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File: 3.30 MB, 2100x2010, MIR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12144130 No.12144130 [Reply] [Original]


Round and clunky, but beautiful in it's own class

>> No.12144141

I don't like those panels that are at an odd angle.

>> No.12144142
File: 122 KB, 599x902, A E S T H E T I C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian military space station when?

>> No.12144144

When China tells them to build one.

>> No.12144148

Here's an hour-long panel on the ALPACA/Dynetics HLS if anyone's interested:

The beginning is kinda cringey, but there's some good discussion about the overall implications of commercialized lunar exploration.

>> No.12144149
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Post favorite Salyut. Mine is Salyut 6, complex, and started interkosmos. Which has cool patches

>> No.12144156


>> No.12144158
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>> No.12144162
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Like 40 years ago.

I fucking love it, such a break from the clinical precision of everything else in space.

>> No.12144163

You can go thiccer

>> No.12144165


>> No.12144167


Great channel for soviet enthusiasts

>> No.12144170
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daily reminder that VCs are fucking dumb and there are too many small penis lauchers and WHERE THE FUCK IS THE CIS LUNAR ECONOMY.

>> No.12144171
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>> No.12144174

What kind of economy are you going to have in cislunar space.

>> No.12144175


>> No.12144178
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>> No.12144180


>> No.12144184
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>> No.12144189
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Nuclear air breathing jet probes for Venus

>> No.12144190
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>> No.12144193

>reaches the top of the atmosphere in height
>the entirety of Kazakhstan in girth
>uncountable engines
>venusian wet laboratory colony ship
>russia's honor is restored

>> No.12144196


>> No.12144204

>The launch throws earth into mars.
>Direct ascent into the core of Venus

>> No.12144206
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>> No.12144210


>> No.12144213
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you can choose only one

>> No.12144215


>> No.12144218


>> No.12144219
File: 177 KB, 767x750, 1588787046541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fires engines
>makes the lava planes of siberia look like a matchbox
>shit's heard all the way in Brazil
>one engine fails
>all 138,790 engines shutdown in unison
>all of Kazakstan rumbles as the rocket classified as a minor planet hits he ground
>the planet shakes as the thunderclap blastwave flings around the earth
>all of mankind perishes in the blast
>except the two men inside the N1000 capsule, carried to safety by the launch escape system

>> No.12144221
File: 149 KB, 1510x944, titan_brightness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your favorite interplanetary mission? For me, its cassini/huygens.
pic related is the actual light on the surface of titan apparently

>> No.12144222


>> No.12144227

New Horizons hands down. Pluto went from a grey ball to pink (dwarf) planet with a cool as fuck surface.

>> No.12144229


>> No.12144234

New Horizons visited my two favorite planets, Pluto and Ultima Thule

>> No.12144237

7 appeard to have an SRB firing directly over the casing of another SRB

I choose 7

>> No.12144240


>> No.12144241

This is a solid only thread.

>> No.12144242

grey knights fortress-monastery on titan WHEN?

>> No.12144245


>> No.12144248

The whole Venera program, because the Russians just threw probes into hell and iterated which is always commendable. And now Russia claims the planet is theirs. I desperately hope SpaceX (or RocketLab kek) humiliates Russia so badly that they decide they want a cloud station to prove VENUS IS RUSSIA PLANET

>> No.12144251

god imagine the fucking overclocks you can do just running liquid methane through your cooling system on titan

>> No.12144253

a cislunar one you absolute knobhead can you read??

>> No.12144254

>HobbitLab sends a tiny balloon probe to Venus that relays HD video up to Photon in orbit and then back to Earth
>Slavic sobbing audible from Mars

>> No.12144255


>> No.12144258

Didn't russia announce they'll develop their own reusable rocket? I hope they do. Monopoly is a bad thing and God knows neither other american companies nor china will make a worthy competitor

>> No.12144259

i wonder if Rocket Lab has any chance to survive with starship if they're able to get super high launch cadence ever

>> No.12144261


>> No.12144263

if they get angara flying sometime this century i'm sure they'll get right to work on it

>> No.12144266
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>> No.12144270
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Mom: we have reusable rockets at home

reusable rockets at home:

>> No.12144271

expendable space programs are necessary to create more american jobs

>> No.12144272
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me on the right

>> No.12144273
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>> No.12144277
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just give it a quick rinse and cast the propellant agian and you're ready to go man

>> No.12144278

Nice red jacket, anon.

>> No.12144280
File: 237 KB, 596x442, Orel_spacecraft_2020_stamp_of_Russia (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any decade now bros!

>> No.12144282
File: 1.27 MB, 1600x680, Rover 3 from The last days on Mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watched Last Days on Mars. It was about as good as you'd expect a movie that opens with a mirage on Mars to be.

Are The Martian and Total Recall the only good movies set on Mars? Any that I'm not thinking of?

>> No.12144286

>German Scientist Says American Cooking Tasteless; Dislikes Rubberized Chicken

>> No.12144288

fuck small launchers, cis lunar fuel depots and lunar mining enabled by star ship mother fuckers.

>> No.12144291


>> No.12144294

cowboy bebop the movie

>> No.12144298
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>> No.12144299
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New Chinese eva suit.

>> No.12144308

since venus is space siberia, how do we colonize it?

>> No.12144309

The Expanse's depiction of Mars is very neat
>exploring the societal dysfunction when a Martian society built around a military and a terraforming project is faced with the sudden opening of a thousand planets, all of them with nitrogen oxygen atmospheres and around 1g

>> No.12144310

Russian conscript labor.

>> No.12144311


>> No.12144315

>During his stay at Fort Bliss, von Braun proposed marriage to Maria Luise von Quistorp (born June 10, 1928), his maternal first cousin, in a letter to his father. He married her in a Lutheran church in Landshut, Germany on March 1, 1947, having received permission to go back to Germany and return with his bride.

>> No.12144322

The obvious parallel to modern immigration is neat.
>lol screw trying to improve this shithole I'm gonna live in the US

>> No.12144332

They don't have the cash

>> No.12144335
File: 283 KB, 1280x942, 1280px-F-104_Waffenschacht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the FUCK haven't we put an M61 into space yet bros
we've put them everywhere else already, are we just gonna let slavs have all the fun?

>> No.12144347

absolute chad

>> No.12144349

>tfw no von braun cousin wife

>> No.12144351

That's why they're moving to "end to end managed satellite services" rather than strictly launch. They see the bus coming but won't be able to compete.

>> No.12144354

how many photons can you fit in starship

>> No.12144360

You don't need a rocket to put photons in space.

>> No.12144361


>> No.12144369

I wonder if the price of starship by say 2025 will be right to justify an incredibly cadence. You could also use the price to basically strong arm all allies for cheap acess to space and space infastructure.

Why not fund a large space base right now and basically dominate. Or maybe that kind of asset is too much. The size or volume of hardware cna gurantee space dominance.

>> No.12144379

if starship is up and running as advertised they'll have to cancel sls and then the funding will really open up

>> No.12144382

>"A key advantage Chinese authors see in SpaceX is the company’s capability for in-house manufacturing — unlike the traditional space industry model of outsourcing the engines, electronic components, navigation systems and ground support equipment, says the study. Chinese analysts argue that although SpaceX’s in-house approach appears to run counter to the modern trend of company specialization, it is in fact critical for keeping costs down."

