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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12157447 No.12157447 [Reply] [Original]

>graduated with a 3.95 gpa in engineering
>2 years of research experience
>several years of lab assistant + random job experience from when I was younger
>know 3 languages
>applied for hundreds of jobs and have only had 3 interviews
>every time the interview goes well but I never get hired because I "lack experience"

I am considering just going into the northern wilderness with my shotgun and trying to survive as long as I can. Society is so fucking useless.

>> No.12157584


You failed to give relevant info

Which university?
Which degree?
Which major?
Which year?

>> No.12157829

Broaden your search.look at jobs where you can apply what you know. new york labs cant find people

>> No.12157847

im in the same boat
got caught up in a career for a couple years that was not relevant to my degree, and now I cant get an interview anywhere

have you looked all over the country? youre probably going to have to move

another option is look for a goverment job. they will actually hire you based on education as opposed to the private sector that only seems to care about experience.

>> No.12157876

I'm with you anon. Computer science degree here and same story, I'm hoping it's corona's fault but idk.

>> No.12157880

This is a tough economy. Broaden your horizon and keep building your resume. Make a plan and execute it.

>> No.12157882


This is part of the problem though. Unless OP went to an absolutely terrible terrible university in some third world country then he really shouldn't have a problem finding a job.

>> No.12157890

we're in a pandemic

>> No.12157899

You have alumni connections. Use LinkedIn and send a message to 10 or 20 people saying, "Hi, I'm anon and we went to the same college/high school/football match, I'd like to introduce myself and see if your company is hiring." Even if you were a complete hermit, this should get at least a few replies. Worst case is they say no, just ask them to keep you in mind if anything comes up.

I've met people who came into industry with ZERO experience and connections who managed to get a decent job and work their way to the top because they put themselves out there

>go to a corporate office
>sweet talk the receptionist
>wait for some engineering folks to come over
>magically produce your polished resume
>anon we are not hiring
>you are now bro

Getting a job is 80% psychology 20% skill. Anyone with a 3.95 in engineering can be trained. The question is whether you can convince others that you're someone that they'd be willing to work with in an office for the next 5 years. I got my first job because I made an effort talking to people in public. Turns out one person was HR for a major consulting firm and it was smooth sailing from there.

tl;dr don't act like a complete autist in public and the opportunity will come

>> No.12157914

>Graduated with a 2.41 GPA in Chemical Engineering
>Low GPA because I spent most of my time partying especially my senior year which I got 4 D's
>No research
>No internships
>No extracurricular activities
>Top tier university because I did good in high school
>No debt, FASFA literally paid for everything
>Don't want to do hard work so private sector is out of the question
>Apply for a couple state jobs
>Good at presenting myself and I'm fairly charismatic
>Get interviews from my states EPA
>Job is literally just helping develop regulatory policy for chemical safety
>Charismatic so I nail the interview
>Get a second interview, this time with the division chief and my to be supervisor
>Division chief loves me, literally complimented how prepared and well spoken I am
>Get job offer, 75k starting salary with 7% increase every year capping out at 143k
>Work there for 3 months easy as fuck, state transitions to work from home due to COVID
>My job is essentially just reviewing regulations and some literature and make recommendations about regulations to my supervisor
I don't know how I got so lucky, this is like a lucid dream I thought I was fucked with a 2.41 GPA but government doesn't give a shit. Might I add that I have 0 debt and actually got a net 12k from FASFA, state has great benefits too.

>> No.12157973

The pandemic didn't really affect any critical industry, though, i.e. anything related to real engineering.

>> No.12157997

Define real engineering. And the economy is a domino, everything was affected even if indirectly.

>> No.12158003

Continuing to search for jobs will probably be easier than wilderness survival. Maybe your aloofness is the problem

>> No.12158064

Wow you suck
>3.6 GPA
>cell biology
>find internship offer for harvard genetics lab on door to the auditorium
>apply last minute, write up some shit
>get it, leads to internship and then subsequently job when I graduate
Decided to get PhD, dunno what to do after
>email random-ass company that does ML + drug discovery
>mention I know how to code and do ML, want an internship
>they set up a fucking internship the next day for me because they need coders
>get offer for job after PhD
You can cry all you want, but you're missing some common denominator information here (mainly you)

>> No.12158067

finding a grad job as a stem grad was brutally hard for me, and that was before Coronavirus.

