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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 175 KB, 1920x868, venus colony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12120023 No.12120023 [Reply] [Original]

So are there aliens on Venus or what?

>> No.12120052


>> No.12120061

Peenus Venus

>> No.12120112

Just Earth bacteria from the probes.

>> No.12120115

My veanus peanus

>> No.12121499

Only alien farts

>> No.12121504


t. been there

>> No.12121506

venus peenus in my venugaina

>> No.12121512

What they found is unironically swamp gas!

>> No.12121554

Yes, probably.

>> No.12121605

The most hyperacidic bacteria on earth is from the Dallol pools (notably, not where Soviet probes were constructed and launched) and lives in a ~5% solution of sulfuric acid in water.
Venus clouds are sulfuric acid with a little water dissolved, 10 to the 11th times more acidic.

0% chance it’s earth contaminants. This is almost certainly evidence of an aerial biosphere on Venus, and it’s not even that surprising.
This likely solves the “unknown absorber” mystery which eats half of Venus’ received UV, associated with randomly changing dark cloud patterns - it’s photosynthesizing lifeforms.

Venus has microbes, Mars has or had stromatolites and lichen in the past, Enceladus probably has subsurface ocean life, comets might have life, Ceres too.

Get with the times, losers: astrobiology is exploding, panspermia is real, religious dumbfuck cynics BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

>> No.12121728

Okay /sci/ where do you fall on this chart:

>> No.12121729

Randall Munroe is a fucker

>> No.12121735

XKCD is reddit the comic

>> No.12121739

based and correct

you forgot Europa though

>> No.12121742

He's funny, you're not. XKCD:1, (You): 0
Now are you going to stop being jerks and weigh in on the subject, or are you just board tourists from /b/ or /x/ or something?

>> No.12121752
File: 134 KB, 557x688, phosphine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not this then you're a hysterical xenophile who sees extraterrestrial life in anything resembling a fart.

>> No.12121763

if you don't have any stake in whether or not there's life on venus then there's no harm in having an unreasonably optimistic or pessimistic belief about it.

>> No.12121765

Well, despite what you just said, I fall in the middle-of-the-road, 'Promising Evidence/Appropriately Cautious' category.
Without *solid* evidence one way or the other, there is no reason to embrace or dismiss anything whatsoever.

>> No.12121766

No, radio telescopes are notoriously unreliable for these kinds of observations.

>> No.12121767

No, Randall Munroe sucks ass forever and no self-respecting person would ever knowingly click on an xkcd link. He’s not funny, you’re probably literally stupid if his “humor” appeals to you.
I refer you to the blog “xkcd sucks” for a painstaking and at-length analysis of exactly how much donkey dick Munroe can suck.

As for his dumbass chart: It’s a grotesquely unfunny misrepresentation of scientific epistemology by a moron who doesn’t understand anything except the validation of popularity.

>> No.12121770

For... spectroscopy? What the hell are you talking about lol?

>> No.12121773

No lol
They just willfully stopped considering abiotic sources of phosphine at a certain point. It's a pure citation mill.

>> No.12121775

You must be a blast at parties, you know, the ones you don't get invited to because you suck all the fun out of the room with your too-serious, pedantic attitude.

>> No.12121786

It bears repeating that Randall Munroe is a faggy bugman, and no amount of "stay on topic!" screeching will stop me spreading my message.

>> No.12121787

I honestly wish a space agency would send an atmospheric collection mission to Venus and if possible have it return to Earth's surface, parachute and splashdown and all.

I absolutely do not want a calling-wolf scenario. Where life might exist in Venus, it must be physically confirmed.

>> No.12121796

>h...have sex i..incel!
So this is the power of leftist rhetoric

>> No.12121803

No it's just the planet Venus.

>> No.12121804

Don’t care, I would burn my last social bridge with the last remaining human on earth to let them know how much I hate xkcd.

>> No.12121809

Ah, you show your true colors now.
Go back to /pol/

>> No.12121811

Doing good work, keep it up

>> No.12121816

trans communist here and I have utterly despised randall munroe for over a decade, it’s not just /pol/tards.

>> No.12121820

You should do something about your anger issues, it's bad for your health.

Wouldn't such a probe have to carry quite a bit of fuel to do that? Mainly because it'd have to dive fairly deep into the Venusian atmosphere to get it's samples then boost it's way back out again and get on a reasonable trajectory back to Earth? Also, enough maneuvering reserve left for it to achieve a stable orbit, then de-orbit as something better than a fireball?
Could be done but it would be expensive and risky, it seems to me.

>> No.12121821

redpill me in the comic making guy, o autistic one

Seriously though don't know shit about this, lay it on me

>> No.12121823


Do you feel we seeded Venus at some point in Earth's past or Venus seeded us?

I saw you mention panspermia--do you feel all of our planets were seeded outside of the solar system?

>> No.12121833

>Wouldn't such a probe have to carry quite a bit of fuel to do that? Mainly because it'd have to dive fairly deep into the Venusian atmosphere to get it's samples then boost it's way back out again and get on a reasonable trajectory back to Earth? Also, enough maneuvering reserve left for it to achieve a stable orbit, then de-orbit as something better than a fireball?
>Could be done but it would be expensive and risky, it seems to me.

It's an expensive risk worth taking as a prestige project. Come to think of it, it's depressing that most probes (if not all) have been one-way. This is the best opportunity for a return probe, if there is any.

>> No.12121838

>trans communist
and I'm supposed to take (You) seriously?
Seriously I don't get why they have such a hard-on about some guywho makes a webcomic. Might have something to do with him being popular and successful while they're neither of those things.

>> No.12121847


Bacterial life probably but not actual aliens

>> No.12121849

The same people who seeded our solar system were the ones who nuked mars to death

>> No.12121850

Just on the face of it I'd think there's some significant technical challenges to getting a probe back here compared to just getting it to Venus in the first place.

>> No.12121853

Even finding bacterial life on another planet in our solar system would be a massive discovery, although it'd have to be examined to the Nth degree before anyone would really accept that it wasn't the result of some sort of contamination originating on Earth.

>> No.12121857

From the paper:
>Similarly, there would need to be >200 times as much volcanic activity on Venus as on Earth to inject enough PH3 into the atmosphere (up to ~10^8 times, depending on assumptions about mantle rock chemistry). Orbiter topographical studies have suggested there are not many large, active, volcanic hotspots on Venus"
They more or less brush over the volcanic hypothesis, by trying to direct your attention to the excessive 10^8x estimate rather than the reasonable 200x estimate. And their implication that orbiters have ruled out volcanic activity is misleading. So little is known about Cytherean geology that this phosphine can be better taken as evidence of unknown volcanic activity than as evidence for mystery microbes.