>> No.12144383


>> No.12144384

They're less than 200kg each so you'd be volume limited rather than mass limited.

>> No.12144385

You could mount one or a couple in point defense mounts on Starship. Then add 32 cells of off the shelf VLS equipment and a big laser.

>> No.12144388


>> No.12144390

>We must strafe the surface of mars to prepare a landing zone.

>> No.12144392

Vertically integrated keeps costs down because you aren't paying for someone else's profits.

>> No.12144394

nah, they'll never cancel it and use the "dissimilar redundancy" argument to keep it online until ULA or BO make a super heavy lift

>> No.12144397
File: 412 KB, 794x497, EbbAWOrXkAYAdbW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the craziest part about the Starship program? The fact they're going factory first. Which means by the time they've got to the first Starship Block 1 production models, they'll be producing a Starship per month or per week. Launch capacity is going to explode.

>> No.12144398

China contracts Spacex to build a 50-man moonbase for $100 million while we're still waiting for Artemis 3 to launch

>> No.12144399

the problem is that for starship launch cadence to grow there needs to be a buyer beyond starlink

>> No.12144400


>> No.12144402

and it makes sense to go factory first, because it allows them to rapidly iterate and improve the design.

>> No.12144405


This is so funny man! Are you the one doing all the caps posting?

>> No.12144406

We've talked about the flag of Mars before but what will the national (or planetary) anthem be?

>> No.12144408

SpaceX is their own primary customer. They want to build Mars colonies.

>> No.12144410


>> No.12144411


>> No.12144412

>Jim B is going to get replaced regardless of who wins November
Hold me /sfg/

>> No.12144415

Governments will be shitting themselves to stop a private company from owning the only space colonies in existence.

>> No.12144416

Trump wouldn't replace him, don't be silly.

>> No.12144418


Elon can bank roll this in some respects assuming Tesla doesn't go belly up. But the thing is basically needs another space race to start.

Maybe that takes the chinese ambitions growing bolder? Maybe they mend ties with the russian to isolate the chinese further.

I think Elon's best bet, is some kind of ISS 3.0 a multi nation agreement for a space station to replace the aging soon to be decomissed ISS. SpaceX pockets the money and maintains it's fleet.

You guys also need to remember SpaceX can only really do launches every 2 years to mars. So there needs to be enough volume else where to absorb hardware costs

>> No.12144424

If NASA wants to waste money why don't they just smash rockets into Mars and say they're doing seismic experiments or something?

>> No.12144426

if somebody writes 'nigger' on the moon then by the end of the year nasa will have a $1 trillion budget and a mandate to go erase it

>> No.12144430

It seems like there's somebody that is now high up in the Trump team that dislikes Jim B.

>> No.12144431

How much does a RocketLab lunar mission cost?

>> No.12144436

not everyone on trump's team is of the same mind and they don't always get what they want either. you may well have better info than me but my read on the situation is that trump sees bridenstine as a guy who's getting him results without causing trouble and it's going to be very hard to persuade him otherwise at this point.

>> No.12144439

fuck off it's a serious problem, ULA projects mega constellations, but with BO, and ULA still eating contracts, SpaceX might drop dead off the back of this. I doubt they want to mass manufacture tens of starship at a series cost, and maintain all the equipment. An offshore platform, logistics are immense by themselves.

The whole Point to Point travel is literally something no one asked for. SpaceX came up with to pretend they have something for this vehicle to do

>> No.12144442


Salyut 6 was the breakthrough, and established precedents which carried through to Mir and ISS.

There have only ever been four "truly complex" spess stetions in terms of human operations, being Salyut 6, 7 and the aforementioned, everything else was just a testbed with short trips, if not a deathtrap.

>> No.12144446
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>> No.12144448

Is Mark Kelly winning the Senate race in Arizona good for spaceflight?

>> No.12144453

>The probe was slowed from its arrival speed of about 47 kilometers per second to subsonic speed in less than two minutes. The rapid flight through the atmosphere heated the heat shield to around 15,500 °C (28,000 °F).
>the probe entered at Mach 50 and had to withstand a peak deceleration of 228 g
>The probe's 152 kg heat shield, making up almost half of the probe's total mass, lost 80 kg during the entry.
holy shit, the galileo atmospheric probe was insane

>> No.12144455

>Is Mark Kelly winning the Senate race in Arizona good for spaceflight?
The track record for the quality of astronauts as senators and administrators says "hell no."

>> No.12144457
File: 58 KB, 561x465, Brilliant_Pebbles_emerging_(cropped)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole ssto/NASP craze in the 80s/90s was set off because they needed something with an insane launch cadence to put brilliant pebbles into orbit, but that got cancelled because it was too expensive and there was no perceived strategic nuclear threat after 1991.

If starship could cheaply do starlink-style pebbles launches then maybe congress would think it's time to dust off the old SDI plans.

>> No.12144459

The rumors point to ex-NASA CFO DeWitt. He didn't get along well with Bridenstine and might have been the reason he left just a couple of years into the job. He's now on the Trump re-election campaign and you might be right he might not get what he wants, but politics is never clear cut. Especially this sort of backroom happenings.

>> No.12144460

Big Jim is trying his best to keep the Artemis timeline on track even if he knows a manned landing in 2024 is unlikely. Trump knows better than to introduce a leadership shakeup now, because it could only reduce the chances of Artemis hitting a big milestone before he's out of the White House.

>> No.12144461

I would maybe vote for more money for education and the light rail but not for governor.

>> No.12144474

His name is Jeff DeWit and he WILL replace Bridenstine. I wish it weren't true

>> No.12144478

Imagine if Elon replaced him and fired everyone at NASA and replaced them with his oen people. Imagine what he could do with NASA's budget.

>> No.12144481

would nuke-pumped anti-ICBM x-ray lasers be workable now?

>> No.12144483

>not everyone on trump's team is of the same mind
lol yes they are. Trump only employs yes men.

>> No.12144487

Starlink isn't just there to provide missions for Starship, it's there to provide a cash flow of billions in profit to keep Spacex running regardless of the available launch market. With that cushion, Starship can wait until there's a market that needs it.
I could even see Elon seeding the space industry with billions in venture capital to create his own customer base, after Tesla owns transport and energy and makes him the richest human alive.

>> No.12144489

We'll take anything but McSally. Dem senators in this state are center right anyway, Mark will be good for space. Maybe not much else though

>> No.12144490

NASA doesn't really get to choose how it spends its budget

>> No.12144494

Unless Trump only pays lipservice to it and Pence is the real one running the space policy stuff (seems likely). It's very hard to pin down exactly what Pence intends for all this

>> No.12144495

He's been on record multiple times saying he brings in people he know will disagree with him, so that he has every opinion available. Why do you think there has been multiple firings at the White House?

>> No.12144496

poor hiring practices lol

>> No.12144501

Elon would turn it down, the NASA position would only handcuff him

>> No.12144502

What a poorly-informed opinion.

>> No.12144503

I wish I had the clearance to know...