I can't imagine how hard it must be now, especially for connection-lets. All my buds from rich families managed to find employment pretty quick through family connections.

>> No.12158080

and we all know how well government runs.
what's that say about degrees?

>> No.12158089

>study medicine in shithole country
>no one pays more than 2 dollar per consultation

>> No.12158092

>be me
>2.8GPA in engineering
>did a few internships
>get 3 job offers in my final year, walk into $100k starting job
OP is probably some sperg who can't carry himself in interviews, people like you should just stick to academia.

>> No.12158104

I fell for it, but was luck to persevere after considerable effort. Now an assistant scientist of conservation ecology.

>> No.12158130

Screw you buddy that could be me my dumb parents told me that was all a lie made me go in debt to a state school and said top schools only take rich people. If only I knew about need blind admission and full need financial aid when I needed to. Can't believe how little adults understand the world

>> No.12158138

I feel for you OP. I used to be in a similar situation but I got out of it. You can do this! It’s not about if, it’s about when. Don’t stop trying

>> No.12158216

>2.7 GPA
>took me 12 years to get my bachelor's
>dropped out twice
>transcript is a mile long with Fs all over the place
>immediately get job after graduating via nepotism
Just be yourself OP

>> No.12158284

I did, it contributed to ruining my life. Public society lies to you for 20 years, then abandons you, while all the private citizens share practical, useful info, skill sets, resources, and jobs, behind the scenes.

>> No.12158295

>lab assistant
imagine being a lab tech and crying about not getting a job. Sad! Should of got a big boy engineering degree instead of that technical shit.

>> No.12158352

>2 years of research experience
>several years of lab assistant
Should've stayed in academia. Also, you're appearently missing the most important part: networking. You can't get anywhere in industry without connections. Also, nobody gives a shit about your 3.5 GPA, can you imagine how many others like you exist in the land of grade inflation?

>> No.12158377
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university is a meme, if university degree is worth so much money, why no company is willing to hire based on the degree alone?

>> No.12158465

Everyone applying has the degree but experience is the differing factor between you and another applicant

>> No.12158474

I'd wager it isn't the only difference - there are enough starting jobs out there that someone with that resume had to really demonstrate that they would be a nightmare not to get an offer.

>> No.12158482

Are you black or a woman?

>> No.12158483


the degree is supposed to be a certificate of competence to do jobs, you might as well say appearance is the differing actor between you and another applicant. Also there's no evidence to suggest that someone with more experience is guaranteed to perform better than someone with less experience.

>> No.12158505

I get that the degree should be more than enough I'm just trying to explain from their perspective. What else would I need to get on the recruiters good side?

>> No.12158506

No, I'm white and male. My state mandates "Equal Employment Opportunity" so no diversity hires or quotas. To be honest I think the only reason I got the job is because the candidate pool was so limited. It's kinda hard to find state jobs because they're not posted anywhere except the department, I found it by luck and there were only 4 candidates that were interviewed. They must have had even worse resumes than me, or they picked me because I came off most charismatic while they couldn't effectively sell themselves. Engineers are usually pretty autistic and don't know how to present themselves. My job requires a bit of communication with various parts of the department so maybe that's why. I'm not going to question it, it's a miracle that I got in and I'm content with that.

>> No.12159305

It's a filter nothing more.
Tech companies want more and more people to in effect subsidize their selection process by going into massive debt so they can have a hyperinflayed candidate pool so they can take their pick and discard the rest.

>> No.12159763

Your parents weren’t totally wrong. I got into a bunch of top schools but couldn’t go because I didn’t get enough aid i.e. enough to bring a year from 60k to 45k. All because my parents gross ~115k combined a year, well that and probably a certain box I checked on my applications...

>> No.12159819

If you have an engineering degree it's expected you will take up a trade and get licensed for your specific occupation.

EE/physics -> electrician, radio operator or radiologist
ME -> ASE (car repair) or machining
CE -> battery refurbishing, pharmacy or fuel refining

>> No.12159866

Anything that isn't Civil, they're fucked

>> No.12159884

>tfw going to be unemployed because I'm both a brainlet and a socialet

>> No.12160060

All those are jobs for peasants.

