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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12141536 No.12141536 [Reply] [Original]

>Mathematics is a game and I didn't feel like playing a game for the rest of my life.

>> No.12141632

Absolutely based.

It's fun to challenge your IQ by studying math, but in the end it's as useless as writing essays about philosophy. Maybe a nice hobby but you don't make money with it, so it doesn't count in the eyes of society and doesn't help you survive.

>> No.12141642

Actually math is less useful in your everyday life than philosophy.
People actually like to talk about that in general

>> No.12141792

Literally blue pilled by the CIA. He has nothing to do but sit in prison all day and think. What a waste of life.

>> No.12141796

Reminder that he was a tranny

>> No.12141966

The guy that faggot OP's fellating did not care for money or society either.

>> No.12141968

>it's useless because it doesn't make money
are you seventeen?

>> No.12141983

What is the sauce of this quote? I'm redarted and couldn't find it

>> No.12142480

Ted was a smart mathematician but was a retarded political theorist, so why do people like his political thought? I feel like people only like it because he blew people up.

>> No.12142490

Wrong. Being good at math makes you good at everything else because everything else, including politics, is just a special case of general mathematics. You are fake news and the enemy of the people.

>> No.12142526

his manifest is airtight logic wise, please read it and see for yourself

>> No.12142554

>retarded political theorist
are you joking? he predicted today's political climate with over 100% accuracy

>> No.12142555

Terrorism requires competence, that's why it is so easily thwarted.

>> No.12142567

Don't STEM degrees usually pay the highest though?

>> No.12142576

the political climate hasnt changed significantly since the end of ww2 you mong

>> No.12142603
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holy shit, someone on the phone wants to talk

>> No.12142661

He cared so much about society that he wanted to save it from the evils that are about to happen if we don't prevent them now

>> No.12142668

Slave work in a research department doesn't pay well. If you want to get rich you better be attractive and start a career as an actor or musician.

>> No.12142671

Useless math has often found use later on as sci and tech advance.
But yeah, I respect and like people who do math for the sake of math, but myself, I like to apply it.

>> No.12142677

The greatest false prophets are close to the truth. Another man will come who holds the answers in his hands and spreads them like seeds in the wind, and he bear a similar face behind similar words, and they will be called madness and they will be Truth.

>> No.12142686

>don't make money with it
>Muh money mone moneh, beeg number gotta wathc it grow yaaas.
You're no different. You're just replacing one game with another.

>> No.12142691

not sure it needed predicting as such, since it follows from the (((axioms)))

>> No.12142729

>actor or musician
Actors and musicians are small potatoes. They are just the tools the real powerful use to spread their message, and once they have served their usefulness they mysteriously "overdose" or commit "suicide". Celebrities are slaves. Literally.

If you want true success and true power you should follow the Bezos model:

>In 1986, he graduated summa cum laude from Princeton University with a 4.2 GPA and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE) in electrical engineering and computer science... After Bezos graduated from Princeton University in 1986, he was offered jobs at Intel, Bell Labs, and Andersen Consulting, among others.[30] He first worked at Fitel, a fintech telecommunications start-up, where he was tasked with building a network for international trade.[31] Bezos was promoted to head of development and director of customer service thereafter.[32] He transitioned into the banking industry when he became a product manager at Bankers Trust. He worked there from 1988 to 1990.[32] He then joined D. E. Shaw & Co, a newly-founded hedge fund with a strong emphasis on mathematical modelling in 1990 and worked there until 1994. Bezos became D. E. Shaw's fourth senior vice-president at the age of 30.[32][30]

And then he founded Amazon. In short:
>Get a STEM degree
>Work in fintech/consulting/banking
>Work in a hedge fund and get filthy fucking rich
>Use your massive brain to start a business empire that grants you a % of control over the world economy

Jeff Bezos has enough money to hire the U.S. military to blow up a country for him if he so desired. That is true power.

>> No.12142752

based, how are your path correlates to the Bezoed dude?

>> No.12142786

Ok, you picked one guy and his path. What's with all the other people who went on this path but didn't succeed? And what's with all the people that had Bezos like success but didn't go the same path? Are you seriously so retarded that you don't see the holes in the argument?

>> No.12142850

Why does everyone just surf right over the fact that this dude was having his shit pushed in by psy-op god in the faculty office three times a week after receiving humiliating crucifixion in classes filled with much older big jealous normalfags?

>> No.12142859

You could sincerely be correct in your assertions and objections at any university but if your ideas even remotely challenge the current paradigm the master cuck known as the professor will just say you're wrong and encourage the 9/1 ratio of normalfags to activate tribe mode and shun the non believer.

>> No.12142880

>based, how are your path correlates to the Bezoed dude?