>> No.12144507

Free electron lasers.

>> No.12144518

nuke pumped gamma ray lasers when?

>> No.12144530
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>> No.12144533

Can this really happen?

Will this happen???

>> No.12144534
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>> No.12144538


>> No.12144549

Boeing? More like boring

>> No.12144551

Like I'm gonna let some stupid slab boss me around.

>> No.12144556

I knew someone who worked on Europa Clipper as an intern a few years ago. I don’t have inside knowledge of other probe programs to compare it to, but I’m not optimistic about its progress. As far as I’m aware, they’re still pretty pissed about getting forced by congress to fly on the SLS, and are unofficially assuming that the launcher won’t be ready in time for the 2024 window.

>> No.12144557
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>> No.12144560
File: 1.95 MB, 1012x940, msedge_R6OZgtaVAl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ALL thought he was a scam artist, but ARCA IS REAL NOW

Aerospike first HOP BABY

Haters gonna hater

>> No.12144564

isn't this dumb shit using water?

>> No.12144569

LMFAO it's spewing water out of a tank at less than 2 bar

And he introduces all his fellow scammers and his gf, they all seem like very smart engineers

>> No.12144572

What would mankind be without visionaries like him

>> No.12144573

Had a dream about Starship's heat tiles appearing on my fridge and falling off when I closed the door.

I hope they don't get stuck on that piece of SS. I'm kind of nervous.

>> No.12144574

didn't the latest spending bill add in the qualification that SLS was only mandatory if it was available?

>> No.12144575

>less than 2 bar

sounds like it'd be fun at a water park

>> No.12144578
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It's in the works. Both NASA and the DoD are funding a bunch of different projects to help spur a Lunar economy. Projects like satellite navigation for the Moon, Lunar landers, buying Moon dust, space situational awareness for cislunar space, etc. The biggest problem is that companies don't see the Moon as being profitable right now, so it's going to be slow going for awhile.

>> No.12144581
File: 579 KB, 867x435, pic-water-splashparks[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

romanian rocket garden

>> No.12144589

pendulum rocket aerospike waterslides when?

>> No.12144590

is this why there's an EU flag? they don't have EU funding do they?

>> No.12144594

posting on 4chan from mars when bros?

>> No.12144598

Lightlag too high.
Return to email chains.

>> No.12144599

Hopefully, especially now that it’s looking like every SLS built is gonna be needed for Artemis. Back in 2017, though, there was a great deal of uncertainty about what trajectory the probe would fly (it’d take twice the time on a smaller rocket than SLS), which led to a lot of work staying in the hypothetical realm for longer than it should. Think flow charts instead of real code for certain processes while they waited for the actual mission plan to be finalized.

>> No.12144600

never because the 10 minute lag means it's impossible to click on the traffic lights fast enough

>> No.12144601

If only it was cheap enough for boatloads of literal nutcases to take a shot and risk it all. Some of them by chance would make a profit and prove business models

>> No.12144606

>download the whole 4chan
>replace posters with bots
>chat with bots

>> No.12144608

2018. What do you think Opportunity’s been doing since she stopped talking to JPL?

>> No.12144613

it's literally an electric steam kettle rocket, anon

>> No.12144615

so who's gonna make marschan?

>> No.12144619

Reminder that Biden hates spaceflight

>Biden doesn’t have a deep space record, but he was the “stimulus czar” as vice president, which directed significant funding to NASA—is that a strategy we might see again?
>One of their big proposals is for $300 billion in new R&D spending in the country, and it’s actually maybe telling that they list as recipients for that money literally every science agency except for NASA. Which I hope is an oversight, but a surprising one nonetheless.
>NASA is not just doing human spaceflight, it’s one of the biggest resources for scientists doing astronomy, planetary science, astrobiology, earth science. It was a surprising lack of mention of NASA in that context. That in itself may be telling of how the campaign sees NASA compared to the National Science Foundation, the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy and the Department of Energy.

>One of the things that the Trump administration has demonstrated has been its whole-of-government approach to space. Space Force is a really big development in this, by elevating space as a so-called warfighting domain for national defense, and creating its own branch of the armed services to focus on that.
>The National Space Council has been working with space policy, commercialization, regulatory, spectrum and bandwidth, space traffic management, and cybersecurity—major space policy directives. A good question is if you will see a similar level of priority under Biden… under Obama, they talked about establishing a space council and ultimately decided against it.

We want to get off this rock. Biden may stop us from doing so.

>> No.12144628

He3 mining.

Giant combine tractor like robots. That scrape the surface of tge first meter or two of rhegolith. Process out the helium, and then dump the dust put the back.

>> No.12144629

what is his endgame??

>> No.12144631

grifter king of the belt

>> No.12144652

Would Falcon heavy get it there?

>> No.12144656

maybe with a huge kickstage.

>> No.12144659

the speculation i've seen is that they're gonna do it with a star-48 and a couple of venus flybys

>> No.12144663
File: 31 KB, 500x400, 87e5d6810ebddb460ec53ec3b77a8a2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gerty when?

>> No.12144677

2 FHeavy launches.

1 for the probe, one extra large second stsfe with just extra propellant and a mating device.

Launch probe. Launch kick stage. Mate up in orbit. Then burn to Europa injection.

>> No.12144682

Gay. We need liquid fueled kickstages. Maybe a Vacuum Raptor?

>> No.12144683


>> No.12144686

Yeah, it’s just a 6 year trajectory instead of 3. Back then, they were waiting on a decision of launch vehicle so they could actually go and code things like communications protocols without doubling their effort. I have to assume they’ve made progress since then, despite the continued uncertainty.

>> No.12144687

ULA really shouldn't have cancelled ACES.

>> No.12144689

fucking SLS

>> No.12144701


>> No.12144708

ksp2 falling even further behind ksp1

>> No.12144713
File: 1.20 MB, 520x293, canned_lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One can only dream...

>> No.12144717

was ACES cancellation a political thing? like how shelby was telling nasa they'd lose funding if he caught a whiff of them studying propellant depots because those would have threatened the rationale for SLS?

>> No.12144723

Wow, that looks pretty impressive.

>> No.12144727
File: 170 KB, 736x1024, art deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Martian art deco trading hubs soon? This is the only design philosophy with true soul

>> No.12144743

this looks like space engine

>> No.12144749
File: 464 KB, 1920x1080, KSP_x64 2020-09-20 22-48-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you optimize an extra 2.5 tons of payload capacity into standard 10 ton lift rocket without increasing size or significant tech upgrades
v1.1 full block 5 thrust here we come bros

>> No.12144750

the most impressive thing is that this is the guy making the beyond home mod as well

>> No.12144751
File: 785 KB, 250x300, 1543375644821.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kick stage

>> No.12144754

now it just has to land

>> No.12144758

What engines let you do that?

>> No.12144759

>0.41 TWR

>> No.12144761

I suspect it was. Vulcan isn't half as useful without it.

>> No.12144768

shouldn't a proper steam rocket be using dry superheated steam at some ridiculous pressure (USS Iowa's boilers would happily output 500PSI) instead of what looks like a bunch of water vapor at low speed?

