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12121202 No.12121202 [Reply] [Original]

why don't healthcare workers become colonized with MRSA or other hospital acquired infections at the same high rate that in-patients do?

>> No.12121227

They're not immunocompromised, and they don't have bed sores.

>> No.12121232

>be me go into care at hospital for a UTI
>pumped full of antiobitics
>stay for 2-3 days
>become colonized with MRSA unkowingly
also not everyone who comes into a hospital is immunocompromised

>> No.12121250

Did that really happen? The bulk of hospital acquired MRSA cases happen in the immunocompromised where the skin has been damaged. Heavy antibiotic use could certainly do it too, since you're creating an opening for MRSA.

>> No.12121259

you can be colonized and not show signs of infection, so in other words you dont have to be immunocompromised

>> No.12121281

Does that really mean shit though, if the bacteria are living harmlessly like the hundreds of other unicellular organisms on and in your body?

>> No.12121285

yes because once u become immunocompromised in the future, or ur taking antibiotics for other bacteira, MRSA will be right thre waiting for you

>> No.12121294
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brainlet trying to use emperical reasoning and fails

>> No.12121302

Yeah, that's what I was saying about heavy antibiotic use. Many healthy people have MRSA, but it doesn't turn into an infection until you become ill, open a wound, take antibiotics, etc.

>> No.12121304

so it sounds to me like antibiotics are the reason

>> No.12121308

u made it sond like a specific patient poplation can get MRSA, when in reality almost anyone receiving empirical antibiotics are greatly at risk

>> No.12121353
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>needing to go to the hospital for a fucking UTI

How fucking dirty are you? No wonder you got MRSA. You probably have scabbies too.

>> No.12121395

Why don't healthcare workers unionize and fuck the shit up of those insurance niggers that have left the entirety of the US as a third world shithole?

>> No.12121409

>women picture

>> No.12121416

>u made it sond like a specific patient poplation can get MRSA,
It is though, hospital acquired MRSA is more common than community acquired MRSA. Most people who take antibiotics aren't hospitalized and don't get MRSA. If you're hospitalized, your system is likely compromised at that time, plus strong antibiotics will kill off native flora (except for the antibiotic-resistant bacteria).

>> No.12121423

weak motor skills, very likely slow processing speed, bad visual memory. Please don't breed

>> No.12121446

ur retarded for real

>> No.12121463

Not everyone walks out with a new infection either

>> No.12121474
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>> No.12121516
