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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 186 KB, 900x687, jwst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12130364 No.12130364 [Reply] [Original]

previous: >>12126747
launch schedule: https://spaceflightnow.com/launch-schedule/

>> No.12130367
File: 62 KB, 298x298, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Delta IV
>almost a full MONTH to try again

>> No.12130370

Holy shit greason is a madman,he's trying to get beamed propulsion in atmosphere working with non-gaussian power transmission


I love this dude, he pushes on physics to the breaking point.

>> No.12130371
File: 85 KB, 1226x532, Screen Shot 2020-09-17 at 1.22.07 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Elon Musk mean by this /sfg/??

>> No.12130375
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>> No.12130376


>> No.12130378

Aren't they upgrading their Starship production line? I mean the goal of factorio is literally making a massive production line with the end goal of launching endless rockets so it's pretty clear what he means.

>> No.12130380

Ooooh he also goes into his plasma magnetic stuff here too at around the 19:30 mark

>> No.12130386

>tfw want to do spacex style engine clustering but that many parts makes performance shit the bed and RO doesn't support SSTU single part clustering
i suffer bros

>> No.12130392
File: 78 KB, 1600x731, miniship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This mini starship went to market,
>This mini starship stayed home,
>This mini starship had roast beef,
>This mini starship had none.
>This mini starship went WEE WEE WEE


Zubrin's been kinda quiet lately, I want him to tell me about mini starship and why it's not gay

>> No.12130393


>> No.12130402

Holy SHIT he figured out how to brake with them! He can have a system that brakes from 150 kmps! My God....this could get us to mars in a few weeks!

God damn it this needs to be verified! We can cut like 20 years off of the timeline for space stuff if this can be made to work..

>> No.12130403


>> No.12130409

Would the smol boy be better as a moon transport? I caught a bit of a vid where estronaut was sperging about the number of refueling flights it would take to fill up Starship for return trips to the moon.

>> No.12130412
File: 21 KB, 800x474, 1-bloostarlaun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would it take for Starship to deliver/build a floating balloon launch platform on Venus for Electron to return cloud samples?

>> No.12130415

I dunno why zubrin calls it a mini starship when it sounds like all he means is a third stage designated mars descent vehicle.. though you can't colonize mars with a mini starship, so idk why he keeps pushing it. seriously zubrin, do you want to deliver 100 tons to mars or not?

>> No.12130417

Zubrin is kind of autistic.

I wish we was helping greason with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tSvcBb88zw this shit. It's kind of surreal how many inventive ideas have Zubrin's fingerprints on them.

>> No.12130432
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McCulloch has inspired people to build comically dangerous devices trying to test his theory.

This is the best timeline. God bless this crank.

>> No.12130446


>> No.12130447
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>> No.12130448

>kind of

>> No.12130451
File: 1.44 MB, 1408x1117, Martian D-DAY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After Zubrin actually sat down with Musk and realized he's not planning on sending just a few rockets for the first manned trip, his perspective changed somewhat. I think Zubrin put it something like how he had always thought of a Mars mission kind of like a fancy Apollo/long-term ISS stay, where Musk is doing the fucking D-Day invasion of Mars.

>> No.12130454

first armed conflict on mars when bros?

>> No.12130455
File: 298 KB, 773x1033, 1566961394714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's building a rocket factory to escape the hordes of invasive bug aliens (chinese)

>> No.12130457

god i hate chinks lol

>> No.12130466

Elon is on friendly terms with china due to their key role in tesla sales and manufacturing

>> No.12130469

Until he's told to not be, which to be fair could last a couple years more. Right now the US is apparently slowly strangling the Chinese chipmaking market to death by denying them sales of high-purity Hydrofluoric Acid. It seems we're one of the few major manufacturers of the stuff good enough for chip etching and they're having a hell of a time finding substitutes.

>> No.12130474

That sounds good. Tbh his china collabs are pretty immoral, its a literal slaver state.

>> No.12130490

Tesla bullshit, probably

>> No.12130506

see other replies

>> No.12130511

fuck china!

>> No.12130513

ah yeah that's right, I keep forgetting that the end goal of Factorio is launching rockets instead of producing endless blue and red chips

>> No.12130542


>> No.12130566


>> No.12130570

More like KSP.

>> No.12130571

The future of the solar system is Chinese, and that's a good thing!

>> No.12130579

agreed, but if it gets them to start even a piss worth's reduction in the fucking heavy metals they shit into the oceans from their coal-burning it's somewhat based

>> No.12130581

I dont give a fuck if the future is chinese.
Taiwan chinese are chill people, now CCP chinese, fuck those insectoids.

>> No.12130585

hypergolics is the future

>> No.12130605

their antisocial level of petrochemical use in general

>> No.12130619
File: 185 KB, 1064x1358, 1569539117758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese Falcon 9
>~59m long, 500t thrust, 430t takeoff
>referred to as a commercial medium-sized launcher
>YF-100K kerolox engines for the first stage.
>The same engines are to be used for the '921' three-core launcher for crewed launches to deep space

>> No.12130624

>Suitable for the major launch sites in China's inland and coastal areas..fairings between 3.35 meters to 5 meters...first flight expected during the 14th Five Year Plan period (2021-2025).

>> No.12130629

Too bad US forbid foreign sats to be launched from China!

>> No.12130646

So it's a Block 1 Falcon 9, that's going to launch over ten years later than the Block 1 first flight.

>> No.12130655

What a piece of shit, at least they'll kill fewer villagers with it.

>> No.12130670


>> No.12130696


>> No.12130700
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>> No.12130714
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>> No.12130716


>> No.12130751
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>> No.12130764

Vice is doing a documentary on Boca Chica :

>> No.12130771

Has Mary ever been on camera?

>> No.12130795

>m-muh peaceful community is now a warzone

Fuck these boomers.

>> No.12130808
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>> No.12130817
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>> No.12130833

I see where the scams are. Fucking medical and college. Someone could easily disrupt these industries, for fucks sake someone please musk these industries

>> No.12130873
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>> No.12130876
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>> No.12130888
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I wonder what those little niggys on the moon are up too. I hope some more tardigrades crash land on mars or the ice moons

t a r d i n a t i o n t i m e

>> No.12130890

It's called Delta IV because hydrolox cannot into delta-v.

>> No.12130893

No worries, the rest of the world has no such scruples. Competition will be great for the market and space exploration. I hope they steal as much IP as is humanly possible.

>> No.12130897

based, fuck china, but based

>> No.12130908

The Internet should have disrupted college a decade ago. Maybe Covid lockdown e-learning will be the last straw and force the college system to be reformed or destroyed.

>> No.12130911

Ripping off expendable F9 is probably a better path to reusability than that goofy thing with SRBs that stay on for the whole flight.

>> No.12130962

earth seems to be having some difficulty existing

>> No.12130976


Why do people call him estronaut as if he's some faggy soiboi? He got to meet Bridenstein and Musk multiple times and he makes tons of money talking about space stuff- that's what most of us would love to do.

