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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12118794 No.12118794 [Reply] [Original]

Computer science is the same as N-word in America.

>> No.12118812


>> No.12118953


>> No.12118960
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>> No.12118973


>> No.12118978
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>> No.12118986

I mean those blacky dudes and doing crimes around the hood.

>> No.12120448
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It is a worthless degree. Most employers prefer to hire someone with a engineering degree or an actual science degree for a software job because those degrees actually require you to do some thinking. A CS degree is basically an inflated trade school degree.

>> No.12120486

yeah good fuck off we're full

>> No.12120490

But most engineers are unemployed while CS are not.

>> No.12120507
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>tfw your degree is worthless because of indian and anglo degree mills

>> No.12120520

>Most employers prefer to hire someone with a engineering degree or an actual science degree for a software job because those degrees actually require you to do some thinking.
When will these memes die? Why would an employer prefer a engineer or scientists over a computer scientist for a programming job? You're unironically delusional if you think that an engineer or scientist has an easier time getting a software job then a computer scientist.

>> No.12120525

>CS degree
it's the only degree other than nursing and medicine that hands you a job before even graduating

>> No.12120682

I'm a CS graduate and I would've thought this was the most retarded thing I've ever read 4 years ago, but now I think you're completely right. Not because the industry itself is worthless and there aren't openings but from performing technical interviews I've noticed an obscene lack of very basic knowledge from people who spent 4 years and thousands of dollars on a CS degree, it's honestly baffling to interview a CS graduate on something basic like an essential data structure/algorithm or asking them to write a basic function to modify a string or something and just watching their brain flat-line because all they retained from 4 years of CS is how to import libraries and write CSS/HTML. I don't know what the fuck some of these schools are doing and who they're hiring to teach, glad my professors at least focused on fundamentals and low-level stuff not trends. But now I can't help but feel like I could've run circles around some of these CS graduates for free by just doing hobby projects and watching youtube tutorials

>> No.12120737

>It is a worthless degree. Most employers prefer to hire someone with a engineering degree or an actual science degree for a software job
I have an EE degree and no one has hired me for one, I feel STEM in general is overblown.

>> No.12121165
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>CompSci? Yeah i did a beginner course in webdev it was easy lmao
>Dude fizzbuzz is just copy pasting college is useless LMOA

>> No.12121190

I'm getting into my 2nd semester and these are easy to learn? Are you trolling?
Ok, I'm studying CS at a German university(not applied sciences). Is this a troll? These people really make me contemplate, and prompt me to switch to EE, but then EE grads say they can't find jobs aswell.

>> No.12121211

Why don't compsci niggers make up their own terminology instead of stealing day-to-day words and terms from other fields to slap with their own bullshit meaning?

>> No.12121468

It's more a matter of competence (and personality some people in CS are so unlikable and autistic it scares employers away, since you do have to be able to work on a team) than the degree itself being useless. Anyone's degree is useless if they aren't actually good at the thing they have a degree in. If it all feels natural to you so far and you believe that you're school is actually teaching you the right fundamentals, you're probably fine.

I was just pointing out that a lot of people somehow make it through a 4 year CS program and then totally bomb the technical interview even if it's tailored to fresh graduates and junior developers. If anything their degree is probably the only reason they were able to make it to the interview in the first place instead of just getting their resume tossed out, so in that regard a degree helps. Also you're in Germany you don't have to take on 3 decades worth of debt to gamble on whether your degree is actually worth something or not, take advantage of cheap education if you have it.

>> No.12121573

Jesus you are a retard, what kind of shitty country do you live that you study webdev in a 4 year CS course. You know nothing about computer science.

>> No.12121579

This is the computer science that I like to see

>> No.12121584
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I make $160k remotely making JS apps and I only took a years worth of computer science after I got bored of aerospace engineering.

>> No.12121589

Being jobless is more honorable than being a codemonkey.

>> No.12121663

just an example schizo calm down, but yes there are people that I have worked with that went to a 4 year college (claimed to have at least) and only do front-end. Yes they wasted their money and time, welcome to the US that's kinda a common issue here it tends to happen when public school teachers tell you to pick a college or grow up homeless every day from 1st grade to High School graduation.

>> No.12121673


>> No.12121718

What's lmao about it?

>> No.12121896

They probably went to a shitty debt trap college I assume? Because I know that even community colleges will teach you good stuff (you don't really need nobel prize winners to teach you undergrad shit). It just baffles me that people actually spends four years to do front end webdev.

