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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12133162 No.12133162 [Reply] [Original]

Mechanical Engineering oh you mean a glorified plumber?

>> No.12133164


Based. Definitely based.

>> No.12133179

My dad was a Mech E. He's given me a good life with a nice house and good money. In turn I've used that to spend my formative years in school studying pure mathematics.

>> No.12133307

more like a glorified corporate cuck
t. mech eng

>> No.12133330

Doctors are more like a glorified plumbers, fags that just memorize and apply procedures and still manage to fuck up most of the time. Even the most retarded codemonkey is miles ahead than most doctors in terms of problem solving and critical thinking.

>> No.12133337 [DELETED] 

Cad monke

>> No.12133351
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>> No.12133361
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Uh hello I got a call on line 2 for you?

>> No.12134756
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>> No.12136358
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>> No.12136391
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t. Same fag math/physics KEK changing his IP or just several math/physics KEKS seething hard that they can't COMPETE with the Mech Eng Chad.

>> No.12136404
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>officer, he's changing his IP, I swear!
the absolute state

>> No.12136423

Well plumbers at least have a job
t. mech eng graduate

>> No.12136455
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>> No.12136573

I just spend all day looking at spreadsheets and yelling at accountants who don't understand what thermocouples are, please take me back to undergrad.

>> No.12136583

>yelling at accountants who don't understand what thermocouples are
Kek. Tell us more.

>> No.12137676

holy based

>> No.12137681

are mech e's the chads of engineering?

>> No.12137689

Waww X3 *nyuzzwes* How awe you? *pounces on you* you'we so wawm o3o *nyotices youhavea buwge* someonye'shappy (・`ω´・) *nyuzzwes youw nyecky wecky* ~muww~hehe ;) *wubbies youw buwgy wowgy* you'we so big (・`ω´・) *wubbies mowe on youw buwgy wowgy* it doesn't stop gwowing .///. *kisses you and wicks youw nyeck* daddy wikes ;) *nyuzzwe wuzzwe* I hope daddy wikes *wiggwes butt and squiwms* I wannya see youw big daddy meat (・`ω´・) *wiggwes butt* I have a wittwe itch o3o *wags taiws* can you pwease get my itch? *put paws on youw chest* nyea~ it's a seven inch itch *wubs youw chest* can you pwease? *squiwms* pwetty pwease? :( I nyeed to be punyished *wuns paws down youw chest and bites wip* wike, I nyeed to be punyished weawwy good *paws on youw buwge as I wick my wips* I'm getting thiwsty. I couwd go fow some miwk *unbuttons youw pants as my eyes gwow* you smeww so musky ;) *wicks shaft* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so musky ;) *dwoows aww uvw youw cawk* youw daddy meat. I wike. Mistew fuzzy bawws. *puts snyout on bawws and inhawes deepwy* oh my gawd. I'm so hawd *wubbies youw buwgy wowgy* *wicks bawws* punyish me daddy nyea~ *squiwms mowe and wiggwes butt* I9/11 wuvwas an youwinside muskyjob goodnyess *bites wip* pwease punyish me *wicks wips* nyea~ *suckwes on youw tip* so good *wicks pwe off youw cock* sawty goodnyess~ *eyes woww back and goes bawws deep*

>> No.12137695

>t. electrical engineer

>> No.12137696

ah finally, a fellow philosophy major

>> No.12137720


>> No.12137970

I'm a computer engineer. People think that means IT guy. I don't care. I started telling girls I'm in real estate.