>> No.12130981

u answered ur own question. boiz be jelly :^)

>> No.12130982

>Why do people call him estronaut as if he's some faggy soiboi?
Jealousy and hatred for anyone that displays actual excitement for anything,.

>> No.12130983

He is a bit of a soiboi though, definitely not the worst though. I hope Angry Astronauts channel snowballs to a similar degree over the next couple of years.

>> No.12130984

I like what he's doing, but hes just not my type.
I prefer someone more technical

>> No.12130987

Because of his uncanny resemblance to a certain mspaint tier drawing.

>> No.12130991
File: 92 KB, 341x432, new telephone pole installation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SN 7.1 has been repurposed into a telephone pole

>> No.12130995

the big tech companies are starting too now that google / facebook (MS too?) dropped the degree requirement

>> No.12130996
File: 528 KB, 1600x1110, reddit meme, but deal with it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be the first to say FUCK COMMIES, but another space race is good for all of mankind.

>> No.12131002

it would be ideal if we could bankrupt the chinese with a space race

>> No.12131014

Von Braun would be so pissed about le 52% percent modern US.

>> No.12131269

Well to achieve that world need to stop buying shit from them first.

>> No.12131273


>> No.12131277

>it would be ideal if we could bankrupt the chinese with a space race
The economical game favors China far more than the USA, especially in the long term.

>> No.12131297


>> No.12131302


>> No.12131303

>a herd of nerds

>> No.12131309

feels bad

>> No.12131310

>He is a bit of a soiboi though
how so?

>> No.12131312
File: 108 KB, 1440x481, E7777A94-67B7-4690-AEF0-9D4BC4E54242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people unironically defend/support China? Is it just edginess or are they retarded? It’s like White people that try to do the BLM thing and get ridiculed by black people

>> No.12131313

Gommunists, son.

>> No.12131318


>> No.12131339

I want to design anti chink/russo spacecraft at the conceptual level.

Where do I do this?

>> No.12131343
File: 126 KB, 680x450, 201352134510472734_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expendable Humans

>> No.12131344

They act as a counterbalance to USA hegemony and dickery, plus they aren't as obsessed in completely redesigning their subjects society to be more of their liking, just sticking to bog standard economical imperialism.

>> No.12131346

Zubrin sold pioneer astronautics.

He no longer needs money.

>> No.12131359

Are you European?

>> No.12131366

No, just not american.

>> No.12131369
File: 42 KB, 580x386, Uyghurs_china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plus they aren't as obsessed in completely redesigning their subjects society to be more of their liking
Surrreeeee chang

>> No.12131394

what's happening there

>> No.12131398

I don't really like Angry Astronaut. He doesn't know what he's talking about. It's like he's on the hump of the dunning kruger curve.

>> No.12131399

Uyghur "re-education" routines

>> No.12131406

>plus they aren't as obsessed in completely redesigning their subjects society
Are you retarded or do you just not know yet

>> No.12131415


>> No.12131455

Why don't you marry him if you love him so much

>> No.12131459

dont you just want to kill those faggots? i know i do

>> No.12131464

I don't know why Americans have to have this ridiculous false jock/nerd dichotomy. I don't think any other developed country in the world has it as bad. Maybe Australia and NZ to a degree, but the US really is the most moronically anti-intellectual country out there

>> No.12131469

It's nothing to do with hating smart people, it's hating the insufferable ones.

>> No.12131473

they're not nerds, they're FAGGOTS

>> No.12131474
File: 218 KB, 1111x1432, B5FEE8D1-DEFE-427B-A9D4-83BBC87221D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk about you but I’ve found that self proclaimed nerds are worse than any jock there is. I’m a nerd (yeah I know) but I still have time to go to the gym, hang out with people, etc. In my major, the worst people are the ones that act all smart.

>> No.12131476

China only cares that its citizens follow its culture, the USA wants the whole to follow its own.

>> No.12131482
File: 249 KB, 928x1359, 1zxha2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, get in the gas chamber then. anyone who's ok with using the word nerdle goes into the gas chamber.

>> No.12131483

Whole world*

>> No.12131485

Sorry my fault for not saying what I mean. Knackered today. I meant the NSF guys are being annoying in their labelling of everyone watching as a fucking nerdle. Not everyone that's interested in space is a nerd

>> No.12131487

Nah it’s good I didn’t even interpret this as that.

Self proclaimed nerds are the worst though Jesus Chris I blame big band theory for pushing that shit.

>> No.12131491

Why cant photon aerobrake into venus? why's it gotta be a flyby bros? i know they'll have a 3kg probe but jeez, they might only have one instrument on it

>> No.12131495

>Reads Harry Potter
>"Lol I'm such a Nerd ECKSDEE!"

>> No.12131503

>Big contacts for SpaceX and Arianespace

ULA and Blue Origin BTFO

>> No.12131507

Why would anyone launch on Ariane

>> No.12131508

double payloads

>> No.12131509

Political clout

>> No.12131510

Because ULA can't provide what they require and they don't want to go to Russia or China?

>> No.12131511

Lower risk by launch on different launchers.

>> No.12131513


>> No.12131515

Yeah I agree. They are as much to blame for the false jock/nerd dichotomy as supposed jocks. We have some of this crap in the UK but the class system kind of complicates it. Meeting people from other European countries I realised the whole thing was pretty alien to them. And poos and chinks don't seem to have it at all. In fact they see education as the only real route to success. No wonder they're churning out PhDs

>> No.12131524

>And poos and chinks don't seem to have it at all.
Caste system and social credit score seem to make up for it though, as far as dividing the population that is.

>> No.12131530

is dragon's heatshield still overengineered for moon return?

>> No.12131535

Ariane can compete with SpaceX on price with their double payload system.

>> No.12131557

launch thread up slightly early because I won't be around my desktop for T-1bong


>> No.12131564

chinese falcon 9 rippoff is not using hybergols :(

>> No.12131581

Difference is over there most seem to respect education I think, whereas a good chunk of the UK absolutely revel in their mediocrity. I visited Sri Lanka a few years back and remember driving past a school that had written on it in massive letters: 'Education is the Only Route to Success'. I don't remember any teacher ever saying that to us ever. But when the welfare state becomes unaffordable Brits will have no choice but to compete or starve. Anyway off-topic so I'll shut up about this now

>> No.12131587

i think uk is bretty smart :) :D

>> No.12131594

There should be another version of the Falcon 9 second stage that just serves as a mini-starship. Methalox and all.

>> No.12131600


>> No.12131602

You don't need a cannon at the far end to brake at Neptune... but you also can't come back in less than two years without a particle beam cannon to accelerate you up to 100km/s.

>> No.12131606

China constantly asks international companies to tailor international products to their culture. What are you on about?

>> No.12131608

is this feasible bros?

>> No.12131611

China is based and redpilled. Slavery is badass

>> No.12131612


>> No.12131613

Modern civilization needs petrochemicals to exist, so get over it.

>> No.12131626

Because he’s actually a soiboy.

>> No.12131632

Yes, to their culture. The thing is that China have no interest in promoting and spreading said culture and values outside itself.