>> No.12121864

> horrendous delta-v budget
> preserving the sample

The requirements are truly horrific, but I'm just that excited for it.

Venus Sample Race when?

>> No.12121871

I’m not angry about it, it’s just that xkcd is a stinking trash-fire.

>> No.12121872

Only farts

>> No.12121885

This is fucking fascinating. Thanks for posting this.

>> No.12121889

I think it more likely you're too pedantic, too literal-minded, to enjoy it. You probably don't have much of a sense of humor in the first place.
I'll also bet you hate things like Star Trek because it's 'science fantasy' and you rage at the lack of realistic physics.
Basically, I'm saying you're no fun, or at least your idea of 'fun' makes most people's eyes glaze over.

>> No.12121906

It started with Randall stealing credit for the idea of /r9k/. That made me dislike him, but it’s hardly the first time someone has gotten false recognition for other people’s accomplishments.
Then I started noticing his web comic popping up more and more, and *every single fucking one* follows the same handful of formulas, namely:
>Randall learned [basic wikipedia fact of the day] and wants to smugly show off that he can read
>Randall is being smug about something he doesn’t actually know anything about
>Smug chart with quirky axes

And he has no sense of humor. Sometimes he makes punchlines by accident and then immediately is compelled to add another panel to overexplain the joke, just in case someone could accidentally think he’s funny.

I love Star Trek and regularly have fun.

>> No.12121922


wow wtf decade are you from? also, Venerean and Aphrodisian are clearly the superior conjugates

ALSO how exactly is Venus supposed to be hiding 200x the known amount of vulcanism?

>> No.12121923
File: 35 KB, 474x546, 1581915746197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"religious dumbfuck cynics BLOWN THE FUCK OUT"

>> No.12121925

cope harder, clutch your buble for support, have you tried praying to sky father?

>> No.12121934

Catholic Church has stated existence of extraterrestrial life isn't add odds with theology, Pope has even stated he would baptise an Alien if it asked to be, this Reddit shit that extraterrestrial life btfo's religion is /r/Atheism talk.

Seethe incel.

>> No.12121938

Catholic dogma has little to no bearing on the mainstream discourse of ideological religiosity, from which most plebs derive the majority of their myopic worldviews

>> No.12121946

>Catholic dogma has little to no bearing on the mainstream discourse of ideological religiosity


>> No.12121959

scriptural or clerical dogma determined the beliefs of popular religion then why does every christian believe in pagan afterlife memes and do pagan rituals on pagan holidays?

also if god isn’t real why did he fuck up my post

>> No.12121971

No he's right. Vatican dogma is quite different to what most Catholics personally believe, let alone Christians.

>> No.12121972
File: 442 KB, 157x300, 1597642718161.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scriptural or clerical dogma determined the beliefs of popular religion then why does every christian believe in pagan afterlife memes and do pagan rituals on pagan holidays?
>Catholic dogma has little to no bearing on the mainstream discourse of ideological religiosity
>what is Vatican II?
>what are the crusades?
>what was council of Nicaea?

As expected you as an atheist have no understanding of Catholicism and Christianity in general, and are probably a pagan.

>> No.12121980

Then they aren't being proper Catholics.

>> No.12121989

That doesn't change the fact

>> No.12121992

No, there are no aliens in our solar system at all, all the life in our solar system is related. Life in our solar system is the result of an external seeding event 2 billion years ago, which is why it seems so prolific here but signs of it in other solar systems seems so rare.

>> No.12121993

It's irrelevant because they aren't Catholics.

>> No.12122001

>what is vatican ii
totally unknown by most christians
>what are the crusades?
not religiously motivated
>what was the council of Nicaea sic?
a great example of how far removed church theologians are from popular religious beliefs

>> No.12122030
File: 165 KB, 680x444, ohshitsoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't care

>> No.12122036
File: 394 KB, 1812x969, 1576933976945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>totally unknown by most christians
the point was retard that Catholic dogma and decisions had no bearing on religious practise on most Catholics which is a croc of shit. being that decisions the Vatican makes have huge resounding impacts on Catholicism and how it's conducted and how people worship
>not religiously motivated
based retard
>a great example of how far removed church theologians are from popular religious beliefs
>First Council of Nicaea defined what the Holy Trinity was
>major decisions made on theology that still stand 1,500 years later

Atheists and pagans should stop trying to think they understand Christianity or religiosity in general.

>> No.12122046

>I saw you mention panspermia--do you feel all of our planets were seeded outside of the solar system?

You would expect life (at least throughout our local region - if not beyond) to have a common ancestor.

>> No.12122049

well this whole thread has gone to shit, bye bye

>> No.12122054

blame the Reddit shitter here >>12121605 who decided to bring religion into a science discussion

>> No.12122055

Council of Nicaea defined the trinity and yet the majority of people went on believing in the Arrian “heresy” for the better part of a millennia?

Realizing for the thousandth time how little point there is in speaking to you drones, seeing as how you’ve willfully replaced your capacity for critical thought with an unflinching obedience to the whims of a bloated bureaucracy whose main purpose is to molest children

>> No.12122060

I’m sorry that the existence of Venusian microbes is so threatening to your worldview, anon. It must really suck having such a fragile understanding of your place in the universe.

>> No.12122063
File: 10 KB, 480x360, 1578210499042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Realizing for the thousandth time how little point there is in speaking to you drones, seeing as how you’ve willfully replaced your capacity for critical thought with an unflinching obedience to the whims of a bloated bureaucracy whose main purpose is to molest children"

>> No.12122072

>gets explained to him why this doesn't conflict with Christian theology

And Christians are supposed to be the dimwitted..

>> No.12122081

hissss, it’s a scary evil snake here to make you siiin

>> No.12122082

Panspermia does not disprove religious beliefs, let alone the existence of God.

>> No.12122118


Other solar systems are too far for us to see any life with our current technology.

>> No.12122121

>religious dumbfuck cynics
Exotheology has existed for centuries the same way cosmic pluralism has.

It's almost like your attempt to categorizing people into your self-gratifying worldview falls flat.
This >>12122060 is a good example of what I mean.
>stupid christians, I assume you're really upset, huh? >:)
It's immature. You are immature.

If you were as dedicated to the natural sciences as you claim, you might consider that humans developed spiritualism for a reason, if for nothing else than evolutionary benefit.
Are you superior to evolution too? If you answered yes to that, you're a prideful narcissist and you know it.

C.S. Lewis even posed the possibility of alien races with their own incarnations of the Christ.
It's not just dusty vatican dogma (as dusty as the 2000's can really be lol).