>> No.12144771

yes, that would be better
but this is lighter and also worse and basically a scam

>> No.12144775

are you trying to make sense of the gypsy griftmeister's galavanting?

>> No.12144782
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I'm using procedural engines, the booster has 4 1300kN NK-15 family engines and the upper stage uses 4 60kN RD-58 derived engines because all the other options I have unlocked don't have enough ignitions for me, with these I get 5 ignitions per engine and after orbital insertion I can ignite them in pairs for a total of up to 8 vacuum burns if I don't get any failures so that the upper stage can function as a nice orbital tug with just the addition of a docking port
I have KRX landing legs and FMRS/stagerecovery installed, but I need to get first stage engines that can do multiple ignitions first to start making it reusable

>giving your upper stages more than 0.5TWR
for what purpose....

>> No.12144785

on the topic of KSP, i have been trying to use mechjeb in my ascents, i am always reentering the atmosphere, any tips?

>> No.12144788

Well at least recovering the hardware lead to them catching the O-ring issue early...

>> No.12144797

They‘ll vertically integrate fuel production next. Although I‘m not sure they‘ll save money doing it. At least they‘ll be independent from the global oil shit show for the most part.

>> No.12144798

higher thrust upper stage or aim for a higher orbit

>> No.12144799
File: 400 KB, 1920x1080, KSP_x64 2020-09-20 23-18-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

increase booster pitch start or decrease booster pitch rate if you're using primer vector guidance
https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/TroubleshootingMechJebPVG has some guides for optimizing your ascent

>> No.12144801

Making their own methane helps prove concept for mars, and allows them to green wash launches with carbon neutral ish ness

>> No.12144804


>> No.12144809

Outdoor shower on steroids

>> No.12144818

Fracking means that was never a problem in the first place. We have SO MUCH cheap domestic LCH4 already.

>> No.12144828
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China had a launch an hour ago https://twitter.com/AJ_FI/status/1307926631755984897

payload was a remote sensing satellite

>> No.12144835

How hard is it to make hypergolic propellants without hydrofluoric acid? China is about to experience a massive shortage.

>> No.12144839
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from NSF

>> No.12144840

imagine the smell

>> No.12144842
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>> No.12144844
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>> No.12144849
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>> No.12144854
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>> No.12144855

My gods! It's 1970s NASA. Quick someone stop them before they learn big orange foam tank technology.

>> No.12144859
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>> No.12144864

They don't have the materials science for either orange tanks or methalox.

>> No.12144868

>chinks falling for the shuttle meme

>> No.12144869

I love how cruddy Mir looked
I miss it

>> No.12144870

that's an image of the National Team lander, isn't it

>> No.12144880

No, it's worse somehow.

>> No.12144883

I think this might be coincidental since they've been working on it for 4-5 years now.

>> No.12144886

>high reliability
>advanced characteristics
>on par with world's best

>based on existing engines, tanks

>> No.12144895

What does human rated mean anyway? If I jump on top a delta iv heavy and rode it to space would i die?

>> No.12144896

They managed to fall for the SLS meme without inventing an RS-25 equivalent. Impressive.

>> No.12144898

>falcon heavy copy
>dragon 2 copy
>gateway copy
>moon rover copy
at least fucking try

>> No.12144903

It means the gooberment has certified that you probably won't die on this rocket... But the Shuttle got human rated and two out of six orbiters came apart with total loss of crew so take that with a grain of salt.

>> No.12144909

yes but that's because the DoD would shoot you to death
if you had a spacesuit you'd be alright
I think you might, just barely, be able to squeeze a man, his spacesuit, and a barebones MOOSE onto a Rocket Lab Electron rocket

>> No.12144910

guys....maybe SLS functioned as accidental subterfuge for all these years, crippling the Chinese rocket development by their addiction to copying

>> No.12144913

Electron feels constipated

>> No.12144917

>I think you might, just barely, be able to squeeze a man, his spacesuit, and a barebones MOOSE onto a Rocket Lab Electron rocket
Send a midget. Orbital dwarf tossing has to be some kind of record.

>> No.12144918

>smallest manned orbital launch vehicle

>> No.12144942
File: 38 KB, 900x410, Jim-Bridenstine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of the election outcome, if Big Jim is replaced, what will his last yeet be before he has to leave? Artemis-2 astronauts announcement?

>> No.12144953


So pretty much a lunar rendez-vous like Apollo, except that CSM and LM are launched by 2 different launches

>> No.12144954

full throated endorsement of Starship and Elon's Mars program, congress be damned

>> No.12144960

Crashing the sls into the Capitol.

>> No.12144965

>barebones MOOSE
Imagine skydiving from fucking orbit...
Maybe it would be doable with minimal equipment on Titan

>> No.12144967

The Chinese have to follow this plan, we need this to wake up the US and invest more into NASA and the DOD to give us more cool shit and repeat the conditions of the cold war.

>> No.12144969
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He'd never be able to work in politics again. It would be based on a scale no one thought possible. Like, Hercules-Corona Borealis level based.

Would also be lit if Jim went to work for SpaceX after his term was up

>> No.12144973

It's possible in KSP, why not real life?

>> No.12144974
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>> No.12144976
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>> No.12144977

MOOSE was canceled because it was crazy, not because it wouldn't work.

>> No.12144978

What’ll they call their SLS? The Longer March?

>> No.12144979

Politburo Orbital Operations

>> No.12144980

"[diet mtn dew] will change your life"
-jim bridenstine, offnominal podcast 6/15/2020

>> No.12144982
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Notice the engines? It's not SLS, it's Falcon Heavy. Their version of SLS, Long March 9, was canceled.

>> No.12144985

The CIA has put you in charge of designing the worst rocket possible that still passes the sniff test for the sole purpose of putting the Chinese on the wrong course, like the Shuttle and Buran but on purpose. What do you design?

>> No.12144986

>based on existing engines and tanks
Sounds pretty SLS-y to me.

>> No.12144988

Hydrolox combined cycle SSTO spaceplane. China’s desperate attempts to replicate Skylon would waste billions.

>> No.12144989

would we even succeed in making it ourselves?

>> No.12144990


>> No.12144992

Absolutely not. The Bongs have been working on that engine design in one form or another since the 80s, and they’re just now testing the precooler system iirc.

>> No.12144993

are there two Chinese Falcon Heavy ripoffs? I saw one this week that ran on kerolox, looked almost exactly like heavy. then i saw the one in the slide which has slightly diff sideboosters. is one "private" and one national?

>> No.12144996

Isn't SLS perfect for this?

>> No.12144997

no, the SLS doesn't pass the sniff test

>> No.12144999

does "solid fuel nuclear fission torch" pass the sniff test?
>solid fuel, embedded with chunks of a fissile material
>as the exhaust passes through the nozzle it passes a neutron reflector that briefly brings the exhaust stream to criticality

>> No.12145002

imagine the smell

>> No.12145004

my first thought would be something like SLS but then id discard it for being too much, im a cia agent not a monster, i may order the torture of children but there's limits

>> No.12145006

X-30 or X-33

>> No.12145007

>The Longer March?
this expands the march

>> No.12145011

autogeniously pressurized colgate dental cream...