>> No.12131640


>> No.12131641

lmao you can't possibly be this retarded

>> No.12131648


>> No.12131652

This is the kind of anon who shits on USA in random threads.

>> No.12131654

It is true. Compare that with the USA, which sees its own culture as being basically mankind endgame, and goes out of its way to promote it, even when everyone ends up worse off.

>> No.12131659


>> No.12131658

shoo shoo chang

>> No.12131663

wowow america is kinda based

>> No.12131671

I hope it blows up on liftoff

>> No.12131673

1989 Tiananmen Square protests

>> No.12131674

How many chinese movies have you watch? Is there a universal consensus with chinese government that all its societal and institutional structure must be followed to the letter by the rest of the world? Nothing I am saying here would meet rejection or even doubt by any international relations analyst.

>> No.12131675

ariane has double payload, so that will never happen

>> No.12131676

>The thing is that China have no interest in promoting and spreading said culture and values outside itself.
Guess you haven't seen the soft propaganda on TikTok.

>> No.12131678

>you will never snuggle with Timmy and have cute pillow talk about rockets

>> No.12131679

>no updates on the Starship TPS

>> No.12131680

Your obvious chinglish ESL is undercutting your point.

>> No.12131682


Also according to a Wired article I read, like 98% of the worlds ultra-pure quartz supply comes from a mine next to Silicon Valley.

Like holy fucking shit, the mutts literally have it on easy-mode geographically speaking.

>> No.12131683

lmfao go back to ching chong with that broken engrish

also internatonal relations analysts are globalist scum working for chyna

>> No.12131684

>How many chinese movies have you watch?
plenty, they all push China as numbah wan, and any enemy of china is literally portrayed as an evil stereotype. How many chinese movies have you seen? because apparently the answer is zero, dipshit.

>> No.12131685

Dumb. They've been trying to promote their culture for a very long time. Their culture is oppression/suppression/revisionism/etc. No one buys it tho. They've then tried to buy out western companies to market their propaganda. We see that in movies/games/chat programs/etc where they're pushing their narrative. These can only be fought by free world governments. People themselves are subject to propaganda so government has to step in to stop this nonsense.

>> No.12131689


>> No.12131692


>> No.12131699

Let's get this train back on track-

Anyone got some rare JIMs?

>> No.12131709

>Iraq didn't happened
>Libya didn't happened
You are confounding nationalist propaganda with deliberate cultural imperialism. Are those movies aimed at a international audience? Do they try to argue that the world should copy-paste chinese culture or society verbatim?
Hell, I don't see why people here disagree with what I am saying. Trump straight made a moving away from nation-building a campaign promise.

>> No.12131711
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>> No.12131717
File: 1.61 MB, 2151x2160, Edgar_Mitchell_studies_map,_Apollo_14,_Feb_1971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today in history:
>1683 – Antonie van Leeuwenhoek writes a letter to the Royal Society describing "animalcules".
>1930 – Edgar Mitchell, American captain, pilot, and astronaut, was born (died 2016).
>1930 – Thomas P. Stafford, American general, pilot, and astronaut, was born.
>1976 – The Space Shuttle Enterprise is unveiled by NASA.

>> No.12131719

China will burn until its surface is but glass

>> No.12131722

>Do they try to argue that the world should copy-paste chinese culture or society verbatim?
Yes, of course they fucking do, idiot, they just aren't in as much of a position of power as the US is. The US has it's voice and message heard 24/7, China not so much. If you listened you would hear it, but you care more about your social credit score.

>> No.12131724

Whoops, missed a big one.
>1857 – Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Russian scientist and engineer, was born (died 1935)

>> No.12131726
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, Fighter-Jim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one man be so based for spaceflight

>> No.12131732

>Yes, of course they fucking do, idiot, they just aren't in as much of a position of power as the US is
In movies aimed at a international market?

>> No.12131744
File: 57 KB, 812x651, Jim-bridenstine-e1526321161296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12131745

Yes, Chinese films that are shown in countries outside of China, including the US, are pro-china, every single one of them. You don't even know what you're talking about. There have been Chinese films that have had success outside of China.

>> No.12131746

wasted consecutive digits

>> No.12131761

>There have been Chinese films that have had success outside of China.
With the explicit intend to achieve success outside China?
Again, what I am saying is widely accepted, both amongst the international community and within the USA itself(see The Great Delusion, or more recently Has China Won?, if you want details).

>> No.12131768
File: 109 KB, 1200x900, Bill-Gerstenmaier-NASA-fired-Bridenstine-Trump-Moon-2024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gerst always look so sad

>> No.12131770
File: 334 KB, 3840x2160, Starship-2019-Saturn-render-SpaceX-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man will not always stay on Earth; the pursuit of light and space will lead him to penetrate the bounds of the atmosphere, timidly at first, but in the end to conquer the whole of solar space.

>> No.12131771

>watching chinese movies

>> No.12131775
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, jim-bridenstine-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12131783

probably because he thought that we would be building moon colonies by now and SpaceX saved the manned program basically.

>> No.12131787

do you fellas got any shirtless jim pix?

>> No.12131791

i thought gerst was part of the problem, being turtle slow and source of nasa's lack of ambition

>> No.12131792

>I think Zubrin put it something like how he had always thought of a Mars mission kind of like a fancy Apollo/long-term ISS stay, where Musk is doing the fucking D-Day invasion of Mars.
Yup, that changes things. You go from "let's use a Concorde" to "let's use a bunch of boats."

>> No.12131794
File: 2.93 MB, 1920x1080, dbk3utc-3e32e16b-4b20-40f5-af98-0d6707564eef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A planet is the cradle of mind, but one cannot live in a cradle forever.

>> No.12131798

>"brainstem" callsign

>> No.12131805
File: 315 KB, 750x646, 1600226122778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get mad

>> No.12131809

but duuuude we're solving all our problems on earth before space :)

>> No.12131826

Brainstem lol

>> No.12131844
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>> No.12131852

You're fired.

>> No.12131865
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>> No.12131878

>this could get us to mars in a few weeks!
Big if true, the biggest obstacle to Mars colonization/travel is that long long transit time, a few weeks to Mars is a vast improvement, and also means less than a day to the Moon....

fuck stop getting me all hyped up

>> No.12131898

>QI gets rid of dark matter

So how does he explain the missing matter in the universe, the clumping of galaxies, the extra observed effects on galaxies theorized to be dark matter, etc?

>> No.12131900

Teaching muslims their place.
And they say China is evil, lol.

>> No.12131918

I can't believe Venus cloud balloon city shitposters might be right. Can /sfg/ design a mission architecture to send a probe to the atmosphere and return a sample to earth, making sure to take precautions to prevent infecting earth with Venusian super aids that can survive 800 degrees and sulfuric acid?

>> No.12131932

Ask him on twitter, dude is addicted.

Hes eccentric but fairly nice. He used to leftwing, but he flipped recently.

>> No.12131939

I don't use twitter, too lazy fuck it, he's either right or wrong. At this point I'm rooting for a shakeup in physics and new revolution in spaceflight but still wary of hyping myself up

>He used to leftwing, but he flipped recently.
I can definitely see that though, very based.

