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12136788 No.12136788 [Reply] [Original]

I graduated with a math degree (B.A.) at a state school with a 3.0 GPA

after applying for many jobs I finally I work under an idiot making 40k a year while meanwhile my finance and engieneering friends get paid 80k+ a year

Fuck you all for memeing me into this trash degree

>> No.12136796


Pics or it didn’t happen

I graduated with an EE degree (4.0) and just landed a job in NYC 68k starting

>> No.12136802

>NYC 68k starting
Ramen for dinner?

even though my 40k is trash it's in Florida so the CoL isn't too bad

>> No.12136812

>BA in math
Thats where you fucked up. You should have stuck with it and got a PHD; thats 300k starting.

>68k in NYfuckingC
lmao I made that much with associates degree from a community college while working in bumfuck, missouri.

>> No.12136883

But the bls says you should be making 130k

>> No.12136907

>state school
>3.0 gpa
>retarded sentence structure
You should have been shot the moment they handed you your ‘diploma’

>> No.12136912

post bank account

>> No.12136932

That's below a 2:1 in the UK, which is the minimum for a job here.
I don't know how you guys here get such low grades, I'm a big brainlet and I finished my electrical engineering undergraduate with a 77% grade (a 1st class degree), which is about a 4.5 gpa. I thought you guys are supposed to be smart compared to brainlets like me?

>> No.12136963

Most US schools have a max GPA of 4.0 or 4.333..., not 5.0.
A+ = 4.333... or 4.0
A = 4.0
A- = 3.666... or 4.0
B+ = 3.333... or 3.0
B = 3.0

>> No.12136968

you can fail a class even getting straight A's on the exams because you don't go to class or dont turn in homework

>> No.12136990

lol that sucks
what do you actually do though

>> No.12136998

To be fair, I looked online and it said that a first class degree in the UK (70% minimum) is equivalent to a 4.0 GPA in Burgerica.

>> No.12137004

>I graduated with an EE degree (4.0) and just landed a job in NYC 68k starting
Nice buddy. Well done. Now kick ass and get further.

>> No.12137086

go to grad school, you bafoon

>> No.12137087

>I graduated with an EE degree (4.0) and just landed a job in NYC 68k starting
That's abnormally low, dude.

>> No.12137091

>going to a decent grad school with a 3.0

>> No.12137101

Maybe not a decent one, but even a masters would be an improvement. I've seen people get into Ph.D programs with a 2.7 GPA before.

>> No.12137108

>I work under an idiot making 40k a year
Which industry did you decide to go to?

>> No.12137126
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if you can't go to a top school (but are still smart) It's always better to take 1-2 years off and work some some piss easy decent paying job while you attend some post-bac classes, work on a project, work with a professor, and/or publish to a journal so you can attend a GREAT grad school

Note: you need a good GRE score for this to work

>> No.12137137

Can anybody tell me if this is true >>12137126

>> No.12137167

learn about machine learning, become a meme scientist, make shitloads of money

>> No.12137208

t. Math undergrad who has never entered the job market

>> No.12137255
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This is actually what I am in the process of trying to do. I am working with an old professor of mine and she has been very encouraging and I've been doing really good on GRE practice tests. I'm scheduled to take the exam on like Oct 2 or some shit. I actually think I will be able to get into at least a decent grad program. Not like Stanford or MIT or some shit, but I should be able to get into a decent state school. My biggest problem is that I have really niche interests, that basically lie at the intersection of applied math, computer science, and biology. The problem is most math programs would probably not let me spend much time on biology, and most biology programs and publications to not have the degree of mathematical sophistication and originality that I'm interested in. There are a few departments where there are people I've heard of doing really interesting work on mathematical modeling, so hopefully I can get into one, but I'm not sure. I think it will depend heavily on who reads my application. I wish math was like the natural sciences where you could apply to work with a specific faculty member or in a specific research lab.

>> No.12137268

If anyone is curious, I'm interested in stuff like ergodic theory and ramsey theory and there relation to dynamic modeling and the emergence of order and structure in biological systems.

>> No.12137276

Nice gif anon.

>> No.12137281

Roughly the same interest and background. If you’re OP you’re still a brainlet

>> No.12137292

Nah not OP, but it's cool to hear that you have similar interests even if you think I'm a brainlet. Good luck anon. I think math and biology have a great future in the 21st century.

>> No.12137353

nah, I never even graduated from engineering. I do infosec for a living.

>> No.12137472

Actual brainlet here who studied every single day, failed 98% of his attended exams and got kicked for campus and is now a close to 30 year old neet without future.

