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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12133679 No.12133679[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My research paper got rejected by (((peer reviewers))) for the 2nd time.

>> No.12133681


>> No.12133692

Race and IQ

>> No.12133694

jesus christ, neck yourself jackass

>> No.12133702

just post it on your blog ffs, why are you still beholden to (((publishers)))?

>> No.12133715
File: 1.51 MB, 425x481, 16b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not >>12133692 but it was about the implications of genetic enhancing. $5k down the drain so far but it ain't my money, let's fucking go! once I get rejected a 4rth time I'm killing myself!

>> No.12133737 [DELETED] 

science is an intellectually bankrupt institution. They put political correctness above truth

>> No.12133785

wait you have to pay to publish papers??

>> No.12133788

is this based?? Somebody please help I cannot decide for myself.

>> No.12133816

Yes anon, spending countless hours of your life devoting yourself to a field just to realize once you're deep on it that the whole thing became a sissy politically-correct playground that values feelings over anything else and it's governed by a few elites deeming the entirety of your career and life easily replaceable as you become another dime-a-dozen STEMslave that's no different in value to a wagecuck, is indeed, pretty based.

>> No.12133860

Based. Fuck you OP, should have chosen a trade instead.

>> No.12133863

Wait a minute. How did your paper get rejected by (((Peer reviewers))) and not the (((Ethics comitee)))?

>> No.12133941

>wait you have to pay to publish papers??
Welcome to (((academia))) anon

>> No.12133945

Probably was a trash paper. You can get 5g causing COVID past peer reviewed yet you can’t get your shit? You are probably just retarded.

>> No.12133988

>nobody is allowed to research things I don't like but science is still legitimate

>> No.12134010

it's just a bit... unpopular

>> No.12134014

The 5g causing corona is unpopular and complete pseudo science with 5 seconds about thinking about it.

>> No.12134029
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>anon is paying to get published

>> No.12134030

Having a good laugh Mr. Shekelstein?

>> No.12134032

Racial theory is not scientific. Race is a pseudoscientific concept that has been thoroughly debunked for over a century.

>> No.12134035
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>> No.12134037
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>whole thing became a sissy politically-correct playground
>values feelings over anything else
>governed by a few elites
>your career and life easily replaceable as another dime-a-dozen STEMslave
>no different in value to a wagecuck
This person clearly has IRL professional STEM experience.

>> No.12134038


>> No.12134039
File: 111 KB, 465x481, race clustering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems pretty real to me

>> No.12134040


>> No.12134044

>implications of...

not science

>> No.12134047

I guess if you’re willfully misinterpreting data it might look that way, yeah

>> No.12134048

I do, biomed eng. PhD student. Your point?

>> No.12134051

what's the issue?

>> No.12134057

My point is that only someone with real life professional experience in STEM could have so accurately diagnosed its ailments.

>> No.12134059

how so?

>> No.12134066
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>> No.12134072

Genetic clusters do not correspond to race.
“Race” is a social-constructed category, the delineation of which is arbitrary, vaguely defined, and based on perceived phenotype expression.
There is no meaningful relationship between racial categories like “black” or “white” and any relevant genomics.

>> No.12134078

Oh, misinterpreted the post. I'm retarded just like everyone that pursues a STEM PhD on current year. But I don't care at this point, I'm just waiting for the day I lose it and announce Corona2

>> No.12134084
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>“Race” is a social-constructed category
Right then. I agree that it shouldn't be relevant. However.

>> No.12134094

Posting a comic written by a literal Nazi is not an argument.

>> No.12134099

>race is a social construct

You are more intellectually dishonest than a poltard.

>> No.12134146

all our institutions are bankrupt anon

>> No.12134161


>> No.12134162

It took you this long to figure it out?

>> No.12134639

I find that insulting. It's as plain as day that we can point to niggers as a collective living, breathing example of genetic dumbfuckery that has proliferated for milennia unaccounted for.

>> No.12135779

Literally every scientist who claims to debunk race has morally condemned the opposing view, admitting that it's based purely on motivated reasoning. Also the only reason 'subspecies' is not scientifically defined is because it is impossible to come up with a classification that would not include the races.

>> No.12135796
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>> No.12135804

How do you reconcile this assertion with the widespread success of the theory of koinophilia?

>> No.12135812

Von Braun was a literal Nazi.
Debye was a literal Nazi.
You mean their accomplishments and assertions are invalid because of political affiliations?

>> No.12135825

Can you publish the paper here then? We want to read anon.

