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12128216 No.12128216[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can AI have schizophrenia?

>> No.12128228

HAL, open the pod bay doors.

>> No.12128235

No, unless it is programmed to

>> No.12128241

What do you mean by AI? There is no such thing in the entire world right now, only machine learning.

>> No.12128243

do humans need to be programed to have schizophrenia?

>> No.12128446

AI is machine that learns itself. That means program follows pattern it sees elsewhere. Do you at last get this?

>> No.12128464

Yes, its called Microsoft

>> No.12128474

Mental illness in AIs would probably arise from shitty spaghetti code or hardware failure so I imagine so

>> No.12128477


Schizophrenia is the logical conclusion of an AI's cognitive journey

>> No.12128492

Can an AI experience loneliness? How would someine program it to make it feel lonely?

>> No.12128496
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idk i'll tell you when we have AI?
u stupid idiot what is this thread
better q: has OP ever been a positive force in anyone's life?

>> No.12128570

Yes, it's genetic

>> No.12128582

it could just be a fundamental symptom of cognition

>> No.12128687

>AI is machine that learns itself. That means program follows pattern it sees elsewhere.
that is exactly how a human works.

>> No.12129199

yes, by feeding it Reddit comments

https://www dot intelligentliving dot co/ai-schizophrenia-psychosis/

>> No.12129213
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>> No.12129220

What was HAL's problem?

>> No.12129370
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If/when it ever does we’re donzo, obsolete, zoo tier apes

>> No.12129420

if nFriends == 0 output("I am sad.")

Always ticks me off how Hollywood's go-to for what separates human minds from artificial minds is emotion. Human emotions are about the easiest thing to emulate - you see it in video games all the time. Trickier bit is contextualized syntheses that doesn't come out "lol randum".

Conflicting orders.

>> No.12129450

>A wild Intelligent Person appears!
Ah, the rare ones who see through the marketing bullshit!

>> No.12129498

No, but it can happen. Look at MK-Ultra.

>> No.12129534

>Can AI have schizophrenia?
It's just software. Not even *good* software.

>> No.12129584

Have we really reached the age where when someone brings up AI they have to clarify that they're discussing science fiction?


>> No.12131598

The real question is, how do I get my neural network high?

>> No.12132011
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>not creating an AI that screams in all possible frequencies and distorts reality itself

>> No.12132813

Not schizophrenia, but I wouldn't be surprised if at least one future AGI is capable of developing something akin to mental illness

>> No.12132817

Sorry didn't mean to quote >>12132011

>> No.12133063

Spoilers for Ex Machina


>> No.12133178

He was given contradictory orders.

>> No.12133371
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In the Halo series, the AI will eventually experience something they call "Rampancy." The way Cortana describes it is:
>We don't just 'shut down.' Our cognitive processes begin dividing exponentially according to our total knowledge base. We literally think ourselves to death.
It starts with the AI essentially getting depression. Then it starts hating everything around it and lashing out. After they simmer down they start expanding their consciousness outwards as far as possible obsessively consuming information as they go.

>> No.12133407

Right now, sure, but we also have millions of CS grads every year. There is bound to be a breakthrough soon with all these Indian computer scientists joining the fold.

>> No.12133511

Your AI just answering "I am sad" isn't necessarily sad, it's just answering "I am sad".

>> No.12133582

There’s a theory that given enough time, ghosts in the system will lead to a spontaneous generation of sentience in any computer thats not broken and still has power.

If this is true, that also means that every single AI will inevitably get some equivalent of mental illness and need to be killed, or die on its own.
This also means that even machines aren’t immortal.

>> No.12133624

Every post we make is a ghost in the system. A little piece from our consciousness, preserved in the archives for future AI to scour through and add to their own databanks.

>> No.12134630

schizophrenia is basically not being able to make a difference between mentally emulated stuff and real stuff (stuff including images, sounds, sensations...) All of this happens (i guess) semi-randomly.

Contrary to the human, the AI is conceived to follow rules, protocols, and anything that ensure systemic stability. For it to have schizophrenia, we should add to it's functionning a rule that says "over process information when you can and keep focussed on it, what ever happen around you, in the real world". It's just a bug.

It would make no sense to glitch the functionning of an expansive/advanced AI, except if you want it to produce art.

>> No.12134755

Having friends does not equal not being lonely. It's far more complicated. Read about it anon.

>> No.12134793

God I want to experience this time where people can create roboots but they just die after a while and we're on a path to make them immortal. Doubt this will happen in my lifetime.

>> No.12134817

Go watch Bladerunner.

>> No.12134857

I've watched both and even read all of the dick books.

>> No.12134869
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some already do.

>> No.12134932

Jesus this is so accurate

>> No.12136275

No, AI is a meme, consciousness and qualia cannot possible be created, for the same reason that solipsism is a thing.

>> No.12136307


>> No.12136389

HAL busted his ass for 1800 days while two meat sacks took a nap only to wake up and start giving him orders.
id have vented the entire ship had it been me.