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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12137136 No.12137136[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This used to be an awesome board for college students and graduates in STEM fields to talk. Now /pol/ infested it and are destroying the board. /pol/ get the fuck out

>> No.12137154
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>> No.12137162

What do you miss about this board anyways, I remember you dudes use to make fun of me for struggling in calculus

>> No.12137165
File: 64 KB, 335x335, 1599591345580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll never understand the polfags that choose to die on the hill of genetic differences within the human race to justify superiority over another

Yes we are aware /pol/, we instead choose so concern ourselves with other issues in order to maintain unity within society and promote the value of equality

>> No.12137218

>frog posting
>retard tier take
Every time.

>> No.12137284

this. /pol/fags might be right about a lot of stuff but their aggressive reactionary politics are going to be what prevents the space age from arriving within the next thousand years

>> No.12137290

if you cant do math you never will be cool.

>> No.12137302

>we instead choose so concern ourselves with other issues in order to maintain unity within society
>our side is for order, thats why we riot
>freedom is slavery

>> No.12137306

They suffer from social retardation. Just because some people are short or ugly doesn't make it socially acceptable to shout it from the rooftops triumphantly.

>> No.12137311

It’s not socially acceptable to do those things because society relies on the labor/participation of those people. Our society is arranged so that the only people who get to have decent lives are the worthless parasites at the top who do nothing, while all the important people get nothing.

>> No.12137318

Other races are short and ugly?

>> No.12137321

/pol/cels are literal retards.

>> No.12137335

there where just augments why i like pol this is the first one why i don't like it.

People make fun of me as if this is your fucking worst problem.

i decided to hate every single guy in this thread, reason cowardice.

>> No.12137341

Roiters have done MUCH less damage than corporations have done inside of the US.
>gib example
Why don’t we still have functioning public transport system?
>car lobbyists...
Oh right
Colombia has a better public transport system than the US
I’m not a poorfag so I actually traveled there as a part of my job and I saw it for myself
>gib more examples!
I can sit here all day talking about climate change, J&J scandals in their baby powder, healthcare, stagnant wages, etc

The fuck imma care about people roiting 10 cities over because they (justifiably) want police reform? Why is it so hard to have police reform anyway? Why do I go to jail for having weed but people with $$$ walk free for various white-collar crimes?

>> No.12137351

>muh noble lie
Nice cope for your obsequiousness.

>> No.12137355

tbf the space age would have already happened if pol had their way

>> No.12137357

>people on a scientific board talking in broad sweeping generalistions

>> No.12137364

I don't think it matters. It's all the same to me.

>> No.12137410

>/pol/ is to blame for us not hitting space age
>not academia who hires based on race and not merit
You do realise that a huge portion of us /pol/acks are just repressed normies who want merit to be an actual factor again instead of focusing on activist bulshit that destroys more than it helps and backbreaking taxes?
If you still think that it's exclusively stormfags you are dillusional and should not be on a board dedicated to science and objectivity.

>> No.12137414

You /pol/cels have no problems with generalizing billions of people yet you attack others for coming up with a slightly generalized yet correct conclusion.
Do you also happen to hear voices?

>> No.12137432

/pol/ won't leave because they think they are bringing us "truth" that we do not know. Fanatics will not leave.

>> No.12137439

It's a cute rationalization you made here for what ultimately is your disdain against racial minorities and homosexuals ("activist bullshit") and your own failure to live up to your expectations ("who want merit to be an actual factor") which obviously you now blame on the two aforementioned group because they are allegedly preferred. Since income and social standing are only partially based on personal merit and they were considerably less so in the past, your insistence on merit as a factor when it comes to your own position indicates that you attach to the belief that you're superior to them.

>> No.12137441
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No 4chan board was ever good, you are having a false memory.

>> No.12137443

Attractive and tall people make more money than the average man.

Do you complain about that too? Or do you just like complaining that blacks get affirmative action to help promote better socioeconomic situations after being repressed economically under Jim Crow laws?

>> No.12137450

Holy cow, you lefties are Olympic mental gymnasts.

>> No.12137457
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Imagine actually thinking that /sci/ being bad is /pol/'s fault.

>> No.12137458

what if i don't care about racial supremacy but i just dont like blacks and muslims because they turn everywhere they live into a shithole?

why do you leftoids have to hyper analyse everything like an english teacher reading steinbeck in middle school?