>> No.12122126

Then why are astrobiologists actively working on detecting biosignatures via atmospheric spectroscopy of transiting exoplanets with space telescopes?
FFS the whole reason phosphine was even originally being considered as a biosignature was for exoplanet detection.

Why, WHY does everyone on sci love talking about fields they literally don’t even know exist?

We should make a rule: if you haven’t read a journal in a given area of research in the last 6 months, SHUT THE FUCK UP

>> No.12122127


>> No.12122133

who fucking cares

>> No.12122140

>You probably don't have much of a sense of humor
>you rage at the lack of realistic physics.
>you're no fun, or at least your idea of 'fun' makes most people's eyes glaze over.
Holy fuck look at the projection here. From an XCKD fan! And finishing off with a limp appeal to popularity

>> No.12122152

>appeal to popularity
I think that’s what’s most upsetting about xkcd and its fans, this sort of vapid prep-school superficiality. They genuinely seem to think they’re better than everyone else because they ‘get’ trite, unoriginal pop science references.
It’s the big bang theory of web comics, desu

>> No.12122155


>> No.12122175

>C.S. Lewis
Is there anything more loathsome and contemptible than an English Catholic? The only more wretched creature is an Italian Protestant.
cf G K Chesterton

>> No.12122224

I just I don't appreciate being put into a box by people who think theyre superior.

Looking past that, I did think your original post at the top of the thread was very good, aside from the last sentence.
I'm looking forward to all the upcoming discoveries following all this.

I think you're a bit confused lol.
The reason I mentioned C.S. Lewis was because he was protestant (making the point that it wasn't just the catholic bureaucracy discussing exotheology).

You're probably thinking of J.R.R. Tolkien. He was both English, Catholic, and a friend of Lewis'.

>> No.12122229
File: 144 KB, 557x688, evidence_of_alien_life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortune favors the bold. I will be the Locutus: the bridge between Man and Alien. In time, I will ascend from both as an enlightened synesthete. My senses will be beyond either species comprehension. Omnipresence, Omniscience, Immortality. All will be ours. Follow me, and live beyond Heaven!

>> No.12122249


>> No.12122258

>J.R.R. Tolkien
Yes, I had them confused. Still, fuck CS and his bad-faith "how do you do, fellow agnostics" line of reasoning.

>> No.12122268
File: 13 KB, 1280x833, 1280px-Monophosphan.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evidence suggest mayyyyyyyyyyyyyyybe
(its one hell of stretch given evidence)
but personally not convinced
I like prefer the atmospheric distillation theory

>> No.12122278

>muh trinity
Deliberately set up to be a thought terminating koan. Virtually all Catholic peasants hold officially heretical views without even realizing it, because the Trinity was deliberately designed to give theologians work by making no sense at all.

>> No.12122281

Dangerously based

>> No.12122312

>(its one hell of stretch given evidence)
It doesn't seem like that much of a stretch at all, actually
Why are some fags so afraid of the idea that there might be microbes in the middle of galactic bumfuck nowhere? Does the risk of potentially being wrong rattle you that much?

I think there probably are microbes there. If I end up being wrong, then I'm wrong. Who gives a shit.

>> No.12122334

Looks like somebody broke out the thesaurus!

>> No.12122335

So you didn’t read the paper, huh?

>> No.12122340

>thought-terminating cliche

>> No.12122343

Sorry, which word was too big for you? Grotesque?

>> No.12122360
File: 54 KB, 674x767, 1594614296628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Nordic Aliens are real they came here a million years ago
>Some of them stayed to have a more simple life
>Some of them mix their DNA to create humans aka White People which is why only they have been able to create civilizations
>The rest is archaic leftover subhumans they saw as pets kept them in massive Bio-Domes
>Some of the pets were let out of their "garden of edens"
>Full panic mode
>Notice White People do fine without Nordic Aliens
>The rest they call subhumans become a invasive consuming species
>Warn White People about a flood and that they are Gods chosen People
>Kill most of the subhumans from flood
>Inbred psychopaths mix with archaic humans call their self jews
>Nordic Alien ambassador Jesus Christ gets killed
>Nordic Aliens promise to send ambassador every 100 years to lead them
>Last one was Adolf Hitler

>> No.12122366


>> No.12122376
File: 97 KB, 386x425, what was that black goo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12122387

I really hope the microbes on Venus evolve to the point they can vaporize the UN

>> No.12122395

Absolutely based and undeniably red-fucking-pilled

>> No.12122401

Yeah is mostly wishful thinking.

Evidence is the name of the game here, who gets what rocket where.

>> No.12122402

I think it was "donkey dick"

>> No.12122405

I did.
It's mostly about how they detected the phosphine.
Then there's a series of loose assertions, poorly backed up, about non biological sources being inadequate.

>> No.12122408

Back and forth contamination about 3.8 billion years ago or so, hopefully mars got some of that seed before the magnetosphere was fully depleted, so something could have developed there too, while life could have originated somewhere else than the solar system.

>> No.12122411

get them ol' venus probe-projects folders out while they are still hot bae, it's happening bois

>> No.12122415

>Hello Redddit! - harrison ford.png

>> No.12122416

I think you mean Einstein.

>> No.12122444

>Then there's a series of loose assertions, poorly backed up, about non biological sources being inadequate.

lol okay, let’s hear your explanation for 20ppb phosphine on venus then

>> No.12122448

LOL okay let's hear YOUR explanation for the absolutely staggering amount of microbes required to pump out that much phosphine.

>> No.12122474
File: 415 KB, 1920x1080, 20200907021828_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely fucking based and /sci/-pilled

>> No.12122476

Astronomy and astrobiology is FINISHED.

>> No.12122484

>Fortune favors the bold
Absolutely true. It has always saddened me how many people on here have an utter lack of imagination or any sense of wonder. It's those things that drive us to explore the universe.

>> No.12122488

>We are far from being able to construct a plausible ecosystem with biomasses and fluxes, due to lack of information.
>One estimate, focusing on the abundance of particles (Mode 2 and Mode 3) in the Venus lower and middle clouds, is that the biomass could be 0.1 to 100 mg m-3, which is comparable to Earth’s aerial 44 mg m-3 (Limaye et al.,2018)

>> No.12122495

This. Although it wasn't nukes they used, but some other weapon causing a "storm" of some kind.

>> No.12122497

It's been long said that mars had ancient, basic life. I suspect there may be more advanced stuff subterranean.

>> No.12122499

I believe in God, believe God filled the universe with life. Neck yourself, ignorant atheist.

>> No.12122503

Go away plebbit pseud.