>> No.12121941

Why didn't they just become an EE? So many more job possibilities than just coding for 8+hours a day. I get sick when I think about coding that long everday

>> No.12121942

>you don't really need nobel prize winners to teach you undergrad shit
>His uni didn't have nobel prize winners teaching him

>> No.12121953

What part of that is cringe? I am not saying that elite unis are bad, I am just saying that even bad unis should teach enough textbook things.

>> No.12121954

imagine a fallout mod where you can be attacked for attacking niggers disproportionally

>> No.12122069

Nothing, I actually agree with you. I'm just being inflammatory.

>> No.12122844

>Most employers prefer to hire someone with a engineering degree or an actual science degree for a software job
This is legitimately not true. CS majors generally pass most of the resume filters with keywords like algo, data structures, compilers, etc.. Most software engineering jobs worth a shit filter out retard CS majors by the first whiteboard interview. The people who get through are about 50% CS majors from well known schools, 30% math majors from well known schools, and 20% engineering and physics majors from well known schools.

This "CS majors can't learn or haven't learned actual critical thinking or can't grasp technical knowledge" is insecurity and arrogance fed by mediocre CS majors. The reality is that the top 20% of every CS program out there is filled with bright people who do novel things with their interests. I've seen more CS majors *legitimately* interested in hardware after their own VLSI projects than CE and EE's, who usually bitch and moan about their required classes in the material they "know better."
t. did interviewing for new hires for 2 years

>> No.12122882

>glad my professors at least focused on fundamentals and low-level stuff not trends.
You can always spot larping EE and CE majors by their autistic obsession with low-level. While it's true that low-level has its share of interesting problems, it is hardly the end-all be-all of the hard problems in software or applied CS. The EE major conception of difficulty almost always seems to be details = problems, but actual difficulty comes from the nontriviality of a solution, not the task of abstracting systems.
Low level is important, but there's so much general problem solving you can learn and should understand beyond it. Low level doesn't give you a way to solve priority inversion or deadlock policy, despite these two problems occurring at the low level. Low level doesn't teach you how to cleverly use dimension reduction (or how it even works).

>> No.12122992


>> No.12123373

>I feel STEM in general is overblown.
You're right.

>> No.12124034

t. unemployed tradesman

>> No.12124071

>you only do muh code
>let's pretend engineering hasn't been largely coding tasks since 2002
>let's pretend that software engineering cycles aren't built on the same customer request / design process as older engineering
Hell, engineering entry level jobs are literally application specific codemonkeying and CADmonkeying.
>CS only teaches you to code
I have problems with a lot of CS programs, even *good* ones, for being bare bones on the requirements, but this is actual bullshit if you look at any elective paths or tracks.
>graphics processing and architecture
>DSP applications to everything from ML and noisy channels to compression and audio processing
>cryptography and cryptosystem design
>computational biology and bioengineering
>distributed systems
>robotics and motion planning
>data mining and statistical processing
>computational physics and numerical analysis
>visualization and modeling (heavily related to graphics)
No, I don't care that <mediocre student> at <McUniversity> doesn't take these electives - EE's don't have RF as part of their core either, but every EE and their mother brags about communication here. Every class I've taken on the list was filled with more than 20 students, about 4-7 of which were among the best both the CS and engineering students in terms of aptitude and achievement.

>> No.12124127

Two big things about CS. First is that CS could cover just about anything. It SHOULD cover things like networking, datastructures, functional/OOP programming and programming practices, etc. But I've seen everything from "here is how to work in IT" to "webdevelopment 101". The big thing is "do you actually try to learn the material or just try to pass the class?"
I did CS, and a lot of my colleagues were fucking idiots. It's easy to pass CS classes without really trying to know your shit or program much. Meanwhile, I (and a few others) applied ourselves and coded shit for fun on the side. Easy degree, good insight into a hobby then job. If you do nothing but the bare minimum classwork, you probably deserve to fail interviews.
If you can't open up an IDE/language right now and do something simple like "write a function that does X then call it/apply it" (Fizzbang, for example, is the meme one you should be able to bangout pretty easily) then you don't know shit.
I agree that the biggest thing you can do is hobby projects.
I worked in boston for a bit, and the MIT people were great, because it was an entire community of hobby programmers who took classes on the side for the degree. Meanwhile at my college it was a lot of "I need a degree and this one I heard was gud to have" and half of them do the bare-minumum.
I'm of the opinion that if you don't enjoy/want to do coding for projects for fun, then CS probably isn't for you.
College is self-teaching with structure and guidance put in place by people who know their shit. That's invaluable. I hate the idiots who blame teachers for not teaching them stuff, when its quite obvious they didn't even try, and want teachers to be some sort of "Its YOUR job to make sure I know everything despite me not putting in effort". Those people don't get anywhere in life.

