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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12130072 No.12130072 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12130079


>> No.12130085


God I wanna have her sit on my face.

>> No.12130113

>random dude somehow an expert in multiple disciplines
>leftist propoganda
Kill yourself.

>> No.12130128

Who do you think you are, posting my waifu without my permission?

>> No.12130155

just imagine having her in a mating press and she she whimpers and breathes warmly in your ear

>> No.12130175
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How long until she gets /colonized/?

>> No.12130178

>oh noes, actual data research
you're stupid

>> No.12130620

No, it's just another SARS corona virus, one of many.

>> No.12130733

>muh (((research)))
Fuck off basedaboya. The only legit sciences are math and physics. Every other field is cuck shit

>> No.12130741

Luc Montagnier and many other top virologists would disagree.

Alex Jones is a loud, right-wing nut, but the lack of science that the public has been told with this virus is clear.

>> No.12130748

if it were a zoonotic spill over event we'd expect the spike protein to not have such high affinity for human ace2 right out of the gate yet we find the opposite.
further we'd expect the virus to mutate a lot more since it just jumped to a new host yet what we find is that it is mutating like the tail end of sars.

>andersperg et al 2020 "hurr durr i would've done it differently therefore no way it could be lab made qed" instead of demonstrating that sarscov2 is outside the range of what a lab could produce.

>> No.12130761

she is smart
and doesnt want to date
feel free to sen her nice fanmail

>> No.12130766

tldr the yan report for me

>> No.12130886


Maybe instead of mutating or evolving it was an "exotic recombination event" where the virus spontaneously formed from free nucleic acids and was, therefore, ideal for infecting humans over all the other animals it could have previously come from?

Maybe instead of escaping from a CCP lab, THE WIND distributed it the 1000 kilometers north away from SARS' natural habitat to the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab?

The scientists say the virus couldn't have been tinkered with, also the lab was ALREADY LOCKED DOWN when it "supposedly leaked" and we have the satellite data to prove that.

Also, people literally never study viruses EXCEPT to weaponize them, so any lab leak would have been WAY WORSE.

Don't even bother reading Dr Yan's paper, just trust that it's WRONG, your racist colonizer mind could never understand ANY OF IT.

Grow a brain bigot!

>> No.12132444

>Overall, the data indicates that SARSCoV2 is uniquely adapted to infect humans, raising questions as to whether it arose in nature by a rare chance event or whether its origins lie elsewhere.

>> No.12132637
File: 197 KB, 1024x682, amarketingab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pan_SL-CoV_GD is a coronavirus affecting pangolins. Its receptor binding motif is only 1 aminoacid away from sars-cov-2.


>> No.12133111
File: 63 KB, 750x467, Eco28DYWsAEGSDI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Built for BIC

>> No.12133278


>> No.12133286

>Physics is science
>Chemistry isn't science
kys pseud.

>> No.12133401


>> No.12134330

scary but she's almost 1 to 1 in similarity to my wife

>> No.12134723

>Literally funded by a social justice group
>Random data he cherry picked to sort of peove his point
You are truly brainwashed.

>> No.12134725

China created covid and intentionally deployed it.

>> No.12134761

It's incomplete. It fails to mention there are two S protein, each with different antibodies, but looking similar enough so that the body treats them as the same.
So the firs time you get it, your body sends the army, and later develops a chemical weapon to neutralize it. Since then, it mainly sends the chemucal and a cleanup party to collect the bodies. But one day you get infected with the virus with the other S protein, the chemical does nothing, the virus eats the cleanup party and goes attacking the rest of the body with nothing to stop it. Only those with "faulty" immune systems that send the army no matter what will stay alive.

>> No.12134768

he showed that all the "sources" are just idiots quoting each other