>> No.12131945

I don't care what they do to them. I just use this as a way to get people to hate China so we can decouple even faster.

>> No.12131947
File: 1.69 MB, 1620x2032, Venusballoonoutpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the idea of Venus being as extensively ballooned as Mars is rover'd now, the only thing cooler than one planet being actively explored and researched is two planets, one entirely from the ground, the other entirely from the air (at first)

prety kool

>> No.12131949
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, 40f56388acc81e7ffcda9570d81b0b27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god this is borderline ork tech

>> No.12131971

What do you guys think about kurzgesagt?

>> No.12131976

Good for normies, lacks any kind of personal touch though, more like watching a TV program.

>> No.12131980

>My God....this could get us to mars in a few weeks!
No, the delta V can't be expended that quickly, also we wouldn't use ultra fast trajectories to go to literally the third closest large object to Earth in the solar system. That technology would be great for establishing a maximum ~6 month transfer time to literally any object in the solar system except for the very distant scattered disk objects, though. 6 months is a workable time to spend in deep space; it sounds ugly for going to Venus or Mars, but it sounds absolutely amazing for getting to Saturn or Neptune or Makemake

>> No.12131981

They make nice simple educational videos. That's about it apart from the nice animation style.

>> No.12131982

Inferior to many other video makers. Not much content. Broad strokes.

>> No.12131985

>seals on fire
>carbon-carbon radiative cooling
>probably a decent amount of carbon sublimation occurring, which is coloring the exhaust slightly yellow
Sexy, but definitely not an ideally reusable nozzle.

>> No.12131987

Lol u sound like zubrin, he is in love w free return trajectories, im all about brute force

>> No.12131990
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He can't. McCulloch is a crank. He claims his model can explain rotation curves of galaxies but his result is basically just MOND, which was known about for decades before. So his idea hasn't added anything new. He just backward engineered a model which was known to work quite well. The problem is there are many other probes of dark matter and McCulloch has no explanation for those, but he will wave his hands and tell you he can. MOND fails all large scale tests, it needs it's own dark matter in clusters.

One of the biggest pillars of evidence for dark matter is the statistics of the cosmic microwave background, standard theory predicted the form of the powerspectrum incredibly well. In standard theory these results show that the total matter in the universe is greater than the normal matter. MONDian predictions failed. You can't just remove dark matter and get the same prediction. I put this criticism to him on his blog all I got was some bullshit handwaving.

>> No.12131992

I don't have the mental capability to comprehend such things, I'm just wrapping my head around gravity.

Maybe tomorrow.

>> No.12131993

Any word on why they scrubbed?

>> No.12131997
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>ywn be a soviet lesbian on Venus

>> No.12131999

Link to your comment?

>> No.12132001

poor weather at recovery zone

>> No.12132005

Oh nooo a cloud. They should seriously just fucking try at least once.

>> No.12132007

What is the pursuit it “light”? Good quote though either way. We are in the beginning stages of not being “timid” about it anymore

>> No.12132010
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once you get over the sometimes condescending nihilist tone (not helped by the voice they use) you realize they have some kino music and animation and sometimes interesting topics

>> No.12132014

>Would the smol boy be better as a moon transport?
No, it would require fewer launches but Starship launches are going to be dirt cheap anyway.
Rather than spend a few hundred million (at minimum) to develop mini-Starship, plus the different-shaped reusable second stage for the launch vehicle (probably another few hundred million), SpaceX could instead just develop stock Starship and spend that ~$1 billion on launching payloads to the Moon and Mars. Sure, if the cost of launching three stage Starship (third stage being mini Starship) is equal to the cost of launching two stage Starship, then performing a Moon or Mars mission requires ~10 times less launch cost. However, Mini Starship only gets a much smaller payload to the Moon/Mars, probably 10 tons or so assuming that the mini Starship has a fully loaded wet mass in LEO of no more than 150 tons (which it would a have to have if the second stage of this launch system is meant to be able to drop it off into an actual orbit and not onto suborbital trajectory).

Basically, Mini Starship is not a way of getting cargo to the Moon or Mars more cheaply, it's a way of getting there with fewer launches per landing. Regular Starship gets better payload-to-surface economics than mini Starship despite requiring a number of refueling launches to occur to enable it to drop off its payload. Choosing to do mini Starship would be a way of effectively just hampering the ground ops you're trying to accomplish on the surfaces of the Moon and Mars; shit gets a lot easier to design and send to those places when it can weigh up to 150 tons and has a big cavernous payload bay to be mounted inside. SpaceX could literally launch entire excavators and dumptrucks (modified to work in the environments they're being sent to, of course) in a single-piece configuration, held down by some simple steel beam support structures to the payload adapter plate.

>> No.12132015

Sauce? Is that actually the premise of the book?

>> No.12132018
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Reminds me so much of the station in Solaris. Imagine floating in the clouds of Venus, trying to understand the potential life there.

>> No.12132021
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There is no light more brilliant nor radiant than that found in space

>> No.12132026

I believe it's a fake.

>> No.12132029

Figures, hair looks anime style even, fuck I'd totally watch an anime like this

>> No.12132030
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A storm could potentially have impacts for Boca Chica.

>> No.12132033

Well even if he is wrong about dark matter, and QI, if the photon loop works, and they get measurable thrust there is still something of worth there, even if his theories on why it works turn out to be bogus, the fact of a working propellantless drive would be really amazing

>> No.12132034

He definitely used to be an excitable soiboy but he has evolved over time and is now much more of an actual informed person in terms of rocket launch vehicle technology. He can still act a bit faggy at times especially when sucking Elon cock on twitter, but his content (especially his long form deep dive techno-focused videos) is getting more based by the month.

>> No.12132038

nature is fucking holding back and delaying Stennis and now possible Boca Chica as well?

fuck sake

>> No.12132040

Dude imagine what would happen if they flew and it failed. It’s better to wait you faggot

>> No.12132042

Figure out how to fit a good enough TPS coating to allow interplanetary aerobraking into that 3kg mass budget while still having room for instruments, and you can probably sell that TPS material to SpaceX for a couple million.

>> No.12132045
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Thankfully it's a weak little faggot storm.

>> No.12132047

Yeah, why wouldn't it be
It only needed to be like two centimeters thicker to have that overcapacity, and it's not like they max out Dragon launches in terms of payload mass. Thinning out the heat shield when going from Dragon 1 to Dragon 2 would be purposefully spending money to decrease theoretical capability for zero practical gain.

>> No.12132053

I think someone said that dragon has like 50 or so tiles and each weights just 1 kilo.

>> No.12132056

Plasma window heatshield when

>> No.12132057

If metallic-phase hydrogen is metastable enough you could probably imagine a chunk of it mixed with a kind of reaction retarding agent in free space managing to decompose from one end to the other without just instantly detonating, but considering that even if metallic-phase hydrogen is metastable we haven't even managed to replicate any results from experiments trying to make it, I'd firmly put that into the "unfeasible" category.

