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File: 20 KB, 640x478, AA84EF7E-FC35-470C-A6B0-9CFCE512114C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12116390 No.12116390[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Wow what a psyop. I really thought this was going to be a problem but it’s just a reactionary conspiracy theory.

>> No.12116463

>population is logistic
this is old news.

>> No.12116684

those trends are made up and do not even follow intuition.

>> No.12116752

>overpopulation is real guys it has nothing to do with shitty management of resources and greedy capitalists, just shame the poor farmer for having 4 kids and passing on his genes

>> No.12116782

and yet we will grow 3 bn more

>> No.12116912

How many of those children grow to be reproductive age themselves? How many of them are self sufficient versus how many end up needing to depend on others to support them their entire lives? What happens when the ratio of supporters to dependents becomes too small?

>> No.12116959

>The only way to save the world is accepting my marxist dogma which has actually nothing to do with enviromentalism

>> No.12116981

People will have to admit their penis just is small instead of buying SUVs

>> No.12116993
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>assumption: sub-saharan africa will somehow catch up and magically turn into stable middle income countries
>ethnic and religous strife will just stop
>states that are either batshit insane Christians or Islamists will agree to legalize abortion and condoms
>10b population is nbd when you also have to massively reduce co2 emissions
What did the University of Washington mean by this?

>> No.12117017
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Marxist dogma would be shooting these counter-revolutionary petty bourgouis Kulaks and taking away their children to free them from the oppression of religion and the idiocy of rural life. Ignoring population growth and the requirements for actual economic development is feelgood liberalism.

>> No.12117018

it's really a psy-op to get most people not to have kids so that the future masters of the world will have less competition. there's more than enough resources lmao

>> No.12117023

I'm glad you are a tranny and therefore will never breed

>> No.12117065

>more retards mean more competition
lmao, they are just more sheep to the slaughterhouse

>> No.12117079

currently, retards (r selection) and intelligent people who are willing to invest a lot into upbringing (k selection) have kids. This leaves a large gap of average, middle class people of decent intelligence not having kids. There's a big gap in the middle classes and incomes of babies. SO actually they are trying to stop average people (maybe like you and me) from having kids , not the dumbfucks

>> No.12117080

Yeah figure that out 10 years ago.. when I thought about making a simulation of how to slow birth rate. But then seen it was happening any ways. People aren't having as much sex as people would assume. Only cam girls and the shlongs they like are having constant sex. But that is also do to no one having time outside work. And responsible adults who think of supporting a future child are choosing to become financially stable before having a kid.

>> No.12117086

people are having plenty of sex, it's just girls are on the pill

>> No.12117098

>The people who should reproduce the most are having less kids
Yes, that is the problem

>> No.12117102

These are economic laws, not economic opinions. We are absolutely overpopulated, and we are only at this point because of purely artificial conditions that exist largely are the expense of an active mass extinction event.

>> No.12117104


>> No.12117107

it has been 15 years actually

>> No.12117116

there's something to be said about carrying capacity. However the more imminent issue in the developed world is aging population + lack of replacement. It's okay now but wait 10 years when the boomers are actually dead, we're gonna have problems

>> No.12117135
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how so? why would we need to replace all the boomers when we can automate? retiring in luxury isn't a human right. they'll have to settle for carebots and gruel

>> No.12117150
File: 34 KB, 680x817, Gigachad beats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's both

>> No.12117157

>retiring in luxury isn't a human right
it could be if not for people like you

>> No.12117165

you can't automate all the trade jobs and so on. Also how do you think things are gonna be when we get up to that age. Might as well blow your brains out at 60 honestly

>> No.12117186

which means that those jobs will simply pay more. but do we really need legions of bureaucrats, truck drivers and retail drones?

they should have thought about that before they decided not to have kids.

>> No.12117191

It's definitely fake news, birth rates have lowered with the increase of living standards. Majority of high birth rates come from industrializing countries like India, China, parts of Africa.
Once they finish industrializing, their birth rates will fall as well. Look at Japan for an extreme example.

>> No.12117265

>industrializing countries like India, China, parts of Africa.
The whole point of having a lower population is to have less of an impact on the environment and to use fewer resources. "Industrializing" is the exact opposite of doing that.

So then, what exactly are you even advocating for?

>> No.12117294

I think he's advocating for "industrializing". Nothing more, nothing less, the consequences be damned.