Tell me your exact studying method, literally lay it out for me step by step or I call you a humble bragging liar with an """low IQ""" of 125.

>> No.12137477

got kicked from uni*

>> No.12137478

You aren't getting into shit as far as grad schools with a 3.0

>> No.12137493

It seems you have several problems.

>you got a BA, a weak degree for teachers, instead of a BS
>you got horrible grades
>pure math is never the field you go into for money in the first place

>> No.12137504
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OP here would doing >>12137126 save me?

>> No.12137512

>300k starting
Proof, and if true what particular job

>> No.12137521

No secret or special method, just read the books and practice the problems, then pray for the best when exam come.

>> No.12137643


>> No.12137650

>I graduated with an EE degree (4.0)
meme college detected

>> No.12137657

You know it lmao, w 2 eggs.

Pics or it didn’t happen faggot.

It’s an MEP/FP firm, I sent out 100s of applications, and sent my professor’s friend I met in a competition my resume cause I was hearing nothing back, he got me 2 interviews and now I’m working at 1

Thank you.. I’m trying so hard..

Tell me about it I thought I’d be close to 100k starting!! It’s gotta be Corona I feel lucky I made connections to even have a job! I’m just happy to be able to start paying off my loans, even though NYC is raping me with CoL

>> No.12137660

No I just don’t deal in mediocrity

>> No.12137671

Why are do you first world fuckers always have such insanely high grades?
If you convert my gpa to american it's 2.8, I'm literally the best in my fucking class by a wide margin.
Most people just fucking fail here and getting anything over a passing grade is a fucking miracle on most cases. I just don't get it.

>> No.12137682

Ignore the larpers man, 68k is a good salary.

>> No.12137684

>MEP/FP firm

Oh that's why. You should definitely send out resumes to different states. I got job offers before I graduated and I wasn't a 4.0 student.

>> No.12137703

What industries should I be looking at exactly? They’re super nice over here but I’m salaried and told to be expecting 55+ hour workweeks and to sometimes have to work on weekends so I’d feel bad leaving but I didn’t study my ass off and have almost no social life to continue to have no social life..

Thank you.. as I said I couldn’t even get a response from jobs, the only reason I even got an interview was a personal connection

>> No.12137745

A GPA of 3.0 is fucking shit. Pretty sure that's below a 2.1 in the UK and most of our universities are really strict. In my uni you can't repeat a year, resits are only permitted in the first two years, failing to complete a single assignment deadline results in you failing the year (not just the class) unless you have a good reason for missing it, and i would say 70 percent of each exam is problem solving (solving problems that weren't anywhere in the course but can be solved using what you have learned thus far). It's much harder for the engineers i heard (exams were really difficult) and yet i know brainlets who managed to get 2:1 and first class.

I have just a slightly above average IQ and managed to get a first class in Math, in fact most math graduates get a first in the UK.

You must have been doing something wrong. I always studied the course material the summer before classes started and would study 13 hours a day during term time to gain the upper hand (6am to 7pm). Didn't attend lectures, they were unless to me - all the notes were online and the lecturer is just some senile man reading them word for word - that 5-7 hours of study i could be doing at home by missing them.

Also, i studied proofs (extra credit class at my uni) long before my last two years and i would have failed many classes without it in my last two years. My university investigated what caused the 10 percent who failed their classes to fail them and the vast majority was down to not understanding the proofs and how to derive the theorems from axioms/definitions.

Doesn't matter how hard you 'study', if you are doing it wrong you will fail/get a low GPA. Undergrad math or any undergrad degree is doable if you have an average IQ by working hard despite what many anons here will say to sound superior because they did a STEM degree - a PhD isn't though and does require natural ability.

>> No.12137850

>lmao I made that much with associates degree from a community college while working in bumfuck, missouri.
R-Really? What major?

>> No.12137886

Gender studies

>> No.12137967

Only savants and truly gifted people autistic about their subject should study shit like pure math and physics, anyone else will fail to develop actual breakthroughs and will be miserable because of the poor as fuck effort to reward/recognition ratio.
Only a tiny percentage of people studying pure math/theoretical physics should be doing so, that's why you see so many posts of people seething at CS here: they're not good enough at what they're doing and get paid half as much as someone doing something that takes half the effort.

>> No.12137983

BS is just a meme for math degrees. It accounts for another science sequence at Tufts university and I'm pretty sure it's the same for the Ivy League. (so like two advanced classes in physics or picking up two semesters of biology). You won't use it nor is it beneficial for a pure math autist like myself who is only interested in numbers. Get a BA in math and a CS minor with a focus on linux /python/C++/lower level design.