>> No.12135988
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I really wish I could but I’ve had problems with plagiarism in the past. Gotta fucking love academia

>> No.12135997

Lol people like you are pathetic. Haven't seen one infographic with a serious case for environmentalism or the similarity between human populations. I wonder why.

>> No.12136002

My hero academia

>> No.12136003

journals are nothing but a hindrance to academia.

>> No.12136008

Name something that’s not a hindrance within academia.

>> No.12136009

the how the hell can you determine races from DNA tests?

>> No.12136010

literally all of science is based on assumptions

>> No.12136014

Have sex, /pol/

>> No.12136016

Agreed - a chemist

>> No.12136021

the authors.

>> No.12136023

just call it ethnicity and IQ and you´ll be fine

>> No.12136029
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Mr. Rich Aryan genius body builder /pol/cel, is that you?

>> No.12136034

Publish it here faggut
I wanna see

>> No.12136049
File: 22 KB, 427x240, 4D21E949-E66C-4CB9-B2FD-104F61CA7D8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting into STEM and academia is absolutely not worth it. The pay is terrible compared to what you are worth on the open market. The politics of academia often make the process of getting a promotion very difficult, unless you do foundwhoring and cuck yourself to your dpt. directors. Also, can’t swap jobs without usually having to relocate to a different city, or even country (most cities have at best 1-3 Universities, but they have 100’s of private companies). You usually have to teach classes, which mean you have less time for research. You will usually have to sit on committees and do administrative work, which means less research time. Also very boring. Your research will mostly be completed by PhD students, who take a long time to train and as soon as they are fully functional scientists, they graduate and leave. Basically, unless you are at one of the better universities, you are highly unlikely to be able to get the big grant funding. Which means you are less able to make a big and meaningful contribution to the field (Sciences in particular require huge funding to make big advances). The only way to get a position at a good university is to publish big papers in big journals. People who started out at the big universities already have a massive head start on you. Even if you DO make a major discovery that leads to a new drug or product. The university owns the idea and you will only ever see a % of the profit, if any. Academia is like wanting to be a professional athlete. Unless you are so good you are going to be the next Olympic Gold Medalist, you will make very little money and no one will care who you are. All that effort to be a dime-a-dozen nobody. Just learn a trade, get a wife, reproduce, die.

>> No.12136116

Why janny delete my response? All i said waa science is intellectually bankrupt because they forbid research on important but taboo subjecs

>> No.12136124

Have sex, incel

>> No.12136192

Damn... this hurts bros... but what should I do? Should I really drop out? I’m depressed after reading this.

>> No.12136235


>> No.12136292

That data seems pretty damming.
80% of variance among races withing those 2 principal components group every single group pretty homogenously. But keep in mind PCA is never the end all be all, it's mostly used to find the relationship amongst the individuals using the variables you measured, for a real conclusion we would have to know exactly what variables are forming those components and measure their covariance.
More over a cluster analysis should be conducted, as well as a hierarchical one.

Can someone please put that data set in my hands? I can do some detailed, unbiased analysis on it and post the result as an anonymous paper for anon eyes only.

>> No.12136299


>> No.12136300

So you deserved it.

>> No.12136322
File: 30 KB, 467x349, October-25-2011-14-09-35-ScreenShot20111023at3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say "at average only 1 out of 100 papers is accepted" (i.e. you have to apply 100 times to get accepted once, if it's a lottery, not nepotism)
I say with the internets I don't need you fuckers anymore.

>> No.12136329

what private companies fund or employ theoretical physics? I don’t think I have a chance outside of academia to do what i want to.

>> No.12136349

> thoroughly debunked
No, it hasn't. It has *been claimed* to be debunked multiple times by various academic frauds like Montagu, Gould, Diamond, Lewontin, etc, but it has not been debunked. Actual scientific results, not reddit-tier SCIENCE!, has only reaffirmed and refined our understanding of human biodiversity.

The best you could do claiming race is "debunked" is that earlier definitions weren't as nuanced as modern understanding of genetic variance, but that's hardly "debunked". It's like saying newtonian mechanics has been debunked because QM and SR are more descriptive at the edges.

>> No.12136370
File: 15 KB, 644x800, wojak-numale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jesus christ, neck yourself jackass

>> No.12136586

The average is like 5 times, I think.

>> No.12136729

Literally only universities will ever be interested in you, and vaguely. And it’s very age dependent too, unless you’re a 19 yo PhD you’re literally as replaceable as their cleaning staff.

>> No.12136741

Different species of dogs cats peas whales horses and trees exist. Only one species of humans exist? Really activated my almonds