>> No.12122504

And you think Venus, a barren world, is going to have biomass similar to that of Earth, a planet filled to the brim with life?

Good job midwit. Can't wait until this shit paper gets BTFO so all you popsci tards go back where you came from.

>> No.12122510

>but personally not convinced
Do you WANT to believe life exists elsewhere? I feel like many on this board vehemently choose to belief we are alone, almost religiously.

>> No.12122520

The notion that microbes evolved and were swept to the upper atmosphere on such a hellish planet seems far-fetched
The life hypothesis isn’t convincing and I am more inclined to believed that there is some significant geological anomaly that’s being overlooked

I also think that the life hypothesis won’t be proven as it would make a claim that life is, in fact, very common, when everything we can see simply doesn’t imply that.

>> No.12122578

>have you tried praying to sky father
If only he had. Sky Father/ Day Father/ Dyaus Pitr/ Jupiter/ *Dyḗus ph2tḗr is the Proto-Indo-European god of the day, of the wide expanding sky. He was the head of the divine family.
Instead, that poster has likely allowed himself to be hoodwinked into worshiping Saturn/Ba'al/Yahweh, the jealous and vain Semitic god. Saul of Tarsus, the Jew, was very effective in subverting the hapless Romans to abandon their ancestral divinities.

>> No.12122582

Dude it sounds like you're doing the same thing you accuse others of. You can't conduct scientific research emotionally. You have to face facts as they come.

>> No.12122591

Yeah this. They airily claim that volcanic activity would need to be a certain magnitude to generate this phosphine, but they don't explain how they concluded this. They refer vaguely to a 6 orders of magnitude possible necessary range of volcanic sources, depending on undefined "assumptions" about the mantle of venus. There just are no details, only assertions.

>> No.12122608

What I find impressive is how eager everyone was to immediately assume it was life when we effectively know fuckall about a lot of Venus and it’s geology. For all we know Venus is a volcanically active planet, just not where it’s obvious.
Additionally, while Venus is not Jupiter or Saturn (the other planets that have significant amounts of phosphine) an argument exists that the added heat from the sun, combined with the fuckhueg greenhouse effect it experiences, results in a more substantial formation of phosphine than would otherwise be expected. This could be in addition to any subsurface gas formation, giving a funky concentration that would otherwise seem impossible.
And going back to life, it would notionally be far easier for Mars to sustain life (again provides the magnetosphere wasn’t destroyed really early) yet there isn’t much evidence at all that life was there.

I dunno, I’ll wait and see. Frankly I think that, while they’ve notionally ruled out many non-biological processes, we aren’t considering the processes in conjunction with each other or that we don’t have a good understanding of Venus because it’s always been a sideshow to Mars. There is a high likelihood that we’ve missed something, especially on the surface/subsurface

>> No.12122610

click on the supplementary information link

>> No.12122618

>religious dumbfuck cynics BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
what did the schizo mean by this

>> No.12122620
File: 252 KB, 500x575, fedora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cope harder, clutch your buble for support, have you tried praying to sky father?

>> No.12122624
File: 51 KB, 413x243, jumping soyboy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Absolutely fucking based and /sci/-pilled

>> No.12122627

There have been several different theories being taken seriously by astrobiologists for the potential evolution or introduction of life in a hypothetical Venusian aerial biosphere.

>> No.12122628
File: 601 KB, 358x400, 5789805597.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Absolutely based and undeniably red-fucking-pilled

>> No.12122630
File: 114 KB, 660x495, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m sorry that the existence of Venusian microbes is so threatening to your worldview, anon. It must really suck having such a fragile understanding of your place in the universe.

>> No.12122631

l o l

>> No.12122634
File: 1.10 MB, 2479x3026, christian thinkers in science and mathematics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the greatest scientists and mathematicians are Christian though.

>> No.12122635

Which is exactly what the researchers say: that either this is evidence of life OR of novel geochemistry in a way that would necessitate revising our understanding of such cycles in rocky planetary bodies.

>> No.12122637

We’re still working in hypotheticals
Are they possible, yes, but we’ve also had theories that would have pointed to findings on Mars which haven’t yielded results

The field is just too unpredictable right now. An actual sample is the only way to prove anything, coupled with a fuckton more probe missions

>> No.12122640
File: 87 KB, 407x534, __.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine posting this unironically. Did you just turn 12?

>> No.12122643

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.12122644

I’m just disappointed with how eager most of the community has been to attribute this discovery to life. It’s like the “muh alien megastructure” meme but worse this time

>> No.12122648

If they got rekt by a god nailed to a cross they weren't worth shit in the first place.

>> No.12122650
File: 59 KB, 1080x966, child sexual abuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Realizing for the thousandth time how little point there is in speaking to you drones, seeing as how you’ve willfully replaced your capacity for critical thought with an unflinching obedience to the whims of a bloated bureaucracy whose main purpose is to molest children
Much like public schools amirite

>> No.12122654

Catholic priests claim to hold themselves to much higher standards than all other people, though. They're, by their own beliefs, followers of the ultimate truth that leads to the Creator and some kind of transcendence. Imo it's much more hypocritical and fucked up for kids to get diddled by people like that.

>> No.12122655
File: 136 KB, 474x632, tips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schizo atheist going on his ramblings again

>> No.12122657

People on here lack social life, gf, future, dreams and aspirations.

>> No.12122660

That's not what was being claimed at all.
Regardless, you're right that the church has evil infiltrators.

>> No.12122664

>trans communist here

>> No.12122666
File: 89 KB, 523x527, 539853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent posts, fellow freethinker. Upvoted and here's some gold for your troubles!

>> No.12122668

I'm not that guy. I'm just pointing out your chart is fucking dumb even by your own rules. Btw, I consider myself a Catholic, or at least I was raised that way and don't really feel the need to move to another faith, but I can't stand schizos who refuse to admit the church is a human institution and can make horrible mistakes and that "no true scotsman" arguments to cover up its fuckups are beyond bankrupt.

>> No.12122669
File: 366 KB, 500x856, fedora npc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fedora atheist calling others npcs
That's a bit too rich for me

>> No.12122672

Mars had yielded results, people are just choosing to ignore all of it. Hopefully this’ll be settled once and for all in short time when Perseverance lands on a fucking stromatolite bed and picks up some lichen

>> No.12122674
File: 31 KB, 370x349, retardo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not that guy. I'm just pointing out your chart is fucking dumb even by your own rules.
The chart is 100% correct. That it makes you seethe is of absolutely no consequence to its veracity and relevance to the claim I was responding to.