Nuclear fission torch drives that run by sustaining a nuclear detonation reaction inside a magnetic bottle are vastly more feasible than anything related to metallic hydrogen.

>> No.12132061

because he doesn't complain about black people all day

>> No.12132064

It was years ago. This isn't the exact comment but it brings up the same point:


Quote from reddit thread: He makes other mistakes too, his claims about dark matter are confused and his evidence in the CMB mistakes the l=2 dipole for the monopole and hence gets his equation wrong. His formula in the end is not only wrong but is flat out wrong at smaller scales."

>McCulloch: My equation is not as he says 'flat out wrong at small scales', because the new MiHsC term is 1/2L, so for big L (smaller scales) it reverts to L-CDM which is OK at small scales. My paper on this is: http://www.mdpi.com/2075-4434/2/1/81

Response from reddit: Which doesn't work. He has removed dark matter, the power spectrum with OmegaB=Omeg0 is totally and completely wrong. You can't dismantle LCDM and then appeal to it. I skimmed his paper it doesn't hold up.

McCulloch didn't even bother replying to the last comment, which is critical. He never justifies why his totally different model should revert to standard theory. Quantised Inertia is his god-of-the-gaps, it's only ever relevant when there's a discrepancy with standard theory, and he never questions whether it could have other implications.

>> No.12132069

>real time results on TPS mount design development after every static fire/flight test of an article that has TPS installed because of multiple streams and photographers at the site
What more do you need, anon? A press conference? Some CGI? They wouldn't be manufacturing those hexagons yet if they didn't think those materials would work. The last hurdle right now is figuring out a fast, cheap, and reliable way of mounting those panels to the vehicle. Worry not.

>> No.12132074

Why did you think it's called silicon valley? Because there are a lot do software people living there?

>> No.12132078

It would, but I've seen no convincing evidence of that. McCulloch admits he has little experience in running experiments, it's hard to imagine his results will be more robust than similar ones.

>> No.12132086

Sounds like a fatal error. I guess we just wait for all these alleged experiments to fizzle out.

What do you think causes inertia?

>> No.12132091

>just sticking to bog standard economical imperialism.
They don't even do that lol they build infrastructure in Africa literally for free.

>> No.12132097

I'm not talking about free return trajectories, I'm saying that even if we had the super-efficient/super-effective propulsion system you're talking about, we'd likely just use it to lob larger masses of payload onto similar, or slightly faster trajectories as are already baselined. Going 10x faster is not as good as arriving with 100x as much stuff.
Also, like I said, top speeds are limited by your max acceleration and the distance between you and target. Going to Saturn or Neptune wouldn't take appreciably longer than going to Jupiter, because you can reach a higher top speed due to having a longer distance to accelerate and decelerate. This is best for manned missions, letting you get to the edge of the Kuiper belt in months, but it also allows you to lob REALLY big masses onto slower, but still direct, trajectories, since having more mass with the same thrust gives you a slower acceleration. For example, we could lob a 5000 ton unmanned payload tractor at Uranus on a 5 year trajectory, and once it arrives we could blast out a 50 ton manned shuttle craft that shows up at Uranus in six months. That original 5000 ton vehicle could obviously carry the power supply and the beamed power array necessary to allow the manned craft to slow down on arrival, which is really what enables the ~6 month trajectory in the first place. From there you follow up by shoving out more 5000 ton cargo craft followed by bursts of 50 tons crew shuttles, and you can even do two-way highway transport by sending back the mostly-empty cargo craft and the manned shuttles as well. With this kind of beamed power propulsion highway you can really shotgun colonize any object in the solar system at least as rapidly as we could colonize Mars using a fleet of Starship style reusable chemically powered vehicles.

>> No.12132103

Any reactionless thruster with greater efficiency than a photon rocket using the same power is a free energy machine.

>> No.12132113

maybe it only works in vacuum

>> No.12132116
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Speaking for the US at least- The Immigration Act of 1965 combined with women entering the workforce in large numbers completely fucked income growth.
How much will industrialization and colonization of space affect this?

>> No.12132118

>6 months
Still too much, Saturn should be 3-4 months away at max, Mars and Venus maybe 1 month max, Moon - 1.5 days

>> No.12132133
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The speed of light is gay af, warp drives when?

>> No.12132142
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I wish I was at that naming ceremony.

>> No.12132149
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You mean neocon policies ans corporate deregulation right?

>> No.12132155

Fuck off both of you

>> No.12132176

Yes, that too.
If all those things weren't allowed to happen then >>12130751 probably would've become a reality, if not seen as an overly conservative estimate.

>> No.12132183

Lesbians are sterile degenerates

>> No.12132189

i bet you're fun at parties

>> No.12132193

>spacex launch soon
>go to bed
>expect launch to be scrubbed by scrubx
>wake up
>launch was scrubbed
the only thing anyone can easily predict when it comes to spacex is that they will scrub

>> No.12132197

The best kind of degenerate, considering the alternative.

>> No.12132204
File: 296 KB, 1174x1351, sad_hopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can the space flight industry boom already so there would be more job openings? It's hard enough as it is to get in without significant technical experience.

>> No.12132209

Go larp as a prude elsewhere

>> No.12132212


>> No.12132231

atleast they launch within a week of the scrub. Would not want to be an ULA fanboy

>> No.12132233

Close enough.

>> No.12132237

I would say it has-SpaceX, Rocket Lab and BO have added something like 10k aersopace jobs to the overall supply. The next step is to get things set up for ISRU of NEA and space tourism-Virgin's idea of it is not compelling enough. We need a space hotel. Bigelow need to get bought out and restructured ASAP.

>> No.12132238

>Still too much, Saturn should be 3-4 months away at max, Mars and Venus maybe 1 month max, Moon - 1.5 days
If you can't tell I'm picking 6 months out of a hat, I'm not bothering to do calculations in a question of the philosophy behind methods of space travel.

Regarding your examples, expending the time and effort to set up this propulsion system's acceleration and deceleration nodes would not be worth cutting a mere 36 hours off of an otherwise 72 hour trip. That's retarded. Instead it would make sense to use the propulsion system to shove kiloton and megaton scale vehicles and payloads between the Earth and Moon without needing to use large mass fractions of propellant, thus allowing for an order of magnitude or greater decrease in per kilogram transport costs.

For going to Venus or Mars, cutting off several months of travel time may be more valuable, but still, the dichotomy of speed VS payload mass exists, and it seems the payload is worth FAR more than the time. Accepting a doubling in transfer time from a minimum of one month up to just two months would increase the payload mass limit by 4x. Going to a three month transfer time gives you 9x the payload of the one-month trajectory, while still offering a several-month reduction in transfer time compared to a free return or a Hohmann trajectory. This seems to be a sweet spot in terms of value tradeoff; you're effectively spending several months of time in order to arrive with a vehicle that has a gross mass of 9000 tons instead of 1000.

For going to Jupiter and beyond, the value in time saved by sacrificing potential payload mass becomes more important. Nobody wants to sit around in a personnel shuttle for 8 years to get to Saturn, but at the same time it wouldn't be logical to blast out to Saturn and arrive with minimal payload mass in three months instead of arriving with twice as much mass in 4 months. This will be true until the places you're going don't need significant cargo shipments.

