in our culture they are left to rot in loneliness.

>> No.12160845

Assault, violent offence so its on my record forever.

Pretty much. I've been rejected several times now for stuff found on my background check even though I always tell them ahead of time I have the felony.

>> No.12160923

I point this issue out. Simply. If all of the american population went to college and graduated. To get into a job feild earning 100k a year. That the 300,000,000 population would earn 30,000,000,000,000. Yearly. But we cannot even pay off a 22trillion debt. So there is no logical way for everyone to earn 100k a year. Because where would the money supply come from?

Also.. I have crunched numbers for my town only. From working at the Macdonald's... they were happy to push 100 cars an hr. And even tried to push 200 car orders in an hour. But each shift consisted of roughly 10-15people. Besides 3rd having like 4-8. But if Macdonald's could push 100 cars an hr.. they most definitely would. And many car orders were probably family orders. So let's say 2 people fed per order at least. 200 people fed an hr for 24 hours. Is 4,800 fed a day. 7 days is 33,600 people fed. Which is only 33 employees at 1 restuarant.. fed 33,600. At least once a week. And if you have 7 restaurants. Everyone could be fed once a day.. off 331 people. But that isn't including the orders done from walk ins. Or anything over 100 cars an hour.

My town is only 30,000.

So there isn't enough money to allow everyone to have a decent job. And then everyone yells "laziness " "they can go flip a burger and earn money"

But from just the numbers.. less then 500 people in my town are even needed to supply 7 restaurants with enough employees to feed the town once a day... and there are roughly. 9-12 restaurants. And that is all that is really needed. And restaurants have a high over turn rate. Mainly because people get burnt out from all the necessity to be quick.

And then a car factory near by claims to have 6,000 employees... but there are employees I met that were driving from 3 hours away to work. Or 80miles away.. nearly the border of the state. So.... where is there enough work for everyone.... in my town alone. If even the jobs here are being filled in from people in other towns/states.

>> No.12160979
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you know there are two groups of minorities right brainlet

>> No.12161092
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>rot in loneliness
that's peak normie think, NEETs rot because of lack of economic opportunities. there's gatekeepers everywhere that make sure only normies get through. we even reformed our universities to make them as normie friendly as possible by making meaningless social interaction a requirement to graduate. so naturally those we filter out apply for NEETbux.

loneliness isn't even a real issue, it's something normie psychology departments invented because for them it would be impossible to bear. so they spend their time harassing innocent NEETs with their cognitive behaviour ''''therapy'''' torture, telling you to ignore your nature, ignore your feelings, ignore your desires and make your whole existence nothing but suffering all so that you can be a good little mammal like them.

the real solution to NEETdom is replacing gatekeeping normies in position of power with algorithms.

>> No.12161128

Also thanks to covid. And car factories trying to look good in the public. Revealed there was atleast 25 car plants across the united states.

Which if they each house 5k-7k employees. My town of 30,000 can fill roughly 5. So roughly 150,000-200,000 peoples are needed to fill the 25 car plants. And the reason it seems millions of employees work for them is simply the turn over rate. Which many factories are anal about firing people before the 90 days mark. So they don't have to claim another full benefits employee. So part of the turn over rate isn't even lazy people that doesn't want to work. But simply because the factories don't want to pay more then they have to.

And just about everyone who applies. Even knows there is a high chance they will be laid off before the 90 days. But take the risk.. simply to see if they are lucky enough to make it past that point.

The very reason these car factories where bailed out of debt.. by the government and bank system. Is for the very reason they supply tons of jobs to the economy. But if they didn't kick people out every 90 days. And everyone was a well kept employee showing up on time to work. That they would most likely only be supplying less then 300,000 people with a job. And not only that... they try to cut needed employees to the bare minimum. Why have 2 people at a job. When 1 is more then enough to keep up with 3 tasks. And that they literally have an employee that walks around. And if they notice you have time to talk.. that look at you job and try to decide how much more you can do... so that you don't have free time to talk. Obviously if you can talk. You can perform more work which means they can cut another employee and have you performing to optimal levels.

Every employer is literally trying to create a job structure designed to burn out employees.. to maximize profits.