>> No.12122675
File: 108 KB, 659x363, bullshit venus paper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I did. Here's what I found about volcanism. The first bit is from the paper, the second bit from the (((supplementary information))).
That's it. There's nothing else about volcanism anywhere. The entire thing hinges on what they consider "plausible" about the mantle of Venus, based solely on what the Venera landers detected about the location where they happened to land, and on ill-defined extrapolations of volcanic activity on Earth.

>> No.12122677

Most of these were heretics, in particular Newton was an Arian.
They weren't rekt. The Romans, the original civ-nat cucks, were subverted and turn against their own people and traditions by the perfidious Saul. But jewish lies always lose in the end.

>> No.12122678

>I can't stand schizos who refuse to admit the church is a human institution and can make horrible mistakes
Good job attacking a strawman you hallucinated yourself. Now why is this relevant to my post?

>> No.12122681

>eVenusian atmosphere is likely to support only the tiniestfraction of Earth’s total biomass, because the only habitablepart of Venus is the temperate cloud layer, with the habitable volume likely further limited by available nutrients.Earth, in contrast, is essentially habitable in its entirety,including the atmosphere, surface, and subsurface with allthose habitats interconnected.

>> No.12122683

English Catholics are traitors to the crown and old England herself, and are almost as preposterous as an Italian Lutheran or a Brazilian Evangelical.

>> No.12122685

extrapolate your onions on why you think venusian volcanism should produce tons of phosphine when it produces very little on earth
what mechanism are you proposing here

>> No.12122687

Well I’m glad to see that the scientific community is basing their estimates on one planet that is very different in composition to the observed planet.
We should start unfucking our models at least and stop using 2 planets as a basis for all possibilities.

>> No.12122688

I don't really care about your gay argument as much as the use of dodgy statistics.
Aren't there a lot more "public school employees" than catholic priests? Give me some per capita data.

>> No.12122689

You call yourself and Catholic and yet you seem strangely very eager to defend LIES about the church, rather than starting with the truth. How can you talk about penance on the basis of lies rather than truth?

>> No.12122691

Tons of hydrogen, then the same reactions as on Jupiter. Maybe not, maybe something else.
I can't believe you're unwilling even to consider that there's something we don't know about Veneran volcanism. You're so desperate for an escape hatch from the fermi paradox that you're grasping at the thinnest straw.

>> No.12122698

Phosphine can be formed through high heat reactions
Sulfuric avid and phosphor in the atmosphere decide to sit on some hot shit and bang now we have more than expected because earth’s atmosphere isn’t so bloody toxic

>> No.12122701

Quick google search says
29000/~6663262 public school employees = 0.435%
201/~414582 priests = 0.048%
Unless I messed up the math somewhere

>> No.12122703

>Most of these were heretics
Bullshit. And the claim was about Christianity, not orthodox Christianity.

>> No.12122710


>> No.12122712
File: 61 KB, 639x627, church of england.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English Catholics are traitors to the crown and old England herself

>> No.12122714

For a board that constantly boasts about its IQ

I find /sci/ to be full of naive people
Remember that this is 4chan and that it is full of trolls
Even if all these people are not trolls, seriously, you should all have learned by now not to reply to stupid, unproductive posts that derail the conversation - all this talk about religion could happen somewhere else

If you see someone throwing insults, and claim to be so smart /sci/ - the obvious solution would be to ignore such posts, not hurdle head first into a heated debate with people who obviously just want to make you angry..

>> No.12122715

hydrogen isn't going to sit in vast underground reservoirs on a rocket planet, It's hard enough to keep hydrogen sealed in airtight sealed containers

>> No.12122716


>> No.12122722
File: 1.21 MB, 994x952, atheist sperg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can thank the atheist sperg here >>12121605 for ruining a comfy thread

>> No.12122729

>/sci/ - Science & Math

>> No.12122733


>> No.12122736

again im ok with throwing insults and acting like a toxic bastard

Because this is the asshole of the internet after all

But if you get triggered by a throwaway piece of information - like the ending of that posts that takes a jab at certain groups

Its also kinda of your own fucking fault for choosing to be triggered in triggersville

>> No.12122739

Who's the next ambassador?

>> No.12122741

Why are you triggered by my post?

>> No.12122745

>what mechanism are you proposing here
What mechanism are you proposing for a functional biosphere floating in the bone-dry clouds? You don't have one. You just like the idea so much that you don't think you even have to propose a mechanism.

>> No.12122749

im not triggered
In fact im just being toxic as everyone else here by pointing out how people here are naive and quick to derail interesting threads

>> No.12122750

look at him seethe

>> No.12122751

M8 I was just laying out the facts about the cause of this thread's trajectory

>> No.12122753

heres ur mechanism bro

>> No.12122754

is this art new? hope people start to seriously consider venus over mars now, we're way overdue

>> No.12122756

hey guys don't you love having extremely strong opinions on subjects that you lack even basic knowledge in
i know I sure do

>> No.12122758
File: 44 KB, 700x560, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at him seethe

>> No.12122759

until we get one to tongue our anus we can never truly be sure

>> No.12122762
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>Imagine posting this unironically. Did you just turn 12?

>> No.12122763

he's a clever fucker unfortunately

>> No.12122766

balloons in venusian upper atmosphere by 2021 or we riot

>> No.12122770

Well theoretically anyway since they even say in the paper that there’s no analogy we can compare it to or practical mechanism we can examine

>> No.12122772

I work at one of the schools were some of the authors do research. I'm going to ask them about it and learn how seriously we should be taking this.

>> No.12122777

Why would they say anything but “very”
Technically they’re not wrong because it’s either life or a new planetary activity model but like they want funding and they want to be taken seriously. What else do you expect?

>> No.12122788
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>> No.12122791

this is what most fedoras look like irl desu

>> No.12122796

not only are you seething but delusional

>> No.12122819
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>> No.12122828

you know I'm right bro

>> No.12122831

Being a Christian in Europe at that time was socially beneficial and the norm. Not being a Christian could get you socially excommunicated or even worse, killed.

>> No.12122837

Biggest cope ITT so far. The majority were not only devout but also *vocal* Christians. Hell, most of Newton's writings were about the Bible IIRC.

>> No.12122843

> most of Newton's writings were about the Bible IIRC
And heretical to the point that he was almost ejected from the college. He denied the trinity ffs.

>> No.12122845

which he was mainly interested in with regards to ancient alchemy, his tru autismo passion

>> No.12122847

>Not being a Christian could get you socially excommunicated or even worse, killed.
American education

>> No.12122851

Exactly, it was socially beneficial and the norm. Like I said. Everyone believed in it and everyone got raised it. Newton also wasted the decades of his life because of it. I can't imagine what he would have done with all that time if he didn't waste it on alchemy and christcuckery. Tragic.

