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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 42 KB, 320x273, SMART.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12132296 No.12132296 [Reply] [Original]

Why did /sci/ lie to me? I'm going to train my IQ until I hit genius levels.

>> No.12132300

Dont forget to lower your room CO2.

>> No.12132303

>sci still doesnt understand g and iq

>> No.12132322

Sure, and you can also train to be able to pass field sobriety tests when plastered.
No test is immune to cheating, but this really wasn't a thing with IQ tests (except perhaps in very few isolated cases) until the Internet age.

>> No.12132327

>98.9 to 107.1
>97 to 98.3
These are still within the same standard deviation.
Midwit is still midwit.

>> No.12132356

Years ago, I joined that site. During the evaluation test, my IQ was estimated above 140. In my free month, I advanced through every level. My final IQ was estimated above 150. The thing is, the exercises were a joke. I think there might be some value to them, but the patterns are so limited that you can figure out the answer at a glance. The site feels intended for children or adults with learning disabilities.

>> No.12132410

Where the fuck does the data from this graph even come from. I looked through all this dudes papers and can't find shit.

>> No.12132417



>> No.12132425

the only reason IQ matters is because sexually failed white basedboys need something to jerk off to in order to raise their self esteem.

>> No.12132460

Oh damn, thanks. I was looking through this Roche guys papers the entire time.

>> No.12132556

It's always been known that you can improve your IQ. However, the improvements have diminishing returns. At some point, you're better off doing something productive instead of worrying about an inconsequential test. That point is generally t=0.

>> No.12132576

They're making silly claims. Dual n-back for example is definitely not "proven" to enhance working memory. This is charlatanistic.

>> No.12133982

An increase in score is always possible. Just give people the answer sheets. It's also useless. Scores are only meaningful as proxies for latent ability, which we don't know how to raise or lower (besides genetics).

>> No.12135039

Not permanently. These gains always vanish after certain time.

>> No.12135061

insecure nigger with inferiority complex spotted. You know it's not wypipo's fault that your race never invented a wheel.

>> No.12135266
File: 301 KB, 1062x942, 1600436940256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All your race's achievements cause cancer. We will wipe the slate clean. And then you will have nothing to be proud of.

>> No.12135270 [DELETED] 

>That doesn't answer the question.

>Are you saying that a "survival element", as you called it, in the market would be the need for profit?

>>corporate social responsibility
>Stop. Get some help. Stop buying and pushing their lies. They don't have social responsibility, they pretend they do because it's better optics and therefore better business. Stop!
Chances that someone will do something for free are low.

>> No.12135274 [DELETED] 

Link to the relevant texts so I can expand my horizons and journey to the origin where it all began.

>> No.12135303

Sure buddy, go one day without white inventions and see how you like it

>> No.12135349

>IQ is measured by a test
>psychologists believe your IQ is fixed
>psychologists believe you cannot study for a test
>never studied for any tests as a psychology major
>90+ average test score
Everyone else has the same experience, right?

>> No.12135380

You might actually achieve wiping the slate, but then it'll just be covered in shit.

>> No.12135384
File: 220 KB, 1740x896, 1600439057166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12135434

Does that abomination on the right represent the future that you hope for?

>> No.12135560

lol @ shitlibs thinking this makes them look good

>> No.12137424

Not if you're doing it consistenly in your teenage/early 20s years.

>> No.12137667

Doesn't this prove that, for someone with an IQ as high as yours, the test would undoubtedly feel easy and limited, whereas someone who's below average, would have an incredibly hard time solving it? But i understand what you mean. If you do IQ tests long enough you will, of course, get better at them as you have a reference mark to solve them. It's always finding out patterns, and some patterns are very similar to others, regardless of the symbology you use. Finally, if you make a retarded person do 1000 IQ tests, he would eventually get good at them, so in a way you can cheat these fuckers by mere trial and error

>> No.12137775

Yeah but with a 107 IQ I can be a midwit who can quote logical fallacies to people!

>> No.12137861

Bro you know as well as i do that undergrad psych testing is a joke. Lab reports are what actually count for a mark

>> No.12138197

Even then. No childhood intervention program managed to permanently increase IQ.

>> No.12140220

you can find free versions of dual-n-back and other websites that train your brain, don't waste money on this

>> No.12141892

Yea because Nu-Africa 2.0 is definitely progress

>> No.12141930

you're still a retard, faggot.

>> No.12142437

>Doesn't this prove that, for someone with an IQ as high as yours
I don't know what my IQ is, and the way the site calculates IQ is by having you complete their quiz of syllogisms and then estimating IQ from that. The style of questions they use are so limited that you will quickly learn to identify the patterns, which will of course allow you to answer much more quickly. When you retake the test at the end of the trial, your estimated IQ will inevitably rise. There may be people out there who really do struggle with relational reasoning, so the program may actually work in their favor and provide real world results. The idea has some merit, but the difficulty levels off far too soon, which will limit the efficacy of the program for the majority of people. They could easily include more patterns and more information, which would ramp up the difficulty significantly.

>> No.12143347

You can’t raise your (actual, inherent) IQ but you can get better at IQ tests, look up the Flynn Effect

>> No.12145699

This, also beetween two iq test your results may vary by less than a standard deviation.
Call me when someone with an iq of 100 has trained to pass as someone with an iq of 125.

>> No.12145816

>tfw permanently lowered IQ with sleep deprivation

>> No.12146081
File: 13 KB, 392x284, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How accurate is mensa test? I should be 20 points higher than this

>> No.12146632

there probably 5 black poster on 4chan. not every who is against you is trans or black.

>> No.12148503

He typed, on the keyboard invented by whites, to send a message in a white language, over the internet invented by whites

>> No.12148675

None of this should have been invented.