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12121736 No.12121736 [Reply] [Original]

what antipsychotics DON'T effect emotions?
Abilify has destroyed me.

>> No.12121740

just take your meds and eat the bugs schizo

>> No.12121743

What is your psychosis thoughts?

>> No.12121772

HA! Implying they don't hand antipsycotics in any and every psych ward regardless

If you ever go to rehab tell them you are allergic to seroquel

>> No.12121799

* antipsychotics out like candy.
I was in a rough place after my fiance left and started drinking heavily. They put me on seroquil for detox and without being able to look it up just figuerd it was a sleeping pill
3 days later came to my senses, asked the doctor and told them no. Gained 20 lbs in a week. Id watch skinny heroine addicts bloat like a mf on that shit.

>> No.12121807

i was told abilify would not cause weight gain and i just eat all the time cuz i cant feel emotions and gained shitloads of weight and i looked up the side effects and weight gain is one of the side effects.

>> No.12121818

Either fix your life or start doing real drugs. That shit is poison. And ineffective.

>> No.12123156

Get stable and then lower the dose with your doctors consent, then you should be able to have more feelz

>> No.12123163

That's the point. They are supposed to turn you into a psychopath like everyone else.

>> No.12123229

Hmmm. I'm not the OP, but I take Latuda 120 mg.

Yes.. this seems like a good idea. I'll try to go down to 80mg (get prescribed, even) and see how I feel.

I want to lose another 10-15 pounds and have been running semi-consistently. Well, I stopped and am now sedentary. I'm still dieting though.

I was getting angry at my meds, but honestly I'm more stable than I've ever been.

Hey OP. Meditation helps with side effects. Try mindfulness and then branch out into vipassana/samatha. Or start with samatha, that's what I did. Then mindfulness would naturally lead to vipassana. I don't quite have my normal 5 hour sleep schedule schizo hours back, but I sleep like anywhere from 6-11 hours lately. Latuda really does just knock me out, effectively. Also, reading also (in addition to meditation) helps concentration if you dissociate a lot like me. Well, now it's always triggered. But I used to be in a constant dissociative zone, it seems.... I thought I was getting distracted, it was dissociation. I do fine with cognitive challenges ('distractions'), but if I'm dissociating I can't even follow a normal conversation so there's no point.

>> No.12123233

Fuck off pharma shill.

>> No.12123235

>>12123229 here
Also wanted to say coffee is unwieldy on anti-psychotics. Don't drink anymore than makes you awake. It can stress you out which leads to dissociation/zombification and depression/sleeping. Opt for tea, green tea is optimal. I drink sencha made in a keurig with disposable k-cups. Really good. It's like a study drug, it also helps keep you satiated better than coffee.

>> No.12123241

I'm legit schizo. Or something. My past is shady.
I think I'm just dissociating from a lifetime of trauma and they all got it wrong. That's my 'delusion,' if you call it that. Try meditating though, for real. Have you?

>> No.12123250

reusable k-cups*
sorry i'm a failure

>> No.12123258
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Abilify is the less emotion blunting schizomed because of partial agonism at D2 receptor (for this same reason is considered by some a "third" gen AP). If even that affects you that way. If you are an alcoholic you don't need it anyway. Actually, if you are not whithdrawing just don't take anything.

>> No.12123323

I'm currently on 1mg risperidone. During acute phase I took 6mg, then it was tapered to 2mg for 1 year and then I tapered again to 1mg. Feelz are more or less the same as on 2mg, but I experience less side effects (tremor in the right hand). On 6mg I was like a zombie, I'm fucking thankful they lowered it to 2mg almost instantly after I reconnected to reality.

>> No.12123362

>I think I'm just dissociating from a lifetime of trauma and they all got it wrong. That's my 'delusion,' if you call it that.
It's the pills.

>> No.12123374

It's always the pills, according to schizos.
It's easy to get pills and a diagnosis though.
It's harder to get actual treatment for trauma and process/rationalize what happened to you.

>> No.12123441

>It's always the pills, according to schizos.
Maybe it's because it is the pills.

>> No.12123475
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>'I'm legit schizo'
>'according to schizos'

Apart from the fact that the way youre rationalizing seems extremely self demeaning and pointless i hope you know that even regardless of the therapeutical framework where good intentions can be a major factor its proven that these medications atrophy the brain cause people to suffer something akin to parkinsons disease and shorten the average lifespan of the people who take them by a substantial amount. While there might be little 'demand' for someone transgressing social obligations some of the highest functions that party between our ears are soledly dedicated to how exactly these transgressions are forming your personality. If you put a stop on the per se function of any part of the brain its always extremely dangerous and most often harmful, even if you cant exactly locate the 'output signal' that was lost. If youre not 100% sure youre doing this for personal health you just suck that youre advertising your lobotomy on an online forum.