>> No.12122854

And? I thought we were discussing Christianity, not a particular denomination. Why are you suddenly moving the goalposts?

>> No.12122858

Yes. Not believing in Christianity would get you excommunicated from society. Why do you think intellectuals went into the freemasons? So they could talk about enlightenment philosophy and science without being attacked by crazed Christians.

>> No.12122863

Heretical Christianity is the devil's work and is the very opposite of the Christian faith.

>> No.12122864
File: 2.21 MB, 1755x1072, mutt education.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the European apostasy executions which lasted into the 19th-21st centuries Truly tragic.

I also learned about it in my mutt education class.

>> No.12122868

>Not being a Christian could get you socially excommunicated or even worse, killed.

>> No.12122870

Why are you being dishonest and solely focusing the "killed" part and completely ignoring social excommunication? Are you perhaps a coping Christcuck with no way of defending your position after I've exposed it, which forces you to cherry pick and be dishonest as a coping mechanism?

>> No.12122872

>fedoratard doesn't even know what excommunication means

>> No.12122876

>I'm going to totally pretend to be oblivious and ask for a source for basic history because you made me feel not so good

>> No.12122880

Bullshit, I'm talking about his theological writings, not his alchemical ones. Alchemy was only a fraction of his work.
Not that alchemy wasn't popular in the Renaissance and the early modern period among intellectuals at the time.

>> No.12122883
File: 10 KB, 306x164, never ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have one

>> No.12122884

Not an argument.
Excommunication has several definitions, including one with a religious context. Which did in fact apply to freemasonry and atheism. But I was also using in a social context, which either went over your head because of the flurry of seethe you're in or you ignored it to twist/cherry pick in your favour because you're upset.

>> No.12122887

>at that time
did you even read the image you utter moron? some of those scientists are still alive today

>> No.12122889

>Exactly, it was socially beneficial and the norm. Like I said. Everyone believed in it and everyone got raised it.
Congratulations on discovering the genetic fallacy.

>> No.12122890

Freemasonry was literally viewed as an evil that needed to be stamped out and some Christian monarchs did actually kill or imprison freemasons. All because they wanted to talk about philosophy and science. Conspiracy theories about masonry still exist today, having been promoted by Christians through the centuries.

>> No.12122892

No dude, the majority of his ‘theological’ writings ARE alchemical, in the standard thinly-veiled fashion of the time. Alchemy was the bulk of his work and writings. I’ve read it. Honestly amazes me that he’s simultaneously regarded as the father of physics and a luminary of scientific rationality, because he reads like a late medieval schizoid alchemist. which makes sense, because he loved those guys.

>> No.12122893
File: 3 KB, 211x239, brainlet melting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Excommunication has several definitions
You literally have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.12122896

I do, but I'll let you stay ignorant instead : )
Not a genetic fallacy, this is cope on your part.

>> No.12122902

>I don't understand the implications and distinctions between religious and social excommunication, but you're the brainlet!

>> No.12122905

Why are you being dishonest about the fact that you indeed did claim the "killed" part? Is it that your bullshit claim has been exposed and everyone reading this thread will be able to see it and laugh at you? Is this a coping mechanism?

>> No.12122907

Reminder that Christcucks are the new fedoras. Edgy pre-teen and early 20s /pol/tards that think they're enlightened and rejecting the mainstream by becoming christcucks.

>> No.12122910
File: 118 KB, 973x1157, we did it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you debunk half of my false claim that's cherry-picking

>> No.12122918

No you lying, LARPing retard. His THEOLOGICAL writings were NOT the same as his ALCHEMICAL writings. Those were separate works.

>> No.12122919

>Why are you being dishonest about the fact that you indeed did claim the "killed" part?
I'm not. Not being a Christian or being accused of not being a Christian could get you killed. Even as recent as the Salem trials. But we can go even closer, 1782, that was the last decapitation of a witch in Europe. So who is dishonest?

>> No.12122920

>I've read it
nobody believes you, anon

>> No.12122921

as sad as it is pathetic, frankly

>> No.12122922

>the majority of his ‘theological’ writings ARE alchemical
are you fucking retarded?

>> No.12122924

You didn't debunk shit.
Freemasonry was suppressed all throughout the 18 and 19th centuries in Europe, including by death and imprisonment. You are either ignorant or you are dishonest.

>> No.12122926

What the fuck is even "social excommunication" that doesn't refer to religious excommunication? Did you even try googling the retarded headcanon phrase that you conjured out of your ass?

>> No.12122927

They don't even believe in it or practice it properly, it's all about owning da libz and making da left seethe.

>> No.12122929
File: 9 KB, 225x225, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he STILL doesn't have one
thanks for playing

>> No.12122930
File: 22 KB, 480x600, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reminder that Christcucks are the new fedoras. Edgy pre-teen and early 20s /pol/tards that think they're enlightened and rejecting the mainstream by becoming christcucks.

>> No.12122931

it's social exclusion. Not being a Christian, or at least publicly professing to be one, would get you socially excluded from positions in society.

>> No.12122933

>Not a genetic fallacy, this is cope on your part.
How so? You were the one who committed the fallacy, not me. Did you forget what you said already? Got memory issues?

>> No.12122934

Posting funny faces doesn't add anything to your argument and simply proves that you are seething and have no arguments.
Now go cry more.

>> No.12122936

Based, christcuck seething

>> No.12122937

Not him, and not trying to fight with you either

But I think your assumption is wrong.
Being vocally anti-christian was grounds to get you banished or killed in the case of devil worshippers.
But simply holding atheistic beliefs would be fine. There were plenty of atheists during the Enlightenment era.

>> No.12122940
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>> No.12122942

It’s well known that the majority of his papers did not survive, and that a large portion of the remainder were deliberately unpublished because the procurers of the texts thought they made Newton look like a fucking nutcase - mostly being concerned with biblical apocalyptism and legendary alchemical lore. But the portions that survive are in fact predominately occult in nature and are held in the Jewish National University Library of Jerusalem.
The only texts that could be called theological are all explicitly concerned with early church history, heresies and bublical apocrypha associated with occultism and alchemical cosmology.

>> No.12122943

>no self-respecting person would ever knowingly click on an xkcd link
>has clearly clicked on the link

>> No.12122944

How did I commit the fallacy?

>> No.12122945

your "social excommunication" is a made up phrase, my dude
it's clear you didn't even know what it means
sorry you embarrassed yourself. my condolences.