>> No.12117300

I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just talking about the observed effect of industrialization on every single nation on earth. Their birth rate goes down overtime.

>> No.12117308

So you're saying that industrialization is good because the birth rate goes down?

>> No.12117311
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It's "fake" in the sense that we can physically support that many people. Its real in the sense that having this many people makes life worse for everyone. Less people means more resources, more space for the rest. We can support 10 billion living in commiblocks eating nutrition paste, but do we really want to? Do you really want millions of acres of land to be dedicated to sustaining the lives of 5 billion niggers? The world is already claustrophobic enough

>> No.12117316

There's still a lot of empty, unused space.
Build more cities
Raise more livestock
Harvest crops more efficiently

>> No.12117327 [DELETED] 

I think the basis of the worldview of people like this is that they actually harbour a deeply irrational and all consuming hatred for all non-human life in all its forms.

>> No.12117337

You seem to have a problem with people being concerned about overpopulation. You know the basis for their concern is humanity's depletion of natural resources and degradation of the biosphere right?

>> No.12117338

Overpopulation happens in 3rd world countries, which also perpetuates their poverty and hunger. Cutting all foreign aid and charities will solve these 3 problems at once.

>> No.12117344
File: 67 KB, 446x669, 1544130989089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's still a lot of empty, unused space.
Yes there is, and it should stay that way, instead of being used to support billions of people for no reason.
>Build more cities
City life isnt worth perpetuating, it is the most demoralizing, alienating, psycholgically punishing, and depressing means of life man has ever conceived other than being a galley slave
>Raise more livestock
And use even more land?
>Harvest crops more efficiently
Current modes of agriculture are already hugely efficient in terms of yield/acre, but they are largely unsustainable. Indoor/Hydroponics could be a solution but idk
Again, I agree we can support more people, but there is no point, and it makes the world worse for everyone. Imagine how great it would be to live in an America with an eighth of its population today, how free and open it would feel

>> No.12117356

Then we need to keep population at the current level and redistribute resources more equally

>> No.12117377

>Imagine how great it would be to live in an America with an eighth of its population today, how free and open it would feel
He can imagine it, but he'll never admit it because he's on the team that cashes in on population growth. He and his whole family would be living on the streets without population growth

>> No.12117380
File: 100 KB, 864x443, birthrates2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Industrializing is much easier when you don't have to double your infrastructure every ~8 years.
And that's if you don't have 1-3 insurgent movements periodically burning down half your country.

How are these countries going to industrialize when most of them have to deal with insurgents of some kind WHILE building more infrastructure for a growing population WHILE somehow ensuring enough economic growth to create enough jobs?

>> No.12117397

I think it's safe to say that he hasn't really thought this through lol

>> No.12117400
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Why keep it at this level when it could be reduced? Humans being at 8 billion in number has no particular significance, why not 1 billion? why not 100 million? There is absolutely no reason to have billions more people, it is simply encouraged through the current global economic system. As fertility rates continue to decline organically, nations will eventually have to come to terms with an economic system that doesn't rely on constant growth and immigration. We should speed up this process through some tasteful population control. This assuming it doesn't come crashing down on its own, then everything's fucked anyway.

>> No.12117407
File: 475 KB, 886x643, Amish Mormons population.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet. Birth rates are going to reverse themselves eventually.


>> No.12117414
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Hopefully its not too late by then

>> No.12117464

Actually, I change my mind. Hopefully it is too late, any society formed in the next century is guaranteed to be garbage. I need to stop being so hopeful

>> No.12117482

based amish and mormons

>> No.12117491

The worse things get the easier it will be to change the status quo

>> No.12117547

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

>> No.12117600
File: 94 KB, 672x737, 1579130246429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why bother with all that when killbots and total surveillance will make enforcing large scale social engineering without having to rely on a pampered class of jackbooted thugs possible ? The dictatorship of the masses is going to end within our lifetimes.

>> No.12117605

Aren't these from the Georgia Guidestones?

>> No.12117609

Mostly ok except for
>Unite humanity with a living new language
which is cancer

>> No.12117615

The instructions are universal. The Georgia Guidestones are but the incursion of the wisdom into this world.

>> No.12117619

>How are these countries going to industrialize when most of them have to deal with insurgents of some kind
Most don't anon.

>WHILE building more infrastructure for a growing population
You mean what Asia/the west did?

>somehow ensuring enough economic growth to create enough jobs?
The jobs and growth are growing.