I got my degree in mathematics a couple of years ago. I then worked at a fintech start-up for about a year and then I moved into banking and I've been here for a little over a year now. Right now I don't think I have what it takes to be a top performer at a hedge fund. That next step is scary because funds collapse every day and your performance is measured in real dollars every day. Trying to move in without first being a god could kill your career as you'll get used to earn over 300k/year and then suddenly have that collapse with no hope of ever achieving that level of income again. But even if I'm not trading, I'm still having fun dealing with the coronavirus economic collapse in my own station.

>What's with all the other people who went on this path but didn't succeed?
First, define by didn't succeed. If you define "didn't succeed" by "they didn't end up founding amazon" then no shit. The entrepreneurial step takes a lot of luck too but even without it, you can easily become a millionaire by your 40's and live a very comfortable lifestyle with substantial power in your community. That said, Bezos was truly a giant brain individual because early amazon was essentially a dormant business that could remain above water eternally until that bit of luck came that allowed it to explode. Many businesses fail because the timing wasn't right, but the true model is to find a business that can pay for itself in its micro-form (or produce enough investment in lieu of cash-flow) and then just wait for the black swan you can ride all the way to the top of the world.

>And what's with all the people that had Bezos like success but didn't go the same path?
Success can come from many paths but if you look at the top 10 richest men (and due to the fractal nature of wealth, even if you look for the top 10 richest men in your neighborhood), 8/10 studied STEM and followed a similar path to Bezos.

>> No.12142891

you need a fuckton of connections to get int banking

>> No.12142920

Not gonna lie, when I got here immediately I started noticing plenty of people with the "right" last names. But I got in with no insider help and through the process of applying online so it is possible to get in with no leg up.

Also, you won't get anywhere with that defeatist attitude. If anything, being inside has allowed me to understand the logical motive of all of those connections. There have been many cases of inside fraud (here and in every other bank, but I've gotten to know all of the dirty details about our cases) that were perpetrated by relative outsiders who were given power due to being really smart and then used that power and that intelligence to trick the bank and enrich themselves. Now those same positions once used to scam the bank are now broken into many different positions and the ones most closely related to moving the money around now filled with noticeably less smart people but who can be relied upon by top management to be loyal above all else. That's all fine by me because if we stop being profitable due to cash leaks then eventually we'll all lose our jobs.

>> No.12142984

I don't want to study math anymore, it's so autastically hyper focused. I'd rather study CS and get a job, and then contemplate and study philosophy (which is actually useful, skepticism saved me from materialism!) in my time

>> No.12142989

Math is a special case of philosophy.

>> No.12142990

Not really, you can still have money without being consumed by it. Math on the other hand takes up all your time and doesn't pay well

>> No.12142991

Does Based Ted really live in Colorado?

>> No.12142995

What do you think is the best major for such a path?

>> No.12143000

"Unabomber in His Own Words"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCBFzbOn9No at 28:19

>> No.12143029

The end goal should always be to work moving money around instead of doing any actual labor. That said, these positions are competitive and most people will not get there as their first job. Your core skill has to be moving money around, something which you seem to either be born with or without, so your degree has to be your contingency plan: something to allow you to be close to the money if all else fails. And Bezos surprisingly got it exactly right. In the age of tech, you should absolutely do EE or CS. Many of these tech jobs, especially in start-ups, have direct exits into venture capital funds because of right now almost all VC investment in tech investment. You need people who know exactly how the decisions and money coming in will affect the long term prospects for a company.

Of course, this is the most direct path, and not the one Bezos followed but still, the quantitative skills you learn in STEM are applied everywhere. All I learned about probability theory in undergrad I don't use to study math now, I use it to build models that predict how money is going to flow. That is all that matters.

>> No.12143142
File: 659 KB, 1170x1274, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically Teddy boy rn

Actually the man was spittin hard on his Industrial Society piece and got it published yesterday in the 80s like a mastermind

>> No.12143155
File: 75 KB, 690x395, SystemsNeatestTrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah he seemed pretty on point

>> No.12143162

Okay, El Acorn.

>> No.12143169

literally anyone above room temperature iq could have written that if they cared to

>> No.12143172

>if they cared to

>> No.12143180

There are 3 ways to get rich in today's society. 1. Work in oil, 2. Be a high level stock trader, 3. Sell your own technology

STEM is key to all 3 of these

>> No.12143357

What else did he do? Predict that the sun would rise the next day? Ted cultists are actual fucking retards.

>> No.12143412
File: 84 KB, 640x960, 00 Mercenary Garage Custom Motorcycle Workshop Cormac Kehoe Grumblebunny- Wasteland Weekend 2019 Chrome Mirror Visor Warrior Helmet Sci Fi Cosplay Apocalypse via Post Fall Inspiration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has changed drastically in the us since 9/11 and these changed have rippled throughout most of the world.

>> No.12143425
File: 133 KB, 850x682, 1600043229734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proceeds to play game of cat and mouse with federal authorities

What did he mean by this?

>> No.12143429

The T and E in stem is what pays your bills.
Also the term STEM is retarded since there is no separation of T and E it is one and the same thing, it is called industry. While S and M are about academia. Which btw implies that Math is not science lol. Mathfags btfo.