My family worked at a factory. And about a year before closing.They slowly doubled line pace.Then doubled it again.then 18hr days

>> No.12161140

Found the beta cuckflake

>> No.12161169

Jeez you're clearly have a metal illness. Leave this site and seek mental help for your own good

>> No.12161561

Dating doesnt work, therefore caring about income is 0
simple as

>> No.12161602
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Comfy pillows, total black out shades on windows, the local girls are too ugly to be properly motivating to grow up in exchange for sex.

>> No.12161642

Then it comes down to how generous of a welfare state your country is.

>> No.12161684

found the desperate tradcuck
>please let me slave away all day when you go fuck other guys
>so long as i get some cooch here and there

>> No.12161974
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Holy based

>> No.12162539
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Post more, based man

>> No.12162548

Too many choices, and discouragement from acting with the world since a young age

>> No.12162597

Parents not teaching their kids how to succeed and instead depending on the school system to do so (even though it fails).
>brb mom works in some service office position, nothing to teach me
>dad works as a mechanic but never once has taken me aside to teach me anything about cars
>can't remember a single time in my life where my parents taught me anything, other than the obligatory father teaching to drive (bare minimum imo)
And what do you get? People like me, sitting at home with 13 years of public schooling and 5 years of university who don't know how to do anything and are self conscious about how the only things they know are things that everyone knows.

>> No.12162928

If you are only making minimum wage but have the ability to be diagnosed as disabled it's more worth it to be a neet as you will essentially have the same lifestyle. If you have a large inheritance but your job only lets you save 1000 dollars a month it's more worth it be a neet then to work 40 hours a week.

>> No.12163138

I can not. I'm too ashamed of how ugly I am to sit in a waiting room with others. I will have an anxiety attack.

>> No.12163188
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>> No.12163316

Only if your dad was chad. If your dad bailed on white women because he couldn’t compete and saw a poor lower status immigrant woman as “easy pickings” you’ll probably end up a resentful autist with a pug nose and no other discernible facial definition.

>> No.12164430
File: 38 KB, 504x633, 1601030593306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not ugly, retard. You are the most beautiful person that could have been created from the past. EVERY SINGLE ONE of your ancestor was chosen over other mates. You are a culmination of millenia of choosing the prettiest human. You may be mixed but you are objectively the evolutionary winner. Now all you gotta do is make yourself desireable for others. Work out, get dough, get pussy. no self wallow. i believe in you, 小retard! 信じている (あなたを信頼しています)

>> No.12164455

you posted the exact same image less than a week ago, wasnt it in mg
go fuck off from avatar posting until you have a better collection to choose from you useless fucking retard

>> No.12164579

Bad parents can also be an explanation

>> No.12164582


>> No.12164914
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>replacing gatekeeping normies in position of power with algorithms.
Kill'em all.

>> No.12165055

>In Christianity you can always go to church.
In Christianity everything happens according to the will of God, so you can stay passive and say it is God's will.

>> No.12165057

That's true NEET are pretty fragile peoples I guess, as opposed to psychopaths.

>> No.12165085

knowing people in their 30's who are no better off than a high school graduate and often worse. amazing how many people are
>college educated
>working multiple erratically scheduled part time jobs for a shitty apartment that eats 60% of their income
>one traffic violation away from jail because they can't afford car insurance
>one accident away from homelessness because they can't afford health insurance

honestly why bother if you are most likely going to end up like that

>> No.12165100
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but even this isn't really the entire issue. I think it goes much deeper and is rooted in the modern world. We live in the first time in history where average people have access to unlimited information about the world and about what they can expect going forward in their lives. I think a lot of people withdraw because they have a perceived sense of futility in living a lifetime in the economic machine saving up for retirement. This combined with the fact that more and more people don't have a real childhood because both parents are too busy with work, technology causing mental illness to get worse and worse, and the loss of community and collective culture.

>> No.12165109

t. 25 yr old boomer

>> No.12165188

People keep spouting this nonsense about unlimited information without even looking to see if its true. Have you even tried searching for obscure scientific, political or historical information? It's nowhere to be found. Most of it is sectioned off to privileged groups. The internet doesn't have as much information as you'd like to think it does and google has been working to sanitize it even further and erode history.

>> No.12165214

that has nothing to do with what i was posting about though