>> No.12122946

What an awful thread this has become...
Both of you, how long have you two been looking at this thread? Seriously?

Theology is distinct from science. You can like both or neither and it will not fundamentally matter to anyone other than yourself.
It's obvious neither of you are receptive to the other.

Save the mental exhaustion for people that exist in reality, like your parents or (future) girlfriends. This is meaningless.

>> No.12122947

Read them.

>> No.12122948

>But simply holding atheistic beliefs would be fine
Nope, it totally wasn't. Hence why so many intellectuals got involved in secret societies like the freemasons. Atheism naturally challenged the order of the day, and was seen as a threat by Christian monarchs.

>> No.12122950
File: 2.65 MB, 320x240, laff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes BS claim
>"ok what's your source"

>> No.12122952

Freemasons were executed for being non-Christians? Got examples?

>> No.12122956


>Being a Christian in Europe at that time was socially beneficial and the norm.

>it was socially beneficial and the norm

Now, why would this be relevant to the discussion? What were you implying?

>> No.12122959

You're also forgetting that "devil worship" was a projection by Christians onto others. The same way people can call you a racist, homophobe, or whatever today, it served the role of social destruction in a Christian mileu. Atheists were easy targets for such accusations.

>> No.12122962
File: 20 KB, 620x400, wolfgang-mozart-9417115-2-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really are embarrassing yourself here with your ignorance of history my dude. Many Freemasons were/are Christians. Even Catholics at the time. Do you know this guy?

>> No.12122964


>> No.12122966

were did you pull this from? AFAIK literally zero freemasons in europe were executed for not being christian.

>> No.12122967

Christcucks are seething.
Yes, the Papal ban. But again it seems you're desperately trying to cherry pick and only focus on killings as opposed to the very real and strict social oppression Christcucks pushed on everyone who didn't agree with their fake and gay beliefs.
>People born in a society tend to be follow it's social norms
>This is totally unbelievable and cannot be true

>> No.12122969
File: 565 KB, 1280x1552, 1280px-Gilbert_Stuart,_John_Adams,_c._1800-1815,_NGA_42933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you think intellectuals went into the freemasons? So they could talk about enlightenment philosophy and science without being attacked by crazed Christians.
Yeah those "crazed Christians" like John Adams himself, right? Fucking retard.

>> No.12122971

You've clearly never read them, anon. You can drop the act now.

>> No.12122972

>filename: never ever
Smash shitter spotted

>> No.12122975
File: 142 KB, 960x757, main-qimg-da7b9b1ac124463c3ba668d00c602ab7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christcucks are seething.

>> No.12122979

Bruh did you even read my comment? Do you need reading glasses?
I asked for examples of Freemasons being executed for being non-Christians.

>> No.12122983

>other systems it seems rare

says the bug under a rock saying how there doesn't seem to be any bugs under the other rocks

>> No.12122984

Just face it losers, Christianity is never coming back, and the more we learn about the universe the less relevant it becomes. You larping about being le based and redpilled Christians riding the tiger against modernity to trigger da libz isn't going to change that.
Atheism is correlated with higher IQ and educational achievement, keep coping. It's over.

>> No.12122985

>the Papal ban
>hey you can't stay inside the catholic church while being a freemason because it conflicts with our doctrines
How is this an execution? Are you literally retarded?


It's pretty clear at this point that you're babbling and throwing around words you don't even understand. It's a pathetic sight.

>> No.12122986

>trolls trolling trolls
An unspoken tenant since the very dawn of this wretched website

>> No.12122989
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>> No.12122990

>this asshurt christcuck looking for validation of his beliefs in a science thread
>on a science board
just more proof that religion is full of narcissists.

>> No.12122995

Yes, it totally was. Do you really not know about the fucking French revolution, the literal explicit dechristianization of France, the massacres of Christians and priests, the fact that Baron d'Holbach published the System of Nature in 1970, the fact that Diderot published On the Interpretation of Nature half a century later, etc.?

You are embarrassing.

>> No.12122999

>The only texts that could be called theological are all explicitly concerned with... alchemical cosmology
I can see the rhetorical trick you were trying to pull there by grouping all these topics together, but the above claim is wrong.

>> No.12123002
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fedoras are more pathetic imo
i mean just look at them

>> No.12123004

>You're also forgetting that...
not him but you're hallucinating again

>> No.12123007

Again, why would the statements I quoted be relevant to the discussion? What were you implying? Are they (a) irrelevant, or (b) grounds for the fallacious argument that being something socially "in vogue" at a given place and time makes it wrong?

>> No.12123013
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>> No.12123016
File: 45 KB, 700x394, christianity in china.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion in the world. Atheism is in decline worldwide, with the number of atheists falling from 4.5% of the world's population in 1970 to 2.0% in 2010 and projected to drop to 1.8% by 2020,

Real surveys and statistics say atheism is on the decline worldwide. Sorry atheists but atheism is not on the rise nor is it winning. It's still the minority and a declining one at that.

The Pew Research Center's statistics show that atheism is expected to continue to decline all the way into 2050 with a continued growth of religion. Other research also shows a huge surge in growth for Christianity in China which is currently the world's most "atheist" nation because of the atheist communist government suppressing religion, the research suggests that China will soon become the world's most Christian nation within 15 years.

This is simply history repeating itself: Christianity prospered in Rome back in the ancient era when it was suppressed and it still grew in the militant atheist soviet Russia when it was suppressed there only a century ago with the majority of Russians today now also identifying as Christian. Just goes to show that atheist suppression of religion still doesn't stop religion.

Sources for the legion of whiny /Redditor/ fedoras:


>> No.12123021
File: 38 KB, 320x439, 1597551877721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atheism is literally the result of a disabled brain lol

>> No.12123025
File: 46 KB, 491x625, ybgriung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reminder that Christcucks are the new fedoras. Edgy pre-teen and early 20s /pol/tards that think they're enlightened and rejecting the mainstream by becoming christcucks.

>> No.12123028

>C.S. Lewis
a fantasy writer, nothing to do with the canon of your religion so no green jesus

>> No.12123029

>thread about interesting scientific development
>religious vs atheist shitflinging
I don't know what I expected

>> No.12123030

bro... many bishops of the anglican church were freemasons from the very founding of freemasonry

>> No.12123032

that would mean they'd turn off your ability to percive threats
real or imagined

>> No.12123035

Not him but it's pretty clear that Lewis's work (after he converted) was imbued with a religious perspective and that he is well known for his religious writings, so I don't know what agenda you're trying to push by pretending otherwise.