You're literally preaching a healthy lifestyle while taking a drug that with little to no therapeutic effect shortens the lifespan substantially while exclusively targeting the only organ that by extreme specialization isnt able to convert energy into regenerating itself.
It's beyond me. The only reason you should be taking antipsychotics is if you think they saved your life and will be able to repeadiately do so over again and you dont mind losing vital junction after junction your brain acquired over years of neural expertise. People will look back at these 'medications' in a 100 years and be perplexed as to why such a large demographic of the civilized world decided to destroy themselves.As soon as theyre not exactly as important as insulin is for a high blsugar diabetic you should just quit them. Youre killing yourself.

In short. You people make me angry. You're emphazising a drug that is shown to generally have no patient benefit long term anonymously.

>> No.12123493

I'm on olanzapine or Zyprexa for you Yanks. It's alright, makes you very fucking tired and hungry. Mainly I just use it as a sleeping aid nowadays, you can take one and about an hour later, you get really drowsy and just want to sleep.

>> No.12123497

I will have to look into it. My supports have always recommended taking the medicines, and have always downplayed/outright denied negative effects such as shortened lifespan and shrinking brain volume. So my assumption was that the studies didn't take into factor the lifestyle of the antipsychotic user. Which I assumed was sedentary, unstimulated, with little therapeutic progress, eating junk food etc. Basically, most schizophrenics are lazy sacks of shits, except for me cause I'm different and I observe myself separating myself from the herd.

I actually do have a condition called tardive dyskinesia, you may have seen it advertised on TV.

I do not believe this is a 'chemical lobotomy.' I think it can aggravate certain symptoms, and I'm not pro meds per se. I just think there should be protocols for these types of situations (psychosis).

>> No.12123533
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>>12123475 (also me)

Medical malpractise and off label prescription destroyed my creative life

Even if you weren't a lobotomized piece of shit. you should know that these medications induce heavy damage. No responsible neurologist would say otherwise. It is literally the only thing easily deducible from its properties as a drug and its mechanism.

To put yourself into the situation where regardless of your own experience and your own treatment you advertise a drug that is apart from its 'medical properties' toxic should not have to be part of your coping process. And also borders on bodily assault. Do you not know that your words dont represent the full extend of your situation to a point where we can see that your treatment makes sense maybe or maybe not? The main function these pills often have is that they reduce the people taking them to a preset collection of expressions revolving around 'treatment' that they can walk around and jerk off about in public. I mean the singular expressions: 'Antipsychotics are generally good for health' and 'Sports is generally good for health' couldnt be further from eachother but if you equate that you cant metabolize properly on them and how to be most pragmatic about how to avoid the metabolization problems of coffee or tea, to being healthy in general, maybe you should just quit them alltogether to avoid these problems coming up in the first place?

I deeply sympathize with you people because youre victims of psychiatry but at the same time you disgust me. I had to develope and extend my gifts over years of hard work just to be crushed by a retarded psychiatrists misdiagnosis while you people talk about being healthy while 80% of your frontal cortex is literally unable to function or convert energy insignifying the organic structures around it to an extend that from a careful point of view could not be discerned from death.
The leading symptom amongst schizophrenic trainwrecks is long term antipsychotic use.

>> No.12123572

I would say that taking an antipsychotic is much like creating a character in an RPG. You literally load out with different stats based on the things you ingest. E.g. Sugar makes you hungry, obese, and retarded.

>> No.12123594
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>> No.12123598

*carbs in general

also, Latuda makes me crave social activity and creative expression. One of the reasons I'm on the computer... annoyingly

>> No.12123623

Of course. If you go to a clinic you should be able to get help.

