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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12138698 No.12138698 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a barely passing brainlet who's studying theoretical computer science, mainly focusing on logic and computability. How do I transition over to biotech? I want to develop artificial wombs.

>> No.12138769
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>theoretical computer science

>> No.12139084
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wait, is this supposed to be a compliment?

>> No.12139085

Cute pepe. Thanks, saved.

>> No.12139092

Thats Apu, not pepe you dummy.

>> No.12139100

Well he is putting the cylinder in the correct hole, after all

>> No.12139122
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Artificial wombs combined with genetic engineering would enable advanced eugenic programs and human capital improvements. It's a race to the bottom between countries about who starts first and beats the other ones. Humanity is something to be transcended rather to be nostalgic about. It's either this or brain chips. Perhaps even both. Augustus here I come.

>> No.12139145
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What I would like to do is model complicated biological systems using TLA+ or run something like property verification so that you'll be certain you're not doing catastrophic damage to an organism by tweaking its genome. Or that you'll be certain about properties of an organism from interaction between different components. Is this something that could be legit?

>> No.12139224

What's the difference between Pepe, Apu, and Groyper? Scientifically speaking.

>> No.12139237
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Pepe evolved out of /r9k/ and historically has been at odds with Wojak, severy abusing him - shitting in his mouth, cutting limbs, etc. Psychologically he represents the evil nasty side of 4chan, in constrast to the mushy gooey feely wojak. Apu is a variation of Pepe that's more childlike - friendly, comfy, warm, peaceful only there so support and take care of his 'frens'. Groyper is a nastier Pepe that's specifically geared to be used politically. Groyped has gripes with the conversative establishment being cucks and succumbing to demographic replacement, Christian denigration, upholding of women on pedestals for having vaginas, and thinking accepting gays is a position people should care about. This is a good take on the Groypers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Uv6CFX5GAs And this is Apu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NFrKMODrz8 Pepe is more of the origin for all of them and the OG that inspired the whole thing.

>> No.12139274

there's also Honkler, but he's a different beast. He's pure mockery for the sake of mockery and trickstery. He's the state of mind you get when the world around you goes beyond the blackpill, it becomes a clownworld - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn2Y1r8uLZ4
Keep in mind they're all racist, right-wing, redpilled, and based but they show a different facet of the same psychological makeup of the anons here.

>> No.12139327

This is wrong. Pepe is = feels good man and is an anarchistic and hedonistic symbol, Apu is Finnish retarded Pepe and is about finding joy and freedom in the simple things (though sometimes images are darkly humorous), Groyper is some newfag election meme.

>> No.12140011

>ITT: knowyourmeme essays

>> No.12141358

Or we could just pay people $10000 per IQ point above 110 to have a kid, and $1000 per IQ point below 110 to get sterilized.

>> No.12141982

>barely passing brainlet
>computer science
you're worse than a brainlet, retard