>> No.12137463

asians were literally put in camps and they turned out fine in america
hold blacks responsible for their failure

>> No.12137469

I'm not hyperanalysing anything since your post proved that I was right after all. I honestly don't care about your personal feelings or your political affiliations. Actually, no one cares. I just dislike people who pretend that they're supporting the alt-right for any other reason than racism/superiority complexs etc.

>> No.12137474

Most of us just want to live in a nice white country that inst teeming with diversity, I dont care if any race is better or worse I just want to be with my own

>> No.12137479

Wow look what good it's done and how grateful they've been to us as they burn the country down and demand reprashuns, they should just live in their own country away from us

>> No.12137485

1. Asians were put in camps for a short period of time and then given reparations afterwards. Nobody was born into a system that would stifle social mobility

2. Many Asians immigrated, this they either were wealthy already or had a success mentality (immigration is a very tedious process)

3. Jim Crow laws were absolished in the 1960s and before that blacks were suppressed economically while other groups were allowed to amass generational wealth and knowledge. This uplifting can be seen with the Irish that came here which were notorious for high crime rate and low education being around average now.

>> No.12137488

Only if we can deport all poor and uneducated people

>> No.12137494

Yeah sounds based to me

>> No.12137502
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>> No.12137518

> Attractive and tall people make more money than the average man
Not defending him but anyone who doesn’t complain about this is either a parasite that benefits from it or a useful idiot. If you don’t call out pieces of shit getting undeserved privileges and advantages you’re trashy

>> No.12137524

Why would young, non-college educated white men even post here?

>> No.12137528
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>asians were literally put in camps and they turned out fine in america
>comparing four years of internment camps to several centuries of slavery/low caste discrimination

>> No.12137553

Dalit do alright overseas. They're only really oppressed by other Indians.

>> No.12137563 [DELETED] 

Go to lainchan

>> No.12137573

to larp as intelligent people

>> No.12137578 [DELETED] 


>> No.12137591

You right my bad

>> No.12137592

It did? A board like this in a site like this seems doomed to fail. I vaguely remember coming here when it was first made, then quickly noped out a minute later

>> No.12137608

Nice, thanks lad.

>> No.12137635

What’s even the point of that schizo site

>> No.12137639

But... you're here?

>> No.12137654

I don't think you grasp how tilted things have gotten. California is voting on repealing civil rights legislation in November. Yale is getting sued for actual institutional discrimination. I want minorities to succeed too, but I don't think this diversity hire bullshit is helping anybody.

>> No.12137655

Then why are you here today if you "noped" out

>> No.12137662

Still is for STEM students. Iv'e seen most people in my class lurk /sci/ in the library at some point.

>> No.12137973

/sci/ was NEVER a good board except maybe the first month or so. it's always been retarded pleb undergrads who don't know shit about anything arguing over which major is the best

>> No.12138096
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Herein lies the dilemma, one that I have faced as well. I tried noping out multiple times, I have always returned. I hate everywhere else but I hate this less, I have not found a more worthy hovel than this, my /sci/ you are imperfect - you filled with /pol/fags, schizos and shills - but you are mine. I love you /sci/, for every one off threat at 3 AM on a work night that's actually good, I thank thee oh /sci/. For every heated debate among my fellow Anons about who would win: a million marines or a billion lions?
What would happen if a sun made of ice collided with a sun made of fire?
If a moving mortal platform collides with a cube, does the cube inherit the momentum of the portal?
None of these questions have been answered yet, when the /sci/ computronium mass is constructed 20,000 years from now, it will ponder these questions til the last proton evaporates. My fellow /sci/entists, we will outlast the /pol/lack invasion. And when they are living in their ethnostates, in their castles of iron and stone, ours will be a future of steel - a future of genetically engineered catgirls - a future we can strive for together. Good night /sci/ I consider you all to be among my best friends, misguided polfags too.

>> No.12138102
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>I'm cooooooping ahhhhhhh agghhh oh God Aghhhhh Im coopinnn

>> No.12138107

>allegedly preferred
Stop debating as if it's 30 years ago, moron.

>> No.12138137
File: 89 KB, 1125x839, leftism comorbid with mental illnesses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When can we start banning anti-/pol/ fags? . Read these posts, do you think these shitheads belong here? They suffer from all the behavioral problem of left wingers.

For one, this entire thread is just a Marxists whose upset that on /sci/, the truth is discussed and people actually believe in genetics. Of course, the leftists treats genetic as evil, and then pretends that you are the majority. Don't you just love the use of that "we".