Tardive dyskinesia must be a nightmare i dont envy you at all. But you know. The bodily spasms one accumulates when developing parkinsons disease are directly linked to atrophy in the brain. So are impaired memory loss of significance and so on and so forth. But with every form of dementia socially the patient somewhat becomes a blackbox to some extend to themselves as well as the practitioner and an inconsequential amount of 'the treatment' is dedicated exactly to what this loss might 'represent'. But yes with progressive atrophy you also become more and more disabled i mean these pills block the function of the receptors themselves. Its not like they just make them magically disappear and reappear in such a fashion that they will resolve their exactly presupposed function to when they were to be on the lower end of whatever neuronal cascade might be going on in your brain. To put such a constant disabling agent into such a complex system is stupid. It removes its single purpose. so in order to make generally applicable observations from this subtractive dementia you have to start to reduce the basis for your deductions to something very generalized sociological or something very specific like which specific cell type dies the most. Then you publish. Great MD.
While it's probably hard to deduce general properties from whats inbetween where do i stand socially and what happens between my ears it becomes especially crude if you combine them in the logical form of: 'I wonder what happens to my brain' but in a sense its exactly what these medications do to you and force you to go through. The 'benefit' of becoming retarded (which is statistically proven) is that the subjective catastrophy that dementia causes gets absorbed by your friends and family bonding them to you.

>> No.12123632
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Emotions are not a byproduct just because they extend to bigger parts of your physiognomy where more energy is converted into less meaningful gestures. If you need help get it. Not all drugs are stimulants i had to learn that also the hard way. The only emotions left in me are grief and rage.

>> No.12123647

Is that anecdotal, or do you have a source?

I understand that when I OD'd accidentally I had some brain damage which lead to the tardive dyskinesia and trauma. (unconscious bodily control is lost).

Otherwise... you can unfortunately speak for yourself.
I already said I don't think I have schizophrenia. That, actually, it is related to dissociation from a trauma filled life.

>> No.12123652

don't take your meds. the voices are trying to help you and you just shut them out? that is why you are suicidal

>> No.12123654

As far as getting help, I have plenty of help. I'm in a system that's not going to change my diagnosis over night.

>> No.12123665

Oh by the way.
Tardive dyskinesia was once considered to be a symptom of schizophrenia.
Its funny. Psychiatrists act as if taking an antipsychotic isnt a mechanical operation like hitting a hammer on someones head for example, and therefore each discovered deficit that arises becomes its own interesting property. Of course it would not be surprising that someone gets a mental disability if i just hit their head hard enough. With antipsychotics you just hit the head refined enough.

>> No.12123687

Hmm. I'm gonna start having to agree with you here. Common sense.

But I still think you should take your meds as prescribed and follow the protocols. (even though that's how I accidentally overdosed)

>> No.12123705

What do you mean with unconscious bodily control? you know that if you learn something and it accumulates small space in your brain or is crammed in a specific type of structure removing these cells and 'unlearning' something becomes synonymous. I dont know exactly but removing the frontal lobe of someone entirely should remove their vision, but leave their breathing intact and so on and so forth. These theres no reason these disparations shouldnt persist until ,'smaller levels'. Moving is a continous operation the spasms most likely arise from the property of them being continous being destroyed. You mean you move involuntarily?
To me these two are fundamentally different. you mean you can control every other movement properly. I noticed that i would lose the ability to draw perfect straight lines for over 3 months. While usually being about as proficient with straight lines as albrecht fucking durer.

you dont 'shut them out' there is no specific cell structure that reads 'voice here' that exclusively gets canceled out. Ofc if you dont have enough to work with anyway there wont be a huge loss. spraying antipsychotics on a brick of stone will not 'shut its voices out' youre damaging specific properties of specific cells in your brain. to say what 'happens' physiologically the moment the voices are gone is poorly understood is a gross underrepresentation

If any doctor could explain me for example how brain matter loss of a specific cell type glia cells especially would equate to 'sugary syrup loss' in a sugary syrup drink if 'intellectual expressiveness' equates to 'intensity of sugary taste' in the sense that we can at least observe if theres NO syrup in the glass of water.

>> No.12123718

I dont know. If i had been as nihilistic as i felt i would still be taking them. I feel defeated. As if i was murdered intellectually. I was not heavily sick before i never heard voices or developed paranoia. I am still not schizoformily ill. BUT three months of medication ruined my prowess as an artist that i worked at least 14 years of my life to develope. It even dropped my chess elo by 400 points. everything i usually excell at just feels extremely painful and confligated.

>> No.12124134

'I' have involuntary movements. Motor controls include heart beat, breath, and even holding the perfectly still. They are unconscious. I'm not always conscious of them. I have to concentrate in order to be perfectly still, and even then I'm not. I make perfectly fine conscious movements.

>> No.12124374


>> No.12124383

consider committing suicide

>> No.12124607

Clozapine is the only one
It can only be prescribed