>> No.12160160

It doesn't matter of you solved the fucking Riemann Hypothesis and obtained your Ph.D at 19. Mr. Goldberg's son is getting the job because of who he (((knows)))

>> No.12160581

>long university career
>applying for random jobs instead of getting jobs through contacts
Anon, you played the game wrong.

>> No.12160708
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>BS in Biology
>Easily found a job in an hospital
Life's good.

>> No.12160992

I think I'm gonna kill myself soon. Its been almost 2 and a half year since I graduated with a mech e degree. At this point I can't even envision myself as an engineer anymore, let alone having any kind of remotely decent future.
My resume isnt even bad but the lack of experience just gets you thrown in the trash immediately before you can interview.
And with cornonavirus and me begin stuck outside the us it's even more impossible and futile than usual.

Can't even kill myself because of my family

>> No.12161130


take down a jew with you when you off youself

>> No.12161246

Why the fuck would to get an Engineering degree to work a minimum wage trade job?

>> No.12161279

No EE should expect to work in any of the trades you mentioned. That would be like going to culinary school to be a dishwasher, or getting an education degree to work in the cafeteria.

>> No.12161320

Pay a third party to look at your CV and do a mock interview, then tell you what you're doing wrong.

>> No.12161401

>be me
>typical 4chan autist
>study at top uni
>meh grades
>have a friend who dropped out
>said friend founded his own company and is pretty successful
>he offers me full time employment
Sometimes you just gotta luck out.

>> No.12161431

Do I have something similar to look forward to? Currently a junior studying applied math - how can I avoid this future bros? I interview well, and in the past had a "professional" job at a law firm even though I had no qualifications for it.

>> No.12161462

>absolutely terrible terrible university in some third world country
funny that you mentioned this given how most third world universities, especially if they're public, have a much more rigid evaluation process than american universities where you get a pass despite terrible performance because you're literally paying them and because it would look bad for the professors and the institution as a whole to fail too many students

>> No.12161473


actually most top 3rd world universities are difficult to get into, but once you are in, it's impossible to fail, you can just keep retake courses over and over again until you pass.

>> No.12161738

currently a 3.9 in ME, graduating in spring with 0 internship/industry experience. Fuck I'm scared

>> No.12161785


so the difference between western and developing world universities is in the west, it's easy to get into university, but 30% of the students flunk out. In the developing world, only 30 percent of students can get accepted into university, once you are in, almost nobody flunks out

>> No.12161790

/sci/ is a Semitic board.

>> No.12162330

It's not a meme. everyone's studying it making competition more intense you fucking retard

>> No.12162994

Are you retarded?

>> No.12163047

>3.5 biochemistry bs
>graduate during COVID
>only been searching since march
>literal autist so it's rough
>get job processing covid samples for 24 dollars an hour
>move up to 26 dollars an hour
>move up to 30 dollars an hour
>500 dollar bonus
>also start getting a shit ton of job offers and start practicing interviews
>start getting better but not good enough
>why the fuck do I need to speak to people at every level of the company for 3 hours.
>still more confident than I was because I still have covid job so I can retain some of pride during this shitty process
>no you fag recruiter, I'm not gonna write a thank you note to the person who interviewed me for a job that pays $26 an hour. also, stop fucking calling me every goddamn day when you have nothing to add.
>rewrite resume
>get even more interviews
>some for shit I'm in no way qualified to do
>bullshit through anyways
Am I gonna make it? Honestly have no clue at this point.

>> No.12163425

I have 3 BSc and 1 MSc and ended up going back into the military as an officer in a technical job. I went from infantry in the Army to the Air Force. I make over six figures but I've been in for nine years. I'm 32.
The reason I have so many degrees is because I had a degree before I joined the Army and after I got out I made sure to use all four years of my GI Bill.

Anyways, my job itself in the civilian world more would be more akin to a technician position (well more like I'm a manager of technicians at this point). But I can retire at 43 though it's much more beneficial to retire at 50. The standard 20 year retirement for an officer is 56,000$ a year but 25 year jumps up to almost 80,000$ a year.