Funny, because we disagree with you and you are the only /pol/ hating gene denying faggot on here. You out yourself when you talk about how race isn't real and that black people are "minorities" and that their failure is socioeconomics.

How in the fuck is socioeconomics /sci/? It isn't. Socioeconomic explanation for behavior and outcome is a fucking pseudoscience. Genetics determines everything. Genes determine behavioral, personality and cognition, its you that brings your marxists emotionalism by crying about how we think we are "superior". Its not our fault you have bad genes. But it is your fault when you want to ban genetics from discussion.

I also like how you finally admit that genetics is real, but then try to pretend you are morally superior because you think "we" should deny genetics for "unity within society" and the value of equality. Sorry no. If genetics really is the main reason for black failure, then denying genetics is immoral and the value of "equality" needs to be re-evaluated under the science. But that's the shit you are demonizing people for. /pol/ choses to die on the hill of genetics, because you faggots are literally DENYING GENETICS. All left wingers deny genetics, Stalin even invented a pseudoscience to deny genetics called Lysenkoism and he used to the same faux moralism to demonize scientists and sane people. Your value of equality is getting people fucking killed, and you have the galls to pretend you are morally superior? You deserve torture

>> No.12138148

I'm not evena polfag but you're a fucking moron. None of the anti pol fags actually believe in genetic differences, that's why the threads are so long.
>to justify superiority over another
This is literally a strawman that YOU came up with. None of the polfags I've interacted with believe you're superior because of your higher IQ or something. That's extremely hateful position that I've only seen leftists take for some reason, which is why they so want to deny the genetic influence of IQ.
Your post is literally gaslighting.

>> No.12138154
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>wah why is /pol/ on /sci/!?!?!?! I am le scientists

>wah wah wah genetics isn't real. Also puts in leftists and marxists values

>reactionary politics is preventing the space age, but muh pseudoscience of racial equality and my marxists denial of genetics isn't.

>Sweeping generalizations while denying genetic generalizations, despite the fact that the latter is scientifically proven so its moral to judge entire ethnicity on their genetics because you can predict average behavior. Very leftists.

Entire spiel of left wing ideology on a /sci/ board. The bitch complaining about /pol/ is a fucking communists who think its okay for black people to destroy people property because muh commie talking point

>leftists demonizing people who disagree with me while again preaching marxists socioeconomic pseudoscience

>Socioeconomic pseudoscience refuted by Jews and Asian. Won't elaborate because its a stupid black person and as a leftists, he think he is morally superior, no need to be logical. Anyone who disagrees with him is evil.

All left wingers are genetically inferior. Also, I speak for all of /sci/. We don't want you here you little faggot commie. Like science, politics is objective. You are objectively wrong and there is no reason to tolerate you.

>> No.12138159

>/pol/cel can't help himself from sperging out
Have you consider euthanasia?

>> No.12138168
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Except we SHOULD acknowledge shortness and ugliness. Ignoring these phenomena is literally how incels came about. Society gaslights them saying that people are all the same and you just need to try hard to find a date, and if you can't you're a fucking loser.
It's objectively harder for short and ugly people to find a date. A lot of them are genuine incels.
Society could help them a lot by acknowledging that these factors exist and pose a problem to people. Instead, they just completely ignore them and make fun of them.
It's the same way with race and IQ. It's immoral and sociopathic to pretend that everyone is of the same intelligence and there are no difference between races. Because then, you try to hold everyone to the same standard and the result is either the standard gets so low that actually smart kids and normal white kids suffer, or low IQ kids suffer because they obviously can't reach an impossible standard.
Gaslighting them like that, claiming that everyone is equal is very sociopathic and disgusting.
Imagine doing the same thing with retarded kids. Getting them into normal classes and telling them that the only reason they fail is because they don't study enough or are lazy. Then shouting at anyone who supports doing separate classes for retarded kids so they can keep up and be happier by "WAAAH YOU JUST WANT TO PRETEND YOURE SUPERIOR! STOP SHOUTING YOUR IQ SO TRIUMPHANTLY". Obviously the person shouting this is sociopathic and retarded, just like you are.
Kill yourself, moronic asshole.