>> No.12124624

is there a more... /sci/ path to computer science futures

seems like unless I'm in academia, I'm going to be stuck being another web programmer

>> No.12124711

This is the compSci I enjoyed

Unfortunately I'll never use it

>> No.12124822

Why don’t you actually do research in CS? This result for cfg’s is like..the most basic proof every. You could do interesting things in compilers or algebraic automata theory

>> No.12124827

See >>12124071
Any associated career with these topics

>> No.12125031

As an EE/math major, I certainly don't get the hate for CS.
It's a mesmerizing field with tons of fascinating topics both theoretic and applied.
It's also absurdly useful, our everyday life is shaped by the achievements of computer scientists.
I honestly don't get the hate.

>> No.12125192

Oh shit, just took this class this past semester. Lit.
Actually started my degree years ago, dropped out to work in Software Eng, started a company, back for some more of this.

I'm in Europe, so I don't have much of an idea about US curricula. Are most CS programs *not* about this kind of topics? This is all I'll be doing for the rest of my 3 year BSc.

>> No.12125527

Nope, most CS programs should cover these theoretical topics, although lets be honest most CS majors will just become codemonkeys and never use these things, the CS programs also cover more basic "here is how you program" things as well. Obviously it would defeat the purpose if all the program teaches are computer science theories as most people aren't going to pursue higher education, and have no use for such topics. Similarly I would consider the program a failure if it doesn't teach these theories, because just teaching how to be a codemonkey is what a bootcamp does, not a four years 200k college degree.

>> No.12125645

>the CS programs also cover more basic "here is how you program" things as well.
I see. From what I've seen here in Europe this tends to be less than half of the curriculum, at least in undergraduate.
For graduate studies, it's usually two or more faculties involved (Math or Engineering) so you get to choose where to stand on the practical/theoretical spectrum. I'm guessing it's similar in the US.

>most CS majors will just become codemonkeys and never use these things
This is probably the reason why OP started the thread.
Most, maybe over half of the people who finish a CS degree will never do anything even remotely related to CS for the rest of their lives - and no, spending an entire day pulling shit like `is-odd` from `npm` is not CS.

>> No.12126004
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Computer science is for people too dumb to take a real engineering class or math like class. Lol, imagine yourself being a freshmen and doing Scratch on your first day of class.
> Computer SCIENCE fags, BTFO

>> No.12126008

>science is the same as N-word in America.

>> No.12126009

You don't go to a stem degree for the money but for the knowledge.

>> No.12126018

>American is the same as N-word in the world.

>> No.12126307

It's 4chan.

>> No.12126756


>> No.12126765
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> he became a 'computer scientist'
> he's gonna spend the next 30 years coding for 8 hours a day
> he regrets not becoming an ee or me because there are so many more job options, and an ee/me would be hired before him to be a codecuck

whats the suicide rate for CS cucks?

>> No.12126789

That's not true because you can get all the knowledge for free. You get a stem degree because you want to work in a stem related field and nobody will hire you without a degree (with exception to an extremely small percentage of people working as coders)

>> No.12126842

>takes senior year of college
>meanwhile math majors already know formal proofs by junior year
Lmao I look down upon CS peasants greatly

>> No.12127750

>by junior year
>not end of freshman or early sophomore
I look greatly down on you. Both intro to proofs and discrete structures (I double majored, both can be used for a replacement for the other) were third semester courses you took after calc 2.
If you waited until junior year to get into proofs, you *might* be a brainlet

>> No.12127756


>> No.12127791

You’re not a computer scientist after undergrad in the same way you’re not a physicist after undergrad. You are if you have a PhD and a couple of publications down your belt.

>> No.12127852

Oh, you bet your puny little ass I'm getting a comp sci degree! Better spread your ass cheeks wide, because me and my 300,000 other comp sci buddies are graduating from our state school, and we're gonna drive wages down to minimum. Quake in your boots, little man!