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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12138800 No.12138800 [Reply] [Original]

>get a bachelors in bio
>degree only qualifies me to be a lab assistant
>also learn that it is highly sought after too
>to not be a basic bitch need to have a masters
>to get decent jobs need to have a phd

fuck me i got memed hard

>> No.12138813

get a Masters in Biotechnology

>> No.12138834

>BS in natural science
>Expects to find a job
Get your masters.

>> No.12138837

What do you learn in Bio that is super useful? Resume it for me.

What biology books are the best in your opinion?

>> No.12138845

By the time you get your Master's you will need a PhD

>> No.12138853
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>any science degree in Australia
>either working in industry in QA/QC, lab tech, or research but salary caps are low as fuck or work in academia but it's a long slog to get a permanent position, especially now that unis have lost all their Chinese students it's now impossible and even longtime staff are being made redundant
>if you want to get beyond the salary cap you need to move into management and you won't be having anything to do with science anymore
>will still get sideline for someone with an engineering qualification
God I hate this country so much.

>> No.12138894

>What biology books are the best in your opinion?
Not OP but Campbell Biology is a good starter.

>> No.12138916

Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry.
Macrobiology a shit.

>> No.12138936
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yeah i basically gave up after a year of unemployment and I found a higher paying job using my retail experience from high school than any of those lab tech jobs. it's fucking abysmal and dystopian.

this job is higher paying, more stable, has more benefits, and is the first job i've had that gave me health insurance. it's also much safer than fucking around in the woods. i have no idea what to do with my career now.

>> No.12138977
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Lab tech jobs aren't really meant to be careers. Just like philosophy majors work at starbucks to pay the bills while pursuing bigger goals, biologists are techs. I just landed a tech job and I'm making firmly below the average wage in the state I'm in (a relatively really poor state). I make enough though, my lab is great, I got no complaints, and now I'll get into a way better PhD program than I would have gotten into straight out of undergrad.

>> No.12138981

>bachelors in mathematics and computer science
>No trouble finding a job

>> No.12139069

Nice positive, helpful, and well thought out attitude, anon. Hope it goes well for you.

>> No.12139277
File: 58 KB, 600x523, 22a3cf8d8bc56ec6e0c7678bbb8eb0e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I know, I had been a lab tech at two different labs (one was seasonal) in undergrad. It just sucks so much that there's no choice other than academia. My friends are in grad school and while they look successful on social media all I see is
>my stipend ends in two years.

Obviously there's issues with security of employment outside of academia but I don't want to be 40 and unsure of if my project will have funding because I didn't pander to the right people or whatever political nonsense is going on. I think employment outside of academia is more secure, and you have much more freedom of movement. If you don't want to be a plumber anymore you don't have to be a plumber anymore, and it's not absurdly competitive.

>> No.12139772

If you didn't learn python while studying Bio, you are retarded.

>> No.12139788

if you're less interested in getting experience in an academic lab look for industry jobs at biotech/biotech manufacturing companies. did you do undergrad research/internship? apply fucking everywhere and see what sticks.

>> No.12139902

Math. Flip burgers.
Meth. Cook.

>> No.12139905


>> No.12139947

So biocucks get memed too.
Physishits get a similar outcome.
Bachelors can get you in some engineering positions, but you'll always be subservient to the actual engineers.
Should have just started out in engineering.

>> No.12139969

what? just work for a CRO they will usually hire fresh from college and always need more people

>> No.12139978

Have you not looked at all? There is significantly more private lab jobs then uni labs dude

>> No.12140065

it’s sickening that people are willing to list the “positives” of jobs Jesus Christ. How do NPCs tolerate working?

>> No.12141021

I did, I spent almost a year unemployed after college.

this list of positives are in contrast to the tech jobs where the benefits don't even exist and are therefore negatives.

>> No.12141029

I rmember back when the meme was Mech E., then moved to Comp Sci, now you retards are peddling business as a legit major? Truth time shitheads: you need internships during school to get a job. If you were going for BS Physics, then intern as a research assistant at Johns Hopkins or some semiconductor lab. This shit isn't complicated, you just have to care about a career beforeyou graduate

>> No.12141070

Dude Im literally praying for a job as a data entry specialist. Shouldnt be this difficult. I don't want to be a manufacturing tech.

I wish I had money to start a business

>> No.12141077
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