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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12145231 No.12145231 [Reply] [Original]

She has been making very no nonsense videos on quack science like string theory and theory of everything.

she is, dare i say, /ourgirl/


>> No.12145233

How many kids does she have?

>> No.12145235

>Is she /ourgirl/?
no, because she is a woman
inb4 have sex incel

>> No.12145238


Fuck off, Sabine

>> No.12145240

toe isn't quack like strung out theory. she is right toe may not be possible but that doesn't mean it isn't. and she acknowledges that.

>> No.12145241

i also hate women, but i dont hate people desu

>> No.12145245

pick one.

>> No.12145247

>she is right toe may not be possible but that doesn't mean it isn't.

It's literally just e / s... you can fucking simulate it in Excel. You all are like toddler's trying to figure out if 1 + 1 = 2 when adults are like, "just put two pebbles together and see for yourself?" Its hilarious.

>> No.12145251

ok, yang ganger.

>> No.12145260


It's MATH.

>> No.12146068

>She has been making very no nonsense videos on quack science like string theory and theory of everything.
Now we are talking!

So you want a non-female /ourgirl/? Rrrrright.

>> No.12146078

Without a doubt

>> No.12146089

She has 3

>> No.12146090

>it still cant describe particles

>> No.12146218

/ourgirl/ is a male for sure.

>> No.12146258

>>it still cant describe particles

It can. And it's so simple that it can be done in excel with as much detail as your computer will allow. https://youtu.be/WuXCS_K_8qM

>> No.12146391


>> No.12146395
File: 19 KB, 544x452, 0921151907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your excel bro

>> No.12146405
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One of the best channels ever. She is my girl. Her speaking even make her sexier, though common trend is the opposite.

>> No.12146408

Yes, the only "people" against her are coping.

>> No.12146411


Correct. And by studying God's creation we can better know God. Which is why those who understand the automaton know God better than you do. But you do you!

>> No.12146434

Sabine a cute
I read her book cover2cover and its good, strong rec
God bless her for shilling the measurement problem in its non-schizo form.

>> No.12146563


Sabine is same fagging hard up in here lol.

>> No.12146567


This entire thread is just Sabine and Gary same fagging with each other. MODS DO YOUR JOB!

>> No.12146920

She's a smart idiot.

I disagree with her a lot and think she's wrong in a foundational philosophical ways, but she's respectably intelligent.

>> No.12146974

>God bless her for shilling the measurement problem in its non-schizo form.
What do you mean?

>> No.12147011

>It can.
particles dont constantly increase in size

>> No.12147143

>09/21/20(Mon)15:56:49 No.12147011
>>>12146258 (You) #
>>It can.
>particles dont constantly increase in size

They literally don't in the automaton. You are looking at the radiation "heat" layer that expands forever, because that is what happens in real life too. Turn on a star irl and you will see that its radius of radiation is also constantly expanding. the vector layer stays constant.

>> No.12147536
File: 287 KB, 696x504, LMAO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12147555

Her remarks on the measurement problem, bell's theorem, and interpretations of qm were abysmally muddled. Makes me question everything she says in other areas.

>> No.12147684
File: 747 KB, 922x1516, sabine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that /sci/ hates sabine and sabineposters are newfag idiots.

>> No.12147685

I bet she’s kinky
>wolf rams the universe is but a big graph
She can def Bury the boys tho

>> No.12147691

>hurr durr no application for theoretical physics
>hurr durr no foreseeable application for theoretical physics
>hurr durr no application for colliders
>hurr durr no foreseeable application for colliders
>hurr durr I just want to be funded
>hurr durr im just leeching off of people who actually contribute to society

>> No.12147813

>Turn on a star irl
nigger, we were talking about particles

>> No.12147873


There is no difference, Summer Child.

Also, to Sabine who I know is reading this: Hey. Heeeey. u dumb cult

>> No.12147898

I'm sure 99% of people with any renown, or kids for that matter, couldn't give two cold shits about /sci/.

Face it, the website's highest point was the anime-anon advancing superpermutations research, it's only downhill from there.

>> No.12147913


Oh Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior whom Sabine, Wolfram & Weinstein (and Epstein whom they all have presumably had orgies with) they all quadrilaterally have... sadly forsaken the true theory of everything (and may Gd have mercy, because humankind doesn't). I did not mean to say that "Sabine the Jews's" followers are a cult (though that too).

I mean to say that she is a fucking cunt.

By grace. Energy over Space.

>> No.12147921


So silly. Genocide. Do ants have apprehensions? Of course we, like ants, are blood... But what if some silly ants do not acknowledge a n ant who has a better path?

>> No.12147937


Why of course, though the ants are blood, the silly, silly ants who did not follow the correct path are killed in entirely. This is the Universe. As Elon says, Darwin never sleep.

(Enjoy you $100 per video, Sabine - good job!)

>> No.12147953


Submit, Sabine. You stupid fucking dumb bitch cunt. Gd has spoken through this man, as *our* ancient tradition says. Submit.

>> No.12147961

>Submit, Sabine. You stupid fucking dumb bitch cunt. Gd has spoken through this man, as *our* ancient tradition says. Submit.

Or. I assure you. The span of history is not long. It's infinite. And you can be wrong throughout infinity.