>> No.12132241

>Axiom Space confirms they are working on sending the winner of an upcoming reality TV show produced by Space Hero Inc. to the International Space Station

bros its time for one of us to go to space

>> No.12132245

It will be limited even with colony on Mars.

>> No.12132247

>Space Hero Inc., a U.S.-based production company founded by Thomas Reemer and Deborah Sass and led by former News Corp Europe chief Marty Pompadur, has secured a seat on a 2023 mission to the International Space Station. It will go to a contestant chosen through an unscripted show titled Space Hero. Produced by Ben Silverman and Howard Owens’ Propagate, the series will launch a global search for everyday people from any background who share a deep love for space exploration. They will be vying for the biggest prize ever awarded on TV.
>the idea is for the culmination of the competition to be in a an episode broadcast live around the world where viewers from different countries can vote for the contestant they want to see going to space
>The show will then chronicle the winner’s takeoff; their stay at the ISS for 10 days

>> No.12132248

So they're making a movie on the ISS and now a TV show? Porn when?

>> No.12132254

Novelty of space will quickly vanish and with cheap access it will be mostly used for zero-g manufacturing.

>> No.12132258

A colony on Mars and the Moon is just the beginning. Mars' moon Phobos will be the staging area for the development of large rotating orbital habitats, and from there habitation and colonization in the asteroid belt will begin. For thousands of years we're going to be experiencing exponential growth of the human presence in deep space, on planets and moons in the solar system but more importantly in orbit of those worlds and of the Sun itself.

>> No.12132259

....yes, and?

>> No.12132264


>> No.12132269

Will SLS be as dangerous as the Space Shuttle since it uses SRBs as well? Or since there is a capsule escape system it isn’t as dangerous?

>> No.12132273

That sound you hear is the Everyday Astronaut nutting

>> No.12132277

>Or since there is a capsule escape system it isn’t as dangerous?
This. The SLS is disappointingly bad, but not THAT bad.

>> No.12132278

Capitalism with social regulations is still the best policy. Pure socialism is death, pure capitalism is a slavery.

>> No.12132298

I hate all sterile people.

>> No.12132301

Regulations are immoral.

>> No.12132307

It’s got an advantage in inherent safety due to having an LAS, as well as in lifting capacity, but it somehow manages to surpass the shuttle in terms of negative traits in pretty much all other fields.

>> No.12132310

it might be as dangerous as ARES 1, both have SRB first stages and both will produce parachute shredding chunks of burning rocket

>> No.12132312

Launch escape works every time Rusians have shown.

>> No.12132314
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The second commercial module is going to the ISS in November
>will be used to host science payloads and deploy cubesats
>can be moved to a commercial space station when ISS is deorbited

>> No.12132315


>> No.12132319

Imagine the cost.

>> No.12132320

Do not do

>> No.12132321

looks like a tokamak

>> No.12132325
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Nanoracks also got $20 million in funding to work on it's orbital outpost project, a space station module built from a rocket's second stage.

>> No.12132330

It has to be profitable enough that the company spent years developing it.

>> No.12132335

You might be able to reduce deaths by banning soda but that doesn’t mean banning soda is actually justified.

>> No.12132336

I liked The Wandering Earth though

>> No.12132339

when will we finally have a spin station in orbit? It feels kinda retarded to just throw astronauts at Mars with literally zero data on 0.3g habitation

>> No.12132340

hypergolic wet workshops when

>> No.12132342

>a space station module built from a rocket's second stage
Wet workshops are back on the menu?

>> No.12132347
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>> No.12132349

Jim and the commander of the Space Force will have a public meeting on Tuesday to discuss "collaboration on human spaceflight, emerging space transportation, standards and best practices for safe operations in space, scientific research, and planetary defense."

>> No.12132351

Not him but regulation tends to beget more regulation, whether or not it’s necessary. We’re already long past the point where regulators are just causing more problems to justify their continued existence.
The tool is out of control and causing more damage than it repairs.

>> No.12132353

Yes it's a wet workshop. They were supposed to have a demonstrator or two launching soon but I can't find any details.

>> No.12132354

You should have the freedom to hurt yourself. You should not have the freedom to hurt others.
Is it immoral to prvent a company from dumping toxic waste into a river that flows into your town and waters the crops that feed it? Is it immoral to prevent one person from giving a million people cancer?

>> No.12132359
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>> No.12132367

If you want a free market you need regulations period. If you don't break big companies or prevent mergers at some point you end up with monopolies or cartels because that's how capitalism works on its own and then you're fucked. The lack of regulations makes diabetic burgers pay more than 1k/month their insulin for example because of price gouging. This is immorality. If you want an example of deregulated capitalism just look at 90' Russia.

>> No.12132373

But we have that already right this second, and there’s more regulation now than at any point in the past.

>> No.12132376

>S-II wet workshop
Amazing. Also impressed that the concept of a radiation storm shelter existed all the way back in 1964.

>> No.12132381

Regulation also creates problems; companies with more resources have a disproportionately easier time being in compliance with paper pushers than any upstart small business competition might dream of.

>> No.12132391

>tfw von brauns handwriting is almost as messy as mine

>> No.12132405

Well yes you have regulations that's why Boeing didn't buy SpaceX.

>> No.12132407

Poor handwriting is allegedly a sign of genius. Probably just a cope for smart people with bad handwriting, but still.

>> No.12132408

That violates the non-aggression principle so that’s bad

>> No.12132412

Monopolies are not per se bad. They may dominate the market simply because they provide the best services. If they don’t, then it’s simple enough for a startup to overcome them

>> No.12132424

>If they don’t, then it’s simple enough for a startup to overcome them
That's a really naive thing to say. When this kind of money is involved you'll have the monopoly buy the startup, do a hostile takeover, assassinations etc. The only way a monopoly works well enough is if it's a public owned service so it doesn't aim to make profits.

>> No.12132431
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>hey may dominate the market simply because they provide the best services
Are you a literal teenager?

>> No.12132445

>what are telecoms and the laws and lobbying in place to ensure their regional monopolies

>> No.12132465

Monopolies only maintain their primacy by collaborating with the government to establish regulations which make it more difficult for smaller entities to operate and compete, or by maintaining a good enough quality of service that people simply pick them over other options to such an extent that they dominate the market.

> The only way a monopoly works well enough is if it's a public owned service so it doesn't aim to make profits.

Anything the government does is done shitty.

>> No.12132471

>Monopolies only maintain their primacy by collaborating with the government to establish regulations which make it more difficult for smaller entities to operate and compete

For example

>> No.12132482

So, to keep me from starting a new thread and all:
What type of telescope is suitable for a novice that wants to look at "basic" shit like the moon, ISS, jovian moons and such, without breaking the bank?

>> No.12132491

Those are laws made to please corporate interests not regulations which aim to prevent those things.
Neocons and trickle down economics is the biggest swindle in history. They sold the whole country to the corporations.