>> No.12145013

Ok boomers, since shelby isnt running for reelection in 2022, who take the power mantle in his stead?

>> No.12145014
File: 151 KB, 1920x1080, KSP_x64 2020-09-21 00-58-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take first stages from 1.5t launcher
>stretch them and put them on side of 12t launcher
>get a 22t launcher
bros wtf I thought things weren't this easy in rocketry?

>> No.12145015

ACES isn't cancelled, anons
it's just been rolled into baseline Centaur V

>> No.12145017

it's not, KSP cheats
also, quit blogging and fuck off

>> No.12145019


>> No.12145020

F9 with electron boosters when bros

>> No.12145023

Kelly doesn't have tenure

>> No.12145024

Destin, from Smarter Every Day. He’s the hero Huntsville needs, but not the one they deserve.

>> No.12145025

Isn't he a navy recruiting channel now?

>> No.12145026

Use two of them to replace the Shuttle boosters on the SLS for maximum meme points. Then add vacuum nozzles to the RS-25s. Direct ascent trajectory to any planet.

>> No.12145029

direct ascent trajectory to the jobs for Huntsville

>> No.12145030

He’s probably the only YouTuber with an active security clearance and the industry connections to set anything like those submarine videos up, so I don’t mind too much if he’s sucking up to the navy as a part of it.

>> No.12145032

no shit, i had to tell myself to stop my delusions of grandeur about working in a navy sub

>> No.12145033

>Use two of them to replace the Shuttle boosters on the SLS for maximum meme points. Then add vacuum nozzles to the RS-25s
Using strap on boosters as your first stage and waiting to ignite your main engines until later in the flight?
Based and Titanpilled.

>> No.12145034


>> No.12145041

putting these on SLS when bros?

>> No.12145044

keep in mind the exhaust from SRB fission torch drives is probably unpleasant

>> No.12145049

So launch from California. With the smoke they've been having, nobody will notice.

>> No.12145050

fission daughters are extremely unpleasant, yes

>> No.12145053

Sounds like some hippy bullshit to me. A couple neutrons never hurt anyone.

>> No.12145059

but not reusable. tory im very disappointed in you

>> No.12145062

That's probably the part that got Shelby'd. A reusable hydrolox tug and ice ISRU system is a money printing machine in cislunar space... so it almost had to be external pressure.

>> No.12145063


>> No.12145066

The bigger the rocket, the bigger the jobs.

>> No.12145068

an orange rocket built using parts from a 1970s deathtrap

>> No.12145069

Scientifically speaking, what is the DC-3 of space?

>> No.12145071

Soyuz and R7 derived launch vehicles

>> No.12145072

Semi reusable cheap rockets being able to do high energy/payload cislunar missions destroys the SLS's reason to exist. Shelby specifically dislikes depots and tugs because of the threat they pose to Alabama NASA jobs and Alabama SLS contractor jobs.

>> No.12145078

Spatially speaking, what is the 737 MAX of space?

>> No.12145079

Soyuz. It's old as dirt, braindead simple, can be maintained by frostbitten conscripts with hammers and mittens, and was based on a 1950s military design.

>> No.12145083

Starliner, duh.

>> No.12145085
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does nasa fly cool planes anymore or have they given up on the aeronautics part

>> No.12145087

Spiritually speaking, what is the F-104 Starfighter of space?

>> No.12145089

A couple of years ago I heard they were building new X-planes to study quieter sonic booms for use in passenger airliners.

>> No.12145091
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>> No.12145097


>> No.12145099

the other two answers were self explanatory but I don't get this one

>> No.12145101

Seductively speaking, what is the Spruce Goose of space?

>> No.12145104
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>> No.12145105

wooden starship after they realize steel won't work either

>> No.12145108

Personally speaking, who is the Howard Hughes of space?

>> No.12145109
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spaceship two

>> No.12145110


>> No.12145111
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"The Widowmaker"

>> No.12145113
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actually disregard my previous answer

THIS is the spruce goose of space

>> No.12145117
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>> No.12145119


>> No.12145122

>still hasnt been in any spaceship crashes

>> No.12145123

Why aren't we using a nuclear powered craft?

>> No.12145125
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>> No.12145126

walking away from any significant number of spaceship crashes is not a thing any human has accomplished yet except maybe Chuck Yeager if you're generous with your definition of spacecraft

>> No.12145129

>We control Mars too, jokes on you
Elon is actually Doomguy but all of the portals back to hell were shut down so he has to get there through space.

>> No.12145131

>While directing The Outlaw, Hughes became fixated on a small flaw in one of Jane Russell's blouses, claiming that the fabric bunched up along a seam and gave the appearance of two nipples on each breast. He wrote a detailed memorandum to the crew on how to fix the problem.

>> No.12145132


>> No.12145141

Congress has been actively hostile to spaceflight since Apollo 11 splashed down. The first budget since the 1970s to fund nuclear rocket research was THIS YEAR.

>> No.12145144

Communists through environmentalists prevent the development to undermine western spaceflight.

>> No.12145147


>> No.12145149

what if instead of stacking stages on top of each other
we just go WIDE and make them into rings with the final stage in the core
pancake rockets when?

>> No.12145150

Go look up Chrysler's space shuttle proposal.

>> No.12145152
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>and will instantly evaporate under a Harris administration, with funding redirected for critical race theory commissars

>> No.12145153

X-59 QueSST

>> No.12145155

Trump will win.

>> No.12145158


>> No.12145159
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>> No.12145162

Does that soyuz disaster not count?

>> No.12145179
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now that's what I call T H I C K

>> No.12145182
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>in the late apollo era Chrysler had a drug fueled space sector
>now they're a division of motherfucking fiat

>> No.12145186
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>> No.12145187

If Starship does its job well enough, how soon will we see development of the 18m variant?

>> No.12145190


>> No.12145191

When someone besides elon needs that much launch capability.

>> No.12145225

did it pop?

>> No.12145232

Wouldn't it be more voluminous than ISS? Imagine the things one could do with it.

>> No.12145239

How is Starship testing coming along? I haven't been following the news.

>> No.12145243

it's cancelled

>> No.12145250

18m startship would be like launching a sports arena.

>> No.12145256

0g sports WHEN

>> No.12145285

This is China, not India

>> No.12145287

This is factually incorrect. Buyers are already lining up, Aurora space hotel, Queen Bee asteroid miner etc. Starlink fills the role of an "anchor tenants" which can fill demand gaps and be used for more experimental launch profiles.
He3 is in no way economical, mainly because the commonly imagined use-case for it does NOT exist. We do not have a thriving fusion energy market in demand for exotic fusile gases. The moon has much else to offer besides this red herring.
Correct answer. They need the ISRU tech for Mars, might as well make your rocket look better with it.
It will be amusing all the leftist democrat voting "space geeks" trying to rationalize why president Harris canceling Nasa is a good thing.

>> No.12145291

It doesn't exist yet

>> No.12145334

>It will be amusing all the leftist democrat voting "space geeks" trying to rationalize why president Harris canceling Nasa is a good thing.
Wouldn't be too hard of a thing to spin. Just say some bollocks about how space exploration is just a modern manifestation of white colonial attitudes and that we should only start re-funding space once society has reached true equality

>> No.12145338

27m Starship orbital construction yards when?

