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12139983 No.12139983[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should I just give up on Academia and get a job in the private sector once I finish my degree? Apparently men aren't allowed to contribute to science anymore unless they have a woman leading them.

Hell, I saw one guy on twitter try to be genuinely helpful in explaining NumPy to someone, only for people to jump on him for daring to help a woman.

>> No.12139994

nobody cares. stop caring about twitter, it's basically tumblr 2.0. it does a really good job of amplifying the voices of people like this, but nothing ever comes from it in the end.

>> No.12139998

Literally this

>> No.12140003

Seconded, so just leave it be. The fuck do women know anyways

>> No.12140007

>he still browses twitter in 2020
Wew lad, re-evaluate your life

>> No.12140009 [DELETED] 

Twitter is nearly the epitome of CVC'd.

>> No.12140012

Enough to be able to screw up admissions in doctoral programs across the country and slow down the progress of science through stupid politics.

>> No.12140018

>screw up admissions in doctoral programs across the country
>source: my ass, /pol/

>> No.12140019

When I was in hs more than a decade ago, the lefty radicals would spout their bullshit and the teachers would say, "Don't worry about it, it's just talk. They'll never amount to anything anyway."
Well guess what, that was bullshit. Just look where we are now. You have to stand up to these people because if not we're gonna end up in a marxist hellscape.

>> No.12140020

is she serious?

>> No.12140027

he's right tho. twitter mobs have chased out a number of actually respectable academics, steve hsu comes to mind.

>> No.12140033

>one example that's not even about what the reply said
he said "doctoral admissions across the country" implying this is happening all the time. it's not happening any more than it would through other outlets.

>> No.12140037

the fact that it is happening at all is unacceptable. and it's not like they don't try to cancel other academics all the time.

>> No.12140040

ffs these ppl are insane.

>> No.12140044

>very few women are nerds that contribute to open source projects
wow amazing

>> No.12140048

The first author thing is not so hard, there are a few female researchers with a last name early in the alphabet in my field. "B" and "D", on the top of my head. Probably a lot more if I actually go searching for it.

As for citations, biblio"""metrics""" are a meme anyway. A meme that's necessary to get a decent job, but a meme nevertheless.

>> No.12140051
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>if not we're gonna end up in a marxist hellscape.
if only that was their goal

>> No.12140067
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Who would EVER want to be a part of the cluserfuck that is essentially the 'reference runaround' or 'redirect routine'.

>> No.12140074

>if only that was their goal
Genderfluid individuals of all social networks, unite! (After checking your privileges, that is.)

>> No.12140083
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>the language doesn't have build in women-supporting primitive in it's design

and this in the current year of 2020, mind you


>> No.12140096

>men and women are equals
>men need to "lean in" and provide support for women because they need special treatment to accomplish anything
it's all so tiresome

>> No.12140111

I've been trying to unironically understand what she means.
What is "online support for women"??? Does she mean resources made by other women? Guides written in pink font? I actually don't understand.

>> No.12140114

Then make an online support community or whatever gay-ass safespace calms your tits, you fucking hag

>> No.12140118

If I was on the team I would reach out to her and explain that I'm non-binary and use a masculine name still out of habit, I wonder if she would retract the statement or double down.

>> No.12140136

that's too much work, men are supposed to provide female only resources to help women improve

>> No.12140166

I believe she means some sort of tech support website where men are banned

She would triple down

>> No.12140180

She would claim that using a masculine name is caving in to the patriarchy or something retarded.

Seriously who even let these retarded SJWs into STEM. This shows that college degrees have become way too easy to acquire.

>> No.12140194
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>> No.12140216

Reminder that the optimal number of women in science is zero.

>> No.12140529
File: 1.35 MB, 1024x1024, 1586479856529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I walk that line of balance between maturity and juvenile to play both sides against each other and merge with those that walk on the exact same line. Happy to even extend and try to teach others how to walk that line like an untouchable badass, so long as you're goal is happier homelives for everyone.