>> No.12132509
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More ISS commercialization news
>Later this month, up to 10 bottles of a new Estée Lauder serum will arrive at the ISS. NASA astronauts are expected to film the items in the microgravity & the company will be able to use that footage in ad campaigns or other promotional material

>> No.12132510
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Fuck Reagan too

>> No.12132521

What a load of bullshit. What's next McDonald's nuggets?

>> No.12132527

green bean leaf clippings or makeup ads, the choice is yours

>> No.12132535

Engaging with corporations in space is good

>> No.12132548

Doncaccino in space.

>> No.12132554

You can't talk about him here because people will give you mean (you)s, so you have to virtue signal that you dislike him in your post

Actually none of that is true, but everyone believes it and monkeys won't climb up the ladder

>> No.12132555

Its a line to balance, and Elon's been very careful about not giving up control of the company to any of their investors.

>> No.12132569

w e w

>> No.12132582

>Can the space flight industry boom already so there would be more job openings? It's hard enough as it is to get in without significant technical experience.
It is booming, I'm seeing jobs posted every day. It's the same as every well paid industry though, where non-technical "entry level" positions are either rare or nonexistent. That's a symptom of American capitalism, where everyone is deathly afraid of hiring inexperienced people.

>> No.12132642

Are they still planning on doing this with the Canada Urkaine Cyclone 4 rocket?

>> No.12132673

Kinda weird,but they have taken tourists to the ISS before so it;s not that much different.

We need private space stations ASAP.

>> No.12132679

That's going to be 100 billion plus tip.

>> No.12132689

*100 billion cost-plus tip

>> No.12132703

If the rocketman actually delivers with starship, it would actually be possible to get a ISS-tier space station for a few dozen millions bucks.

>> No.12132708
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it's like modern shitty sitcom casting
>strong black man
>white dude

>> No.12132720

Well, launches will be cheap but nobody has really seriously been working on cheaper station modules. Elon is building the trains but who's going to build the saloon, so to speak? The only expando-hab company that isn't sunk or still exclusively in the drawing board stage is SNC, but I haven't heard shit about their inflato-hab in a while.

>> No.12132722

Not unless the two on the left are in a relationship and the two on the right also are.

>> No.12132734

Soichi Noguchi is based as fuck, and has voiced himself in the anime 'Space Brothers', as has Akihiko Hoshide, who will be on SpaceX Crew-2

>> No.12132746


>> No.12132763

Bigelow is by far the furthest along but they've also been JUSTed economically. We need some alternatives if they can't pull through.

>> No.12132785

I admire their animation and video-making skills. The music and topic choices are hit or miss. >>12132010 is right about their writing not being able to escape the condescending attitude that most pop-sci media tends to have.

>> No.12132802

It's perfect
>White guy is the leader
>Asian guy helps with technical stuff
>Black guy does menial labour
>Woman stands around and complains and occasionally is raped.
See we can all live together.

>> No.12132820

I hope you know international finance is moving there. Dont light switch there is not "Good" guy in this world. You gotta be the good guy

>> No.12132825
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I really really hate that condescending tone with a mix of nihilism, but I just ignore it now because some episodes were decent

>> No.12132831

I guess Musk could always create his own hab company, since early settlements on the Moon and Mars will probably be pre-fabs which will need to deal with extreme temperatures, next to no external pressure, and micrometeorites. He would only need a dumb name to go with it.

>> No.12132834

They're funded by the German government, it's homoglobo propaganda.

>> No.12132836

Fuck nanoracks, they refused to send up my team's mini centrifuge project and instead sent up literal bugs in a box because of corporate bullshit

>> No.12132845

There is indeed no good guys in international politics, but bipolar world is better than an unipolar one where the top dog can abuse his power with impunity.

>> No.12132847
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it just doesnt compare to the big OG

>> No.12132865


>> No.12132897

Then why do they need to ask for Patreonbux?

>> No.12132903
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>> No.12132928
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>> No.12132947

>/x/tards say the elite have HAARP weather control tech
>modern rocket launches still constantly get scrubbed at the last minute due to bad weather,costing billions and delaying critical missions
I wish we could control the weather bros...is that ever going to be possible even in a rough way?

>> No.12132952

yeah, use orbital mirrors to cool the gulf and suck the energy out of the hurricane

>> No.12132953
File: 12 KB, 250x200, nathan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I order you to destroy the hurricane.

>> No.12132955

wtf I love chinkoids now

>> No.12132969

so, wait, if EM drive memes can be achieved with fiber optic loops, why hasn't /sfg/ built one

>> No.12132971

More like Hurricane 'Senator' Shelby,


>> No.12132992


>> No.12133013
File: 546 KB, 2560x1600, Screen Shot 2020-09-17 at 7.39.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is EM Drive going to get canceled?

>> No.12133016

>this is gonna be the last storm before they start using greek letter names

>> No.12133020
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>> No.12133028

Yeah let's have india and china the most populous developing countries fully come into "modern civilization" along with the rest of the developing world using petrochemical energy. Fuck it lets just embrace globohomo and also import people from undeveloped countries into the west. It's cheap labor and their countries will have been ravaged by extreme weather. Totally sustainable if we all just stop eating meat. Don't be racist and eat the bugs goy.

>> No.12133045

it was all the woke academia stuff that broke him. guy was an adamant leftist until a month or two ago.

I will say this-I think people that knee-jerk dismiss anything weird in physics are being foolish,but the evidence for QI is non-existent-we just have the word of a few people. Until one of these gadgets can be sent into space and get unambiguous results, I will remain neutral.

>> No.12133051

he seems like he swung hard to the right

>> No.12133066
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Reminder that Trump is going to lose and Biden hates space.

>> No.12133071

At least we have SpaceX lol and SpaceX is too PopSci to be shut down

>> No.12133073

trump has been doing really good right now, and biden promising eternal lockdowns and all of these BLM and Antifa riots (Which are associated with the democrats) isn't helping the left either

>> No.12133082
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>> No.12133085


>> No.12133086

>trump has been doing really good right now
HUH? In what metric?

>> No.12133091

>This was me in 2015

>> No.12133095
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>> No.12133099


>> No.12133101
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>2018 test flight
>6 years ago
wew lad

>> No.12133103

stomping out leftist propaganda in education and government and reducing legal immigration by 49%, as well as actually building the wall

>> No.12133113

It’s Orion guys I swear. It’s lockheed martin and airbus; not boeing!!!!

>> No.12133115

He'll put Boca Chica on eternal environmental review while taxing Elon to death and forcing NASA to up planetary protections for Mars so high that it makes colonization impossible. Oh and they'll ban the word "colonization" because it's racist.


>> No.12133118

never even got his own batman movie. what was that all about?