>> No.12145385

Both America and Russia are pursing it right now. Russia posted the hardware under development the other day and America is letting companies bid on the project.

>> No.12145387

Exactly my thoughts. Although Salyut-3 and 5 do have a little bit of a cool factor with them.

>> No.12145389

Have they signed contracts yet?

>> No.12145397

Australia is kicking the Chinese space tracking facility out of their cunt

The next OneWeb is scheduled for December

>> No.12145410

>Australia is kicking the Chinese space tracking facility out of their cunt
fuck chyna
>The next OneWeb is scheduled for December
i thought they were bankrupt? or is our government still pretending it's a gps constellation and throwing money at it?

>> No.12145414

Three prototypes hopped 150 meters on one engine so far. First one last year was really scrappy. Then they blew up a bunch of prototypes intentionally and unintentionally and made their prototypes less and less scrappy over time. All while establishing a sort-of production line for these prototypes where one can be built to a testable state in about a month.
After the last two prototypes successfully hopped 150 metres we are currently waiting for them to blow up a smaller test tank to get experience with a new steel alloy they want to switch to.
Simultaneously they are currently gearing up a new prototype with the full equipment of 3 Raptor engines, the flaps and a nose. Once the earlier mentioned test tank is through testing, the idea is to do two static fires with this new prototype and then attempt a hop to 20km and a skydive and propulsive landing back to earth. This should happen within a month or so.
Meanwhile the shed-tent for super heavy construction is almost done so they‘re probably pretty close to starting the first prototype of that one as well.

>> No.12145419

Contracts do not matter if Nasa doesn't get its funding. Look at commercial crew for an example.

>> No.12145421
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>within a year you will see janky prototype suborb starship+superheavy test flights

>> No.12145424
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they actually fell for the sänger meme, and they were too lazy to even change the color from the wikipedia article

>> No.12145430

I'm talking about the space hotel and asteroid mining people. Have they signed launch contracts with spaceX.

>> No.12145431

>lauch 30ft from an airport terminal
first the villagers, next duty free

>> No.12145439


>> No.12145440

1. don't want to waste delta v on steering losses
2. don't want to wait 11 minutes to reach orbit
3. don't want to be stuck with LESS than a .41 TWR and exceed rated burn times if an engine goes out

>> No.12145445

hypergolic discount perfumes and giant toblarone powered srbs

>> No.12145452
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Imagine if China decided to copy the DC-X or the X-33.

>> No.12145457

i hope they do. might wake western governments up a bit. it's amazing, even after this pandemic, that china isn't under greater scrutiny and pressure from nato countries.

>> No.12145467
File: 571 KB, 582x387, LxS6ghiURD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working for china's future project office has to be the greatest job ever. you just make a few renders of whatever looks cool on astronautix for your slide show and then tell party leadership that it'll be flying in 15 years. hypergolic nexus boosting hypergolic orion.

>> No.12145496
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Then it needs more brass and gears on it.
>THIS is the spruce goose of space
Yep, it checks all the boxes, including being finished but having nothing to fly.
StarShipTwo is probably in second place right now.
Pre-hermitage, Musk. Post-hermitage, maybe Bezos?
We can't have Whitey on the Moon. Get back in that crab bucket!
>He3 is in no way economical
3He has one useful purpose, and that is quickly identifying space nutters who fucking love science.
>Then they blew up a bunch of prototypes
and some ground support equipment too

>> No.12145500
File: 131 KB, 1300x572, steampunk-concept-illustration-of-a-gigantic-amphibious-steam-driven-B1XWWA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more brass and gears
can't post 2 pics in one post, this was my original pick

>> No.12145510

They're copying SpaceX with Falcon 9, Heavy, and Starship

>> No.12145518

Well, at least they are copying what works rather than the SLS.

>> No.12145522


Is sticking the landing maneuver from 20 km the hardest step they have left?

>> No.12145524

Seems that way, I fully expect the first bellyflop to be a high-speed impact. If it sticks the landing the first time I'd be highly impressed.

>> No.12145533

imho landing is just a bonus, as long as it reaches the altitude we're good. Even on the real orbital test, a fully expendable SS is still an absolute gamechanger in terms of cost/kg. Consider that Falcon 9 wasn't self-landing at first either

>> No.12145536

The Long March 5 rocket that will launch China's Lunar sample return mission has arrived on Hainan https://twitter.com/Cosmic_Penguin/status/1308035326384898051
Launch is expected NET Nov 24

>> No.12145541
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Who told them they were allowed on our moon?

>> No.12145543
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>The complexity of the mission profile is considered by observers to be related to future crewed lunar landing ambitions.

>As with earlier phases the mission also has a backup, Chang’e-6. That mission will be repurposed for a sample return near the lunar south pole if Chang’e-5 proceeds according to plan.
>China has stated it will then proceed into an extended phase of lunar exploration involving Chang’e-7 and further lunar landing missions. The aim will be to establish an ‘international lunar research station’ in the mid-to-late 2020s as a precursor to crewed landings.

>> No.12145550

>‘international lunar research station’
Every country has at one point mentioned doing something like this for the past 20 years and for the life of me I still have no idea what it means. Is it a bunch of unmanned landers landing close together or something?

>> No.12145552

>not parking both your MOLABs under the carport for when it rains

>> No.12145554

>tfw was really exitced for the chinese lunar landers because we'd finally get some new hd pictures of the lunar surface
>all the surface pictures are all in potato quality
should have known better honestly

>> No.12145562

>be taikonaut
>be excited about getting to do useful research on the international lunar research station
>it's filled with pakistanis
>your research job is taking urine and fecal samples from the pakistanis
>wish you could run the ant farm instead
>you can't

>> No.12145563
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some aren't great, aren't terrible, i'd just like to see Opportunity-quality landscape

>> No.12145570

This is cool. How are they going to do the sample return, a mini rocket on the lander? Or is the entire lander the return vehicle

>> No.12145574
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Rocket that rendezvous with the orbiter then the orbiter returns to Earth.

>> No.12145588

It starts out as a series of robotic missions by China in the 2020s.
>The ILRS envisions the Chang’e-,6, -7 and -8 missions and potential international missions as forming the basic setup. In the early 2030s an expanded ILRS will involve long-term robotic and potentially short-term crewed missions. A long-term human presence at the lunar south pole is the goal for 2036-2045.

They are hoping or expecting Russia to tag along with their robotic Lunar missions.
>Both Roscosmos and the European Space Agency have had discussions with China with regards contributing to the project.
>Roscosmos chief Dmitry Rogozin last month told Russian media China and Russia had agreed they will “probably” build a moon research base together, following talks with Director of the China National Space Administration Zhang Kejian.
>The two sides have earlier agreed to open the Chinese Chang’e-7 and Russian Luna 26 missions to science payload contributions from the other party.


>> No.12145593

Why do the lander and orbiter keep changing?

>> No.12145595

next would be 36m silly

>> No.12145596

It depends on what their spy network has dug up in the previous month.

>> No.12145610

Reminder it's Monday and SN8 is nowhere near close to completion.