>Current modes of agriculture are already hugely efficient in terms of yield/acre, but they are largely unsustainable. Indoor/Hydroponics could be a solution but idk
>Again, I agree we can support more people, but there is no point, and it makes the world worse for everyone. Imagine how great it would be to live in an America with an eighth of its population today, how free and open it would feel
A fuckton of land that is arable isn't used in many palces

>> No.12117626

>We are absolutely overpopulated, and we are only at this point because of purely artificial conditions that exist largely are the expense of an active mass extinction event.
We aren't. Humans are deers.

>> No.12117662

nope male sexless rate is quite high plenty of research on that

>> No.12117700

so it's a combination of things, even if you're a guy getting laid, women aren't getting knocked up. and if they do, there is very low stigma, and almost a tacit encouragement, for them to get the baby aborted.

>> No.12117706

Dude it's quite funny once you realize this is basically the ideology of the Nazis (eugenics) in a lot of pretty-sounding terms. It is not our role or right to interfere with people's reproduction, for better or worse it's your right to have kids.

>> No.12117719
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>Most don't anon.
Most of the Sahel states do
>You mean what Asia/the west did?
Asian countries like South Korea, India or China with its antinatalist policies? Centralised nation states with strong institutions like the UK or France? All the former Soviet stans who got dragged into modernity by Stalin?
>The jobs and growth are growing.
wow, you should call the Nigerian government and tell them about this one simple trick

>> No.12118096

it was a real concern about 100 years ago, but declining birth rates everywhere already fixed this

>> No.12118128

yeah low iq muslims and africans + sociopathic chinese outbreeding whites, problem solved

>> No.12118157

ITT: people who depend on "development" for their excessive lifestyles try to sell even greater consumerism as humanity's solution to natural resource depletion.

>> No.12118165

>for better or worse it's your right to have kids
that's why we're as good as extinct.

>> No.12118203

>WHILE building more infrastructure for a growing population
>You mean what Asia/the west did?
England went from 5 millions in 1700 to 49 millions in 2000, multiplying it's population by 10 in 300 years.
Nigeria started at 16 millions in 1900 and is expected to reach about 800 millions in 2100, multiplying it's population by 50 in 200 years.

It's not quite the same.

>> No.12118210

Sorry for the its, autocorrection did that.

>> No.12118647

>western population sample can be used for the majority of 3rd worlders
My cousins just gave birth to their 5th inbred child and they're planning on more, and so is everyone around me and I'll have 7 sons too once my other cousin is ready for marriage

>> No.12118670

Let's just ignore the fact that all those kids will want rovkove like first world's re, and that no Marxist will ever tell them that the can't have that lifestyle for the sake of our long term survival

>> No.12118676

* want to live like first worlders

>> No.12118703
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>> No.12118711

population of earth go brrrrrrrr

>> No.12118787
File: 264 KB, 1600x1050, continentalpopulationprojection (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12118826

When the scarcity really sets in, China will limit Africa's growth. By any means necessary.

>> No.12118847

Population will level off around 10 billion I heard.

>> No.12118853

Why would they ? They'll just monopolize the resources they need and let africans fight over the rest.

And China will be hit hard by the sharp decrease of their working-age population. I don't know how much it will affect its internal stability and its capacity for power projection, but it certainly will.

>> No.12118932

>Extrapolation out 100 years

>> No.12118963
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>> No.12120609

Sub Saharan Africa needs to be irradiated.

>> No.12120692

The CCP isn't bound by Western ethics and has a giant field lab in Xinjiang to perfect their oppression technology, that gives them an edge. Europe will be 100% fucked if these population growth estimates come true. They're legally bound to abide by international law and will have to take in 500m-1b climate change refugees. The US has two oceans to guard it and more than enough resources, they'll be fine and will benefit from EU braindrain.
If you live in Europe and Nigeria doesn't enter a golden age of economic growth within the next 20 years you should start working on aquiring your US citizenship. Once the shit hits the fan the borders will be closed.

>> No.12120969
File: 555 KB, 1102x750, 300yearsofpopulation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feel too safe.
The US will not be white for much longer. Soon the creaturas will vote for open borders, and africans will cross the ocean to get there, as soon as they're done ruining europe.

>> No.12121038

not when you have hedge funds paying for grain shipments to artificially increase the population of developing countries

>> No.12121058

what, does grain count as 3/5 of a person over there or something?