>> No.12133128

Don't wanna get too into it so I'll only make the one post, but he's been slowly eating up Biden's small leads in swing states, and that's assuming those leads even existed in the first place. Highly dubious since all the usual MSM characters can only be relied upon to cherrypick data favorable to Biden in all circumstances. On top of that unemployment has plummeted from 20% mid quarantine to 8%, the same as Obama had when he ran as the incumbent POTUS, Trump's approval is also hovering in the same ballpark of 45%+. Obama's was 47% by the actual election, if Trump's continues to recover at the rate it has been from it's bottom low, he might actually surpass Obama's very slightly.
None of this even touches on the fact that a huge portion of unaffiliated voters have candidly admitted via survey that they actively lied when polled about who they would vote for, and in the current left-wing dominated social space I can't imagine it's the Biden voters who are lying, not to mention that Trump has had unprecedented support from normally highly Dem leaning police and labor unions, unsurprising considering that Trump is more like a Union Democrat than any kind of Republican.

I find it highly improbable that Biden can win in these circumstances, except by foul means, in which case all of us who live in the US will have much more pressing issues than which POTUS is going to favor peaceful commercial rocketry.

>> No.12133131

>Reminder that Trump is going to lose
>HUH? In what metric?
I'm getting 2016 vibes all over again.

>> No.12133132
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>> No.12133138

I love that clip from the British mars colonization show where one of his first (or his first?) rocket launches and he's acting all excited like a child running outside onto the lawn to watch it with his boys

>> No.12133146

Then we’ll colonize the moon. If SpaceX really wanted they could just make a hydrolox starship so they can ISRU off the poles.

Have faith

>> No.12133147


>> No.12133173
File: 123 KB, 1199x900, 901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do this one day lads. I find it hard to describe how much I want to build and launch a giant fucking rocket. It's like being constantly hungry all the fucking time, every fucking day I don't launch a huge rocket is a day of my life wasted.

>> No.12133181

i feel like fission torch drives would be more efficient anyway

>> No.12133192

>Business Casual
>Business Suit

>> No.12133200
File: 120 KB, 1920x1080, 1596549631292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had to dress up for the president

>> No.12133203

goddamn those hair implants fucking work

>> No.12133217

I love thay his actual words when the Falcon Heavy took off were,
>Holy flying fuck, that thing took off.

>> No.12133221

Now imagine 135 of these stopped together.

>> No.12133226

You're either a doomer or a republican shill. Biden isn't going to cancel SpaceX, stop pretending that everyone who isn't on your side hates space.
The "space is racist" crowd on the left is like the "space is fake" crowd on the right. A loud but small minority.

>> No.12133229

I wish they sold those masks

>> No.12133236
File: 119 KB, 800x450, bridenstine-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space is fake AND racist anon.....

>> No.12133254

If Biden wins and the National Space Council is abolished then we will all see how little his administration truly cares about space

>> No.12133261

You can see the pain in his eyes.

>> No.12133273
File: 659 KB, 1800x2040, 1597546140712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The way past manifest destiny and other colonial-era language can be simple: Be specific. Just as crewed is a more accurate word than manned, other phrases could easily sub in for the more outdated ones. “Instead of trying to say ‘settlement on Mars’ or ‘colony on Mars,’ why don't we just say, ‘We sent 12 astronauts to Mars?’” Persaud said.

These people need to stay the fuck away from space with their language policing PC bullshit

jesus fucking christ, you can tell they truly deeply in their hearts care more about and find more important about how politically correct and inclusive/tolerant/progressive blahblah our American space ventures are than about the ventures themselves.

These people would hold America's progress down with an iron chain while China laughs in our progressive cucked faces as they mine the asteroid belt with reckless abandon securing themselves eternal economic dominance, jesus christ.

>> No.12133290

Hey, anon, what are those gold things for?

>> No.12133298


>> No.12133299

Propellant is stored in the balls.

>> No.12133300

delta-V is stored in the balls

>> No.12133303

balls balls balls

>> No.12133314


>> No.12133338

energy black swan in next 2 years, 95% confidence. will revolutionize aerospace as well.

>> No.12133354

we can hope

>> No.12133366

nah, next big energy thing will be fusion with first commercial plants being built in ~20-30 years

>> No.12133369

None of that bullshit matters because civilization will stop existing when we run out of oil no matter what.

>> No.12133370


>> No.12133377

Going to fucking Titan to get oil is the least energy efficient idea I’ve ever heard of.

>> No.12133379

we'll use SRB's

>> No.12133380


>> No.12133383

5 years.

>> No.12133385
File: 104 KB, 1214x606, Screen Shot 2020-09-17 at 7.45.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX is done for, I am a ULA chad now I suppose.

>> No.12133388

oh no no no no ITS OVER

>> No.12133389

why? oil is gay af. deuterium is way better.

>> No.12133398

I think it's time to offer sacrifices to appease the gods before a launch.

>> No.12133399

Oil is what powers shipping, cars, and makes plastics and fertilizers. It is what has allowed our civilization to reach such a large population and level of living standards, and when it runs out, both of those things will crash.

>> No.12133404

Are they gonna try getting SN7.1 back on the test stand to pop tonight, or are we gonna have to wait longer?

>> No.12133408

we can use fusion to rip co2 out of the air and form it into oil if we still need it.

quit being a fucking faggot and fight.

>> No.12133409

Years ago Elon used to have the inside of a plasma-filled tokamak as his twitter background. Wat mean?

>> No.12133415

ITER is already 6+ years away with no delays and that's just the proof of concept. DEMO and other follow ups are even farther off. There's also all sorts of startups stating they're working on it or have fusion working like lockheed and yet nothing from them so clearly fake
>inb4 Hleion anon
they have shown nothing and therefor they have nothing

>> No.12133419

Yeah lemme know when fusion works lol

>> No.12133429


>> No.12133440

this shit is just fucking motivational

>> No.12133456

God this thing is so cool

>> No.12133465

Isn't the last ULA launch still delayed to this day?

>> No.12133471

Just checked ULA launch has been delayed till the 26th.

>> No.12133473
File: 221 KB, 504x429, locklander.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad it doesn't have a lot of room because it runs on hydromeme. But it primairily fires its engines in space and on mars so I guess hydrogen works in this case. But methalox would give you more room and allow you to use ISRU refueling

>> No.12133474

If ITER works then DEMO probably won't be far behind. We could see fusion power by the 40s.

>> No.12133493

You can ISRU hydrogen on Mars if you crack the ice caps.

>> No.12133528

Hydrolox ISRU is significantly easier than methalox. You don't need a carbon source, just water.

>> No.12133555



>> No.12133558

lel Trump was shitposting about Elon and Jeff at a rally just now
>Rich guys like rockets, I guess.
>But they need some place to launch from.
(talking about KSC)

>> No.12133567

Fusion? more like fuckin gay

>> No.12133594


>> No.12133601

nobody tell him about launching offshore

>> No.12133611
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>bass relief

>> No.12133626

pop within the hour? I don't want to stay up late...

>> No.12133630

Would make plenty of sense though to revamp Kennedy by both refurbishing the existing pads and adding new ones along with more robust facilities to support commercial rockets.
A lot more sense than maintaining only a few pads to launch insanely expensive government rockets from very infrequently.

>> No.12133672

Pad isn't even clear yet, probably going to be a little bit.

>> No.12133680

Everything is a little bit gay, anon.

>> No.12133711