>> No.12145612

SN 7.1 adamantly refuses to pop

>> No.12145619

>It's my test stand,
>And I'll pop when I wanna...

>> No.12145622

Now that Trevor Milton is out at Nikola who's ready to be a seed investor in SpaceY?

>Prototype showcased at launch event is a propane tank that somebody's scrawled FUNCTIONING ROCKET on

>> No.12145628
File: 2.11 MB, 5746x4597, 1582003279839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astronaut Michael S. Hopkins, pic related - the white guy, was transferred from the Air Force to the Space Force. His ride to the ISS on the upcoming SpaceX Crew-1 will make him the first person from the Space Force to go into space, though technically he has already been to space...

>> No.12145633

Yup, just found the same image. Cool shit.

>> No.12145635


>> No.12145637
File: 29 KB, 570x477, jim-bridenstine.570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your precious climate denier, /sfg/

>> No.12145641

He actually stopped denying climate when he stopped being a senator for oil city USA.

>> No.12145649

We love him dearly

>> No.12145659

Yet he is far superior than his predecessor.

>> No.12145661

Reminder that SLS will save the day when you least expect it.

>> No.12145671

But I least expect it happening before it's even been stacked in the VAB

>> No.12145680

By exploding and killing several senators on-site to watch a launch/test?

>> No.12145690
File: 1 KB, 36x36, 8F4F57AB-81DA-4097-8AB9-321A7A251FC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will be able to plop a few of these on Mars to terraform it?

>> No.12145696

We all know about the coming space drive powered by the anger of space nerds.

>> No.12145709
File: 227 KB, 708x472, 840472p7mrs3_Jim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep Big Jim, if they remove him we remove congress

>> No.12145716

When does SN8 launch

>> No.12145721

next week at the earliest but probably the week after that, they're still not done assembling it and it's gonna need at least two static fires with the three-engine raptor cluster

>> No.12145731

>i thought they were bankrupt? or is our government still pretending it's a gps constellation and throwing money at it?
last I heard, the UK government and an Indian telecom company agreed to operate it

>> No.12145748

you /pol/yps are insufferable faggots, why bring politics to space?

>> No.12145752

It's all they really have to their personality. It's why people get so wrapped up in politics

>> No.12145754


>> No.12145761

The expanse in general has a very neat depiction of spacecrafts

>> No.12145768

it's been in space since 1957

>> No.12145770

just shine a torch, faggot

>> No.12145773
File: 26 KB, 688x446, AF8E657B-7C5E-4D6B-81DE-9E1F2EE72946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Aerospikes suddenly became viable and desirable for whatever reason, would the rockets that use them look like the Venturestar spaceplane looking design or something more like the Saturn V/Starship?

>> No.12145774

>RUSH V(enus)

>> No.12145776
File: 33 KB, 575x415, rombus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They would look more like

>> No.12145777

linear aerospikes are easier to do

>> No.12145781

Aerospikes are only useful on SSTOs because they're not as good as dedicated vacuum or sea level nozzles.

>> No.12145784

>The galaxy gets conquered by the /sfg/ Infinite Empire

>> No.12145789

Weebs and degenerates are prohibited in the MCRN fleet service

>> No.12145795

but really, how much energy will that take?

>> No.12145797

Elon himself is a weeb.

>> No.12145801

TFW no galileo probe waifu

>> No.12145803

furry too

>> No.12145806
File: 83 KB, 914x456, Yl74rFm[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that elon forces his mars empress gf to watch eva and listen to the hardcore history wrath of the khans episodes while you whine about the space shuttle for the 500th time on /sci/

>> No.12145824
File: 1.27 MB, 1221x684, ABe_kino_quartet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Death note
Why do all celebs watch the most entry level anime?

>> No.12145831

>why bring politics to space?
If politics weren't an important factor to space exploration then we'd be on Mars by now

>> No.12145842

What's a good name for a space youtube channel?

>> No.12145849

The Everyday Estronaut

>> No.12145850

I'd say entry level is whatever shonen trash is currently airing on crunchyroll.

>> No.12145853

Cost-plus content

>> No.12145856

Will starship's crew module have a bridge with a giant viewscreen for Elon to hail people on Zoom?

>> No.12145857

Makes more sense than a giant window at the front.

>> No.12145860

i thought that was for ten-forward

>> No.12145862
File: 197 KB, 850x790, __hayabusa_original_drawn_by_makohan__sample-d6f6af2e722c41a26e1d4507baf3397a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elon forces his mars empress gf to watch eva and listen to the hardcore history wrath of the khans episodes
As if I couldn't love the man any more.

>> No.12145868
File: 66 KB, 1200x744, aoi6ljyufkv11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking god Elon is Gendo


>> No.12145877
File: 128 KB, 1000x630, 1598265815997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teslas on mars
>comfy cubicles as your work environment
Someone spent hours / days making this and didn't spend five minutes to do some basic research. Pop sci fucks are bringing us down.

>> No.12145880

at least they're building underground tunnels to alleviate the congestion problems caused by martian urbanization

>> No.12145883

Well Elon did say Cybertrucks would work fine on Mars.

>> No.12145888

>no 3D printed structures

>> No.12145894

>stainless steel welded habitats

>> No.12145900
File: 282 KB, 2152x1043, 1591694160020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see the problem desu

>> No.12145903

Would you need a nuclear reactor to electrolyze enough water on mars to fill starship's lox tank or could it be done with solar panels?

>> No.12145913

Elon said solar power is enough. But it would be like a football field.

>> No.12145916

A football field of solar panels really isn't a lot...

>> No.12145917

starship didn't skip leg day

>> No.12145927

True, just heard someone say that.

>> No.12145928

Anyone got a link to the talk between Zubrin and Elon where Zubrin argued that nuclear reactors would be needed on Mars because going solar would require an absurd number of panels, and Elon just replied with something like "okay, then we'll bring that many solar panels"?

>> No.12145931
File: 352 KB, 1080x722, snowcaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason why these wheels were deemed to be a dumb idea outside nieche indoor forklifts. You can build your own argumentation out of these few keywords, anon!
Dust, moving parts, dust, giant empty moonscape, upkeep, damage resistance, the moon not being a tiny nestled warehouse, relative weight, dust and looking dumb.

I'd rather bring a spot robot than this overengineered rover tbqh. Because overengineering is a sin and spot would look cute af bouncing around there in 0.2g

>> No.12145933
File: 77 KB, 208x165, mrw_snow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12145934
File: 1.61 MB, 2151x2160, Edgar_Mitchell_studies_map,_Apollo_14,_Feb_1971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today in history: (2/2)
>1942 – The Boeing B-29 Superfortress makes its maiden flight.
>2003 – The Galileo spacecraft is terminated by sending it into Jupiter's atmosphere.

>> No.12145944
File: 50 KB, 502x700, Envisat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have the inflable bent SLS photo?