>> No.12137990
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Problem is that even 130 brainlets like myself think they're slightly underperforming. A "B" in any class stings. There's no way to measure talent at the highest level although one could suppose it's unfair to measure GPA as IQ.

IQ is funny you could be extremely high IQ yet still end up working for a soulless corp like pic related.


>His IQ was estimated to be 50 to 100 points higher than Albert Einstein's. He could read the New York Times before he was 2. At age 6, his language repertoire included English, Latin, French, German, Russian, Hebrew, Turkish and Armenian.
>At age 11, he entered Harvard University as one of the youngest students in the school's history.
Source: NPR

>> No.12138034

>then pray for the best when exam come

Which god ?

>> No.12138038

What a fag

>> No.12138047

No I said if you are OP then you're still a brainlet. Nothing in your post suggested to me that you were stupid.

We have the brightest future of all the STEM fields, specifically comp-bio, math bio, and biophysics. Bio is unfortunately going to be bogged down by ML and bio-engineering navel gazing but the actual theory will likely leap forward the same way that theoretical physics did last century.

I wish you luck as well.

>> No.12138237

This is exactly what I did.
I'm still kicked out and closed for the subject forever.

>> No.12138392

If you doubled your student's loan and invest some months into finding investments strategy, you could live from stock market with your math's degree.

Why every idiot wants to get employed so much? You know maths, that means you can do taxes and accounting, that means you can do WHATEVER YOU WANT OR CAN THAT PRODUCES MONEY.

Cook meth if nothing else.

>> No.12139204

>You must have been doing something wrong. I always studied the course material the summer before classes started and would study 13 hours a day during term time to gain the upper hand (6am to 7pm). Didn't attend lectures, they were unless to me - all the notes were online and the lecturer is just some senile man reading them word for word - that 5-7 hours of study i could be doing at home by missing them.

Could you post your schedule? Like did you worked out? How did you mange to study for 13h a day lmao

>> No.12139207

But really, how much did you really study everyday and practice?
Undergraduate degree is mostly repetition of standardized knowledge. Anyone with an average IQ should be able to complete one, even in STEM.
Pick the one you like most and pray to him. Religion is all a larp anyway.

>> No.12139708
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>Religion is all a larp anyway.

>> No.12140719

Buddy I smoke fentanyl in alley ways and collect bottles and I make more than you in half a year lol most days I’m totally incapacitated too lol what a dunce

>> No.12141620

>BA in Math
At my school BA in Math is meant for teaching math to grade school students and doesn't require math outside of DE/LA/Calc 1-3 if you want to teach high school. If you go down elementary path you don't even need DE/LA/Calc 3.
But your degree will still say BA in Mathematics

>> No.12141623

UW isn't my school but the curriculum is similar for a BA in math

>> No.12141636

looool i have an English degree and make 50k sitting on my ass

>> No.12142333

Most schools have the BA be rigorous and education a different degree

>> No.12142367

Bud, you goofed. If you're going to get a teaching degree, you should have just stuck with it to get the master's and taught at a community college.

>> No.12142386

Will a 3.5 plus and an internship give me some industry prospectives when graduating from a decent school? Maybe there's a minor that would help? I'd like to save a bit before getting a grad degree considering that I'll be paying for my undergrad.

>> No.12142417


>> No.12142527

Bump for this. I really just want to know that I'm not entirely destined to OPs fate if I make smarter choices.

>> No.12142710

It comes dow to time management mostly. The idea is to not study too early or too late, if you have an exam coming up start studying so its the material is still fresh in your head by the time of the exam.

>> No.12142794

Holy shit anon, I'm so sorry this happened.
I was actually thinking of majoring in math, but your post made me have doubts. If you can major in something else, what would you have chosen? I'm kinda torn in between CS and math, but I think I'll go for CS

>> No.12143203


>> No.12143654
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I studied more than that and still only got a high 2:1 in Japanese fml east asian languages are hell mode for a degree.

>> No.12143871

is there a name to this anon

>> No.12143886

He's lying. My guess is that it's at most 80k. Most professors don't make over 150k. You don't get a PhD for the money, you do it because it's your only way into academia or just because you want to

>> No.12144827

I have an unpaid internship. Am I rekt?

>> No.12145075

It can get you in the door of that company, but if they're not paying interns they're cheapskates and will screw you over even as an employee. I'd do only one semesters worth for the experience then get a paid internship the other years if you're not graduating or apply for a different company while working at that one if they hire you on.

>> No.12145904

>he does it for free

>> No.12146130

No one told you to get a math degree, I guarantee it. At least no lt by itself. What's your masters in? What are you applying math toward?

Also probly BS anyway. I started at $52k/yr as an engineer