>> No.12163447

Based life sciences chad making it while the physics nerds fail

>> No.12163449

kill yourself

>> No.12163761

I am shortly before graduating with a MSc in (Bio-) Chemistry. I noticed that nobody gives a fuck about the degree, even less if you've got a PhD. There are no jobs and if there are any, you get paid as much as some at did a labtech apprenticeship (europe). My only objective right now is to use this degree to do smth/open doors for a career that is actually worth the work you put into. I do not care about the topic , I do not care about where it is. Nothing. Ideas?

>> No.12164543

no u

>> No.12166018

PhD is usually for very niche shit or academia
if you're getting a Ph.D I'd imagine you have a good idea of where you were going to work for years already. if not then...

>> No.12166505

Don't listen to >>12166018, a PhD in Biochem or Chemistry is necessary for most decent paying scientist positions especially in an area like Cambridge or Thousand Oaks. Although, it won't exactly open doors. That depends on what aspects you study and where you study. Get someone who does decent work somewhat regularly and produces employed graduates

>> No.12166536
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This is what I hate though. I went into engineering because I enjoyed it, not because I had to put on a poker face in order to get a living.

>> No.12166682
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>major in electrical engineering (RF & Microwave)
>no internships
>get job offer before graduation
Being a veteran makes getting a DoD job easy

>> No.12166706

No one gives a shit about undergrad performance after 1-2 years.

You say you've been a research assistant for several years. Did you produce or contribute to anything of note? In some respects, you've had your chance and you've failed. Either go for a PhD -which equates to starting from zero again- or just accept STEM isn't for you.

How good is your English? Unless dealing with international clients, sorry to say, but no one gives a fuck about language skills. Did you grow up in a bilingual household so have, through no fault of your own, learnt retard English? I see that a lot with kids of e.g. Hong Kong Chinese parents.

>> No.12166765

internship and don't aim too high if you graduated from a no name university

>> No.12168365

>Graduated with first class honours in Chemical Engineering (MEng) from respected UK uni
>13 months of experience as Process Engineering intern for reputable company
>Know 2 languages
>Applied for hundreds of jobs, had 7 interviews, 3 assessment centres, all failed
>Company I interned at rejected me and my ex-colleague (recruitment is done by contracted agency, not the people I worked with), 2 random girls get the job instead
>Rejected from £6.50/hr tutoring job because "overqualified"
>Learning to code right now, failed my first software engineering interview 2 days ago
>Girlfriend threatened to dump me by December if I don't find a job since I need to be employed to get her a fiance visa and she can't handle long distance
>Feel like committing suicide every time I see everyone I studied with posting about their new jobs on LinkedIn

>> No.12168671

>or academia
>don't listen
>lists academia anyway
wew lad

>> No.12168675

Keep trying faggot
But seriously though keep trying
The adage of it's not what you know it's who you know is so shitty and true. If you know anybody who might be able to hook you up, you might wanna ask em to put in a good word for you

>> No.12168685

>You say you've been a research assistant for several years. Did you produce or contribute to anything of note? In some respects, you've had your chance and you've failed. Either go for a PhD -which equates to starting from zero again- or just accept STEM isn't for you.
This sounds romantic and naive

>> No.12168703

>graduate from elite university but with shitty grades.
>no internships due to visa limitations while I was getting education.
>graduate and get visa situation settled out, decide to be an actuary, but have no exams.
>work 1 year as an underwriter while getting my starting exams done. Make 55K for that year, pass two exams on first attempts with flying colors.
>get actuarial job, start making 70K, quickly get raise to 82K. Keep passing more actuarial exams.
>Decide to take a part time masters in Statistics at local state school (mediocre school). Literally start getting job offers in my University email as soon as they see my name and email in the University mathematics department directory.

IDK why people have such a hard time, its pretty easy. Especially in STEM, so many Asians don't speak English well and the rest of your competition is autistic and can't explain results to brainlets.

>> No.12168716
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>graduate with 4.0 gpa in ee (mengg)
>don't apply to any jobs
>just sit in mom's basement shitposting on 4chan
am i gonna make it brehs?

>> No.12168814

You can yes

>> No.12168871

i did, cs, best decision ever. went to an sss rank school though

>t. 300k, three years out of college

>> No.12169299

Where did that post mention academia? You know Cambridge and Thousand Oaks are home to the labs of some of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, right?