>> No.12145948
File: 320 KB, 1536x2048, MATING_PRESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12145952
File: 221 KB, 900x1200, SLS-IS-real!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's also this one

>> No.12145966

idk turning Starships into wet habs on Mars seems pretty sensible

>> No.12145972

>The Bongs have been working on that engine design in one form or another since the 80s
Oh come on, it's been pretty much dormant for most of that time

>> No.12145979

>inb4 the spaceishard fags deride wet workshops for being "too risky"

>> No.12145982
File: 314 KB, 500x347, 82757.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignored and neglected for decades
just like the rest of our industries

>> No.12145983

is nasa trying to sell SLS flights at local trade shows?

>> No.12145991
File: 53 KB, 363x400, 235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"This can be yours, for the low, low price of 1 cost-plus"

>> No.12145993

The whole reentry is the key to this thing. This is only testing the second half of it.

>> No.12145994

you deserve everything you get for scrapping HMS Warspite

>> No.12145999

They're raising Public Awareness™

>> No.12146003

come for the cost
stay for the plus

>> No.12146004
File: 97 KB, 657x800, 1499632461727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no bully

>> No.12146005
File: 104 KB, 628x837, mcdonalds shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh youth outreach

>> No.12146006

It's kinda tragically funny that they're using inflatables instead of the actual hardware, because said hardware are either incomplete or sitting in a warehouse waiting to be destroyed.

>> No.12146007
File: 1.73 MB, 366x281, broadside.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HMS Warspite
That's a badass name ngl.

>> No.12146011

Warspite had a glorious career in both world wars, fought at Jutland, fought Italy, fought the Japs, and they just fucking scrapped it.

>> No.12146012

it's a tragedy how no kids gave a shit about apollo because the happy meal hadn't been invented yet

>> No.12146037
File: 126 KB, 760x941, hms-acasta-35-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HMS Panys almost caused a mutiny.
As for me I think HMS Acasta was peak simultaneously sounding mysterious and hardcore and simultaneously catering to my inner hipster by being just obscure enough, not being a capital ship.

>> No.12146041

Flower class

>> No.12146042

Tier 5 piece of shit. Fuck the Acasta desu.

>> No.12146084
File: 47 KB, 500x341, HMS_ACASTA_(H09).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your gay ass moba.
British interwar DD's were peak naval ship building of their time and the A class was dully well put together.
Acasta (and Ardent) in particular were skillfully handled and dished out far more damage to Scharnhorst and Gneisenau than they should have had on paper and on a flat ocean.

>> No.12146095
File: 1.05 MB, 3780x2160, 20200913234641_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weren't like half of the ships in there fantasy builds?

>> No.12146096

British Interwar vessels were all silly and were competing with other interwar vessels, and you'll be hard pressed to convince me otherwise.

>> No.12146105

It depends on which vessel's tech three you look down. The paper ships count starts rising considerably in the higher tiers. Only the Russian line is terribly guilty of using the power of imagination, and of course, the devs are Russian, so they're way better than they have any right to be compared to the genuine pieces of shit they were.

>> No.12146115

>the devs are Russian, so they're way better
>Tier 5 piece of shit
So then your point is completely moot?

>> No.12146134

Of course its moot, its a video game. The opinion on British naval ship building remains governed by the dumpsterfire that is the Hood and the absolute silliness that is the Rodney and Nelson.

>> No.12146141

Shigure, just because it's captain was a fucking beast. Read destroyer captain.

>> No.12146147

>dumpster fire that is Hood
That's rude and unfair. Hood was kept in front line service way too long without a major refit. If Hood had been given the same style of refit as the Queen Lizzies it would have killed Bismark. By the time of Denmark Strait her engines were shot and rangefinder outdated. Remember, Hood was already being built when the Battle of Jutland was fought. It's a WW1 ship that was considered front line into WW2, but because of that never got the refit she deserved.

>> No.12146173

The mecanum wheels in that render are not oriented correctly and I hate it every time I see it. Artists should be forced to take engineering classes.

>> No.12146178


>> No.12146187


>> No.12146198

This for RSS when

>> No.12146201

There would be sound within the cloud of the explosion, but not outside of it.

>> No.12146210
File: 1.16 MB, 1344x700, uss samuel b roberts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hood was run down and way overdue for a major overhaul and that turret/ magazine penetration was a freak occurrence according to historians all over the world. Nelson and Rodney were some of the most active Battleships ever (I'm sure you're just another Yamato/Bismarck weeb, in fact Bismarck was a pretty bad design for it's tonnage, specially compared to the treaty ships mentioned above). You shouldn't base your worldview on a videogame that you just admitted to be a warped reflection of well known history.

>> No.12146223

>in fact Bismarck was a pretty bad design for it's tonnage
Not him but what was wrong with the Bismarck?

>> No.12146224

not quite page 10, but 476 replies is a good enough reason:

>> No.12146227

It was a big fat and slow ship because it had to exist in shallow harbors forcing it to have a low draft for its armor and armament.

Now that is rude and uncalled for.

>> No.12146231

no it isn't we got to like 700 on the last thread

>> No.12146240

Separate AA and surface secondary batteries in an era where everyone else was using dual purpose guns. Germany didn't have an equivalent to the 5"/38, so it used 88mm AA and 6" surface secondaries. A unified secondary battery can put out more firepower in both roles, because you just have moar gun. Also Germany wasn't really up to speed on modern battleship construction so they used what was basically a warmed over WW1 era armor scheme, rather than a modern all or nothing system.

>> No.12146246
File: 38 KB, 680x248, image175-11-e1518861596458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go away we're discussing ships here!
to make it short, Bismarck was pretty fat for what she was packing, the thickness of her hide, speed, range, bulkhead density and so on, compared to similar and obviously older designs. I'm not an expert on BB's but it was somewhere in the range of 5-8000brt compared to ships with more armour all around the citadel. It was a fairly inefficient design by a noticeable margin. If you're interested, I'd suggest looking it up because I can't point on it because I'm a destroyer shithead.
That and the idea to put something that could have been like 50-ish outfitted and manned subs on the Atlantic for everybody and their mom to hunt down. But that's more of a strategic angle.

>> No.12146275
File: 518 KB, 1217x829, Blyskawica_w_nowym_kamuflazu_-_02-01-2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edit on the end, that's not even entirely Bismarck's fault to be fair. With the majority of Plan-Z patrolling nothing but the depths of some file cabinets, she was merely a slightly hamfaced Queen of chess in a Backgammon game.

>> No.12146323

>84 meters tall
>made of steel
>boeing shills still call it a tent

>> No.12146394

It is the sound of one hand clapping.
No amount of replies is "good enough", faggot.

>> No.12146467
File: 2.96 MB, 5555x2134, USS_Montana_bb67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate carriers, bros.
Imagine all of the awesome super battleships we could've had without them.

>> No.12146558

And we hate Battleships, useless wastes of resources. Imagine how many Light Cruisers, Destroyers and Escorts they could have spammed by cancelling all the Iowas and South Dakotas which all were so useless that they had to be pressed into service as glorified costal artillery platforms.

>> No.12146603

>Bezos actin sus

>> No.12146615

Why waste materials building ships as big as cruisers or destroyers? Just pump all of your resources into zerg-ing out a fuckton of coastal defense boats.

>> No.12146666

>Just pump all of your resources into zerg-ing out a fuckton of coastal defense boats
I think that is basically what China is doing, plus shitloads of anti-capital ship missiles.