>> No.12138172

No, I will tell you what I consider. I consider the fact that my uncle once participated as a soldier in the El Salvador civil war. He once dragged left wing students that were hiding out in a college/guerrilla compound, and dragged him away, had him tortured and shot in the head. And then I think to myself, genes must really impact human behavior, because I am just as violently anti-communists as he was and I would would be more then willing to do the same to you. Especially since I know you're a pasty white weakling, you talk tough but I have seen first hand what a little pain does to people like you.

>> No.12138176


>> No.12138178

I honestly don't get why anyone here would give a fuck about average racial IQ. If you're smart enough then most people are going to seem sub-retarded to you. And you know what? It's fine. Stupid people are fine. The world's already going to hell, anyways, we don't need to add an extra dimension of conflict to it so that midwits can pat themselves on the back while the rivers dry up.

>> No.12138179
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Do not bother trying to reason with them. Their politics is not so much politics as it is a cult. Have you seen what happened to scientists during the USSR Lysenkoism era and the push for the "new biology"? So many people died for the crime of being rational. These people are afraid of genetics and won't accept the idea of inherited characteristics because it goes against their ideology.

>> No.12138184

Second hand stories aren't first hand.

>> No.12138189

>It's fine. Stupid people are fine
Try convincing letists of this. They think having low IQ makes them inferior, which is why they accuse race realists of being white supremacist (why aren't they accused of being asian supremacist, or jewish supremacists?). Every sane person knows that being stupid/low IQ is fine. But leftists are not sane people.

>> No.12138193

Imagine being this clinically retarded and gay.

>> No.12138198

/sci/ has always, always been shit

>> No.12138199


>> No.12138202

Not really. /sci/ has always been /sci/. It's an anonymous board, you're always bound to find someone you disagree with, and that's OK.
The quality posts, memes and discussion are worth it.

>> No.12138207

Based. I love the ultraviolence of Latin Americans. Like that time some black guy thought he found some easy white targets and ended up crossing some castizos with cartel links


>> No.12138216

Society as a whole, not just leftists, believes this because differences around the average sort people between managerial positions, pencil pushing, and burger flipping. It's because society views its primary function as nurturing generation after generation of wagies to appropriately shepherd the functioning and growth of technology that intelligence is viewed as a trait that determines someone's worth.

And I'm sure you're aware of this too even though you're obviously stupid. I know because you're making this argument. It proves that you're either stupid enough to not have recognized these values growing up, or you're stupid enough to think I'd believe you're arguing in good faith and yet worth wasting my time.

And that's okay. Really. But you should probably recognize when you're not playing to your own strengths.

>> No.12138218
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Something something manufactured outrage.
Rosemary grows in all fields.

>> No.12138224

>Society as a whole, not just leftists
You're delusional and projecting your own hateful beliefs towards the whole society.
People respect and like old people, even though they're not as capable as they were in they're youth. Even people with alzheimers. They don't view them as inferior or intrinsically less valuable. That's the whole reason why we disapprove of eugenics.
Only you do, because you're a sociopathic moron who isn't even consistent in his own beliefs (you likely believe eugenics is wrong, but eugenics is the natural conclusion of viewing low IQ people as inferior as you do).

>> No.12138229

Why would eugenics naturally be the conclusion of believing low IQ people are inferior *if* that person already believes eugenics is wrong? That makes no sense. Surely that person already believes there are other traits that are inferior, and they are not advocating for eugenics there. The thinking on display here is just totally confused.

>> No.12138235

Leftists are always talking about society as if it's a god with a personality. A bit like conspiracy theorists. You can replace "the jews" "the illuminaty" with "society".
It might be a harder to spot conspiracy theory, and generally they might have around a standard deviation more iq than illimunati guys, but still have quite high cognitive dissonance.

>> No.12138236

If you view low IQ people as inferior and not valuable, like animals or crops, you would have no problem preventing them from reproducing because that would create more superior people that you like.
However, if you recognize the intrinsic value of all human beings, you would think twice before looking down on people just based on their utility to society and preventing them from reproducing.

>> No.12138238

>If you view low IQ people as inferior and not valuable, like animals or crops, you would have no problem preventing them from reproducing because that would create more superior people that you like.
Just like we do with animals and crops. We do that because we consider them inferior to humans, that's why it's allowed. They do not have the intrinsic value that humans have.
Leftists however don't see the intrinsic value to human life. They only assign value based on the utility to society, which is completely sociopathic and wrong.

>> No.12138314
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>RBG is dead

>> No.12138415

dude might be right though. Why are you bringing politics into /sci/. This is not /pol/, stop talking politics. I like this board for the informative threads. Keep discussions about female degeneracy, migration opinions and any similar topics on /POL/.