>> No.12123039
File: 77 KB, 801x722, 1597556326031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science Says: Religion Is Good For Your Health

>There is ample reason to believe that faith in a higher power is associated with health, and in a positive way. For example, researchers at the Mayo Clinic concluded, “Most studies have shown that religious involvement and spirituality are associated with better health outcomes, including greater longevity, coping skills, and health-related quality of life (even during terminal illness) and less anxiety, depression, and suicide. Several studies have shown that addressing the spiritual needs of the patient may enhance recovery from illness.

>That said, the lack of knowledge linking religious behaviors and health is fascinating given that health care is deeply rooted in religious institutions, and vice versa. In fact, it was religious organizations that built many of the first hospitals, and clergy (supplementing low church wages) were often practicing physicians and medical providers.

>80% of research on spirituality/religiousness and health focuses on mental health. This is because most associations with faith are related to how one thinks about the world and their role in it. Words that are often associated with religious beliefs include connectedness, hope, optimism, trust and purpose. All of which have been shown to boost mental health. Compassion, forgiveness and gratefulness are also qualities that are strongly associated with individuals who are spiritual and religious. Practicing these qualities is thought to be associated with deceased stress and increased resiliency.

>Interestingly, although religion and spirituality correlate to an external locus of control (God as a higher power in control of our destiny), most research concludes that those who are religious have a strong internal sense of control.

>> No.12123043

no agenda, the writings of a religious person aren't canon to the religion. Only scripture is, or random saints if you are catholic

>> No.12123045

>clear sky
there is no way upper venus looks like that

>> No.12123046

So....getting back onto topic how do you think this life on Venus will actually be? It seems like the biggest challenge is actuall managing to get equipment onto the surface without it getting destroyed.

>> No.12123048
File: 151 KB, 1000x666, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religion’s Relationship to Happiness, Civic Engagement and Health Around the World

>People who are active in religious congregations tend to be happier and more civically engaged than either religiously unaffiliated adults or inactive members of religious groups, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of survey data from the United States and more than two dozen other countries.

>This analysis finds that in the U.S. and many other countries around the world, regular participation in a religious community clearly is linked with higher levels of happiness and civic engagement (specifically, voting in elections and joining community groups or other voluntary organizations).

>> No.12123050

The post was addressing the claim that the possibility of extraterrestrial life is somehow antithetical to Christians.

>> No.12123051

why not just build a sunshade

>> No.12123055

>a throwaway piece of information

>> No.12123056

it is to fundamentalists

>> No.12123057
File: 236 KB, 368x480, tippingintensifies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based, christcuck seething

>> No.12123060

I'm pretty close to certain that there are no historically documented cases of mere atheists being tarred as devil worshippers

>> No.12123062


Assuming if there's something like bacterial life on Venus any serious changes in it's climate could run the risk of killing the bacteria as they're already evolved to withstand the pressure of the planet. Probably not the best idea really.

>> No.12123063

especially during that time period.

>> No.12123066

I'm not sure which fundamentalist sect you're talking about, but the original post didn't say fundamentalists. It was painting with a very broad brush.

>> No.12123067

Technically, we should hope we don't find extraterrestrial life. That means it's more likely the Great Filter is in front of us.

>> No.12123069
File: 20 KB, 1440x730, genealogy of the grecoroman gods.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did this meme come from? Jupiter is not considered the creator even within the Greco-Roman mythos.

>> No.12123073

wait tho
earth is flat but what about venus

>> No.12123088

yea it's more likely to be seeded than a new instance of life developing. a new instance would be unrecognisable as life (more of a chemical loop) and take a long time to get anywhere if it manages to at all (needs the perfect conditions in the perfect sequence). it's very easy for primitive life to travel about and seed other planetary bodies, then develop into something more life-like.

>> No.12123092

Can someone who knows anything about chemistry tell me how likely this is to be some process that we don't know about?
I'd have assumed that we'd be able to replicate the majority of conditions in a lab so what is the chance that we just don't know about this one versus life?

>> No.12123101

I find it interesting that the first detection of phosphine on Venus was in 2017 and later confirmed with another telescope in 2019. Does this mean that the scientists basically need to keep it a secret from 2017 until now, even if it's such an exciting news? How do they prevent "leaks"?

>> No.12123107

they were evaluating if it could occur naturally and they still don't know retard

>> No.12123109

very likely, its extremely implausible that theres life on Venus in the way they are proposing

>> No.12123117

You might be right, I don't know.
I feel like that argument would be more believable if we were talking about the persecution of pagans.

Pagans, african voodoo, etc. have all been persecuted as devil worshipers, for better or for worse. Some of them had pretty backwards views so I don't really feel too bad about it.

However, legitimate Satanists / Lucifarians have existed throughout time, with roots back to Moloch and Saturn worship. Might be harder to find examples of that during the industrial age.

>> No.12123120

the thread was derailed by an atheist sperg, retard

>> No.12123121

That sad to hear desu.
Do you think there'd be any chance of scientists replicating it any time soon if it is possible?
Or would we need direct measurements of the atmosphere to know?
I don't really understand how chemists discover these processes.

>> No.12123125

Yeah, just a fuck ton of tests looking for explanations other than microbes.

Only time will tell for sure

>> No.12123127
File: 632 KB, 232x196, 1599136270290.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol okay, let’s hear your explanation for 20ppb phosphine on venus then
I can't believe it, but it seems you are using the 'god of the gaps', no, 'life of the gaps' argument kek
I can't believe modern sciencefans are such brainlets
regarding the paper - just wait a year and see how this was a false alarm just like dozens before. they just have to make bullshit claims in the places of unknown to keep the circus interesting. modern cosmology is pure fanfiction

>> No.12123139

i barely remember who this is. why care? it's clearly just trying to create a 'geek' market and as always trite.

>> No.12123157

>Italian Protestant
Do they even exist? I would've thought they'd just be assimilated by the sheer concentration of Catholicism in Italy

Also, from a non-religious person: Catholics are way more fun the Protestants

>> No.12123194

>Chinese Christians
Chinese christianity is fundamentally far more akin to falun gong style nonsense than anything to do with western christianity.
It is basically a larp.

>> No.12123529

They don’t, astrobiologists knew this was coming.

>> No.12123663

They're tired of sensationalist headlines

>> No.12123671

god still doesn't exist.

>> No.12123678

>Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion in the world. Atheism is in decline worldwide, with the number of atheists falling from 4.5% of the world's population in 1970 to 2.0% in 2010 and projected to drop to 1.8% by 2020,

god still doesn't exist.

>> No.12123684

you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.12124025

neat vid didnt know about the great filter until now, thanks

>> No.12126021
File: 75 KB, 720x720, FUCKKK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an intelligent life gets filtered episode