>> No.12121067

you do realise most of the worlds population is completely dependent on handouts and if they stopped billions of people would die?

>> No.12121080


Overpopluation is happening and it is quite real.

The problem is that it problem is so big and horrible. That nobody wants to seriously tackle it. It is against their own self-interest and requires totalitarianism that makes China and North Korea look benevolent democracies by comparison. It makes genocides and mass murders of the 20th century look like a small killing spree.

We rather keep passing the hot potato around until it burns everything into dust.

>> No.12121088

They won't fall. They'll just spill out into other countries because this thing called transportation exists.

>> No.12121097


>> No.12121470

surely you wouldn't be one the genetic waste that needs to be eradicated, right anon? you would be one of the select feew to repopulate the planet with a harem of sexy young wives :)

>> No.12121604

Kek. You think every man needs to have intercourse for every woman to also be having intercourse? STD rates have also risen for women more than they have for men.

>> No.12121664

>A fuckton of land that is arable isn't used in many palces

What places?

>> No.12121669
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How can breeding like rats while outlawing abortion be a right when your long term plan of survival is mass emigration to the parts of the world who managed to keep their population growth under control and didn't squander the last 5 decades of economic growth?

>> No.12121759

Yeah... the pill doesn't guarantee bo child. Just like the depo shot doesn't
Guarentee no child. Nor an IUD.

A women at work talked about how she was 5 months pregnant.. and she was on the depo shot.. she slapped the doctor and then went to jail over it...

And a cousin of mine thought abe couldn't get pregnant.. because she didn't get pregnant from un protected. Sex.. when there are movies depicting 30-40 year old women trying really hard to get pregnant and when they suddenly give up... they get pregnant...

So the only way to guarantee no pregnancy is 1 not have sex... or 2 get you tubes tied as a male or female. ..

Other then that every time you have sex is a chance of getting pregnant... doesn't matter if you are on the pill the shot or the IUD. Or a condom..

Condom is more of STD prevention.

>> No.12121805



Europe must build a death wall to protect itself form the African hordes.

>> No.12121856

Abortion is a horrible thing. What would be best is to see some of the green coloured highly developed countries restrict it more strongly. It's to a nation's benefit to have more young people,, which means more babies. I'm sorry if this offends your faggot ultraliberal logic

>> No.12121870

Not sure why you felt the need to type all this out. You're espousing some weird official party line. Like lol, if you wear a condom and it catches all your cum the girl is not getting pregnant. Also, the pill is extremely effective.. you can have unprotected sex, finish inside, and she is not getting preggers if she takes the pill properly.

>> No.12121917

can you give more details on this?

>> No.12121937

>high birth rates
where are you getting your numbers?
they had to get rid of their one child policy because they finally realized they screwed themselves with low birth rates

>> No.12122051

Having kids is selfish in my opinion. Life is pretty monotonous and boring except for the lucky few that have been blessed with money or looks.

>> No.12122166
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It's fucked how creepy people are about Africa or Black people on this site. holy shit where did one fuck up this hard to end up screaming hysterics on a Indonesia knitting forum?

>> No.12122174

Population projectionist are utterly useless because a fuckton of shit can happen between now and 2100. Like if 10 year predictions can be utterly ruined by small shit what makes an 80 year one accurate?

>Asian countries like South Korea, India or China with its antinatalist policies?
Only China had a strict anti-natalist policy and they fucked themselves up doing it.

>> No.12122208

Women are having less children (in western nation). Not gonna be so nice when africa is half the worlds population and our evolutionary advancement gets pushed back 50,000 years when they start to migrate literally everywhere

>> No.12122220

Africa will never industrialize properly. EVER. They are fundamentally propped up by external nations

>> No.12122233

There is literally nothing wrong with population decline, let the social security systems crumble, don't panic and try to replace populations. Less people = better environment, affordable rent, and better standard of living. The only people who fear population decline are the employing class who are addicted to cheap labor, normal people just have less competition for resources.

>> No.12122246


>> No.12122428


I am just saying it doesn't guarantee no pregnacy.....

Yes it reduces the chance. And a condom can burst.. in the heat of the moment.

There really isn't an absolute way to prevent pregnancy. Besides tied tubes.

And why I state it... is if a girl has sex... they don't want to take the morning after pill... to prevent a pregnancy... which seems retarded... they are willing to do depo iud or the pill.. but feel guilty to take plan b... it's weird and retarded.