>> No.12144413

If he was so smart why is he still in jail?

>> No.12144422


>> No.12144433

>Mathematics is a game and I didn't feel like playing a game for the rest of my life.
Did Ted actually say that?

Also, Ted was probably a Fed.

>> No.12144438

Philosophy is a special case of living.

>> No.12144451

>I started noticing plenty of people with the "right" last names
-burg, -berg, -stein, -tz, -man, -baum, Silver, Schulz

>> No.12144724

No, it's Khan

>> No.12144905

thank you kind sir

>> No.12144906

No math person considers math to be science. Don't know where you got that idea.

>> No.12145275


>> No.12145306

This rhetoric can put you on a list.

>> No.12145337

It's boy wonders game.
fight destiny live in box
math's everything now

>> No.12145355

It's a game that changes reality. If not immediately, then eventually.

>> No.12145406

really, then why is there a math thread on /sci/?
sci means science, you know that, right?

>> No.12145413

Have you ever looked at the name of this board? As in, ever?? OMG

>> No.12145482

>Mathematics is a game and I didn't feel like playing a game for the rest of my life
Thats the plot of the matrix, the rebels are NEO, wow ted was the best shitposter

>> No.12145740

>ted was the best shitposter
It took me a minute to get this joke. Am I low IQ?

>> No.12145744

>It's fun to challenge your IQ by studying math, but in the end it's as useless as writing essays about philosophy
neither math nor philosophy are useless

>> No.12145965 [DELETED] 


>> No.12145969
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>> No.12146250

Everyone is on a list. And being on 4chan raises your rank significantly.

>> No.12146758


Just major in math and minor in cs. Learning advanced math is much more difficult than learning advanced cs stuff. The niche cs stuff you study later on is also less useful than the niche stuff you'd study at the end of your graduate degree.

>> No.12146769

I agree that math is just a game but writing, and especially doing philosophy, is meaningful - if anything is at all

>> No.12146773

>I didn't feel like playing a game for the rest of my life.

>> No.12147109

Would you care to elaborate on that? And isn't he still alive?

>> No.12147415

The people fear the truth, so they put their prophets in jail. Charles Manson.

>> No.12147436

are you a fucking commie?

>> No.12147895

It is not about Math specifically, it is about logic, which is a significant part of Math.

>> No.12148005

Not if philosophy is derived from its own study. I think philosophy needs to be derived from interactions with the world, that's why someone like Mike Tyson is a better philosopher than many academics.

Also depends on what kind of philosophy because we have the philosophers who are psychologists, nueroscientists, evolutionary biologists, mathematicians, phycicists, artists these days, we have shitters who aren't good at anything who stop at like Nietzche and that's the pinnacle and that's what they argue from, we have people who talk about ethics and morality and then we have people who just argue for the sake of it.

>> No.12148070
File: 813 KB, 1354x734, 1574809536649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaczynski was a gay

>and especially doing philosophy, is meaningful - if anything is at all
No because Anything after presocratics (who actually live as they taught, contrary to Socrates and plato, arsitotle and all those larpers) is just intellectuals larping more and more as truth tellers in monasteries and university, to get a comfy pay while contributing nothing to society, with the pinnacle being the academics in secular democracy.

Here is the accurate history of the world:

-hindus, muh rituals mu sacrifices to please made up gods, then muh nonduality after seething at buddhists and jains from dwindling market share
-china, muh rituals muh sacrifices to please made up gods
-buddhists, muh suffering, muh craving
-jains, muh rebirth, muh non-violence
-africans, muh rituals muh sacrifices to please made up gods
-north europeans, muh rituals muh sacrifices to please made up gods
-south and north americans, muh rituals muh sacrifices to please made up gods
-greeks, muh what is the good
-desert people, muh rituals mu sacrifices to please made up gods
-atheists, muh republic, muh human rights, muh rationalists larping as scientists on their study of republic, ie Historical materialism, non-stem fields.

so yeah, besides jains, buddhists and presocratics, there is nothing outside spooky rituals.

>> No.12148112

Non Dualism is the ultimate principle, to reject non dualism itself is its only application.

>> No.12148135

this is some vague bullshit. also wrong. crime is down everywhere and there aren't nearly as many sereal killers as there were in the 70s and 80s. people have been rioting and proteating forever.

>> No.12149826

Can you elaborate anon? I know that non-duality is quite deep, but I don't understand it

>> No.12150971

Room temperature IQ, almost like you didnt even read it. That quote isnt about crime, it describes how modern political activists/"revolutionaries"/counterculture entirely fight for the preservation of the current economic/technological system

>> No.12151002

math makes a fuckton more money than philosophy because of it's wide applications, ask any statistician, finance quant or codemonkey and then ask yourself why so many people want to learn at least basic college maths (and thus why being a math professor is also a cash money job)