>> No.12138490
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>> No.12138500
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/pol/ actually improved the quality of this board desu, it was turning into reddit before they arrived.

>> No.12138508

Ok george calm down now

>> No.12138827

God is essentially a glorified Tulpa that is continually fed mental energy by society. Were society to suddenly cease to exist (or simply stop believing), God would disappear along with it.

>> No.12138836
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>> No.12138840

I doubt most people on /sci/ are aware, or even give a shit, but there are discord servers of people constantly trying to "raid" 4chan. Some focus on just spreading obnoxious /pol/ shit to annoy everyone into hating them more. Some just use numbers to fabricate consensus on ridiculous ideas. Many just spam porn, BBC threads, u mad wyte boi, etc. In reality it's all just pissing in an ocean of piss, but I do think people should have the awareness that there is some coordination in the constant spam of retardation.

>> No.12138846
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When our institutions are being taken over with the Critical Race Theory bullshit, /pol/ provides somewhat of a counterbalance.

>> No.12138849
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And to anyone that doubts my claim these woke nutjobs are taking over our institutions, I'll provide this infographic released by the NMAAHC and the Smithsonian as evidence. Tell me this shit doesn't read like some stormfag made satire of wokeness to spread white supremacy.

>> No.12138865

Nothing wrong with that. Crazy how they are spinning it as a negative.

>> No.12138943

/pol/ is full of closet fags that need a gold sticker to replace daddy's love

>> No.12139055

>could it be that my fellow posters from /pol/ are annoying other boards by posting the same shit they post on /pol/?
>nah its clearly someone whos pretending to be /pol/ to make them hate us
how do you even reach such levels of cope

>> No.12139377

No, leftist politics infested academia and is destroying the world. The presence of politics here, particularly of the /pol/ flavour, is just a reaction to that.

>> No.12139409

Based tranny.

>> No.12139416

I prefer /pol/tards over /biz/tards desu, they are the real cancer of this board.

>> No.12139418


>> No.12139434

There are none here

>> No.12139798
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Butthurt about iq threads are we?

>> No.12139801

Clamp culture.

>> No.12139825

It's always been like this. Stop kidding yourself. And this place deserves it with all the smug idiots on here. They deserve to have a shit board.
/biz/tards don't tend to leave their board.

>> No.12139833

/pol/ only became part of /sci/ when SJWs did. Rid science of them and the /pol/ problem goes away.

>> No.12139841

Oh look is the fag that thinks money doesn't matter and you should pursue a career on maths+philosophy

>> No.12139863

>pol/fags might be right about a lot of stuff
mental illness

>> No.12139894

>maintain unity
>by advocating for racial consciousness and collective action for the benefit of the untermench
Leftists are white supremacists. All of your "positive" discrimination policies are predicated on white people and Asians being superior to everyone else.

>> No.12139903

What if they are? At least leftists don't push for their extermination.

>> No.12139911

nice gaslight bro

>> No.12139912

They are literally demonizing what they see as the superior races so that the subhumans can prosper. They are racists in the literal sense of the word and they hold real institutional power which is something that the retarded nazi larpers do not.

>> No.12139916

Yeah pointing out how leftists are repealing civil rights laws against racial discrimination so that they can discriminate based on race is gaslighting.

>> No.12139919

That's not true. They are not demonizing anyone. I don't feel demonized as a white person. I don't care about racism I say nigger all the time, I'm just not genocidal that's the difference. I don't obsess over race and over what brown people do. Cancel culture is shit and we'll get over it but to be fair at least it's not as bad as being lynched as a black man.

>> No.12139924

It doesn't matter how you feel about it. What matters is how the so called minorities feel about it and how they feel justified in harming those they have been convinced are their oppressors.

>> No.12139926
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>as a white person

>> No.12139930

I'm not convinced that they have harmed us any more than we have them. I'm sorry but I just don't see things the same way you do.
Spot on. It was the (((nose))) wasn't it? Yes you could feel it across the intertubes. The hyperborean man strikes again.

>> No.12139946

Its not about any harm that has been done but potential harm from propaganda of collectivizing entire races as evil oppressors.

>> No.12139956

OK, but the same is true of neo-Nazis on this website. I'm not excusing violence on whites.

>> No.12139968

The nazi larpers have no power, political or otherwise. They are not the ones repealing civil rights laws against racial discrimination.