>> No.12169329

What job?

>> No.12169333

how highly does your program rank on us news, or better yet tell us which university you went to

>> No.12169335

My backup if I don't get into med school is use my GI bill for a masters in food chemistry. Is this viable or should I just get cyber certs since Ive been doing that in the military
Have a BSc in biochemistry

>> No.12169336

get a 23 and me test. maybe you'll get lucky and have 2% african or something. i wish i was joking, this could actually save you. good luck

>> No.12169345

What’s your job like
Thinking of same career

>> No.12169347


It's hilarious how ungodly a Degree+Military/Clearance is in the job market these days. It's nearly akin to existing in a different reality.

>> No.12169349

he's probably making mixers and lna's. or antennas. phaseshifters. radar front ends.

t. rf microwave guy

>> No.12169374
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2.7 GPA English major
Get hired by uncle's engineering company
Make $100-200 an hour writing legal documents for their IP department

What's crazy is everything I said is true. I'm fibbing because I'm leaving out some information but I really do have a 2.7 GPA in English and really do get paid $100-200 an hour writing legal documents for a company's IP department.

For those of you who wonder what IP is. Every company you work for has an IP department, you just never bothered to find out about it.

>> No.12169445

Hire me I'm getting out next year

>> No.12169569

Just become a math tutor bro.
I make $60 an hour as an undergrad teaching high school math and if you want to be a cheeky cunt the taxman doesn't have to know (I personally pay tax).

>> No.12169643

>graduated with a 2.4 gpa in engineering
>2 4 months internships as experience
>know 1 language (English, the only language worth anything)
>applied for hundreds of jobs and had 4 interviews
>every time the interview goes well, get offered a job by 2 of them, accept the one that aligns with my future goals better
idk man, STEM meme seems pretty good?

>> No.12169676

>don't listen to this guy
>PhD is usually for very niche shit or academia

>> No.12169688

You're currently white and male. With some ingenuity you could be black and trans.

>> No.12169726

>All these engineers.
You didn't fall for the STEM meme, you feel for the engineering meme. Engineering isn't even part of STEM.

>> No.12169767

What job would you recommend as an officer or what did you do?

>> No.12169797

>blog post
>teenage narcissism
>retard frog picture
use that shotgun to blow your head off i can straight away tell you are not much use to society

>> No.12169800

Its the "E", dumbass.

>> No.12169802

>this post
>also dubs
my fucking sides

>> No.12169818

Every time i see one of these threads no one mentions whether or not they got their PE stamp. If you get your stamp your fucking golden. If you graduated and didn't get your stamp your pretty much worthless.

>> No.12169978

Maybe because the PE license takes 4 years of experince after school to get and the op is complaining about their first job

>> No.12170027

ok boomer the post

>> No.12170092

The PE is only valuable in certain fields. The primary value is in certain safety issues (like designing the electrical layout for a building) and testifying in court. In my field I've only even met maybe 2 colleagues with their PE, and they were in supporting roles. None of the top guys had it because they didnt need it for what we do. I've worked as an engineer for a decade and a half and never once has anyone else brought it up or suggested. When I asked, right out of school, I was told outright not to bother, since getting it would push me into the shitty jobs.

>> No.12170372

>get a 23 and me test. maybe you'll get lucky and have 2% african or something. i wish i was joking, this could actually save you. good luck
Motherfucking why? Nobody is going to challenge your self declared race so just check black/hispanic or such and enjoy the rewards of being a minority.

>> No.12170379

>every time the interview goes well but I never get hired because I "lack experience"
put fake experience on your resume then. "Yes, I was actually working as an engineer already full time for those four years I was in college." This got me a job really quickly.

>> No.12170628

>my states EPA
>75k starting
must be an expensive state

>> No.12170667

I work with satellites. I don't want to dox myself. Anyways I recommend a technical officer position in the Air Force or the new Space Force. There's also finance officers. Basically you want the compensation of an officer and your daily life to be a desk job. If you can land a job that makes ~190,000$ after 4 years working then you'll come out ahead financially not joining the military. I work about 60hrs a week too.