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1215688 No.1215688 [Reply] [Original]

n=positive integer
a=positive real

>> No.1215699
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>> No.1215712
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>Any job I want.
>$inf starting

>> No.1215731

Don't mind me, I'm just solving the hydrogen atom
<div class="math">\Psi_{nlm}(r,\vartheta,\varphi) = \sqrt {{\left(\frac{2}{n a_0}\right)}^3\frac{(n-\ell-1)!}{2n((n+\ell)!)} } e^{- \frac{r}{n a_0}} \left(\frac{2r}{n a_0}\right)^\ell \frac{e^\frac{2r}{n a_0} \left(\frac{2r}{n a_0}\right)^{-{(2\ell+1)}}}{(n-\ell-1)!} \frac{{\rm d}^{n-\ell-1}}{{\rm d}\left(\frac{2r}{n a_0}\right)^{n-\ell-1}} \left(e^{-\frac{2r}{n a_0}}\left(\frac{2r}{n a_0}\right)^{l+n}\right) \cdot \, \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \sqrt{\frac{2 \ell +1}{2}\cdot\frac{(\ell -m)!}{(\ell +m)!}}\,\, \frac{(-1)^m}{2^\ell \, \ell!} \left(1-(\cos\vartheta)^2\right)^\frac{m}{2} \frac{\mathrm{d}^{\ell+m}}{\mathrm{d}(\cos\vartheta)^{\ell+m}} \left(\left((\cos\vartheta)^2-1\right)^\ell\right) e^{im\varphi}</div>

>> No.1215746
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Cool copypasta, bro.

>> No.1215747
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>> No.1215751

I wrote that down myself, and yes, it was a very annoying process.

>> No.1215764
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Seems like you could have made more of an effort to simplify, bro.

>> No.1215767


>> No.1215772

Feel free to contribute, I'm not touching that TeX file ever again.

>> No.1215803
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Well, the first thing that bugs me is the numerous instances of (2r/(na.)). I assume a. and n are constants. Factor out the r and collect all instances of (2/(na.)) and toss them all in with those lonely 3 under that first radical.
Or even substitute (2r/(na.)) for some other variable. I notice you differentiate with respect to that mess a few times. Why, nigga?

>> No.1215811

The original formulas involve expressions such as <span class="math">\varrho = \frac{2r}{na_0}[/spoiler]. I wanted to get it all into one equation, so I had to insert the abbreviation in full length.

>> No.1215815
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Take a few tips from mine. Look how short and neat it is.

>> No.1215825
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The original formulas had the right idea.

>> No.1215828

Naah. Like this you can still see what the radial/angular parts are, mashing the normalizations together will just result in a mess maths and physics wise.

>> No.1215871

Making that substitution would still allow you to write it as a product of three functions: one in terms of r (or 2r/(na)), one in terms of theta, and one in terms of phi. This is what I assume you mean by separating the radial parts from the rest.

Jw: Did you arrive at this solution in a similar way to deriving the plane-wave solution to the general wave equation? (ie: products of functions of each variable)

>> No.1215900

just a test:
<span class="math">\int \frac{\mathrm{d} x}{x^n + a^n}=\frac{-1}{n a^{n-1}}\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}\left [ \frac{ln(x-a e^{i \frac{\pi}{n}(1+2k)})}{e^{i \frac{\pi}{n}(1+2k)}} \right ] + C[/spoiler]

>> No.1215948

So I just googled "Hydrogen wave function."
It really is a solution in terms of products of individual functions.
It is far easier to look at and think about written in its component parts rather than all together. AND they make the substitution I suggest and you informed me about (rho=2r/an). I was trolling before, but seriously: Why would you write it like that?

I need to take a higher physics course. :[ this stuff is interesting looking.

>> No.1215971

I'm interested in your response to these two posts:

>> No.1215987
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is the op's equation right?! ive never been able to integrate above n=2

>> No.1215998
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Take a derivative and combine all the fractions. See for yourself.

>> No.1216008


might looks better like this

<div class="math">\int \frac{\mathrm{d} x}{x^n + a^n}=\frac{-1}{n a^{n-1}}\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}\left [ \frac{ln(x-a e^{i \frac{\pi}{n}(1+2k)})}{e^{i \frac{\pi}{n}(1+2k)}} \right ] + C</div>

>> No.1216014

How did you do that?

>> No.1216016



no really, just replace math by eqn

>> No.1216019

www._anoN_+_M_-_m_+_TALK_.sE jcg wwho j sk do zbabd zwu f uifvk vz kzcitfiz i

>> No.1216024

eqn's how do they work?
<div class="math">\int \int \int \int \int \int \int \int \int wut</div>

>> No.1216036


Joseph, what does the function <div class="math">\Psi_{nlm}(r,\vartheta,\varphi)</div> actually express?

>> No.1216042
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>> No.1216054


And these are my realization to what's going on.

>> No.1216058



<div class="math"> \Gamma(z)=\int_{0}^{\infty }t^{z-1}e^{-t}dt </div>