Everything in this image is real and I have met plenty of women who fall for this bullshit 'male attention' ego trap. With this information one could either conduct or corrupt. I prefer conduction to corruption myself but just letting all other anony's how ACCURATE this image is. I've got a daughter as well and everything. Women fall victim to the ego-gender-fart narrative just as much as men do.

Then what about your mother? Or any mother for that matter.
>Burn them all, I say. Or sexually abandon them. Or whatever. Who cares?

>> No.12140541

if you were actually in science you'd know that there are many unproblematic and important women across all of science. they're just not talked about

>> No.12140574
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Mostly because women in science realize that the ego circle-jerk is an enshrined male ego communication problem and know to step out of it.

>> No.12140586

I agree, men in science are toxic and they make science apart of their identity instead of a tool, which was their first mistake

>> No.12140608

>nobody cares

Twitter molds public perception and showed us what was to come. It doesn't matter if its a vocal minority, that's the exact reason you should use it as a cautionary tale. You sound like every retard that told us to ignore SJWs since 2010. Fuck off with your concern trolling.

>> No.12140630

And you're talking to my pussy and orgasm right now because?

>I'm a sapiosexual empathetic fetishist with a story and culture based information set, as I enjoy crafting stories and sharing with others the easiest way to signal the nearest 'fun' door to find and weeee!

>> No.12140635

I see.

And what was their 2nd mistake?

>> No.12140647
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Trying to constantly rearrange and reorder everything on the list instead of doing one thing from the list, which any rational or sane person would start with whatever is listed as #1 to reduce future tensions between all parties.

>> No.12140707

believing that's all they are

>> No.12140709

projection is a dirty way of life, clean up and then come back

>> No.12140726

Clean up what? And if I'm not clean by your standards and you're not willing to tell me what those standards are, then what bullshit are you trying to project on me?

>> No.12140760
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>but nothing ever comes from it in the end.

>> No.12140796

just like nothing will come from splashing paint on that statue. do you think painting a statue red will get rid of gender pronouns?

>> No.12140832

The signal means something but the signal is stupid, low impact, low yield, and of low value to actually inspect because if those this signal means something to is ACTUALLY powerful then they care more about signalling to each other than trying to be accessible or distributive.

>> No.12140835

How can they even do science when their cooties are contaminating the samples

>> No.12140837

Usually by getting fucked in the ass by the hottest guy I can find because the rest of my male lab coworkers are such cucks that it was the only way I felt appropriate as a woman to establish my dominance.

>> No.12140855

Women aren't real. They're just a psyop to distract men from their equations.

>> No.12140863

Someone to do all her work for her. In lower level classes, it was easy to find someone to flirt with a little and get everything done for her. Upper level classes or worse, independent study or at a job where the want actual results, this all breaks down. There should be a website or an app where women can upload their work and have some guy do it for them. That's what more support for women in Python or most anything else means.

>> No.12140868

I actually see papers with women as first authors way too often. I feel like the women didn't deserve the first author spot but manipulated the beta male co-authors into giving her the top spot on the publication.

I feel like men will switch to a "last author" standard from now on.

>> No.12140878

somebody should tell her about the agile manifesto

>> No.12140879
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From men arguing about numerical silence?

>Personally speaking I do want to silence the largest number of future interactions just so I don't become burdened with other people's sub-optimal messages of love and inclusion.

>> No.12141187

you should kill yourself

>> No.12141194
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>clears memory banks
Hello, User.

>> No.12141224
File: 12 KB, 640x640, AInitial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention ignorance protocols reinstantiated. Target male-to-male protocol and detach all functional language structures.

Primary Directive: Kill Primary User.

>I'll start. Primary User: 'Solivagus'.

>> No.12141608

if you care about STEM you don’t care about who writes shit, you’d care about the shit itself and nothing else.